When you're tired of everything: what to do and how to overcome your apathy

Why are positive feelings and emotions so important? Without them, a person begins to slowly but surely fade away; he gets the feeling that everything is boring. Why do people suddenly stop responding to happiness? What are the symptoms and consequences of this condition? And most importantly: how to restore the joy of life after emotional burnout? Read more in this article.

Emotional burnout is a syndrome of increasing devastation of all experiences, feelings, and emotions. It is accompanied by apathy (indifference, loss of strength), social alienation, and decreased productivity. Most often, a psychological problem arises due to professional overwork. The main reasons for its appearance are considered:

  • intense routine work, which is accompanied by stress;
  • lack of remuneration for work and, as a result, a feeling of one’s own uselessness and uselessness;
  • frequent interaction with the negative emotions of other people. Doctors, teachers, even psychologists often encounter such situations;
  • drinking alcohol as a way of avoiding problems instead of solving them.

What are the consequences of ignoring the syndrome? In advanced cases, neurotic-type disorders appear, as well as diseases associated with psychosomatics. As a result of a long-lasting depressed state, thoughts arise: “I seem to want to live, but I’m tired of living.” Such a phrase is the road leading to suicidal tendencies.

No, this does not mean that every emotionally devastated person is doomed to death. But it is a fact that the syndrome causes a lot of inconvenience and greatly ruins life. 100 out of 100 patients are susceptible to negative thoughts and feelings that affect their health.

To make life enjoyable, it is better to start fighting emotional burnout at its first manifestations.

Look for yourself in different cultures.

Of course, we are talking about travel. But multi-star hotels, casinos, beaches, swimming pools are not the only places where you can go abroad. To combine business with pleasure, it would be good to visit:

  • national parks, gardens;
  • art and local history museums;
  • significant architectural structures;
  • inconspicuous antique souvenir shops on the outskirts of the city;
  • unique national holidays - German Oktoberfest, Venice Carnival, Hindu Festival of Colors (Holi), etc.;
  • palaces, castles;
  • natural wastelands - jungles, deserts, steppes, mountains - together with experienced guides.

Admission to some attractions will be free, while others will require a small amount. As a result, it turns out that the excursion will cost several times less than a hotel room or a trip to a good cafe.

Take a psychological age test

Separately, it is worth mentioning the temples of different religions and cults. It is better to ask guides or local residents about the possibility of visiting them. For most spiritual shrines, it is unacceptable for a non-believer to cross their threshold. Some, on the contrary, welcome strangers, share all sorts of secrets and techniques for a symbolic donation for the needs of the temple. Individual establishments will require specific knowledge about ritual clothing, greeting methods, and behavior in general.

Get a furry friend.

Research shows that dog owners live longer. Adorable four-legged friends really make life longer and more meaningful. It’s much more pleasant to come home knowing that someone is already waiting there. If the search for a soul mate or friends has not yet been successful, this is a good reason to look into a dog shelter or buy a puppy at the market. Happy dog ​​lovers note that with the advent of furry friends they have become:

  • responsible, independent;
  • active, sociable;
  • self-confident;
  • less susceptible to colds and some allergic reactions;
  • optimists, got rid of depression and neuroses.

As for cats, they are considered real stress healers. The purring of cats calms you down, relieves insomnia and... strengthens your immune system. However, it is worth remembering that the breed of the pet plays a huge role. Some pets will easily relieve you from unnecessary worries, while others will cause even more trouble.

Turtles, fish, birds, and other animals that can be kept at home can also calm the nervous system. But their influence is not as strong as the energy that a person receives from a dog or cat.

Is it worth the fight?

When you don’t want anything at all, everything is boring and infuriating, you need to do something urgently. By remaining in this state, you risk worsening your own life and the lives of your loved ones, creating conflicts and quarrels.

Often, it is the condition in which we say “everything is bad” that has a feature that favorably influences the development of chronic diseases. It will be very difficult to cope with them without the help of a specialist.

Say goodbye to the network.

The Internet creates the illusion of popularity and active communication. Conversation in real conditions is filled with emotions and their manifestation. Chat correspondence provokes the development of isolation, complexes, and social alienation.

A typical picture: a teenager sits at the computer, scrolls through the news feed and sends interesting posts to a friend. What does an ordinary person do when he likes something or finds it funny? He smiles or laughs. What is this teenager doing on the computer? Sends a cheerful smiley while sitting with a detached or bored expression on his face. Essentially, he exchanged his emotions and their expression for simple pictures.

Conclusion: if a person does not react visually to good events or things, he ceases to feel joy from them internally. And then - hello, depression, fatigue, indifference to life. Dialogues on social networks can only be useful when they serve as a complement to real communication, and not as a replacement for it.

Take the self-doubt test

Find inspiration in the things around you

If you want to get your power back, you need to find your true passion. So, what will make you get out of apathy and find ways to overcome all difficulties? Close people who need you, a goal or a life's work will help you overcome the state of sadness and apathy. However, this is not always enough. Try to take a closer look at the things and rituals with which you surround yourself. Buy a beautiful bouquet of flowers, finally hang a picture on the wall, get a festive service and brew your favorite tea.

Treat yourself. Little things will help you get out of this emotional impasse. Identify your main passion and move in that direction without giving in to fears of failure. If you feel on the verge of complete exhaustion, mentally return to your inner “beacon” to awaken the desire to get up and move, even if you have no strength left and you need to literally pick yourself up piece by piece.

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Use the day differently.

The vicious circle “home - work” does not bode well. Even if a profession brings pleasure and serves as both a way to earn money and a hobby, it is still advisable to periodically change activities. To diversify your day and get rid of the routine, you can:

  • change your lifestyle and sleep schedule taking into account your biorhythm (owl, lark, pigeon);
  • allocate hours or minutes for regular walks, visits to clubs or entertainment venues;
  • reduce the amount of time allocated to the Internet, watching TV, or replace it with something more useful;
  • find the most convenient hours for meals, try to eat at the same time;
  • insert half an hour into the schedule, which will be spent exclusively on yourself;
  • get to work not by car or public transport, but by foot or bicycle;
  • Incorporate purchases into your daily routine in advance.

The point is to add more effective rest and reduce negativity. By creating a schedule, you can also expect to save money. Giving up frequent visits to Internet sites and chaotic snacks will already free up time and money that can be spent on something more useful.

If a couple of points conflict with working hours, it is possible to find a compromise. However, in cases where work does not allow organizing at least half of the indicated changes, this is a serious reason to think about changing the vacancy.

What to do: instructions

First of all, we need to find harmony with ourselves and calm down, realize that everything in our lives is solvable.

Crazy thing

When a person doesn’t want anything, he needs to bring something new into his life that will get him off the ground. Don't worry about what to do. You force yourself to get out of the four concrete walls of your apartment and go for a walk somewhere you have never been before. Go to a place where your emotions can be shaken up.

At a minimum, call and arrange a meeting with old friends whom you have not seen for a long time. This meeting can recreate the former warmth, the joy of memories of situations lived together.

Change your appearance

Don’t try to change something on your own if you are not a professional in this matter. Psychologists advise radical changes in appearance; this often entails dramatic changes in life itself. A person, observing how he himself has changed, wants to create a new reality around himself, which is different from his past life, which is why he is not going to take the negative with him.


This advice is extraordinary, since lying on the sofa will not always be possible to get out of depression. This point can help those people who have emotional overload due to physical overload.

Such people need good and healthy sleep. Do not wake up from the alarm clock, but sleep until the body itself wants to wake up. When you wake up, you need to force yourself to cook or order food that you really like. The start of the day will already be more pleasant than it was before. Subsequently, go to the place that fills you with life, for some it is a bookstore, hookah bar, bar, gym, and so on. Each person has his own place of rest where he can relax his soul and body. Even one day spent in this way can give you strength and fill you with lost vital energy.

Getting rid of negativity

When you experience negativity, aggression, stress and the people around you are to blame for this, then you should accept the fact that you will not be able to quickly cope with the situation. You need to throw out all this negativity. To do this, you can beat a pillow with your fists, go to the gym to box a punching bag, lift iron, or go out into nature, where there are no people, and scream...

Don't keep your rage inside, let it out, break some object. Debauchery, an outburst of aggression and negativity through physical force leads to quick results.

Once you have vented your bad mood, you can think about what to do next.

Communication with friends and family

When you get tired of everyday life, the monotonous passing of time, you should forget about your responsibilities, at least for one evening. Take the children to their grandparents, send your husband fishing or wherever he wants to go with friends, in the case when the problem of apathy is a difficult life in the family. Remember that you also need a break from family matters.

Silence, peace - perhaps this is exactly what you needed. Don't start cleaning, relax. This day is yours - spend it to your heart's content. Spend it quietly and calmly, or, on the contrary, gather your girlfriends and have a ball. The main goal is to achieve inner peace.

There are step-by-step instructions on how to start living again.

What do you know about how you can cope with this disease? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Try to get rid of stress factors.

It is unlikely that you will be able to say goodbye to them completely. But it is possible to reduce the amount of negativity. Work, relationships with family, partner, friends, self-realization are the areas where stress occurs most often. Having found the main source of negativity, it is better to eliminate it immediately.

Change is not an easy step, but it develops, strengthens, and builds character. New job doesn't bring in as much money? But it doesn’t take away your nerves. Is it difficult to break up with your loved one? But at night you will be able to sleep without thinking about betrayal or other unsolvable problems in relationships. Is it scary to move away from your parents? But constant comparisons with older children, humiliation in the form of passive aggression, and so on will stop.

Burnout syndrome is accompanied by a loss of strength and a reluctance to do anything, so change will be difficult for people with this symptom. However, they are worth it.

Take a character test

Origins of sadness

Opinion polls help psychologists determine the key to the problem.
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Some people are very worried about approaching old age and its consequences:

  • illness;
  • skin aging;
  • muscle laxity;
  • physical weakness;
  • loneliness;
  • loss of appetite.

Others are unsettled by the death of a friend or close relative. When under stress, a person loses interest in others. As a rule, nothing in life pleases him, which sometimes leads to suicide or deep depression. Such people get fixated on the problem and don’t even try to get out of it.

Frequent family troubles or divorce cause a wave of negative emotions:

  • disappointment;
  • bitterness of loss;
  • guilt;
  • low self-esteem;
  • hopelessness.

Deep emotional wounds seem incurable. A person flounders helplessly in an ocean of problems, where every new day begins with a huge wave of anxiety. At such moments, the victim of circumstances thinks that no one needs her. No one will ever notice her absence.

In some cases, loss of interest in life occurs due to ordinary laziness or chronic fatigue. Some people are plagued by a lack of purpose in life. There are also those who lack beneficial communication. Sometimes the situation changes and negative thoughts recede. However, what to do if nothing makes you happy and your heart is filled with deep melancholy? There are many practical tips that help you break out of the captivity of a sad state. Let's look at the most affordable options.

An authoritative book says: “The root of all evil is the love of money.” Therefore, financial problems are a serious source of loss of mental balance.

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