Sincere feelings - what is sincerity in a relationship? Feelings are sincere


Sincerity is a direct expression of experienced thoughts, relationships, and emotional states.
This concept is used to characterize an individual act or existing relationship. For example, they talk about sincere convictions, interest, joy, love, friendship. In a broad sense, the concept of sincerity is applicable as a synonym for honesty, openness and directness, in a narrow sense it refers to congruence and authenticity.

These terms are associated with the description of a state and behavior in which a person’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes and external manifestations are consistent and consistent.

What is sincerity

Each individual encounters in life personalities who can be called sincere and here, most often, there are positive connotations.

We rarely talk about sincerity in terms of the expression of negative emotions, which, of course, can also be undisguised, undistorted expressions of what is experienced.

This is due to the fact that sincerity as a concept also has an evaluative meaning, since it arose in the context of everyday life to describe the characteristics of a person that are significant for the environment.

When it is implied that someone is sincere, it conveys the idea that the person is telling the truth and also that he or she has a number of positive moral qualities. Within academic psychology, this concept is more often used as an auxiliary concept because it is tightly linked to a positive assessment of a person’s entire personality, which is rarely convenient for research purposes.

There are branches in psychotherapy and psychology for which the concept of sincerity in its positive sense is key. These include positive, humanistic, existential psychology, and client-centered psychotherapy.

The emphasis in these approaches is on the possibility of positive development of a person’s personality, on the assumption of the presence of an integral and universal desire for development, self-improvement, and a harmonious state. In this understanding, to be sincere means to be consistent with oneself in all its manifestations, while also keeping in mind the good of other people.

And the lack of desire to exploit the vulnerability or needs of others, honest interaction with them, guided by an interest in communication and understanding of what is happening, is called a sincere attitude.

At the same time, insincere behavior is not necessarily manipulative or harmful; the norm of politeness is often associated with some dishonesty, secretiveness of feelings, in which the individual still does not seek to use the interlocutor, but only to reduce the likelihood of confrontation developing.

Sincerity in relationships

What sincerity in a relationship is can be characterized by how this relationship is experienced and supported by its participants.

It was mentioned above that a sincere attitude is associated with a certain selflessness, which means that everything that arises in a relationship is experienced and expressed directly.

If a person enters into a relationship without pursuing secondary goals, without material or moral interest, then his attitude towards his partner can be called sincere, but the existing relationship itself will be sincere only if both partners behave openly.

It is often said that sincerity is rather a trait of a person that manifests itself in all situations in which he participates and in this sense, sincerity in individual relationships is only part of a more general tendency to interact honestly with other individuals in general.

Love and sincerity

When talking about sincere relationships, love relationships and friendships are often mentioned. Honesty and selflessness are indeed especially important, because it is close relationships that provide us with the space for open expression of experiences, thoughts, and behavior.

It is in close relationships that a person feels most comfortable and at ease, because he is confident that he can behave as he feels and the people significant to him will perceive this with understanding and acceptance.

We feel secure when we see that others know and value us for who we are.

Love relationships occupy a special place in life, because by entering into them, a person creates his own life situation. The attitude on the part of the partner and our attitude towards him are reflected in how and what we agree on, and what becomes important to us, what changes we make.

Erich Fromm, a philosopher and psychoanalyst, wrote quite a lot about the importance of close relationships for individual development.

His main thesis states that people often enter into relationships without being sincerely interested in accepting or understanding “the partner as he is,” since they have their own expectations from the relationship and, above all, are interested in having these expectations met. Fromm describes two main positions that a person can take in relation to the environment and to his life: “Have” and “Be”.

The first of them is associated with an attempt to become happy and look successful through having things, status, acquaintances, but not necessarily doing what you love or feeling happy.

The second orientation is associated with the desire for self-realization, to look for oneself, to do what one loves, to communicate with people who are pleasant and, as a result, to feel happy, but at the same time it is not necessary to have a lot of money or influential connections.

It is the second option that will be sincere towards yourself and others - to openly choose and do what you consider “yours”, which allows you to live life more fully.

A sincere person, according to Fromm, is capable of being truly interested in understanding another individual and is ready to contribute to his development in the direction chosen by his partner.

The desire to “have” a certain partner and a certain relationship often turns out to be associated with disappointment, since the actual desires of the participants are often not voiced and not realized.

By forming close relationships, we hope to find understanding and acceptance on the part of our partner, a willingness to help achieve our goals and create with us a lifestyle that we would be comfortable leading. But this turns out to be achievable only if our partner is sincerely interested in us and our well-being, just as we are in his.

Being honest and open in relationships means being accountable to ourselves and telling others about how we perceive and experience what happens to us throughout life, about what we are looking for. Of course, we all experience more than just positive feelings.

Sometimes we experience anger and resentment, uncertainty, fear - complex emotions about which our upbringing and reluctance to upset others often forces us to remain silent.

Politeness and consideration for the feelings of others are certainly important, but so is our ability to experience what is happening and process internally or socially the events of our life's journey. And here each of us has to choose for himself with whom he wants to be open.

The meaning of the word sincerity, as we have already seen, is multifaceted. It concerns both openness to our inner content and to the world around us, and an interest in getting to know other people as they are.

In society, sincerity is valued as honesty and selflessness, but is limited by the rules of good manners, the requirement to be careful not to hurt the feelings of other people.

For interpersonal and especially love relationships, sincerity is important as a favorable basis for establishing real understanding and mutual development of partners.

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How to create sincere relationships?

Just recently I discovered a new level of sincerity. For me, this discovery turned out to be incredibly important... How to create sincere relationships?

First of all, this article is for those who already have a fairly warm, sincere relationship with their spouse. For those who want to develop further... And dream of discovering new opportunities.

The book “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie helped me. A very useful book - it teaches you to accept yourself, your life and everyone around you. I will not retell her ideas, I will reveal only one point... Sincerity.

Yes, I already wrote on this topic in the article “On the Power of Sincerity.” But it was completely different... There they were talking about the initial stage of development of relations.

Here I want to show how every day we unknowingly lie to each other , although we consider ourselves absolutely honest.

We believe that we are well-mannered people who respect other people's feelings. We believe that relationships need to be worked on, and this work lies in the ability to gently resolve controversial issues, in the willingness to endure and give in.

Yes, relationships need work. But work is a desire to constantly tell the truth . And nothing but the truth. And not only speak, but also radiate the truth.

That is, we must stop constantly lying with our gestures, facial expressions, looks... How does all this happen?

We don't understand how to create genuine relationships because we don't notice our own lies. Imagine that you don't want to communicate with your spouse. Yes, this happens to absolutely everyone, and you need to be able to admit it...

You may not want to communicate for various reasons: you are simply tired and want to be alone, or you need to work, or you want to finish reading an interesting book, or you simply do not feel the desire to communicate with your husband for no reason. Admitting to yourself that you are not happy with your husband is already a feat...

How can you explain this to your beloved spouse? At the same time, your spouse starts a conversation with you kindly and does not want to leave the room... You will be lying if you pretend that you are ready to maintain communication. You will lie, even if you deliberately pretend that you are very busy, reluctantly maintaining a conversation. Moreover, you will lie even if you very gently hint at how busy you are.

Or say that you want to be alone, but from a veryfar... Sincere relationships exclude hints. Eliminates the need to speak a thousand words instead of one sentence... Yes, you must respect each other. But respect is precisely manifested in speaking about everything directly.

You respect your husband, so you don’t think that he might misunderstand you, be offended, and so on... What is the best answer to your spouse if you want to be alone for no reason? Cover up with some business? No. It’s better to just say: “You know, I really want to be alone now. Please leave me alone in the room . All. Nothing more is needed.

Of course, this is only one of a million situations where we tend to lie to each other. Perhaps you know how to be honest in this situation. But you lie regularly in other circumstances.

For example, you pretend that you are very happy about some kind of gift (perhaps the very fact of giving will please you, you should also pay attention to this), that you did not notice your spouse’s lateness (and everything is boiling inside you), that you like his unusual creativity ( no matter poetry, music, painting or culinary masterpiece).

How to create sincere relationships if we do not respect other people's opinions and do not compromise?

Do you think this approach excludes compromises and respect for other people's opinions? No, absolutely not! The desire to tell the truth does not mean that now everything should be just the way we want! The desire to tell the truth means that we do not hide our emotions and our desires . We understand that our partner may do things we don't like. And we understand that in many cases we must allow him to do this. But we do not accumulate negativity by internally protesting and swearing.

A typical example from my life. My husband does sound engineering, sometimes playing his music through speakers rather than headphones (of course, this is all correctly called differently, but I write for ordinary people). This music annoys me. What to do? You can remain silent, holding back your irritation.

You can start making trouble, demanding silence. Or you can just calmly say about your feelings - “This music annoys me.” To which my husband calmly replies: “I’ll turn it off in two minutes, I need to check.” All. The conflict is over.

I calmly expressed my emotions (I haven’t had time to accumulate negativity yet, so I don’t even want to start a scandal). The husband answered calmly. He showed respect for my feelings, I showed respect for his work. The most amazing thing is that after such a conversation, the unpleasant music ceases to irritate.

If I had remained silent, I would have been internally furious all these two minutes, and then my tension would have spilled over into some other situation.

Why are we afraid to create sincere relationships?

We are afraid of hurting someone else's feelings. It is important to understand here that by moving to this level of sincerity, when everyone tells the other everything they think and feel, we become above petty grievances.

When we get used to telling another: “Sorry, I don’t want to talk to you right now,” we stop being offended by: “You know, I don’t like your cutlets.” But when the cutlets are really successful, we hear sincere compliments and believe these compliments...

Because this is real praise, and not a simple routine phrase based on the principle “just not to offend.” And in such sincerity lies great respect for your spouse...

If you are still afraid to tell the truth... Ask yourself why you are lying . Most likely, the answer will come: “For the sake of maintaining peace and harmony in the family.” Now you need to understand one simple point...

Whenever you lie, you accumulate negativity. And then it will definitely come out. In the form of irritation with your husband or children... Perhaps you can take it out outside the family. To colleagues, to friends...

For what?

When you lie, you think you are maintaining harmony in the family. But that's not true. On the contrary, you destroy harmony. Not only do you block the path of sincerity... But then you lose your temper and create a scandal out of nowhere. Are such scandals a sign of harmony? Do they strengthen the family?

What did I do after I learned how to create genuine relationships?

On paper everything is smooth... But how to implement all this in practice? Does this model of relationship really improve the atmosphere in the family?

Yes, my experience confirms this. Of course, you shouldn’t think that you will suddenly suddenly start telling each other the truth. I discussed the topic of creating sincere relationships with my husband... He supported this idea, albeit with some caution...

In fact, everything turned out to be not so scary! Indeed, when you yourself strive to speak openly about your feelings, you stop reacting painfully to any criticism in response! Many issues have become much easier to resolve... And relationships have become deeper... The most difficult thing is to notice when you are lying .

And it’s very cool when my husband points out my dishonesty: “What is that dissatisfied voice again? Tell it like it is!” Or “You're lying again! You don’t want to go there!” I am very grateful to him for his support!

Perhaps there are still situations in which it is impossible to tell the truth. But I haven’t noticed such people yet... The main thing is that the other person supports the idea of ​​sincerity!

Let's develop sincerity! And create truly strong, sincere relationships!

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Is sincerity necessary in relationships?

Sincerity in relationships, how necessary is it? Is it worth telling your loved one that you don’t like the tulips that he gave you yesterday (after all, he gave you flowers in general, such a rarity among men), is it worth saying that you haven’t liked tulips since childhood, but only like roses and cacti in in pots?

What about saying that you can’t watch action and horror movies because you can’t sleep at night? Won't your boyfriend love and respect you less after such frankness?

Need I say that you hate shrimp, which he simply adores?

How to behave in a situation when a young man, or even your husband, invites you somewhere, and you are busy at that time? And that’s okay, we can refer to the earlier agreement. What if you just don’t feel like going anywhere? Or don’t you want to go where your loved one invites you? After all, there will be those with whom you do not want to communicate at all due to certain circumstances. Or are you simply not in the mood and dream of spending this evening at home?

Need I say that you love oatmeal, cheese and aromatic green tea in the morning, and not a cup of coffee with scrambled eggs and a piece of sausage?

How to behave if your loved one asks about past relationships with men? Should we be happy about such attentiveness and interest in our lives on the part of a young man, or should we still think about what exactly caused his interest? And won’t frankness on this issue greatly harm the relationship in the future?

And in general, is sincerity necessary in a relationship with a man and where are its boundaries? Should you tell your loved one absolutely everything about yourself, and not just your preferences, or leave some moments in the past and not talk about them?

Of course, sincerity is needed. And it is sincerity, not pretense, not an attempt to look different from who you are.

As they say, the best medicine is prevention. If you don’t want to be stuffed with hated scrambled eggs (rice, buckwheat, etc.) all your life, don’t be given those flowers to which you are allergic (even psychological), if you don’t want all your years together you have been invited to films after which you cannot sleep, then you better tell the truth.

So that it doesn’t work out like with one of my distant relatives. She met her ideal man, they liked each other, but the girl was so insecure that she began to lie to him about everything. He goes in for sports, she said that she would also go to the pool and gym and that she had dreamed about this for a long time (I have known her for more than 20 years, and she always ran away from sports, like ... well, you know, like anyone and from whom). She also decided to “look better” in the eyes of her beloved, lying to him about her taste preferences and so on. I didn’t go into too much detail, but it’s a fact that after a couple of months it became very difficult for her to remember all her lies. She said one thing, in some situations it turned out completely different and it was clear that the young man was clearly surprised by this.

In general, the situation is not easy, and at the same time it was quite obvious that my relative was suffering quite a lot. I don’t know what that young man thinks, in fact, it doesn’t matter now. What is important is how the woman or girl herself feels in such a situation? After all, if a girl is unhappy in such a relationship, then why are such relationships needed at all? After all, the further into the forest, the more firewood.

One lie leads to another and it is no longer so easy to say that you never dreamed of playing sports, that unsalted rice boiled in water does not cause you any delight, and that you are not at all what you wanted seem.

And it’s okay if such relationships do not last long. What if marriage and a long life together? Think about how you can live happily with a person if you have to pretend every day? How can you live with the thought that he loves not you, but the image you invented? How should a person feel if after a few years you “suddenly” cannot withstand such stress and snap? In response to your husband’s calm proposal to go to the theater, cinema or skating rink (the specifics are not important), you will start screaming about how much you hate this theater (skating rink, cafe, forest, cinema, etc.) and that he will never take you there again invited. You will shout that you tried for him, that you wanted to please him, to be interesting to him, and therefore forgot about your soul and your needs.

It may even happen that you accuse your man of your own insincerity. After all, over time, you will forget that it was you who decided not to tell the truth in your relationship with your man, but every year the burden of lies will put more and more pressure on you and it will no longer matter to you who decided what, you can begin to blame your beloved one to everyone. Or just constantly take your stress out on him.

Why is this happening? Why do many young girls decide to tell lies about themselves and what they want, who they really are, what they like and what they don’t?

The main reason for this behavior is lack of self-confidence. A girl or woman thinks that no one will ever love her for who she is, and therefore she needs to lie in order for men to become interested in her. Especially now, in our time, when television and the media propagate the “ideal” image of a woman. And many beautiful ladies simply cannot resist this fictional image. Although it is not even entirely clear who exactly invents this “ideal image”, nevertheless, many girls take it as a basis and try to become someone they are not at all. And okay, if a girl would really dream of becoming as advertised, but the main thing is that a girl or woman wants something completely different, she likes other things, she has different preferences, she is not interested in this, that and that other thing, which is so fashionably presented by advertising.

But she is so unsure of herself that when asked by a young man: “Do you ski?” she enthusiastically talks about how she simply adores skiing and cannot live without it. Although at the same time I haven’t ridden them, and I don’t even know approximately what they look like. But she can’t tell the truth, because now it’s “fashionable to ski”, regardless of whether you really want it or not.

Often, insincerity on the part of a girl results in the fact that at the beginning of a relationship with a man everything is fine, as they say “peace and love,” but after the wedding the girl cannot withstand the daily stress of a fictitious image and becomes different from the person she was before the wedding. Hence the opinion of men that after registration the relationship deteriorates. But, in fact, they don’t deteriorate, the girl just becomes herself, the way she was. And the man married “the other one,” the one she invented. And it’s hard for him to come to terms with the fact that his beloved deceived him. Read the article “Don’t be afraid to say “No, honey, I don’t want to .

If this has already happened, then start at least not immediately, not at once, “surprising” your loved one. Again, if you want to save the relationship. Start talking

the truth smoothly and gradually, so that it does not become painful and difficult for your loved one. Think about how he must feel at that moment when he finds out that you have been deceiving him for several years and that he lived ... and who did he actually live with? Perhaps this is exactly the question he may have if you decide to dot the i’s in one day and at a time.

Let's say that every year your loved one gives you tulips (chrysanthemums, roses, in general, the main thing is those flowers that you don't like) and sweets (or something else), but you don't like this set. But for several years now you have been admiring these gifts, smelling the flowers with rapture, eating with “pleasure” what you don’t particularly like, and spending time in ways you didn’t want. Now you have decided to be sincere, you are tired of pretense in a relationship and you want your loved one to love you for who you are, and not the image you have invented.

Start a conversation a few days in advance about how you want to celebrate March 8th this year? You can even say that you really don’t really like candy (chocolate, gummies, etc.) and that you just didn’t want to offend him, so you didn’t tell the truth.

Tell me what flowers you really love, how you really want to spend the holiday, and what is really a gift for you and what is not.

The best option is still the one when you immediately tell the truth. As I already wrote, your self-esteem and your respect for your beloved self are important here. Respect yourself and your preferences so much that you don’t have the desire to pretend to be like everyone else. If you don’t ski, don’t play the now fashionable tennis, don’t speak 3 languages, and don’t do a bunch of other things, you don’t need to invent things about yourself that don’t exist.

If you don’t want to go to a nightclub or a party where there will be people who are unpleasant to you, you don’t need to force yourself and pretend that you’re “wildly pleased, and you’re happy to dance all night, and go to school or work early tomorrow morning.” "

There is no need to say what is not there and come up with some “super serious” excuses. Just tell it like it is. Even if a man begins to persuade you and convince you that “everything will be great” (that’s the job of men, to push their point of view and defend their position), you don’t need to agree if you don’t want to. Because if you don’t enjoy the event, you will then take your disappointment out on your loved one.

Learn to simply tell the truth and say “no” or “yes”, it all depends on the circumstances. But speak simply like that, without excuses and attempts to seem better than you are. And even more so, never make excuses for what you like, for what you don’t like, and for your desires.

If you don't like someone or something, don't be ashamed of it. Each person has his own preferences and his own views on life. And in order not to dissolve and lose yourself in the huge number of people around us, you just have to be sincere. Perhaps someone will not understand you, someone will leave your circle, perhaps your man will not be yours at all, but this does not mean that you will not meet your man.

In any case, if “your” man likes something that you can’t stand, you won’t be able to be happy with him. If he

loves diving and dreams of exploring all the expanses of the sea with his beloved, and you, like a cat, at any approach to a body of water larger than a bathtub in an apartment, shrink and run away, it is unlikely that your family relationship will be happy. But a landlubber man who, just like you, loves to spend time reading a book or occasionally admiring the ocean in photographs in magazines, with such a man you won’t have to pretend and you have every chance of being happy with him.

So think about whether it is worth wasting your time on deceit and insincerity and trying to be something you are not. Will you miss your soulmate at this moment? Will you miss the chance to meet your man?

Of course, as we have already said, the basis of sincerity is adequate self-esteem and self-confidence. And also self-understanding. If you yourself don’t know what you like and what you don’t, what makes you delighted and what makes you despondent, which people you want to maintain relationships with and which ones to maintain a distance from, then what kind of sincerity in a relationship with a man can you speak? Of course, first of all, understand yourself. But you can read about this in detail in the article “How to understand yourself?” in the Happiness section Personal growth on the Sunny Hands website

The only thing I would like to warn you against is not to confuse sincerity and the desire to hurt a person. If you are honest about yourself, that's one thing. If you decide to act as a kind of woman who tells the truth about other people, think several times, is it necessary to do this? After all, the truth can greatly hurt a person. You won’t tell a sick person that he is sick and will never be cured? Firstly, there are enough miracles in life and sometimes incurable diseases are cured. And secondly, he knows everything without you and the extra “truth” is unlikely to make him happier.

I think the general principle is clear to you. Take care of yourself and your life, increase your self-esteem and become happy.

Now let’s briefly talk about whether you should tell your current partner about past relationships. After all, it seems to be true too. But here many people, especially young girls, often make the main mistake. They tell their boyfriend everything about their past relationships, and often after this their relationship with their loved one deteriorates. Do not confuse sincerity about yourself, about your desires, about your preferences and the desire to tell and brag to your current man about previous young people.

Don't share anything from the past that relates to other men. There is no need for the past to interfere with your present. Whether you were hurt or happy, what kind of men and what kind of relationship you had with them, how many years and with whom you lived, and so on. Even if your man asked about it, you shouldn’t tell him anything. Don't think that the more you tell him about your past relationships with men, the better it will be for your present. If you plan to live happily ever after, to live all your remaining years together, in joy and love, in this case it is inappropriate for the past “skeletons” to interfere with your present and future. Everyone has a past, a past that no longer needs to be remembered. And even more so, you should not discuss past relationships with men with your current partner.

Including, do not ask your man about past women. For what? What will this give you? That you will be tormented and jealous, inventing and inventing for yourself something that never happened? What happened, happened. The only reason you can ask a man about his past relationships is only to understand how this man treats women. If he even starts throwing mud at your superficial question, blaming his ex-woman (wife) for everything, saying how “correct, but misunderstood” he is, in this case you should run away from such a “correct” person as fast as you can without looking back.

If a man answered your question about past women superficially: “Yes, they were. But what happened, happened. Now I only have you” - you shouldn’t give him a “biased interrogation” and constantly ask him about “Which one? Is it better or worse? What about hair color? Why did you break up? Where, what, how, why, etc.” — you don’t need all this. You got a normal guy, he doesn’t blame women, but he doesn’t want to talk about the past. And you shouldn't tempt fate. Read about why men don’t want to talk about past relationships in the article “Should we talk about past relationships?” on the Sunny Hands website.

In general, work on your self-esteem, accept yourself first and foremost, and then you will not have the desire to lie and pretend, pretend that you are different, more “fashionable, cool, etc.” You will be comfortable with yourself as you are, you will become sincere and open, and this will have a beneficial effect on your relationships.

If you still have questions, you can get advice from the author of articles and books, A. Guy. Click on the link to find out more.

Article protected by copyright and related rights. When using or reprinting material, an active link to the women's website is required! Sincerely, Anastasia Gai.

A man's sincere feelings: how to understand?

Relationships between people have many of their own characteristics, and it is not always possible to correctly interpret the behavior of another person. This is especially true for relationships between a man and a woman.

Very often, difficulties arise due to the fact that a woman does not understand the seriousness of a man’s intentions.

Does he have sincere feelings for her or is he just having a good time? Let's try to figure this out.

A man and his behavior

Not every woman understands how a man works. They think completely differently and often do not talk about their feelings. But if a man experiences real, sincere feelings, this will certainly be reflected in his behavior. There are four most common signs by which you can determine what the object of your sympathy is truly experiencing:

  • When a man really loves a woman, he strives to spend as much time with her as possible. In order to stay longer with his chosen one, he will find not only time, but also a reason.
  • Actively shows tenderness and care.
  • Does not ignore requests, even the most insignificant ones.
  • You can hear from his friends that in company, in the absence of the lady of his heart, he becomes more withdrawn.

Signs of falling in love

If a man is in love and has truly sincere feelings, then you should take a closer look at how and what he dresses. There is a misconception that only women like to dress up. When a man is in love, he will change his usual, comfortable clothes for more stylish and fashionable ones in order to please his chosen one.

The second sign of falling in love betrays a man with his head. He cannot take his eyes off his beloved, especially when he thinks that no one can see him. A man will admire his woman, and if he notices that he has been caught in this “crime”, he will immediately look away.

A man’s sincere feelings are especially evident when his beloved needs help. It doesn’t matter what the nature of the problem is: emotional, financial, physical or any other, he will certainly offer his help. But if he is simply observing from the side, then it is worth thinking about further continuation of the relationship.


Sincere feelings of partners are often manifested in communication. When a man enjoys communicating with a woman and spending time with her, this is a good sign. As you know, guys love to talk with those they are interested in and like, especially if it is a person of the opposite sex.

A man in love will certainly want to discuss some event or news with his chosen one. He will be pleased to tell his woman some story. events that happened to him in life, especially those that took place when the woman was not with him.

At such moments, the man speaks very emotionally and confusingly.

But if he speaks smoothly, too smoothly and as if he was rehearsing his speech at his leisure, it means that his feelings are not entirely sincere.

When a guy loves, he doesn’t choose pompous, literary words in a conversation, but says everything as it is.

A person in love feels relaxed in a conversation and will use the same expressions as in a circle of friends. And of course, he will avoid obscene language.

Mood and going out

Sincere feelings or not can be determined by observing a man’s reaction to the mood of his chosen one.

If he is happy when his woman is doing well, then he really has deep affection for her.

When he gets irritated, if his lady is not in the mood, then there can be no talk of a healthy and strong relationship. A guy in love will do everything to make his chosen one feel happy.

A man in love will always take a girl with him to all kinds of events and parties, meetings with friends. This is the simplest answer to the question: “How to understand whether he experiences sincere feelings or not?” If a man likes to appear in a circle of friends and acquaintances, accompanied by his chosen one, this only says one thing: this girl is not just another temporary hobby.

Money, love and sex

You should also not be fooled by how much money a man spends on his lady. This is the most common female mistake that everyone needs to be warned about: if a man spends a lot of money on his companion, this does not mean that he has sincere feelings, love and affection for her.

The law is simply that if a man has money, then he simply likes to spend it to show others that he is wealthy. And there is not even a hint of high and pure feelings. There has never been and never will be a connection between finance and love. If a guy gives expensive gifts, it just shows that he has money and wants to spend it.

There is no need to confuse consistency with sincerity.

Intimate relationships play an important role in the lives of lovers. Of course, everyone has long known that to satisfy their sexual hunger, guys can start short-term relationships with girls and later leave them without regret.

If a man in a relationship is only interested in sex, do not deceive yourself - this is not love at all. After all, love is not only intimacy.

Anyone who really has sincere feelings for a girl will wait patiently until his beloved is ready to spend the night with him.

Sincerity among women2

Friendly relationships between girls last only as long as there are common interests.

Scientists have identified two types of friendships between women: short-term and long-term. Where the first arises in the process of working together, and the second is built on mutual passions and lasts for many years.

Since ladies are characterized by hypocrisy and envy, at any opportunity they will denigrate their friend behind her back, smiling sweetly in her eyes. This often happens when both fall in love with the same object of desire. Many virgins became enemies with the appearance of the opposite sex. Competition plays a major role here. They use all natural tricks and tricks to win the attention of the chosen one.

Young ladies are capable of plotting, setting up, lying if they have seen the success of their girlfriends. This happens not because they are cunning, but because the survival instinct is triggered. Usually, openness between girls can turn against one of them. For example, one constantly tells the other all the news about herself and her husband or complains about home life. One day you might get stabbed in the back because of this.

Real female affection can last for many years over a long distance. During rare meetings, they will share pressing matters, chat all night, and leave in the morning, without thinking about the bad. But even in such circumstances, wise beauties prefer not to be frank.

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