Why should a child study robotics? What can robotics teach children?

With the advent of modern methods of contraception, preventing the birth of children has become easier than ever. There are more and more people who completely abandon the function of childbearing. Such people are called childfree, because they are free from all the problems associated with giving birth and raising children.

Why, despite the fact that the human population on planet Earth has already reached seven billion, do people still strive to have children? Why are children needed for the modern, successful, emancipated average person?

Why do we need children if they bring a lot of problems?

To answer this question, you need, first of all, to understand the problems that people have when they have children. After all, it is these that parents will have to overcome if they decide to have a child.

1. The very fact of conception already becomes a problem . In recent years, more and more people have found it difficult to conceive a new life. The reasons may be different: poor environment, stressful lifestyle, poor quality food, lack of health. Many people spend a lot of money to carry out the IVF procedure and implant embryos into the mother's body.

2. After conception has occurred, the woman still needs to bear and give birth to a child . Both can be accompanied by various difficulties if the mother’s body does not accept pregnancy well or is weakened. Childbirth is generally a very stressful situation, both for mother and child.

3. After the birth of a child, even if the birth went perfectly and the mother and child do not have any health problems, both need maximum care . Unfortunately, in the modern world, young mothers are often forced to be left alone with all the problems associated with the baby. After all, the child’s father earns a living, and grandparents cannot always help. This gives rise to a problem called postpartum depression.

4. The lack of proper preparation for the birth of a child , information on how to care for the baby and build changed family relationships gives rise to a large set of problems between young parents. The largest number of divorces occurs during the first year of a child’s life.

5. As the family grows, its needs also increase . A lot of money is spent on raising children. In addition, you always have to think about the housing issue. All this creates additional stress for parents.

6. After you have children, you begin to constantly worry about their health and safety. You will never be able to live carefree without thinking about where they are now and how they are feeling.

7. You will have much less free time , especially in the first years of your baby's life. After all, he will need your love and care 24 hours a day.

So, despite so many problems, why do people still have children? Let us first examine the general motives that guide people, and then the motives that are characteristic of men and women.

To answer this question, you need, first of all, to understand the problems that people have when they have children. After all, it is these that parents will have to overcome if they decide to have a child.


Now let's see what programming school in St. Petersburg teaches children and teenagers in Scratch, Python, Minecraft and robotics Roboskul.

Groups are created at school. The number of children does not exceed 12 people. The children are trained in classes equipped with the necessary equipment for quality training. For children:

  • Interactive whiteboards
  • Laptops
  • Video projectors
  • Constructors
  • First-class textbooks and curriculum

Therefore, children quickly and well learn the material, applying knowledge in practice. Experienced teachers are able to quickly find an approach to children, using playful and interactive methods in teaching.

At school, children learn the laws of mathematics/physics in practice and the basics of:

  • Robotics
  • Programming
  • Simulation

Free trial lesson at Roboschool

Tuition fees vary depending on the specific course (see below). The price range ranges from 2,800 to 4,500 rubles. Number of classes from 16.

The first lesson is full-fledged (60 minutes), but is for informational purposes only. Parents may not pay. The lesson will be held online. During this time, the child will be able to assemble his first robot or create a full-fledged program!

Teachers at the first free trial lesson:

  • They will talk about professions that can be learned at school
  • Assess children's robotics/programming skills
  • They will select the optimal course of study for them.
  • Together with the student they will create a robot/game or write a program

To conduct your first lesson, you must leave a request on the Roboschool Pro website. The company manager will call and you can arrange a time for the first lesson.

Sign up for a trial lesson

Why do modern people need children?

1. Children are born spontaneously . In fact, most people don’t even think about the question of why they need children. Modern sexual liberation makes people careless, and even marriages are often concluded “on the fly.”

2. People strive to create their own family - a small unit in society that would allow them to feel more confident in this turbulent stream of life.

3. People are afraid to be alone in old age . The notorious “glass of water” haunts many people and makes them think about the need for children.

4. A small percentage of people think about the future of the country and the world as a whole . They want to give birth to children in order to pass on to them the best that they themselves have.

5. Among other reasons, people sometimes have children in order to receive monetary compensation or maternity capital. This reason is rarely the primary one, but, nevertheless, in some families, parents take this aspect into account before having another child.

Roboschool courses and their costs

Roboschool offers training in St. Petersburg for children and teenagers aged 5-17 years.

The youngest children (5-8 years old) can study courses:

  • Programming – Scratch Junior. Individual 36 lessons of 60 minutes for RUB 3,500. The child will learn to create animation, games and musical cards
  • Robotics – Lego WeDo 2.0. Everything is similar here, but the price is 4,500. The student will be able to create algorithms and learn the basics of programming
  • There is a course in Schematics for “Connoisseur” for four-year-old children. Individual 36 lessons of 60 minutes for RUB 3,500. The child will learn how to assemble microcircuits, learn the principles of assembling a radio receiver, what electric current and diodes are

At the age of 8-12 years you can enroll in courses:

  • Virtual robotics. Children will be taught in a group of up to four people. Duration – 16 lessons (1 hour each), price 2,800 rubles. After completing the courses, the child will be able to program in Trick Studio and create measuring transducers
  • Robotics – Lego WeDo 2.0 and Scratch programming. Individual 36 lessons of 60 minutes at a price of 4,500 rubles. The child will learn to create algorithms and learn the basics of programming
  • Robotics – Lego EV3. The number of students is up to 12 people. Duration - 36 lessons (1.5 hours each), cost - 3,600. Children will learn to program sensors, assemble mechanical gears and learn what 3D modeling is
  • Programming – Scratch. The number of students is up to four people. Duration - 36 lessons (1 hour each), cost - 2,800. Children will learn to program sensors, create games and learn what sprites are
  • Programming – Python. The number of students is up to eight people. Duration - 36 lessons (1.5 hours each), cost - 4,000. After training, children will be able to create a Telegram bot and the simplest models of artificial intelligence (AI)

Choose a course

From the age of 10 until the end of school (17 years), it is allowed to improve in Python courses.

It should be noted that classes can be conducted both remotely and in the company’s offices.

Why does a woman need children?

1. Most women from a certain age begin to experience maternal instinct . This is an inexplicable feeling that overcomes them at the sight of other people's small children. This feeling is difficult to ignore, so a woman has to, one way or another, reckon with it.

2. Some women have children with the goal of attaching a certain man to themselves or even marrying him. This is a rather dubious goal, which most often does not live up to expectations, and most likely, on the contrary, destroys relationships.

3. Many women are subject to a lot of pressure from society : parents, relatives and friends. They are told about the need to have a child, because a woman’s reproductive age is very limited. In addition, as a woman ages, the risk of pathologies in the fetus increases.

Speed ​​reading for children 6-9 years old

Speed ​​reading training should begin when the level of standard skills in working with text reaches a certain threshold. First, the student must gradually master letters and sounds, go through the letter-by-letter, syllable-by-syllable and word-by-word stages. You need to achieve a good reading speed and develop a vocabulary so that you can productively increase your skills in the future.

For children 6-9 years old, speed reading will become accessible only when the kids learn to read the text fluently. By about the second or third grade, students themselves reach this level of skills even without additional training, which means that at this age it is worth starting to study the technique of speed reading.

Why does a man need children?

Men are perhaps much less likely to think about the need for children than women. But they also have their own reasons for this.

1. The desire to continue one's family line . For a man, this can be quite an important motive. They want their life not to be wasted, but to continue in their legacy - in their children.

2. Realization of one’s own ambitions through children. It's no secret that men for the most part are very ambitious. They want to be admired and praised for their successes. Therefore, they perceive children as part of their own achievements.

3. Some men feel the desire to have children after meeting a special woman . They fall so much in love with a particular girl that they want to give her everything, including children.

There are a lot of reasons for not having children, but the desire to create a new life, to see the birth of this miracle, to participate in the amazing process of transforming a small embryo into an adult - overrides all reasonable arguments and unconscious fears.

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School of Programming and Robotics


While the child is under the care of the parents, they think about what to do with their child during the hours free from school and school activities. A good way out of the situation is sports. As you know, children are full of energy. It can be spent on useful sports activities to become stronger and more resilient. However, children are also inquisitive. Therefore, a good alternative to sports is robotics or a combination of both.

Robotics and programming

The boy from the train

Platzkart. In our “compartment” there is a family with two children: a sad girl of about twelve and a boy of three or four years old. Mom and grandmother are deep in conversation with their neighbors, the boy is jumping next to his sister, who is just watching him with a distant look. The boy is bored, he loudly demands to entertain him, while tugging at his mother’s sleeve. Mom takes out small soldiers and a tank from her purse. The boy begins to play noisily. After ten minutes the game gets boring, he starts throwing toys into the compartment partition where people are sitting and screaming. Parents do not pay attention to this; apparently, this behavior is usual for their child. Soon he gets tired of this too, throwing the toys on the floor, he runs along the aisle and screams. From a conversation with his mother and grandmother, it becomes clear that the boy has problems with communication in kindergarten. He has been going there for a whole year, but still cannot make friends with anyone. Children don't want to play with him. A boy has an abrasion on his arm due to a recent fight in kindergarten. He was simply beaten. The parents could not name the reason for the fight. They didn't even bother to find out. The boy stopped running and sat down next to his sister. He took the toys and threw one of the soldiers at his sister. The girl twitched nervously and closed her eyes without uttering a word. The soldier touched her lightly. The brother screamed with delight and picked up another soldier. The girl silently looked at her brother in bewilderment; her parents did not pay attention to this. This is a small thing, the child is just playing. The neighbor, unable to bear watching such a game, suggested that the boy make a paper airplane together. The boy became interested, but at four years old he did not know how to do it. A neighbor made an airplane for the child and gave it to him with the words: “Play, just don’t bother anyone!” The boy silently snatched the airplane from her hands and ran down the aisle screaming. At the same time, he launched the plane without aiming. Having hit the young woman, he silently approached her, unceremoniously climbed into her seat and took the airplane. His mother and grandmother most likely did not notice this. The boy launches the plane again and hits the same woman. With a cry of delight he runs towards her to pick up the toy. The woman picks up the plane and says restrainedly: “No need to throw it at people! Sit down and play. There’s no need to disturb anyone!” The boy silently grabbed the plane and launched it at the woman again. - Do not you understand? Don't throw at people! Look around you: you’re the only one behaving like this, you’re in the way. You rush - I won’t give you the plane. The boy smiled wryly. He ran up to his sister, who was silently watching this scene. - This aunt took my plane away! - he shouted, pointing at the woman. The sister sighed and said quietly: “Okay, I’ll make you a new one, just play here.” The new plane flew in the same direction. The woman waited for the boy to run up to her. “You didn’t listen to my words.” Maybe at least this way you will remember and draw conclusions! - She tore the paper toy. A terrible hysteria began with loud sobs and unintelligibly spoken words. The boy ran up to his grandmother, buried himself in her lap and began to tearfully complain. The grandmother turned towards the woman and said angrily: “She tore the child’s plane, what a kind aunt!” God bless her! Don't be upset, grandson!

Show envious people that the family is in perfect order

“You can’t wait!” - sometimes such a wordless message is broadcast to others by women whose family life is of interest to wide and narrow circles of the public. “Do you think everything is bad with us? No, everything is fine with us, just great!” Judge for yourself, at least twice after the piquant rumors about David Beckham’s infidelity, his wife Vicky found herself in an interesting position. This is how Cruz was born (in 2004 the media savored the details of David’s unproven affair with his assistant Rebecca Luz, then Vicky urgently flew to Madrid to save the family, and the third child was born in February 2005), and Harper Seven (a new scandal flared up in the fall of 2010, and in the summer of 2011 the star couple had a daughter).

Extend (repeat) youth

While you have a small child, it seems that old age is somewhere far, far away, and has nothing to do with you personally at all. So they give birth, both at 50 and at 65. Is this self-deception? Not at all. Obstetricians and gynecologists claim that many 50-year-old women today have a biological age that is 10–15 years younger than their actual age, so they are quite capable of bearing children. Studies have shown that those who choose a career between pregnancy and a career, and postpone pregnancy “for later,” are richer, more educated, and, as a result, physically healthier than their average peers. "They're very young—those 50-year-olds," says Richard Paulson, a fertility expert at the University of Southern California.

Earn money

Children are capital (and not only maternal capital); with the proper approach, they can very well bring profit. Don't believe me? Take a closer look at the mother of the Kardashian family, Kris Jenner. The former socialite has retrained as the family's brand manager and receives 10% of total income. “Who knew it would be so profitable? I should have had more children!” – Kris stated openly in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter (note Woman.ru: she is not lying when she says that this is a profitable occupation. A couple of years ago, the annual income of the Kardashian family, in which, by the way, there are six children, was estimated at 65 million dollars).

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