Tired of people: how to cope without leaving for a desert island?

State of being “very tired of people, I envy Robinson Crusoe!” hits us all from time to time. And if this happens too often, then life becomes difficult... Sympaty.net will tell you what will help you establish balance.

The question of how to reduce fatigue from people,

may be relevant for those who spend all day among strangers at work, and for housewives whose constant environment is family. You definitely need to find time for solitude, and also monitor and stop “toxic” communication.

Stop hanging out on social networks 24 x 7

The endless scrolling of the feed is a real trap.

Contemporaries spend too much time aimlessly spending time on the Internet, although at most an hour a day is spent on really important matters in instant messengers.

The endless “I’ll spend another 5 minutes on Odnoklassniki or VKontakte and do something else” stretches out for a whole day. You can get rid of this habit quite quickly if you turn off notifications from all non-essential chats, so as not to go online in vain.

What if fatigue comes from some people?

This also happens. Moreover, emotional exhaustion does not always happen because of bad, “rotten” people - good people can also tire you out. Even a loved one can cause “communication burnout.” Why?

  • Everyone gets tired if they “keep their face” and try to be emotionally comfortable for others. For example, if you are forced to be friendly and calm with clients at work, cheerful and witty in a friendly company, nice in the presence of a young man, etc. Every social role can be tiring if you are “in character” and cannot relax and show real emotions.
  • Fatigue from communicating with people can occur if the interlocutors are “toxic”. It's not always immediately noticeable, but having to constantly carefully assert your boundaries and protect yourself from toxic attacks is emotionally draining. So, you can be very tired because of the arrival of your parents, a get-together with a friend, or an unsuccessful date, although it is not easy to notice what exactly made you so exhausted.
  • Sometimes the very manner in which a person communicates is such that it causes fatigue to everyone around him. For example, fast and unintelligible speech, a sharp and loud voice, sweeping gestures, the habit of approaching interlocutors and touching them are tiring. Largely for this reason, adults get tired of children.

Look within yourself for inspiration and relaxation

Don’t burden others with your own problems

Believe me, it is not easy for each of us. However, this is not a reason to dump a bunch of your stories, consisting mainly of whining, on anyone you meet. To get rid of certain annoying factors in your life, you need to stop crying into someone’s vest and take action.

The universe hears everything, and people are also irritated by negative comments and reviews. Absolutely no one likes whiners, and constant complaints lead to emotional burnout, first of all, of the whiner himself.

Time spent on sob stories could be used much more productively and pleasantly.

Exercise stress

Lively people will not let you lie - sport improves both physical and emotional health. Here are the dangers of office passivity:

  • lower back pain;
  • migraine;
  • glenohumeral periarthrosis syndrome;
  • Hoff's disease;
  • prostatitis;
  • obesity;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • haemorrhoids.

Do you need such sick employees in the future? Google's headquarters have long been equipped with gyms, swimming pools and tabletop hitting machines. Everything is for dear, literally, employees.

In the Moscow office of the company, they also support the principle of “a healthy mind in a healthy body”: there is an active recreation area with table football, tennis, chess (what, this is also a sport) and other active entertainment.

The 2GIS head office is also equipped with recreation rooms, in one of which you can play tennis. Corporate hockey, darts, and football tournaments are also periodically held here.

And why all these reasons to take your mind off work?

  • Increased performance;
  • prevention of fatigue;
  • promoting health and preventing many diseases;
  • reducing anxiety and stress;
  • improved mood and the desire to create and win.

Another option is industrial gymnastics. It takes ten minutes and consists of simple exercises. There are a lot of benefits, but it costs nothing! We gathered in the office in the morning, stood in orderly rows and went to study. If you get carried away, you can repeat it during your lunch break.

Sounds crazy? Tell that to the employees of Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk. Their exercise, which was done by two and a half thousand people, was included in the Book of Records of Russia and Europe.

Speak up when necessary

It would seem that this and the previous point contradict each other, but everything is true - it is important to be able to do both. Every individual tends to get tired and break down mentally. To prevent this from happening, you need to speak out as necessary. If you feel that your nervous system is on the verge, go to nature, shout in a field, whisper with herbs and leaves. If it is not possible to leave, write your own experiences on a piece of paper, express everything that has accumulated in your soul... on your pillow, throw out negative emotions on inanimate objects. A negative letter can be burned, torn, thrown away, or saved so that in a difficult situation you can re-read it and realize: “I coped with it then, so I can cope with it now.”

Clear separation

A person often experiences nervous stress and anxiety from the realization that he does not see how to bring the upcoming tasks to life. For example, you have a whole list with about 12 goals for this week.

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Take this list and divide it into three subgroups: easy to do, moderately difficult and most difficult. This way you will be able to complete each goal in turn, as the difficulty increases. Or you can start with the heaviest and move on to the lighter ones at the end of the work week. Every great entrepreneur and businessman must follow a clear implementation plan, due to which his entire business is maintained. After all, these people have many tasks and goals, but nevertheless they cope well.

Don’t try to do everything at once, don’t take on other people’s responsibilities

This behavior will lead to increased fatigue. By taking on all the projects and part-time jobs, taking on many responsibilities around the house and at work and trying to do everything quickly, you are finishing off your own body. It is unrealistic to get EVERYTHING done, and even if it is possible, it is unlikely that the work done will be of high quality.

It is especially important to apply this rule at work. Sometimes management does not want to take on additional employees, dumping countless responsibilities on the most responsible person. But do you understand where your job responsibilities end and others begin? At some point, you need to stop being too conscientious; your own well-being and stable emotional state should remain a priority.

Set deadlines

Set an exact date and do it earlier than you really need to. I've noticed that many people leave problem solving until the last minute, and this often creates overwhelm and chaos. When you set a firm deadline and get it done before you need to, fly gracefully toward the finish line. You also free up time for additional rest or other important matters. At the end of the day, no one but you is responsible for the work you do.

Do something enjoyable

And it doesn’t have to be some kind of super hobby. You can just lie in bed with a book, drink coffee in company, or take a leisurely walk in the park. Everyday little pleasures and healthy habits make us happier and give us strength to live on, increasing the level of the hormone serotonin in the blood.


It’s normal to be distracted from work, you can’t live without it. What would happen if you forbade your slackers from taking breaks at all?

  • Headache;
  • decreased vision;
  • loss of concentration;
  • chronic fatigue and dissatisfaction with the leadership (and there is not far from conspiracy and revolution);
  • depression, lack of motivation and inspiration;
  • emotional burnout.

Accordingly, a little rest leads to better work, which is beneficial for both employees and business. But for lack of comfort, many employees switch to gadgets, gossip with colleagues, and smoke breaks. In general, anything but productivity.

It's different in caring companies. The Russian Philips office has massage chairs and a music machine, and the St. Petersburg Radario building has a whole rooftop terrace for relaxation. In warm weather there are umbrellas, sun loungers and a kicker tournament. Of course, only during breaks.

The office has a massage parlor, yoga room and music room. And Google employees can relax and catch their breath from work even in the shower.

Another example is the SoundCloud office in Berlin. There you can go to the library, do yoga in a private room, or hang out in front of the fireplace. For ardent introverts, there is a whole room with soundproofing, where you can be alone with your pleasant company.


  • organize musical breaks: turn on Mozart, “KiSh”, Buzova - whatever delights the team;
  • Print out the eye exercises and give them to everyone. And their eyesight will be improved, and they will be distracted from work a little;
  • From time to time, pamper your workers with a collective feast: treat them to pies, fruits and other goodies at a common table.

Are you getting tired quickly? Get enough sleep!

A person who does not get enough sleep is much more irritable and gets tired faster. Meanwhile, no one has canceled a healthy eight-hour sleep. An interesting fact: if you oversleep for a long time, sleep seems to accumulate in the body. So the phrase “sleep it off on the weekend” is not without meaning. Get enough sleep during vacations, holidays and weekends. Your body will thank you for this care and strengthening of strength.

Find out how to deal with information overload and gadget addiction here .

Start with the result

It is important to always decide what you first want to achieve before you start doing anything. The only projects and goals that veer off course are those where there is no clear vision of the results. But when it is there, and you know exactly what you are striving for, it is much easier to remove the unnecessary ones and remove the overload from the workday. For example, don’t take on two things at once, otherwise you risk not being able to handle either one.

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