Emotional burnout. How to avoid this trap?

“It was the third month since I worked under constant overload. I arrived at work 15-20 minutes late. Nobody made any comments to me about this. But it seems that if I were asked to explain myself, I would answer with the phrase popular on the Internet: “Sorry, I’m late because I didn’t want to come.” I didn’t have the strength or desire to get up in the morning, I set the alarm clock “for another ten minutes” 5-6 times. Of course, there was no time to even think about any morning exercises or meditation. I ate lunch at my desk, continuing to type something, and could even talk on the phone. I left work at ten o'clock with a feeling of total failure..."

— Vera, 29 years old, former objections manager

Have you often felt tired and apathetic at work lately? Or have you been experiencing these sensations for a long time, and they never go away? And even after a full vacation, the thought of the office or other usual activities causes anxiety and rejection? If so, you may be experiencing burnout syndrome.

Emotional burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that occurs as a result of prolonged stress and systematic violations of work and rest. [1]

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), this emotional burnout syndrome is classified as a disease with the general name “Problems associated with difficulties in organizing a normal lifestyle” and is defined as “overwork, depletion of vitality.” [2] The process is closely related to work activity, but in its development it can also affect other areas of life: hobbies, relationships with loved ones, health. In this article we will talk about the causes of emotional burnout and how to recognize the signs of this condition. You will learn how not to go to extremes and be a productive employee while remaining a happy person.

What does it mean to "burn out"

Emotional, or professional, burnout syndrome is a psychological problem that consists of a gradually increasing depletion of a person’s energy and indifference to the performance of professional duties. To put it in simple words, a person does not want to work at all, and the usual motivational factors cease to stimulate him.

As a rule, the state of burnout begins with almost imperceptible “bells”, increases gradually, and when it hits in full force, it is quite difficult to correct, and the damage from a decrease in the effectiveness of a particular employee can be expressed in the form of significant “lost profits”.

REFERENCE! The term “emotional burnout syndrome” (“EBS”) was introduced in 1974 by the American psychologist Freudenberger. Today this condition is a recognized medical diagnosis.

Characteristic signs

Nervous breakdowns are possible

Psychophysical symptoms:

  • physical exhaustion, as well as emotional;
  • general asthenia, including changes in hormonal levels;
  • insomnia;
  • dyspnea;
  • constant fatigue;
  • lack of interest in anything;
  • sudden weight gain or severe weight loss;
  • intense headaches;
  • regular digestive problems;
  • lack of fear when a truly dangerous situation occurs;
  • state of lethargy;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • poor perception of the world through the senses.

Social and psychological symptoms include:

  • depression;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • negative views about the future;
  • passivity, complete indifference, depression;
  • severe irritability;
  • guilt, suspicion;
  • hyper-responsibility, fear of one’s responsibilities;
  • constant anxiety.

Behavioral symptoms include:

  • the individual feels that his usual work is becoming too difficult for him, and there is a fear that he will soon be unable to do it;
  • you have to constantly take work home with you, but you can’t do it, even in your own home;
  • there is a feeling of uselessness;
  • a person stops performing important tasks, and difficulties arise even in small things;
  • the individual independently changes his work schedule, arrives early and leaves late;
  • the individual ceases to make independent decisions regarding work;
  • faith in success disappears, the results of work become indifferent.

Signs of burnout

In any job, an employee faces constant stress. If he responds to them adequately and even learns, increasing efficiency, this is a positive reaction. But if there is too much stress, it is too much for a person to bear, or it is aggravated by personal factors, and an adverse reaction to it may gradually develop. A “burnt out” employee is characterized by:

  • increased irritability or, conversely, muted reactions;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • difficulties when starting work or switching activities;
  • the emergence of a negative attitude towards colleagues and/or clients;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • often for no reason bad mood, pessimism, signs of depression;
  • deterioration of health indicators (migraines, pressure fluctuations, problems with the heart and blood vessels, neuralgia, poor sleep, etc.).

Stages of burnout

There are five stages of burnout.

  1. "Honeymoon". The employee is still happy with his place and responsibilities, he is overly active. The first stresses at work appear, it ceases to give him former pleasure, and energy decreases.
  2. "Not enough fuel." A person develops a feeling of fatigue, insomnia may appear, interest in responsibilities disappears, productivity decreases, work discipline deteriorates, a person refuses to perform his duties, and symptoms of aggression and depression may appear. If there is good motivation, a person will work using internal resources.
  3. "Chronic" stage. Chronic irritability occurs, a constant feeling of depression, a feeling of lack of time, health problems appear, possibly gastrointestinal upset, migraines, changes in blood pressure, intimate problems, tachycardia. It is possible to develop dependence on caffeine, nicotine or alcohol.
  4. "A crisis". Chronic illnesses form and a person loses his ability to work. Dissatisfaction with life is increasing.
  5. "Breaking through the wall." Mental state and health problems lead to serious illnesses that threaten the life of the individual.

Stages of burnout syndrome

There are three worsening stages of emotional burnout.

  1. Emotional "elevator". The sphere of feelings experienced in relation to work is undergoing gradual changes:
      the severity of the experience is smoothed out, the feeling of novelty and joy is erased, an internal feeling of emptiness arises and grows despite the external “normality” of the situation;
  2. experiencing less and less positive emotions, not only at work, but also in the family;
  3. internal dissatisfaction grows, you want everyone to be left alone.
  4. Loneliness among people. The internal state begins to break through into professional activity:
      an employee may make unexplained mistakes in tasks that he previously could easily cope with;
  5. the employee begins to experience an antipathy that he himself does not understand towards the people with whom he has to communicate at work;
  6. When communicating with clients and colleagues, tension creeps in, sometimes breaking out in bursts of irritability.
  7. A disease of soul and body. When the problem reaches this stage, it manifests itself not only in internal sensations and behavior, but also in physical health:
      emotions are dulled, significant things are devalued, a person becomes indifferent even to the moments of his own life;
  8. lack of “glitter in the eyes” even while maintaining external respectability;
  9. ailments begin at the physical level (psychosomatic disorders).

Rationale for the program.

In the social service system, social workers occupy a position in which each client expects psychological assistance and support from a specialist. The profession places a number of requirements on a specialist, among which the following are mandatory:

  • competence;
  • good health and conscious, targeted care of one’s physical condition;
  • high self-esteem and confidence in oneself, one’s abilities and capabilities,
  • high mobility;
  • sociability,
  • communication skills;
  • independence,
  • the desire to rely on one's own strength;
  • the ability to manage one’s own emotions and behavior;
  • the ability to form and maintain positive, optimistic attitudes and values ​​both in relation to oneself and in relation to other people, in relation to one’s own professional activities and life in general.

The appearance of symptoms of chronic fatigue and emotional burnout is accompanied by a decrease in the level of performance, decreased self-esteem, a feeling of loneliness, a “vicious circle,” emotional exhaustion, and somatization. The appearance of psychophysical, socio-psychological, behavioral symptoms of emotional burnout is an alarming signal, an indicator of the physical and psychological ill health of a specialist who himself needs professional help from a psychologist.

The proposed program is designed to improve the psychological competence of social sector specialists, to master techniques and methods of self-healing and to help themselves and their colleagues, which will significantly improve the well-being of specialists, increase the efficiency of their work and the quality of service to clients of the Center and other social welfare institutions. The program involves a continuous cycle of meetings within the framework of a permanent regional workshop.

Employees most susceptible to burnout syndrome

Professions are different, the level of stress in different jobs is also different. There are professions where professional burnout, unfortunately, is most often just a matter of time and the specific stress resistance of the individual.

The areas of greatest risk include professions that require close interaction with other people, especially when you have to help people in complex, problematic, emotionally difficult situations:

  • doctors;
  • teachers;
  • psychologists;
  • social workers;
  • emergency workers, etc.

ATTENTION! In fact, SEV can happen to a person in any position. It all depends on the level of stress that a particular psychotype can handle. Emotional, dynamic, energetic workers are more susceptible to burnout than pedantic and thorough ones. And perfectionists are at greatest risk.

Possible consequences

Professional burnout can lead to social isolation and loneliness

If the presence of PV is not noticed in time, serious consequences can develop. The most common include:

  • the appearance of mental illnesses, namely personality disorder, depression, schizophrenic or paranoid thoughts;
  • impaired stability of the emotional state begins to negatively affect communication with other people, conflict situations can be created, and sometimes leads to absolute social isolation;
  • as a result of loss of strength, immunity will begin to decline, followed by health deterioration, problems with weight, gastrointestinal tract, and headaches will begin;
  • indifference to one’s work will lead to a decrease in work productivity, and this will be followed by punishment from the authorities, which will end with dismissal.

Causes of SEV

The main reason - the level of stress that has become unbearable - can be brought into action by various factors. Among them are obvious ones, lying on the surface, and hidden ones, but nevertheless actively operating.

Obvious causes of professional burnout:

  • monotonous, repetitive work;
  • constant deadlines;
  • working closely with people;
  • permanent increase in mental load;
  • suppression of workers' initiatives;
  • lack of prospects for growth and self-expression;
  • difficult situation in the work team and interaction with management.

Indirect factors of emotional burnout:

  • shortcomings in time planning and self-organization;
  • non-compliance with the work and rest schedule;
  • motivational problems (lack of goals);
  • “excellent student syndrome” (the desire to do everything perfectly, resulting in overexertion and disappointment);
  • work in a psychologically “non-ecological” mode (fraud, deception of colleagues, clients and loved ones, the need to hide something or carry out various frauds);
  • work contrary to life's calling.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! All the reasons that cause professional burnout syndrome in an employee in any position can be reduced to one of two factors: emotional exhaustion or professional “ceiling”.

Prevention of professional burnout due to exhaustion

  • Supervision. “Supervision is a collaboration between two professionals (more experienced and less experienced, or equal in experience), during which a specialist can describe and analyze his work in confidentiality.”

It is widely used among psychologists, but why don’t you agree with a colleague and conduct an audit of your work? His fresh perspective and experience will allow you to look at your work from the outside and bring a new stream of enthusiasm to it.

  • Psychocharging

Do it as often as possible. The idea is that each time you do an exercise (whichever one you like best), you say positive statements like “I like everything” or “I’m full of strength.” Alternatively, attend yoga classes: static exercises provide an opportunity to calm the mind, relax and learn to control your consciousness.

  • Journaling

In it you can, as if in spirit, write all your thoughts about work and life in general, thereby freeing your psyche from overload

  • Attending psychological lectures, trainings, webinars,

where you can communicate not only with colleagues, but also with people of other professions

  • Morning meditations

There are no restrictions here. It is ideal if you establish a connection with the Higher principle of life every morning. Deep morning meditation gives you energy and inspiration for work. Alternatively, you can use special meditations, one of which you can listen to and do right now.

Mountain Peak Meditation

And please, keep track of how much you are fulfilling your calling in life, whether you are motivated enough for your work, whether you are learning something new to become more effective in your business, and then preventing professional burnout will most likely not be for you will be needed.
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