Adrenaline or fear hormone. What is this?

Nature has provided several mechanisms in the human body that increase its resistance to stress. One of these devices is associated with the activity of a biologically active substance - norepinephrine (norepinephrine). In situations where you need to defend yourself, act quickly and decisively with minimal personal losses, this hormone is released; it is also called the “rage hormone.”

Signs of adrenaline release into the blood

Every person can find out that the hormone responsible for fear is present in the blood by external signs. Usually they are clearly expressed, they can be observed in moments of fear, stress, when you have to quickly react to a non-dangerous and changing situation.

The release of adrenaline into the blood is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased heart rate;
  • dilated pupils even when a person is in a bright room;
  • improvement of blood clotting indicators;
  • dilation of blood vessels located in the brain;
  • trembling of the limbs (fingers), jaw tremor;
  • constriction of blood vessels in the mucous membranes, skin, and abdominal cavity;
  • involuntary defecation.

Hormone of old age, hormone of anger

We get sick and grow old from anger. And the stress hormone cortisol. It causes stress eating and breaking dishes. It is to blame for wrinkles and early aging. Bodybuilders and fitness freaks hate it - the “muscle eater” prevents you from pumping up and “eats” your biceps and triceps, and inhibits collagen synthesis.

He's to blame for cellulite

and does not allow you to lose weight. “Owls” do not sleep because of it until the first rooster, and women grow old. How does it harm, incl. youth - investigation: short and succinct.

Lifeguard and alarm clock

Cortisol, also known as hydrocartisol, is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. He’s already at work in the morning - peak production is from 4.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. It prepares the body for the rise.

It is important:

participates in lipid volume, salt volume, keeps blood vessels and muscles toned.

He mobilizes resources.

During times of stress, it takes the hit: it reduces glucose consumption, tones the muscles and activates their work, supports cardiac activity, and prevents an increase in blood pressure (blood pressure).

He's a defender.

Its action explains behavior under stress: exploits during military operations, the mother’s rescue of a child, escape from pursuers. Speed ​​of reaction, tripled strength, energy - this is his action.

Unspent Power

And the other side of the coin. If stress is not followed by physical activity, it works against us.

In the absence of physical activity, the level of the “scandalous” hormone does not fall.

A broken plate during a quarrel does not count, just like hitting the table with your fist after a reprimand from your superiors.

The violent reaction is explained by doctors: not a scandalous person - excess cortisol

What is the danger of unspent activity?

caused by stress hormone?

Glucose is to blame. If there is a lack of it and it is impossible to fully break down and go through the Krebs cycle (conversion into pure energy - ATP), it is deposited. Where - in tissues. Forms visceral fat - which is difficult to expel.

Unsplit products of glucose breakdown settle in the vessels - those same toxins, that same vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Is your blood pressure going up? Do not get mad!

And we'll stop by. There is glucose, but the tissues have not received enough of it. The body demands it - and we begin to “eat stress.” Sweet, flour - or just chewing something. This is how the risk of diabetes arises.

Disadvantages of a Rescuer

The protection invented by nature is ambiguous. Its high quantity - see above - is unspent power.

Decreased white blood cell levels and suppressed immunity are part of the harm.

Cortisol provokes inflammatory processes, although it is beneficial. Relieves allergic reactions: many antiallergic drugs are its synthetic analogues.

But it would be better not to participate: it provokes the breakdown of proteins and RNA molecules that form muscle tissue.

And it has a bad effect on the formed one - it breaks it down into acids.

Now it’s clear why people lose weight from anger and nerves?

Athletes hate it for its ability to “eat” formed muscles. This is worse than “drying” - the hormone breaks down protein into amino acids. And inhibits collagen synthesis. Goodbye biceps, goodbye triceps and weeks of work.

All diseases come from nerves

We know that the stomach hurts from nerves. So it is his fault - it provokes the release of gastric juice with high acidity.

Nature planned it this way: the primitives had to fight a mammoth, win, and eat it. Everything is thought out - but we don’t need it anymore!

It also provokes diuresis. Under extreme stress, many people, especially children, experience uncontrollable urges. And in a critical situation, incidents are possible. It's all him.

The malware also disrupts the water-salt balance. We know about this - after stress you want to drink. And the classic - would you like a glass of water?

It causes excess sodium in the blood, which leads to kidney disease. It also increases among lovers (where Othello comes from). But with dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenaline, causing euphoria and a softening “violence of the spirit.”

Goodbye youth

Women have a reason to hate the stress hormone. Inhibited collagen synthesis results in loose, sagging skin and wrinkles. This is fat on the waist and hips, a double chin.

And also

- its excess leads to increased hair growth (hirsutism). It has a detrimental effect on the hormonal sexual sphere - it can cause infertility and amenorrhea.

Have you noticed that loud women are usually fat? That's it - it's all him, cortisol!

It's written all over my face

Doctors call an excess of the hormone in the blood hypercortisolism - Itsenko-Kushigin syndrome. Signs: swollen, puffy “moon-faced” face, obesity, puffiness. Fat deposition on the chest, neck, abdomen - while arms and legs - is within normal limits.

So what should I do?

So what should I do? Doctors recommend not to get angry! Don't get angry, don't waste your emotions. Switch energy into a peaceful channel - give vent to emotions. Lead an active lifestyle, play sports. A culture of self-control - if it does not exist from childhood, is cultivated in adulthood. This is necessary if we want to maintain health and youth.

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Features of the action

Adrenaline is a kind of “guardian” of our body. It immediately appears in the blood as soon as a person feels danger. The release of adrenaline, the fear hormone, kicks off a whole series of complex physiological processes, which ultimately leads to increased survival in extreme situations and an amazing surge of strength and energy.

It is believed that this substance is catabolic, and therefore leads to the production of another similar substance. Another component that appears in the blood during times of danger is the catabolic hormone of fear - cortisol. It helps to activate metabolic processes, allowing you to quickly deliver to the organs the components necessary for intense mental and physical work. At this moment a person may feel unexpected cheerfulness and euphoria.

Various emotions lead to the production of the substance, associated with joy, anger, fear, hatred. If there is too little adrenaline, then the person is not ready to react quickly in a stressful situation, copes poorly with surprises, in other words, he “gives up.”

A distinctive feature is that its effect lasts only about 5 minutes. In medicine, the substance is used for therapeutic purposes (anti-shock therapy) to activate the body's systems.

How to reduce fear?

At the biological level, it is impossible to influence the degree of fearlessness, because the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine is limited by a stressful situation. It is clear that a person is not capable of being in a borderline state 24 hours a day, but you can increase the degree of masculinity through another hormone - testosterone, which is responsible for aggressiveness, leadership, desire to take risks and courage.

Testosterone is produced by the body constantly, so there is a chance to increase the production of the hormone. For example, physical activity with heavy weights, and not just running, becomes a stimulating factor for the start of a “testosterone explosion.”

Psychologists also recommend learning to control your own emotions. In this case, various meditative practices can help, a healthy lifestyle will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and engaging in an interesting hobby can distract a person from negative emotions that affect the development of stress.

Dear girls, today I decided to write you an article about our emotions and what substances are produced by our body. If you understand the biochemical work of our body, you will be able to cope with diseases on your own without drugs.

FEAR is the hormone adrenaline

The biochemical effect of adrenaline is vasoconstriction. If the vessels narrow, ischemia or insufficient blood flow occurs (when the vessel is narrowed and there is little blood). The main symptom of ischemia is pain. Any pain in the body is fear. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, my legs hurt, and all that hurts is fear. Infertility is a lack of blood flow and it is also about fear.

ANGER - the hormone norepinephrine

The biochemical effect of norepinephrine is the flow of blood to the muscles in order to escape or repel an attack from an opponent.

SAD - the hormone melatonin

The pineal gland produces melatonin at night when we are not moving, when we are sleeping. Remember how you cry when no one sees you. You lie down, close your eyes and cry into your pillow - melatonin is produced. Seasonal depression occurs when sunlight becomes scarce. We get up for work - it’s dark, we come home from work - it’s dark, but we move little, a lot of melatonin is produced and we all walk around in sadness.

JOY - the hormone serotonin

Serotonin is a derivative of melatonin. The more we slept, the greater our sadness, the more joy we have, the more serotonin, the higher our life potential. If you suppress your sadness, then automatically you suppress your joy. If we do not allow ourselves to be sad, we automatically do not allow ourselves to rejoice. If we sleep well and deeply, then in the morning we will have high levels of serotonin. What you need to do for melatonin to turn into serotonin: you need to turn on bright lights early in the morning, in all rooms (I’m talking about winter - the fight against seasonal depression), turn on very upbeat music and start moving, do a few simple exercises: raise your arms up and start lifting knees higher than 90 degrees and smile. This will provide you with the production of serotonin, which means joy for the whole day. And if you are sad and want to cry, do not deny yourself this: turn off the light, lie down and cry properly for 10-15 minutes, let the tears flow, because when tears flow in a stream, endorphins are produced compensatoryly. Endorphins are released in our brain; these are our internal opioids, analogues of heroin, morphine, this is our high, an internal drug. Endogenous opioids give us a feeling of hope that everything will be fine.


In reality, the response to stress is the release of a whole range of different hormones. One of the most important in this series is adrenaline. But there is another hormone - norepinephrine, which has a weaker and more limited effect, so it is considered together with adrenaline. The ratio of these components can be different, depending on this, variability in the reaction to fear is possible.

Norepinephrine has a strong vasoconstrictor effect, increases blood pressure, and to a lesser extent affects heart rate and respiration. Its influence makes a person feel collected and ready for action. A large amount of norepinephrine in the blood gives an aggressive reaction to stress.

Prolactin, stress and pregnancy

In women, stress hormones cause increased secretion of prolactin. This hormone is associated with reproductive function. As the concentration of the active substance rises, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, ovulation does not occur, and problems arise with conceiving a child.

Prolactin levels increase during pregnancy. This is a normal physiological reaction, since one of the functions of the substance is to ensure lactation. Hormonal imbalance leads not only to emotional swings, but also to problems with pregnancy, and subsequently, with breastfeeding.

Interesting facts about it

In the twentieth century, it became known about a new concept associated with the knowledge of what hormone is produced during fear. It has become known as the "adrenaline junkie". These people included those who deliberately stimulate the release of the hormone into the blood in order to experience a surge of strength and joy. To achieve his goal, a person commits unexpected and risky actions (jumping from a parachute, getting involved with crime).

It turns out that nicotine can partially block the release of adrenaline, so in smokers the signs of the release of the hormone into the blood may not be so pronounced, and the person himself often feels weak instead of active.


Let's summarize by summarizing the most important facts presented in this article:

  • Norepinephrine is a hormone synthesized from tyrosine and a mediator of the central (CNS) and sympathetic (SNS) nervous systems.
  • It activates us physiologically and is responsible for the fight or flight response.
  • Participates in the processes of attention and motor response.
  • Plays an important role in a number of mental disorders such as depression, ADHD and anxiety disorders.
  • You can stimulate the production of norepinephrine through nutrition by consuming foods rich in tyrosine.
  • Norepinephrine plays an important role in sports and physical activity of the body.

Translated from Spanish by Anna Inozemtseva

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