How to get rid of envy: overcome it or defend yourself?

It is not without reason that envy has become one of the seven sinful vices; it is like a virus that eats a person from the inside, breaking the psyche and leading to psychological disorders of the individual and mental pain.

This feeling leads to suffering, inner dissatisfaction and anger. By comparing his life with others, a person subconsciously tries to justify his failures and turn a blind eye to his own problems. Envy is pronounced in people with low self-esteem who are unable to deal with problems and have their own opinions.

Understanding ourselves

First, you need to understand what envy is and how it affects your life. There are two types of this feeling. The first is when you look at someone's achievements, rejoice at them, but at the same time you would like to surpass your rivals. You don’t cry at night because of the success of your sister’s children, you don’t argue with your husband because of his new position. You are quietly trying to teach your daughter better, while simultaneously enrolling in advanced training courses. So, this is white envy. It is not dangerous, but on the contrary useful. If you continue to strive for the best, you will succeed.

As for the second type, such envy can ruin your life. Unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to deal with alone. The first signs are nervousness, anger at those who are more successful, irritation, and fatigue. As a result, such representatives of the fair sex give up at the first setbacks. And if friends started together, but one of them succeeded, and the second remained at the very beginning, then female envy will lead to the end of the friendship. After all, unfortunately, not everyone can admit that they are amazed.

Why you shouldn't be jealous of your friends

So, imagine that you have a fairly successful friend with whom you have been friends since kindergarten. She has everything: an apartment, a car, a rich husband or lover. Women's envy gnaws at you every day, you can't help but think that she is luckier than you. Look at things realistically. Perhaps not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. It’s just that some people don’t wash dirty linen in public, while others prefer to share their problems with the first person they meet. Believe me, everyone has their own skeleton in their closet.

At the same time, be careful and do not tell anyone anything personal, no matter how close you are with your friend. Even the richest and most successful experience feelings of envy. And in the future, any provocative information can be used against you. Accidentally or intentionally - it all depends on the situation.

Today, there are three main reasons why girlfriends may experience unpleasant feelings towards each other. Beauty, figure, personal life - for some this is a reason for pride, but for others it is difficult to accept you for who you are. How to get rid of the envy of a friend you really value? Start admiring her, giving her compliments. Just be sincere in expressing feelings and emotions.

Gossip as an element of envy

Don’t be upset if your personal life and career achievements are discussed behind your back. It doesn't matter whether you are friends with these people or not. This is the psychology of envy (black, of course) - to speak badly about those who have succeeded in life more than us. Usually, gossip is spread by those people who have not worked out with their husband, career or children.

Do you like to tell your friends information about others? If this is ordinary news, it should not have a pronounced coloring: “With her money, I would not have made such a figure,” “She would not have achieved this without her lovers.” The intonation and content of these phrases indicate that the interlocutor is jealous of the person being discussed.

Envy is an incentive for self-improvement

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that below we will not talk about envy, “black as night,” which can really push a person to unseemly acts, but about ordinary, everyday envy, which every person has experienced at least once. For example, you are struggling with some document, the work is going very badly, and at this time in the next office you hear laughter, the clinking of cups... They drink coffee and talk, but you just can’t cope with the matter. Isn't that a reason for envy?

Or you’ve been going to the store for the second month to look and try on something you like. There is a catastrophic lack of money, this thing simply won’t wait for a sale, but you, stubbornly torturing yourself, go to this store. And suddenly you see your dream on an accounting employee. It is clear that now, even if you are given all the money in the world, you will not buy it. But a worm of envy begins to stir in my heart: why exactly did she get “my” thing!

Here's another reason to be envious. Having met a former classmate, you find out that her son is a champion in some sport, as well as an excellent student and speaks (this is in the fifth grade!) two languages, in addition to his native one. How can you keep this nasty feeling here: your own is only good, is not interested in sports, and he was kicked out of the choir and dance studio due to a complete lack of hearing. And there are a huge number of such examples.

It is clear that in none of these cases are you going to subject your “rivals” to a painful death, hate them for the rest of your life and build various intrigues for them, too. But envy of their success, even for a moment, visited your heart! And what to do with it? Hate yourself? Or turn envy from a disgusting feeling into a faithful assistant, a kind of bell that will warn you that it’s time to change something in your life, to make efforts to correct the situation, to improve it.

Be honest with yourself

First you need to honestly figure out why you experienced envy. In a situation, let’s call it “document-laughter-envy”, you became annoyed that others were resting when you were forced to work. What’s stopping you from taking a break for a while, resting a little, relaxing with a cup of coffee, and getting back to work? You don't have time! Why do others have it? There are two answers here.

  • The first is that you have taken on a large amount of work because you want to earn money, to please your new boss, because you are sure that this is the only way you can achieve the next promotion.
  • The second option is that you didn’t complete the work on time, like the others did, because you work slowly, are constantly distracted, you have to redo the same thing several times because you don’t know how to work (the main thing is to admit this to yourself).

In both the first and second cases there is no reason to envy.
Everything is in your hands, you and only you can change the situation: give up a high salary or ambitious plans for the sake of free time, mobilize and do everything on time. The latter is very difficult to achieve, but possible. Tell yourself honestly, as a kind of af. Of course, in a situation called “I want a dress,” you won’t console yourself with such conclusions and you won’t erase envy from your heart. But there is a way out!

  • Firstly, you saved money, which is already worthy of praise, so use it wisely: save it for a vacation or for a more expensive purchase for your loved one, for example, jewelry. Believe me, they will pay much more attention to it than to another dress.
  • Secondly, now look carefully at how it fits on the accountant: her figure is good, but the dress, it turns out, wrinkles a little in the front, and quickly wrinkles on the sleeves and hem. Yes, you're just great for not buying it. Now you can walk around and look for something more interesting, taking into account your previous experience in choosing a dress. You see, envy has taught you to be more careful about the objects of your dreams.

In a situation with a child, of course, attempts to squeeze out envy are of a completely different nature. Of course, it’s annoying to hear that someone’s child is better, smarter, more talented than your own child. "It is not true! We love our children! " - shouts half of the female audience. Unfortunately, this is the honest truth! No matter how much we love our child, no matter how much we forgive him for all his shortcomings, we want him to become better. And therefore, talking about other children, successful and talented, is not very pleasant for us.

But the idea expressed by half of the female audience is absolutely correct - children need to be loved. Love them and admire them, even if they are not young prodigies, polyglots and geniuses, but the most ordinary children. Think about the fact that it is these “ordinary” children who are the most loyal friends. They always have time to help you, just walk with you in the park. They enjoy communicating with their peers, play with their younger brothers and sisters, have pets, that is, they learn to be kind and sympathetic. And they do not suffer from “star” disease at all.

Turning envy into motivation to achieve goals

Ask yourself: what have you, as parents, done to make your child successful? How many times have you refused to go on a visit, to the cinema, to a cafe? How many times have you and your child sat until late at night over textbooks and encyclopedias - and not because they assigned homework, but because you are interested in it and want to instill this interest in him? How many times did you take him to sections, clubs, theaters and exhibitions? And who is to blame then? And you should not envy, but correct mistakes, help your child become successful.

Many will indignantly say: “It’s not that simple!” Perhaps, but, analyzing each situation, you will again come to the same conclusions. Your classmate became the director of the company - and you had fun during your student years with friends; she didn’t sleep at night, cramming foreign languages ​​- and you, dancing in clubs. Maybe once in her youth she envied your carefree life, and she had to achieve everything herself.

Are you already thirty, and your job is unpromising, boring and does not bring a good income? So let envy drag you along like a guard drags a prisoner: textbooks, second education, new prospects.

Your former next door neighbor, bespectacled and a “nerd,” has become a famous writer, and now his portrait can be found in magazines, and numerous interviews can be seen on television and heard on the radio. Who stopped you from sitting at your books? Who is stopping you from writing a novel or at least a couple of articles for a magazine now? Are you jealous of his popularity? Let envy force you to act, develop, look for new interests, and open new horizons in your life!

Feelings cannot be good or bad. It all depends on how we perceive them and what conclusions we draw. When experiencing feelings of envy, draw the right conclusions!

How to deal with envy

What to do if strangers are jealous

Envy is inherent in everyone. If the opinion that the grass is greener in your garden belongs to a stranger, then do not be upset. You are unique; There are many people in the world, and it is absolutely impossible to impose your thoughts and feelings on another person. Just as you cannot convince someone that you live no better than they do (especially if this is not true).

If a person who is mired in his grievances against others is smart enough, then he can turn envy into a desire for self-improvement. And if not, then you cannot help him in any way. Unless they make you disliked again for your achievements and successes. Therefore, do not pay attention to others, but just go towards your goal.

How to behave when the envious person is a relative

But if a person close to you experiences envy, it is simply necessary to fight it. Firstly, it will be easier for you to communicate with a relative, friend, acquaintance. And secondly, life will become much easier for him if he gets rid of the annoying drawback. How to eradicate envy? To do this you can:

  • Minimize all stories about personal achievements

This method is perhaps the most effective when the first sign of envy is visible - sadness or an annoying smile. However, this method is rarely used by anyone. Firstly, it is very difficult to remain silent about what you have finally achieved. Secondly, we rarely attribute envy to our loved ones. It seems to us that all his congratulations are sincere, and the mood was spoiled by the very headache that the interlocutor refers to.

In fact, his painful state is a reaction to your triumph. Therefore, watch for the change in facial expressions on your loved one’s face when you talk about personal achievements. If you see that a loved one, listening to you, is struggling with himself and his feelings, try not to mention any joyful event in front of him. Accept other people's envy as a disease. You don't touch the wound before it heals, do you? Show tact here too.

  • Invite a loved one to achieve the same result

Did your friend like the new car? Tell me the address of the car dealership and the bank that provides loans for the purchase of a car. Let him ride the same one! But still, be careful, female envy is more powerful and destructive. Representatives of the fair sex rarely rejoice at the success of their friends.

  • Tell us about the shortcomings of your achievement

How to deal with envy if your sister looks longingly at your new dress? Complain about poor fit and high synthetic fiber content in the fabric. Just don’t get carried away with listing the shortcomings, otherwise a person may have a question: if this thing is so bad, then why did you buy it?

None of the tips help? There is reason to think. Are you sure that this person is really close to you?

How psychologists explain envy

From a psychological point of view, envy is a certain human reaction to events related to the environment. Most often, this is an inadequate reaction, since all people cannot be exactly the same. Pleasant and unpleasant events happen in everyone’s life, regardless of our desire. The envious person is focused on the successful moments of those around him, thereby proving to himself the feeling of his own inferiority and insolvency. Learning to control the feeling of envy is simply necessary, as it poisons life and prevents you from breathing deeply. A person will not be happy until he completely eradicates it.

The main reasons for this feeling

Indeed, envy has its reasons. By identifying the source of the problem, you can eradicate it completely:

  • High or low self-esteem. It is important to understand your real capabilities and evaluate them objectively. If a person puts himself above his colleagues, friends, acquaintances, of course, he is convinced that he should be richer, more successful, more beautiful than them. But life has its own plans for everyone. Go your own way, focus on your successes, be grateful to fate for them. The same advice for people with low self-esteem. Value yourself, focus on what you have already achieved, don't chase anyone, compare yourself only to yourself.
  • Deprivation. During childhood, a person may experience a lack of parental attention, love and care. This has a big impact on character formation. As a result, a person reacts to other people's goods as if they were taken away from him.
  • There are no goals or desires. There is nothing to strive for, there is no need to set goals, but it is interesting to observe someone else’s life. Other people's successes do not bring pleasure and one can only envy them.

How to overcome

You need to learn to control your feelings

  1. Eliminate the factor that irritates you. If you have a friend or colleague who deliberately brags about his victories in order to provoke the other person into negative feelings, you need to avoid him. So, for example, a thin woman begins to ridicule her plump figure, due to which she tries to assert herself. In essence, such people are poor in spirit.
  2. Work on yourself. There must be an understanding that each person independently creates his own destiny. There is no need to blame others for your failures and losses. If you experience a feeling of envy, you need to pull yourself together and direct all your efforts towards achieving your goals in order to receive spiritual satisfaction.
  3. Learn to control your feelings. Do more self-analysis.
  4. Work on your self-esteem. The main thing is to try to find a middle ground when there is normal self-esteem, and not underestimated or overestimated.
  5. Analysis of another person's life. Realizing that success stories are not always true, sometimes it is an attempt by someone to present themselves in a better light to colleagues and friends.
  6. Adding bright emotions to your life. Doesn't mean you have to do extreme things. Just make your life more diverse.
  7. Meditation is a way to get rid of accumulated negativity.
  8. Reassessment of priorities. It is important to learn to appreciate what you already have.
  9. You need to try to realize yourself in a profession or in a family. This way you will give yourself more strength and optimism.
  10. If you cannot overcome a negative feeling on your own, you need to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

How to stop envying people: psychology of thinking

  • To get rid of this unpleasant emotion, you need to understand its original source. Envy is an angry emotion caused by a feeling of injustice. It seems to you that someone got what you deserve. You shouldn't give in to such thoughts. They blind and deprive you of joy. You should be happy about your own achievements.
  • If you are not happy with something in life, take active action and change the situation for the better. Then there will simply be no time left to envy.
  • Learn to be content and grateful for what you have. After all, it is the feeling of dissatisfaction that becomes the basis of envy, which can seriously ruin your nerves and even relationships with others.
  • Direct your energy in a positive direction, let this force become creative. Life will be filled with new achievements that you can be proud of, and not even a trace of envy will remain.
  • To stop envying people, you need to focus on your own life and actively engage in interesting, useful things.
  • Learn to accept other people's successes. If someone is lucky, rejoice with that person. And learn from him. Let his experience show you the path to your own success.

Councils in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox religion, envy is one of the terrible sins and passions that violate peace of mind.

Priests compare envy to a worm that eats away a person and his peace from the inside.

There is a parable about a Greek king. He wanted to know which passion was heavier: love of money or envy, and invited two subjects. One money-lover, the second an envious man, and ordered them to ask him for whatever they wanted, provided that the second one who voiced his desires would receive a double “portion” of what the first one said. After much bickering, the envious one had to say something. He thought for a long time and asked to gouge out his eye so that the other one could have both of them gouged out.

Important! Jealousy and desire for competition, passion are called in Orthodoxy the first signs of envy. The church calls the reason for this state temptation and pride, departure from religion and the path of the Lord.

The monks teach us to fight the beginnings of envy and suppress the slightest notes of zeal within ourselves. Prayer, religious processions and pilgrimages help a Christian in this.

Humility and confession are the main tools of believers. Church officials note the importance of good deeds and “warming” the soul.

Happiness and envy

Once you realize that joy is not solely related to your own achievements, your “happiness factor” will increase by at least 10 times.

As with gratitude, “rejoicing” is another way of replacing negative, unpleasant feelings of jealousy and envy with something much more pleasant. The next time your colleague receives good news or your brother wins a prize, rejoice with them.

You will probably be surprised by the result.

5. Stop controlling everything

Some people who are often overcome by feelings of jealousy and envy also have a strong need to control other people and situations. Others, as a result of their jealousy, become more susceptible to the desire to control everyone and everything.

In both cases, letting go of your desire for total control can help you deal with negative emotions.

Ironically, trying to exert control over other people can often lead to the very situation you really want to escape from.

Typology of envy

Quality is divided into two types depending on the degree of aggressiveness and destructive influence on life and psyche:

  • White. Psychologists consider it not only safe, but even useful. This type serves as a kind of motivator and promotes success. For example, a neighbor bought a new car, and you have long wanted to exchange your car for this model. Great, this fact motivates you, and you are already developing a plan for further action in your head on how to earn more. You are willing to work overtime for a good bonus. As you can see, you were happy about your neighbor’s new look and, deep down, you were even grateful that such motivation appeared.
  • Black. You need to get rid of this feeling as soon as possible. It destroys from within. Typically, this type of envy is characteristic of people who are unsure of themselves and their own abilities, unambitious, and with endless complaints about life. The success of other people does not allow them to exist in peace. A terrible anger overcomes them every day. They do not strive for anything, they seem to be content with what they have, but at the same time they are convinced that all people should live like this. No one should have more or better - this is the main principle.

Types of envy:

  • Not malicious. There is no aggression, it is comfortable to exist in society.
  • Vicious. A wild desire to destroy the life of a stranger, depriving him of certain benefits.
  • Depressed. A person feels his own worthlessness, insolvency and total injustice towards him in everything.

You need to stop being jealous anyway.

Don't be jealous: 5 ways to learn to enjoy the success of others

We learn to accept the victories of others with sincere joy and fight the desire to consider everyone around us as our competitors.

Imagine that you have achieved a goal that you have been working towards for a very long time. What do you feel? Definitely joy and happiness. Imagine that someone else has reached it. What will you experience then?

“When you rejoice for others, do not grind your teeth loudly.”

Author unknown.

One of the important life skills that you should learn is the ability to enjoy the success of others. Namely, that someone in their life makes your dreams come true. Because new people come into the business you start and continue it.

Implementing this important skill in your life is not easy, but it is extremely important for personal success. Since people often spend a lot of energy, time and resources on anger, envy and control.

“The more sincerely you rejoice at other people’s successes, the more often you will experience your own good fortune.”

Serge Goodman, poet.

Five tips to love the successes of others and attract good luck to yourself

  1. Remember: success is contagious!

Someone else's example is contagious. Especially if these are stories of real people or companies. Instructive, sincere, life-like and inspiring success stories will help you better understand the essence of business, avoid mistakes and reach the very top.

I felt this very clearly myself. Among professional coaches and in the work of a charitable foundation.

If you have the courage to celebrate someone else's success, you will automatically become part of the winning team. By actively celebrating the triumphs of others, you involuntarily begin to admire and feel involved. When you have an example of something successful and worthy in front of you, your own pride inflames. There is an incentive to achieve success yourself.

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  1. Don't consider yourself a failure next to a successful person.

“Losers never win, winners never give up.”

Napoleon Hill, American journalist and writer, success psychologist.

Model the situation: your colleague has achieved success in the goal you set. How will you feel? What is the first thing you want to do?

The first things that came to mind were whining and phrases like: “That’s it, I’m a loser. I can’t do it”, “This is definitely not mine”? Know what your beliefs say. They don't allow you to move forward.

If your friend received an award, positive assessment or recognition, and you received nothing, this is not a reason to hang your nose. Successful people never mince words or whine about how unfair life is. No one will give you well-being: to achieve it, you have to work hard. And also show initiative and take responsibility. Improve your work, put in the effort. This is the only way you will show that you truly deserve success.

It comes to those who cultivate the consciousness of success in themselves. And failure is for those who mindlessly allow their consciousness to be the consciousness of failure. Understand that if someone can achieve their dream, so can you. This will not make it any less valuable. She will still be yours.

  1. Stop seeing only competitors around.

"Competitors are not enemies."

Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba.

Many people do not want to share their knowledge or experience that they have acquired on the path to success, so as not to “make life easier for a competitor.” They constantly compete with others. This is a big waste of time!

“Constantly compete with only one person—yourself.”

Author unknown.

Firstly, by sharing your experience and knowledge, you will gain recognition from others. Secondly, you can completely impress your competitors with your leadership and communication skills. So much so that they will become part of your team. Or maybe your competitor is the person who will simply change your life forever.

Make an effort. This will show you that you truly deserve success.

Better compete with yourself. Set a goal to exceed your personal bests so you can become a better version of yourself every day. Such competition will definitely benefit you.

  1. Be inspired by the successes of others!

Be inspired by other people's examples, appreciate those around you and learn from them! Noticing what you like about other people is an important skill. Instead of wasting time on envy, analyze the path they have taken. Learn to model the actions of successful people.

But before you follow their path, answer the following questions honestly:

  • How did a person achieve this success? What actions did he take?
  • What obstacles did he have to overcome along the way?
  • What might have had to be sacrificed?

As you answer, you will understand what a colossal amount of work lies behind it all. How many falls there were before takeoff. But these people believed in their goal and, despite everything, confidently moved towards it! Nothing is impossible!

  1. Live in the moment. By enjoying life, you can easily rejoice in the success of others.

Our whole life is a series of small and big successes. It is very valuable to be able to notice this.

You are now reading this article, and this is already a success! This is the wealth given to you by God: you can see, read, learn, change yourself and the world around you! And instead of suffering, worrying about the success of others, enjoy what you have. Accept with gratitude the gifts and opportunities that have been sent down to you by the Almighty!

It becomes possible to be happy for others, as a rule, after putting things in order in your own life. When you begin to enjoy your successes, even the smallest ones, it will be easier for you to perceive the victories of the people around you.

Look at your life. Why not take action now? After all, if you know what you are striving for, what you want from life, and do a little every day, then success will certainly come! Why not challenge yourself and achieve what you want with all your heart?

I believe you will succeed.

How to get rid of jealousy

Repeatedly questioning your loved one about their whereabouts in an attempt to bring them closer to you can lead to them ultimately leaving you.

Instead of wasting time and energy trying to manipulate things that are out of your control (like your significant other's wandering eyes), try focusing on the things that you can control, like the strength of the relationship.

The more you channel your energy into constructive efforts, the closer you will be to a life free of jealousy and envy because you will actually be working towards achieving what you want instead of controlling other people's actions.

Signs of envy

If you still doubt whether envy torments you, pay attention to the following signs of envy and try to find them in yourself.

So, the main signs of envy include:

  • Lack of desire to talk about other people's happiness;
  • Reluctance to have anything to do with other people's successes;
  • Negative perception of other people's successes;
  • The desire to criticize the good qualities of others;
  • The desire to downplay the successes and good qualities of other people;
  • Lack of desire to celebrate other people's happiness;
  • The belief that other people do not deserve their success;
  • A joyful desire to discuss the suffering of other people;
  • Feeling happy when other people suffer;
  • The desire to highlight the shortcomings and failures of other people;
  • The belief that other people deserve the failures that befall them.

Teenage envy

Teenagers are jealous of almost everything their peers have

Reasons include:

  • parents told their child that poverty is normal and wealth is bad;
  • Mom and Dad regularly compared the little one with other children who were better;
  • parents praised their baby too often;
  • the child was forced to share everything he had;
  • taught to be secretive, not to brag.

Teenagers envy beauty, good grades, physical strength, new gadgets, almost everything that other children have. It is important that parents do not miss this moment, do not indulge their child, do not fulfill all his requests on demand. Thus, they will only increase the feeling of envy.

What should parents do to prevent the development of such a bad quality in their child:

  • allow the child to be himself, never compare him with anyone;
  • allow you to make your own decisions;
  • allow the child to rejoice in small successes;
  • show that what you want can be achieved by applying your efforts;
  • allow the baby to do what he loves;
  • teach that you don’t need to compare yourself with anyone, but only with yourself yesterday.

What is envy?

Envy is an unpleasant feeling of annoyance that another is superior in some way.

Some may equate envy and jealousy, but these are completely different concepts. Envy is worse than jealousy. By definition, jealousy carries with it the connotation of being like everyone else and no worse than others. Envy wants others to have nothing better! What feeling do you experience most often? Envy or jealousy?

check yourself

You can ask yourself:

Do you want everything to be fine for you and your neighbors and friends? Or do you want to be life's one and only darling? How do I feel when others receive awards? Was I even willing to do something dishonest to prevent someone else from succeeding? And when my colleague has problems, do I sympathize or rejoice to myself? What do I encourage my children to do - praise others or compete and envy? If a person wants to overcome envy, then this is good and it is possible. Of course, now is not an ideal society and there will always be someone better. But you can learn to look at yourself from the outside and manage your emotions.

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