If you don't like your new job... 8396 views


Today the idea “my work should bring me joy and pleasure” is cultivated in society. Everyone can do what interests them and get a decent pay for it. In the real world, a different picture is observed. Many people hate their job, but continue to endure and do what they don’t like until the situation becomes unbearable. If an employee is stressed or depressed for a long time, this increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Main reasons

You don’t like your job; it’s not always clear what to do about it. Let's try to figure it out.

Common reasons why you don't like your job:

  • not satisfied with the reward;
  • not satisfied with the team, the work environment, or the attitude of the boss towards his subordinates;
  • the position does not meet expectations or professional level;
  • a person has reached a career ceiling in his niche, but wants to move further up the career ladder;
  • not enough time to live;
  • personal motives;
  • do not like work in principle, a person prefers to do household chores, self-development or his family.

We spend almost half of our lives at work. And if you feel bad there, and the people you work with are unpleasant to you, then you need to stop forcing yourself to work in this place and start taking action. Psychologists recommend changing the type or place of work approximately once every 5 years in order to move on, grow and improve yourself.

What to do if you don't like your job:

  • remain in the same job, adjusting external factors or changing your attitude towards work;
  • leave for a new job;
  • go freelance or start your own business;
  • don't work.

Reason #5: “I'm afraid of change”

Life is too short and your efforts are too valuable to be wasted. So take action, whether you need to change your job or your attitude towards it. Answer honestly the question: “What should you change about your work or the way you do it so that work enriches rather than drains your life?”

And even if your decision leads to temporary difficulties, you will still not regret it. At least you won’t have to count down the days until retirement or wait passively, hoping that everything will work itself out. Take your happiness into your own hands!

Stay in the same place

If for some reason you decide to stay at your previous workplace, then certain efforts should be made for your comfort.

External circumstances are working conditions, salary and relationships with the team. Working conditions, work schedule and wages can always be discussed with management.

Relationships with the team and the emotional environment are also important. If there is no contact with the team, it is worth thinking about how to improve this aspect of the work process. You don't need to start friendly relations, neutral business communication is enough.

If you don't like real work, then you should try to find more meaning in it. This can significantly improve satisfaction levels. Advice from a psychologist: it is worth considering the meaning and benefits of your activities.

If you don't like your job, what to do?

Your job satisfaction is often related to your attitude towards your job responsibilities. Even if you don’t like your job and you work in difficult conditions or do physical labor, you can learn to perceive your work positively. The most important thing is to determine which factors related to responsibilities are paramount, and then focus all your attention on achieving the necessary conditions. If you are afraid of change, try to overcome it.

In order to be satisfied with your work, the following conditions must be met:

  • Acceptable salary. Do you feel that you are being paid a fair, labor market average wage for the work you do?
  • Opportunities for professional and career growth. Do you see opportunities for professional and career advancement within the organization?
  • Team climate. The environment and microclimate in the company do not irritate you, but on the contrary, do you enjoy being in the team and do you enjoy working?
  • Status. Are you satisfied with your official position and position?
  • Supervisor. Do you consider him benevolent and fair?
  • Working conditions. Is your work varied and do you enjoy it? Do you take breaks and rest during the working day?
  • Confidence in the future and social benefits. You are not afraid of losing your job. The money you earn is enough for you, you save and feel satisfaction about it.
  • Career aspirations. Is your job aligned with your career goals?
  • Personal pleasure. Do you enjoy your work?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then you still like your professional activity and you should not rush to change jobs.

Go to nowhere

When resigning, the degree of your financial security is important. If you don't have any savings, you should start making some. With savings, after leaving your old job, you will be able to take your time applying for the first job that comes your way and approach the selection of a vacancy more carefully and thoughtfully. You may need to spend money and time on upgrading your skills or learning another profession to take on a more promising position.

If your current profession is harmful to your health or mental state, it is better not to hesitate and quit. Before you start looking for a new job, you should restore your health and general tone.

What should an ideal job be like?

In the short video that we posted below, the famous journalist and TV presenter of the “Sunday Evening” program Vladimir Solovyov talks about what happens in a person’s life when he likes the work he does.

For most people, the ideal job is one that includes the following:

  • good salary;
  • friendly atmosphere and positive relationships with colleagues;
  • you have the ability to make decisions;
  • a benevolent and fair boss;
  • developed social system;
  • interesting type of activity.

Change job

If the new position seems better and more promising to you than the current one, then the decision to change is easier to make. Discuss with your future employer the nuances that you didn’t like in your old job.

Make a table with the advantages and disadvantages of the old and new work and consider them objectively.

When comparing wages in a new place with your old salary, take into account other advantages of the new profession. The pay will initially be less than the old one, but the prospects for career growth will be much higher.

Signs of a good job

For most people, a good job meets the following criteria:

  • monetary remuneration corresponds to the work experience, qualifications and diligence of the employee;
  • have the right to vote, the opportunity to make decisions when implementing projects;
  • a calm, friendly atmosphere in the team and with management;
  • developed system of bonuses and other incentives;
  • good social package;
  • interest in the work process.

“What don’t you like about your current job?”

However, this is only one approach to answering this question, incorrect and unproductive - it immediately reveals a tendency towards negativity in the person answering, and such people always bring harm to any team. Given that most jobs involve working in a team, you should go the other way and show that your reasons for looking for a new job lie primarily in yourself.

A positive approach to answering the question of why you are not satisfied with your current place of work will show that you are responsible and independent in your actions, and if your current position is no longer satisfactory, then the problem is not in your incompatibility, but in your ambitions, skills and goals, which no longer correspond to the present situation.

So where do you start with your answer? First, you should list the advantages of your current (or past) job, even if the question does not imply this. It is especially good if these advantages are directly related to your future responsibilities in the position. It would also be appropriate to give a positive assessment of the corporate culture in the company of the current (previous) employer and the atmosphere in the team - there is a high probability that here you will find yourself in a similar environment.

Now that you have pointed out all the positive aspects that make you proud, it is time to identify those details that make you need to change jobs. Be careful - you should not immediately list the shortcomings of the organization itself and its leaders, despite the fact that they were certainly present. The safest option would be to say that you continue to set new and new goals for yourself, constantly raising the bar, and at the moment you have achieved everything that you could in this place of work, while maintaining the desire to learn and improve in the most suitable conditions for this, side by side side with the new team.

Finally, in the last part of your answer, it would be wise to mention those responsibilities of your desired position that would help you do this. Yes, this was not part of the question either, but this is exactly the line of thought that will help you gain the employer's interest and approval, and also indicate your interest in the vacancy.

It is possible that after answering the question itself, the interviewer, taking everything you said into account, will continue to be interested in your current or former employer. Perhaps in this case he satisfies the company's interest by collecting information about a competitor. Be that as it may, remember: never talk about an employer, manager or company in a negative way, no matter how much the interlocutor shows you his affection. You never know where your personality test ends, so be kind and correct in your answers until the very end of the interview.

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Go freelance or start your own business

Many workers, tired of the office routine, want to go to the other extreme and start working for themselves. Your line of work allows you to work outside the office or company. You should carefully analyze the freelance market before leaving your main job. The most correct decision would be to start freelancing or open your own business without leaving your old position. Based on the results, after some time, decide whether the new operating mode is suitable for you or not.

Interview question: What do you like most about your job?

Results people strive to complete any started process as soon as possible. That is, people of results tend to achieve results, but may ignore technology. Too much focus on results can lead to incomplete details. Such people usually do not really like writing reports, keeping statistics, or analyzing.

And there are people who are more process-oriented. These are good accountants, clerks, secretaries. Process people are technologically advanced and meticulous, but they may forget why all this is being done. For process people, everything is important. For them, time has no meaning and there are no trifles. They are poorly able to highlight the main thing, so the completion of tasks for this category of employees is usually delayed.

There are people with an intermediate orientation. Both are equally important to them.

A simple way to assess the relationship between process and result is to ask a question. For example:

— What do you like most about...... (depending on the specifics of the type of activity) sales, personnel selection, accounting.


— Describe your work

How to interpret the answers?

If the candidate answers using the perfect form of the verb, this is the result

-What I like most is to convince the client

— What I like most about being an accountant is the submitted balance sheet

If he uses process words, imperfective verbs, it's a process

- I like to convince, plan, negotiate, draw up

-analysis of documents, communication with clients

How to determine whether a candidate is focused on the result or the process is by analyzing the answer to the following question

“Describe a situation when you had to solve a difficult work problem”


“Imagine that you need to give a presentation to an important client. Describe the preparation of this presentation.”

It is necessary to interpret the answers based on the duration and content of the story, the presence of the same words responsible for the process or result, and perfect and imperfect verbs.

Example: “How would you define a good salesperson?”

Process Man Answers Result man answers
Good salesman
Able to find a common language with the client

Knows sales techniques

Uses algorithms to work with clients

Sells well

Exceeds plans

Will sell anything to any client

Able to gain the client's trust

Strives to exceed the plan

Just as in the case of determining the type of reference (link to the material https://www.hrtime.ru/aboutorder.php?oid=15816), there are intermediate options. Therefore, for an accurate determination, we also need to obtain 4-6 indicators in order to accurately determine whether a person gravitates towards a result or a process or is in balance.

What is all this for?

For a person of results, motivation for achieving results, linking payment and non-material motivation to results is very important.

For a process person, the process itself and its content are more significant.

it is important to motivate result people not only for results, but also for compliance with technologies.

It is important to motivate process people reward them for meeting deadlines and meeting key performance indicators.

It can be difficult for candidates to decipher what is hidden behind these questions, which means it is impossible to give a socially desirable answer.

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