We are walking the difficult road: what does constant self-improvement lead to?

The ability to live means enjoying life and not asking yourself questions akin to “What have we achieved in life?” . But people are always looking for problems on their own. And sometimes it is reasonable to ask yourself: “what exactly are you?”, “what have you done in your life that takes you one step forward?” Why ask yourself? - to evaluate your life, understand what to strive for, do more and not let yourself “dry out” without resorting to rinsing with Sprite.

When we talked about the meaning of life, we considered several classic options : build a house, plant a tree, money, sex, power, serving people. All this is great, but too banal and will pass only as a standard “checked in” . But many of us would like to leave a mark in this life, more than raising a son, more than a coffin slab with a name, and the memory of children. So what have you achieved in life?

Freedom and independence

Photo: Depositphotos
Freedom of spirit and body is the highest value on this mortal earth, a value to which, to one degree or another, every thinking individual should strive. Freedom from imposed and frequently changing attitudes, including modern happiness in the form of ever-increasing consumption, material and corporate success - success, as modern materialists understand it. Freedom from the constant fear of losing his livelihood and people for himself, freedom from the fear of the end of his earthly existence as a result.

Material independence is truly the best and highest of all types of independence in this materialistic and mercantile world. Maximum independence from income, salaries, employers and money in general. Matter is transitory, impermanent and despicable for the sublime spirit, to which the average person devotes most of his attention and time and in which he often expresses the meaning of his existence.

What should those do for whom it is not enough to simply go with the flow of modern times and morals and who want to change something in their lives, to break out of the bondage of unfreedom and dependence?

Russell Harris, “Freedom” Photo: artchive.ru

To achieve material independence, persistent and consistent “smart” work in the initial stages, reasonable and equally consistent savings, and the creation of several sources of income, both active and passive, are quite sufficient. Ideally, it would be worth striving to accumulate a small capital, which in the future will generate passive income, independent of the so-called main job, and which in the future will serve as the basis for material freedom. It wouldn’t be very difficult for a person with a head on his shoulders to do this, if only there was an understanding of the need and a desire to implement the plan.

Also, to achieve material independence, it is enough for the conscious mind to cover average basic needs: to have its own corner (in the form of a simple apartment or house) and funds for food. As a person fulfills his basic needs, he will have an immediate opportunity to achieve greater freedom and independence.

With the achievement of freedom of spirit and body, everything is somewhat more complicated. You will have to constantly fight against the “opinions of the world” and “being alone rather than with anyone,” because the world will try to overcome you every day, every minute, to instill in you its quasi-truths, truths and attitudes.

In essence, this is an ongoing internal struggle, the work of the mind, and the average person is rarely able to do it - he often gives up in his youth and accepts his lack of freedom as an obligatory norm, calling lack of freedom freedom. An ordinary person succumbs to the lack of freedom that is presented as happiness and the so-called norms of society, the world, “like people”, accepts the attitude that this is exactly how one should live one’s life, this is exactly the right way.

A little from life...

I want to talk about some episodes from my life where I “marked”, so to speak. Just to remember and show how funny “youthful achievements” can be. You yourself remember such moments from your life when you managed to “jump up a couple of steps”, and a feeling of pride in yourself arose in your soul, like life was a success and I was such a good guy...

"Checked in"

At one time I was fond of an online game (Counter-Strike) - shootouts between special forces and terrorists, clearing bombs, escorting VIPs, removing hostages. The game was so popular that there were plenty of people playing it. It was necessary to stand out not only with good play, not only with participation in championships, but also with something else. You know how it happens, you want people to recognize you, talk about you, etc.

So at that time, I managed to shine, to add my name to the sign of the people “involved”. No, I did not become the best player in Ukraine, even in the city, I just collected information about real analogues of weapons from the game, and my collection was posted on the website of the Kyiv CS league. This list is still hanging there. Now it seems like a small thing, nothing more, but then it was something significant. But this achievement is so “virtual” that it actually means nothing in life. And now everyone can “check in”, even to the point of creating their own mega-portal on any topic. Lost value.

"At the right time, in the right place..."

Another case is no less interesting; perhaps I have already mentioned this. The magazine “My Computer” was once published in Kyiv and Ukraine, and seems to still be published now. The publication is quite popular and serious. In those years, computers were not so common, and people went to clubs in droves. There was no development and diversity of technologies. At that time I was intensely interested in web design, then this meant (making a website in html). And so, I was prompted to write an article for a magazine on the topic of creating a website, I don’t even remember how it could have occurred to a 14-year-old boy.

As a result, my article “Where the site begins” was soon published in the magazine, a reprinted copy with a later date is here. The funniest thing is that they put it on the author’s website - the publication’s website, the copy-pastors are lousy. Now imagine how I felt when I saw that I was published? This moment is difficult to forget, although of course the emotions faded. And how my classmates looked at me... Later, 2 more articles were published.

Can this be considered an achievement? - I think not, I just made an effort at the right time, in the right place, that’s all. It would be a different matter if I had started to develop further and write a column in a magazine, but this did not happen.

Time and leisure

Many people do not value free time and, as they have been taught, programmed, out of habit, spend most of their lives, the only one and never repeated, in a job that is far from being their favorite, often in activities they do not like at all. The reason for this is “everyone does this” and “you have to live on something.” Hence, most of the best time of life between 3-7 and 60-65 years is spent at school, college, at work - forcibly and violently, because the majority here, it seems, have no choice.

You don’t have to be a visionary to understand that in just a hundred years, when in some parts of the world the working day will be no more than 4-6 hours, because working more is already modern slavery, coercion, our descendants will be surprised and wince at how that we were forced to work 8 hours a day, just as our ancestors once worked 10-12 hours in factories or on collective farms. Our current conditions will already be recognized tomorrow as slavish and inhumane, which, however, is already happening today.

An intelligent person, first of all, strives to obtain peace and leisure, and knows how to appreciate the availability of free time. Time that he can devote to himself, his life, creativity, or simply contemplating the falling autumn leaves in his garden, if he so chooses.

What does it mean to achieve anything in life?

Now let's judge objectively. There are many small achievements that happen in our lives. Many start families, children, and become “personalities” in a narrow circle. After all, to be happy you don’t have to become famous or contribute to history, right? What many consider to be achievements, giving life and surviving oneself, is nothing more than the achievements of the gray mass, although this is also worthy of praise. On the other hand, becoming a leader or famous: an actor, scientist, politician is hardly the right achievement in terms of (internal spiritual development). Perhaps we will leave a mark on history in this way, there will be our pages on Wikipedia, a bunch of films, scientific works, but we may not have time to do what was necessary for the soul or correction of karma (let everyone understand what I mean). What is considered the right path?

I am now 30 years old, and what can I brag about? A good car with an “unpaid loan”? A more or less tolerable job in which I work without pleasure? It would be possible, like many who have lived, to write a book, but even this is not in the plans. All that remains is to start a family and disappear into the routine of life. There are no ambitious plans, it’s not even possible to have fun, why live like this? That’s why I raised the topic: “What have we achieved in life?” It seems to me that you need to want more, not for show, but to “grow” in this life. How many people strive for this?

Many of us are still young; there are plenty of older people. Have you ever asked yourself the question “What do I want to achieve in this life?” Are you striving for something special? Perhaps, since childhood, you have had a dream that you could not realize. Maybe it’s not too late to implement it, or to put efforts into something more meaningful than what we have now? Or will we continue to do this just to leave offspring and have a chance to live for our own pleasure in old age, which is essentially absurd?

What do you think about it?

Goals to resolve relationship problems

I think that setting goals in a relationship should start with the desire to create a successful union, and eliminate possible problems in the relationship in advance. Taking a reasonable approach to seemingly small differences between you will help smooth out many conflict situations before they get out of control.

For example, you can set goals for your man to help you with household chores. Or for your woman to start saving money. Make small lists each month that list the things you need to work on in the next month. Also, don't forget to talk about your personal goals. So that you both can complement each other as a couple.

Motivate each other to succeed professionally

As romantic partners or husband and wife, you have a responsibility to motivate each other for professional well-being. So take some time to discuss your professional goals for the near future. It could be something as simple as encouraging your man or woman to achieve higher sales goals. Or something as exciting as the motivation to start your own company.

Monitor your partner's successes on the professional front and contribute to their achievement. You can use our tips on setting and achieving goals correctly to create a successful career. Support each other's careers by discussing short-term goals. Motivate your loved one to unleash his or her true potential on a professional level.

Family planning

The biggest non-financial goal that couples should do after marriage is family planning. The most important thing you must do is decide at what point in your lives you and your spouse want to have a child and become parents.

This is very important because years can pass in an instant. And, when you are over forty, you may be faced with the question: “Is it too late to start a family or have a child?” After all, after this you will need to set goals to plan the development of your child.

All parents have a vision for their children. And their dreams and ambitions can range from CEOs to global movie stars and business owners. You certainly cannot be in control of your child's life. But you can lay the foundation by setting goals for raising him well.

Saving money for holidays, joint trips and significant events

Work and family responsibilities, mortgage payments and many other life problems create great psychological stress for a person. This tension requires an outlet. Therefore, vacations are one of the best solutions to relax and improve your relationship.

One of the biggest benefits of traveling is that it helps you relax, unwind, and recharge your batteries for the next twelve months of work, as well as meeting your partner's needs. If you don't go on vacation, then you risk getting burnt out. Which will have serious negative consequences on your health, behavior, and ultimately, your relationships.

So talk to your loved one. And make a list of several places you would like to visit. Look at airfare and accommodation costs to get a rough estimate of how much money you'll need for your trip. From now on, start saving money for this trip.

Even small amounts of money, like a hundred dollars every two weeks, can add up to a significant amount by the end of the year. Which you can use to buy tickets and much more. You'll be surprised at how proper financial planning and goal setting can help you have the dream vacation you've always wanted.

Take advantage of the experience of older people

Setting relationship goals is not an easy task. So talk to couples who have been together for a long time and ask their advice. Because you and your partner will be like two frogs stuck in the same well if you don't talk to other couples about their life goals. You can ask the older couple some of these questions:

  • What's the best thing you've done together as a couple?
  • If you could turn back time, what would you do differently?
  • What do you think is the most important goal a couple should set?

Listening to their answers will help you set your own goals. Take advantage of the experience of older people and use it to avoid mistakes that could change your life and your relationships.

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Want to know how to achieve your life goal? This blog will help you learn how to apply psychology to your relationships, health and well-being. My goal is to teach my readers how to maximize their effectiveness in life.

Preserving individuality

Pursue individual goals. Because setting relationship goals isn't just about defining your life together. It is also about your personality so that you can develop your strengths. Perhaps you are planning a job change, want to get a new education or develop new skills. Maybe you want to spend more time with your friends on the weekends. Changing your daily routine is the first benefit of individual goals. Secondly, when you do things on your own, it will also give your partner some freedom in the relationship.

Saving money to buy a new home

Saving money for a new house or apartment should be one of your first goals. Which you must set as a married couple. Becoming happy home owners is what all couples want. Almost all men dream of barbecuing in their own backyard. And women are thinking about the time when they can entertain close friends over a cozy dinner in their new home.

Purchasing a home is an expensive business. And without proper planning and distribution of your budget, nothing will work. In addition, in addition to the basic cost of a house or apartment, there will be additional costs for new equipment, repairs, and so on. So sit down with your partner and think about how, when and where you would like to live. Find out how much money you'll need to save for a down payment and subsequent payments if you want to buy a home on credit.

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