Consultation “The child does not want to study. Causes. So what should I do?

Consultation “The child does not want to study. Causes. So what should I do?

Christina Ch

Consultation “The child does not want to study. Causes. So what should I do?

We all know that children are naturally inquisitive and love to learn new things, and if the learning process takes place according to child psychology, then children will study with pleasure .

With a child under 3 years old, the most important thing is contact with the mother, the entire development of the child is concentrated on the mother, if the mother took the child to developmental activities and wants to sit and wait , nothing good will happen.

The mother should be involved in the lesson with the child , carry out the teacher’s tasks, even if the child at first just observes, later he will join the lessons.

It is also important for children under 3 years old, as well as for other children, to be systematic and ritualistic, for example a song at the beginning and end of a lesson, this can help you with independent studies at home.

Also, you don’t need to say “let’s practice letters ”, you need to invite the child to play with letters , because the leading activity of a preschool child is GAME

In a playful way a child will learn with joy; he needs a plot, a script and a game task.

You will really like the various quests and quizzes

It is not necessary for a preschooler to sit at a desk

Don't criticize, don't swear, don't scare your child if he doesn't want to study .

What prevents a child from learning :

1. Criticism - for example, a child needs to put the balls in a basket, but he throws them wide, and the mother says “no, you ’re doing the wrong thing

denial is criticism, of course he
did the wrong thing , but the child does what he can .
I must say, yes, the ball has now gone the wrong way, but now let’s try to put it in the basket, gently guide the activity. From 3 and older - children are assessed, “oh look how crooked the letter is”

the child reads this as criticism, or, for example, he answered a question, and you say, no, that’s not correct, and the child to do something .
You have to put it mildly, okay, you get this version, let’s think again or let’s try to draw it again, don’t criticize the previous result and suggest moving on.

Children are very sensitive to criticism and evaluation.

Even if the child himself understands that it didn’t work out very well, he will still be offended by you for criticism; if you see bad work, you can say: “I see that you completely completed the task , and next time you will do even better,” give a positive forecast for the future, support

2. Excessive rigidity of requirements and boundaries - for example, “there is only one correct way to play this game”


Or there are too many demands, “sit nicely, put your pen here, start from here, etc.”


We must remember that for child, the main task is to enjoy activities, joy and feel the joy of learning.

3. Another problem is an oversaturated schedule.

It is necessary to soberly assess the load on the child , there is no need to enroll in many developmental programs, the child’s nervous system will be overloaded

5. It’s too difficult, the child considers himself unsuccessful in class.

the child’s strengths , this will give him a feeling of success; if he loves music, then there is no need to send him to drawing


- Turn all activities into games

- Don't criticize

the child’s strengths

- Don't overload

- Listen to his wishes

And remember - the main thing is that the child enjoys the lessons.

Teacher-psychologist: Kristina Aleksandrovna Chistyakova

MBDOU No. 32 “Nightingale”

“Mom, I’m tired”: what to do if the child doesn’t want to study

If during the school year it was still possible to somehow encourage the child to study, then during the holidays this may cause problems. After 10 minutes of lessons, the child begins to fidget, get bored and say that he is tired. What to do about it? Our blogger, psychologist Natalya Vecherina tells.

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Your child plays cheerfully and cheerfully, but the time comes to read, study, and everything changes? Fatigue sets in and not a trace of vigor remains? But not much time has passed. Maybe the child is pretending, being lazy, or worse, mocking you?

We always compare ourselves with our children. But lately, parental anxiety has been added to such comparisons: “What’s wrong with my child”? Parents' concerns are not unfounded. The children have become different. Features of attention, memory, parameters of mental performance have changed. Along with hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and distractibility, researchers identify increased fatigue as a characteristic feature of today's children.

That is why a child, while doing homework or reading, after a short time begins to fidget, spin, change position, complain of a headache or stomach pain, and, in the end, switches off from work, pushing away a book, textbook or notebook with the words “more I can not". No educational measures work in this case. What to do about this and what is important to consider when organizing classes?

We use the smooth entry rule and rhythm schedule

There is such a tricky concept as the period of development - the time during which all systems of the body are adjusted to this or that activity. Each age group has its own time period for working. For children 5-6 years old this period is 5-6 minutes, for children 6-7 years old - 1.5-3 minutes. In children who are slow or weakened after an illness, this time can increase by about 1.5-2 times.

What does this mean? That a child definitely needs some adjustment, some kind of preparation, before the main body of tasks. The child needs to be given time so that he can adapt to another type of activity.

This process can be facilitated by organizing classes at approximately the same time or a consistent, planned sequence of events, when the child understands what he is doing and when. For example, we play, go to the store, cook lunch, and then we read.

Together with your child, draw on a piece of whatman paper all your most important things to do: games, helping mom, activities

Consistently follow the rhythm schedule, and together mark what you have accomplished with colored stickers or badges. In this case, the setup process will be much simpler and easier for the child, and he will be less tired.

We take into account the time frame for optimal performance of young students

How much time a child can spend productively depends on his age. At 5-6 years old it’s 10 minutes, and at 6-7 years old it’s already 15-17 minutes. After this, a period of unstable performance begins. That is, the child is still completing the task, but efficiency is already decreasing (this period lasts approximately 5-7 minutes), after which fatigue sets in.

Let's learn and move

But what to do if classes last clearly longer than 15-20 minutes? The answer is simple: there should be dynamic pauses between exercises and tasks. This could be visual gymnastics, physical education minutes, or any physical activity.

Why does the child not want to do anything?

There is only one answer to the question: the child is discouraged. He feels like putting in the effort into learning or a new hobby isn’t “worth it”; it’s easier to pretend he doesn’t care. He seemed stuck in a negative mindset, masking his disappointment with bad behavior and blaming adults for his defeats.

The easiest way to achieve success is to win a computer game, and this, of course, brings more satisfaction than efforts aimed at acquiring the necessary life skills.

The child understands that his memory can fail him and he can recite a poem with a C, and if his hand trembles, his handwriting grade will be lowered. Next will be statements - lazy, slob, loser. Successful experience in achieving goals and a positive attitude in such conditions are impossible.

A child can be forced, pressured with threats, but this is not the experience that is needed.

Children are not lazy. They may be frustrated, pessimistic, angry, self-critical, and unsure of their abilities. But it's not laziness. The misconception about childhood laziness is one of the most destructive.

The ability to work hard to accomplish a task requires a strong sense of duty, responsibility, and confidence that the outcome will be successful.

However, constructive activity is accompanied by anxiety, temporary difficulties and disappointments; children who are not motivated to succeed give up too quickly. Another common cause is undiagnosed or underappreciated physiological features.

This could be hyperactivity, slowness, dyslexia, emotionality, etc. Even slight inattention becomes a source of constant anxiety and reluctance to complete the task.

For some schoolchildren, dictation, reading or paper crafts seem like a real test that ends in failure. It seems that the child “doesn’t want to do anything and can’t do anything,” although in fact this is far from the case and he simply needs the help of an adult.

The habit of seeing failures is the result of the fact that the child does not want to do anything. It becomes difficult to change the attitude towards acquiring knowledge; it is almost impossible to “reach out” to the consciousness of a young rebel with any examples from life or persuasion.

He is confident in his failures, he has seen them, his experience of achieving his goal is negative. In addition, the unsuccessful outcome is “reinforced” by teachers, parents and peers when they express dissatisfaction.

The problem of lack of motivation = the problem of demoralization, whether overt or disguised. The main principle that is present from an early age will help change the situation - all people strive to achieve a goal, without this, they would not learn to speak or take the first steps.

Children want to earn approval, praise, to hear words of pride from adults - this is the “magic” way to help them get out of a series of failures.

The child does not want to study


At the age of 4, we started introducing our daughter to classes. The child is very active and constantly experiences physical hunger. Very emotional and touchy.

Dreams of becoming a ballerina. We don’t have such a school in our city, so they took me to gymnastics (including to satisfy this hunger). After 3-4 months (my grandfather drove her and sat in the hallway), two trainers took her out of class and said that she did not obey and often cried (the trainer often hit her on the butt). They said not to bring her again. Very disappointing!!!

During classes, she could also often cry a lot because someone accidentally touched her with their hand, etc.

Does what she likes (for example, leaves class and jumps on mats, etc.). That is, it shows independence. If he wants, he does, if he doesn’t want, he doesn’t. The results have already begun to appear, it was very noticeable at home. And most importantly, she liked it!!! and in kindergarten she boasted to everyone that she went to gymnastics.

The child also began to stutter severely several months earlier. They started taking me to speech therapists (they took me for 4 months). The effect is very good. The stuttering has gone away, the sound “r” has appeared, but there is no “hard r” yet.

Doesn’t want to study, constantly grumbles “Well, now I still have to do this and that?? Should I do this again??” He's being capricious. Although at home with dad he does the same thing well.

The speech therapist is good, motivates, tries to find an approach to the child.

These are the problems in general.

Anyone who has experience, please respond) Please write what’s wrong with the child?

Lack of willpower?? Interest? short, limited attention?

And most importantly, I’m already afraid of what will happen to us at school? The same?

HERE IS JUST INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHILD. He has been going to kindergarten since he was two years old, with pleasure, and copes with tasks better than anyone in the group (according to the teacher) - I mean copybooks, drawing; I have mastered the norms of staying in the kindergarten (she eats all the food in the kindergarten, dances, sings, does not offend anyone, does not make noise, etc.).

At home, she also begins to eat on her own (this was a problem before), falls asleep on her own out of bed after reading (she turns off the night light herself, sleeps in the dark), loves to draw and dance.

Now he invents a lot, composes songs, stories, talks a lot. And she even turns off the cartoons herself and can whisper something for another hour, fantasize in silence. And it even scares me that the intellect disappears into fantasy.

She always talked a lot. At 1.5 years old, my vocabulary was simply huge. Speech is early. She is very erudite, knows a lot, loves to memorize and pronounce complex rare words.

Now the stuttering is almost gone, with the advent of the sound R, I plan to send him to an English class from the age of 5 and to drawing, since we are good at it.

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