How not to be greedy and wasteful?

Many adults can remember situations from childhood when they did not want to share their favorite toys or candies with friends, brothers and sisters, and because of this, quarrels often arose with other children. From an early age, children are usually taught the idea that being greedy is bad, that no one loves or recognizes greedy people. Some people lose this controversial quality as adults, while some retain it and even develop it. Is it good to be greedy, why? greed is it considered a vice? How to get rid of greed?

Some parental mistakes in raising a child lead to the development of such character traits as greed. Psychologists note that those who in childhood were seriously punished for displaying this quality, scolded, and forcibly forced to share their favorite things, toys, and sweets with others, become greedy. Parents most often do not understand that for a child to give away something of his own, loved and dear, means to tear off part of his being from himself. Children perceive their favorite things as an integral part of themselves, so they should not be forced to give anything. The child shares with those he trusts and who are close to him. Very often people who grow up in dysfunctional families become greedy. Since childhood, such children know only one model of behavior - constant saving, the need to protect, save, save in order to survive. Sometimes an adult who grew up in such a family, even after he gets rich, saves on every penny; for him, this saving turns into a mania. Greed is also born in people due to lack of confidence in themselves, in the future, due to the instability in which they find themselves. Therefore, it is important to know how to become confident.

Greed as a phenomenon

Greed is the desire to possess certain goods that no one can encroach on. This is a desire to protect value (it is perceived as the main goal of existence, work) from the surrounding world

. The stronger the feeling, the more clearly the defensive reaction manifests itself: the person shows aggression or experiences severe fear.

Stinginess, as a reluctance to share, has several manifestations:

  • a person withdraws into himself (he protects his wealth from any outsider);
  • the personality is fixated on accumulating or preserving this benefit;
  • the behavior of the individual changes when it comes to spending or the need to share something, she shows her worst character traits.

The essence of stinginess is the desire to get something that the human psyche perceives as good. Something of value, even if others do not perceive such an object in that way.

Signs of a greedy man

  • Have you ever noticed that a man takes great pleasure in spending money, but only if he gets something out of it? He can pay for dinner at an expensive restaurant, but only because he likes to go there. He can buy expensive wine because he loves it. He can even pay for your tour, but he will do it not for you, but for himself. And you will be like an additional application to his pleasure. It is important to understand these points: is a man spending money on himself or on you?
  • Greedy does not recognize and does not understand why give gifts if there is no reason for it; he will give flowers exclusively twice a year: on March 8 and on your birthday. He believes that spending on pleasure is useless, you need to invest money wisely.
  • When the conversation turns to spending or finances in general, he immediately begins to remember his past merits, how he used to have a lot of money, that there were different times, and how wastefully he handled money. That is, he will remember all the moments when he HAD them and when he spent them, but he will not mention what to do now to improve his financial situation.
  • Wherever you go, he will comment on the cost of this or that thing and complain about unreasonably high prices. In a restaurant, he will also mention in some form, even jokingly, the cost of the dishes.
  • He keeps track of all the discounts, knows where and what is cheaper. He will always buy things only on sales or promotions. Moreover, if he buys something cheaper, he will be immensely proud of himself and be in a good mood.
  • He is very reluctant to spend a lot of money. He always has a limit in his head, a ceiling on the amount for purchases, and with further spending his mood will deteriorate, he will begin to get nervous.
  • He loves to collect things; collecting is his passion and hobby.

We suggest you read the Plot to make a guy miss you and think about you

Of course, you need to be able to distinguish when a man is truly greedy and when he is simply rational. If you need a car to conveniently get to work, and you want expensive jewelry, and a man makes a choice in favor of comfort, then this is not greed, but a manifestation of his care for you.

It is very difficult for a man with pronounced masculine energy to spend money on unnecessary things. He prefers to plan his budget and spend money wisely. But such a man can hardly be called greedy.

But if a partner, in principle, cannot spend money on pleasure, but only pays for useful things, then he is unlikely to give you the emotions and attention that you will most likely need greatly when you are next to him.

If you do decide to try this, here are some tips.

  • First, you must be ready to accept a man for who he is. Imagine that he will always be greedy. All life. In this case, will you be able to live with him, love and respect him? If not, then don't even waste your time and energy.
  • If you can, try to identify tasks for a man from the nearest development zone. Be content with what you have, but dream of a LITTLE BIT more. For complete happiness, you need only a little.
  • So, for the sake of this little thing, the man will try to change. But be careful! If your desires are from the category “I want to be a pillar noblewoman,” then in this way you will kill any aspiration in your partner.
  • Create a step in your life that will be easy for him to climb. Don’t build insurmountable rocks that he won’t even try to climb.
  • With a slight difference in mood, let your man understand what you like and what you don’t.
  • Share your emotions generously when receiving gifts. But don’t jump to the ceiling and don’t thank a hundred times for one given rose.
  • Tell him about his generosity towards you. It is likely that he will want to become like this.

If you are too demanding of a man, then perhaps you should reconsider your criteria. But if, on the contrary, you forget about your desires, then learn to appreciate and love yourself.

Learn to see a real man, with his abilities and ability to give. Don’t try to make the king of beasts, Leo, out of a kind and loving cat.

Author - Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

The concept of pathological greed

A person develops; from early childhood, basic character traits are formed. During this same period, the child learns to perceive the world around him. Through parents or close circle, the baby identifies every event, material thing or concept

. The concept of value is formed - this is an object that is valued more than other things. The child not only understands that such a thing should be placed above the rest, but also forms a reaction to the event when the thing is lost.

Parents teach children to part with the good; they set the right priorities: for work a person receives a reward, which he part with if necessary. The pathology associated with greed arises against the background of incorrect perception.

The child does not understand that his reaction is incorrect. He cannot change it on his own, because

j. manifestations caused by mental disorders are perceived as something natural
. A pathological type of greed is a permanent human condition that is associated with complex psycho-emotional reactions. It's difficult to get rid of it.

Black magic: how to punish the offender so that he is crippled in 3 days

Are there more beautiful options for revenge? Still, do not forget that you need to get out of any situation in such a way as not to lose your “face.” Try to do things that are more beneficial for yourself. If a person cheated on you, is it worth fighting for? It is clear that you must decide for yourself whether to continue the relationship with him.

Of all the representatives of the living world living on earth, man is perhaps the most unfortunate. He is characterized by such feelings as analysis and elaboration of committed actions. In other words, if we cause suffering to someone, then the integrity of our soul is destroyed.

It will be interesting to know: How to psychologically influence a person with the power of thought and energy

We are deprived of such people, and those around us understand that they should not have anything to do with us. Wouldn't this be the worst revenge? Perhaps there is absolutely no need to commit any bad deeds, the purpose of which is to take revenge on a once loved one for his betrayal. If he is not a completely lost man, he will soon realize what he has done. And constant thoughts about his offense will deprive him of peace of mind and balance.

It may happen that a passerby on the street, a neighbor on the landing, or a colleague is rude to you. This is a completely different twist. They may not even understand what they did. In an hour, they will forget about the bad deed, and you will remain in an oppressive negative mood for a long time. Are you familiar with this situation?

The rude impulse of a stranger is useless and inappropriate, and your once sunny day now seems dull and dreary. But, if this person is unfamiliar to you, is it worth taking his words so closely?

Of course, it’s unpleasant if a colleague is not correct enough and allows himself to make statements that hurt you. If you nevertheless decide to use retaliatory methods, will they not be to your detriment?

Try not to lower yourself to his level. There is no need to run to complain to your boss or discuss inappropriate behavior with other employees.

  • Just watch your enemy for a while.
  • Take a closer look at how he behaves and what he does. Then it will be possible to understand how to take revenge on the offender; smart ways of revenge exist.
  • Pay attention to whether your enemy “hangs” in the smoking room for too long. Maybe he is new and is trying to gain the respect of others.
  • Monitoring all the actions of a colleague will encourage you to carefully study his work, find all the weak points and see the shortcomings.

Perhaps your proposals will be more successful, the manager will pay attention to them and offer to take a higher position with an appropriate monetary reward. To beat the loser in this way, isn't that your true goal? But how beautifully you will do it, remaining human in such a difficult situation.

You are being annoyed in reality, this is understandable. You can guess what preconditions prompted you to cause trouble in this form. The true picture of what is happening is visible to the naked eye. The situation is more complicated in virtual space. The so-called “trolls” operate there.

Their main goal is to provoke scandalous communication on forums and social networks. Their caustic remarks concern mistakes, external characteristics or upbringing. To stretch the conflict that has arisen over several pages and involve as many users as possible in it - that’s what they are trying to achieve.

It is also better for you to think logically in this situation. Just understand that this is actually their job; in fact, they may be absolutely indifferent to you. Compare such people with a waitress who didn’t answer you politely or with a security guard who didn’t let you into a nightclub. These facts are, of course, unpleasant for you, but not fatal. If the trolls still caused a flurry of negative excitement in you, then it means they coped with their responsibilities.

Try to gather your emotions into a fist and react positively to such statements. If your opponent fails to make you angry, then his actions will become meaningless, and the negative energy sent will not be able to achieve its goal. Answer with humor and irony. You will see that the interlocutor will be taken aback and will not know what to object to you.

Magic offers the most unusual methods of satisfying your vengeful desires. Witches and sorcerers, whose advertisements are full of newspapers and Internet pages, offer you endless opportunities to gain moral satisfaction from revenge. This is a slander, an evil eye, damage, retribution to the offender.

Hoarding in a woman

Greed is the desire to possess something, without which life seems meaningless. Gradually this negative reaction turns into instinct

. A person feels that he must acquire value, otherwise he will not be able to become happy.

He does not think about why such a need arose, which is why the final goal does not justify the means of obtaining it. For women, learning to understand this condition is even more difficult. Unlike men, they are not used to analyzing what is happening.

A woman wants something that will calm her inner anxiety. The object of desire itself is not so important. She cannot part with the value: psychologically she got the thing with great difficulty

. A girl begins to be greedy from early childhood if love, care, tenderness materialize.

This happens when parents try to pay off their child: instead of caring and basic manifestations of love, they shower him with gifts. At a subconscious level, there is a strong attitude that the girl deserves only this

. For this reason, a woman in adulthood tries to get any desired thing, and having acquired it, she fiercely defends the value.

Other reasons for female greed

A woman seeks to protect her acquired wealth if she grew up in poverty. The complex pushes people to inexplicable actions

. The more she can get, the more of this good she needs.

Desires are never fulfilled through one's own means - this is another important aspect of pathological poverty. A woman tries to receive benefits from other people as proof of love or care for her

. A lady with a poverty complex saves because she is afraid to again find herself in the role of a victim, a defenseless girl.

How to punish an offender without harming yourself

Try to keep a cool head and, when you stop, understand whether it will make you feel better if the offender receives a response? If the answer is yes, then maybe you really should take some action.

But in this case, something may happen that will not take long to wait for a retaliatory strike from your enemy.

Stop the hasteIf you have suffered moral pain, it is very difficult to understand how great it is. It is unlikely that you will be able to deliver a similar blow.
Simply doing something nasty is beneath the dignity of any of us.

A fair answer will be more effective. And it requires thought.

Be aware of the possible outcomeIf you get carried away by thinking about how to take revenge on your offender and find clever ways to take revenge, you can do something irreparable. By crossing the line of what is permitted, you will commit criminal actions. Guess who will be worse off from this.
Don't involve othersIf anything goes wrong, they may witness your failure.
Cold calculationThe famous catchphrase was not invented by the people in vain.
Let your feelings cool down a little.

Then you will be able to properly analyze the situation and find the most suitable way out of it.

Time passes, and hurtful annoyance and bitter disappointment still rage in your heart. You want to throw a punch that will be remembered for years to come. Then you need to carefully consider all your further actions. You don't want them to look ridiculous, so don't do anything spontaneously, on a wave of emotions.

True revenge must be thoughtful. Study the object that caused you pain, identify its weak point. It is in this area that harm should be planned. Let the victim know that you have forgotten about him, the more unexpected the blow will be for the person who has lost his vigilance.

Most often, hatred, like a fury, overcomes us when a lover betrays us. It is very disappointing to experience betrayal from your once dear and only one. It feels like everything good between you two has been tainted by dirt, and that makes it even more painful. You are increasingly wondering how to punish the person who offended you without harming yourself.

When the pain comes:

  • Treason has entered your life
  • You have been insulted
  • How can you punish an offender for humiliation?

Naturally, you will immediately want to break off all relations with him, having first created a huge scandal. But wait, there is a more interesting way of retribution. You can simply have a whirlwind romance with your ex’s boss. This type refers to feminine tricks. If everything goes as planned, then you can completely ruin his career at work, achieving dismissal and general negative attitude. This is not to say that this is an elegant method, but it is vigorously discussed in many women's novels.

Read more: Should I forgive betrayal? How to survive pain

Manifestations of properties in men

In most cases, a man is greedy for money. This is a certain stable character trait that prevents him from succeeding in his chosen business or starting a family.

. A special attitude is being formed towards people greedy for money in modern society. Such traits are condemned as a conscious choice of a person (pathological greed is a consequence of a mental disorder over which there is no control).

The main manifestations of greed in an adult man:

  • wants to receive something from the outside (usually in a ready-made, formed form, so that he does not have to work with the value);
  • wants to present the value received as an asset: only he could deserve it;
  • tries to fill the internal insufficiency, to cover it with things.

Due to the peculiarities of the male psyche, greed is combined with increased aggression. He does not consider it necessary to make excuses, and incorrect attitudes acquire plausible reasons over time; he knows why he strives to constantly receive something.

As wealth accumulates, the fear of losing it increases. Internal tension increases, the worst qualities of character appear: the man does not allow people to approach him, thinks that everyone wants to use him and take away his benefits in a fraudulent way

. All his attention is concentrated only on not losing external attributes (they cover up internal shortcomings).

In psychology, greed is associated with the desire to hide, to hide shortcomings and one’s own inferiority, so one of its reasons is low self-esteem and self-doubt.

How to take revenge on the person who offended you

There are almost as many opinions on this matter as there are living people. In our age of developed information technology, we, of course, do not act as our relatives did in the distant past. But this same time, in turn, dictates new prospects for a more elegant and thoughtful revenge.

Regardless of what level of society you belong to, not everyone will decide to discuss their feelings with others. This bitter disappointment sits quite deep in your soul. However, so is the anger in the heart of your opponent.

Motives that are most often the root cause of revenge:

  • Insidious attitude
  • Envy,
  • Infidelity,
  • Betrayal,
  • Humiliation,
  • Insult and so on.

As you can see, these reasons are not always truly worthy. In some cases, your action may turn out to be low. But how to get out of the situation if you have really been seriously hurt?

Read more: How to overcome shyness and self-doubt - five steps to victory

Habits of a greedy person

Greedy people are difficult to deal with. They can't stop saving, even though there's no obvious reason to do so.

. Greedy people are afraid to get close to others; it seems to them that every stranger is a thief or a traitor.

They also fear that internal problems will become apparent. Often even unpretentious and undemanding women do not get along with greedy people

. Over the years, stinginess develops into mania, which is accompanied by severe paranoia.

Against the backdrop of growing consumer needs (a person needs more and more goods), the desire to hide from the rest of the world increases. Greedy people can lead a reclusive life and avoid communication

. They lose social adaptation and choose voluntary imprisonment.

Fighting the Obsession with Goods

Fighting greed is very difficult. The more a person lives with such a problem, the more ingrained it becomes (the individual perceives greed as part of his character).

How to get rid of greed:

  • acknowledge the problem;
  • conduct a deep psychoanalysis;
  • use hypnotherapy;
  • do auto training.

Recognizing the problem is the first step towards recovery. Psychologists and psychotherapists will quickly tell you how to overcome greed. Deep psychoanalysis will help quickly

This technique will allow you to overcome the root cause of the problem. This is a simple way to help you get rid of your mental attitude
. Psychoanalysis is carried out on the basis of general symptoms: the general condition of the patient is examined.

Hypnotherapy for problem solving

Hypnotherapy works according to the following principle: a person is put into a trance, mental defenses are reduced, and work is carried out directly with the subconscious. In such a state of personality, any concept can be instilled

. This attitude is perceived as a natural, correct idea generated by the brain. Hypnotherapy helps overcome any statement that corrects the behavior of a man or woman.

How to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance at home

Hex on a scarf is a powerful magical way to punish an offender.

What do we have to do:

  • To perform magical acts, you need to take a handkerchief that has not yet been used.
  • The only point that you must take into account is that the words of the prayer are always read before you go to some place where they might wish you harm.
  • You need to wash it first each time so that damage does not inadvertently overtake you.

When you are about to leave, looking at the handkerchief, you need to say the spoken words.

Then wipe your face with it three times counterclockwise and put it in your pocket. You can confidently go about your business; bad words and thoughts cannot harm you.

The search for ways to take revenge on the offender using clever methods of revenge was not successful. Don't despair. There is another way that will help you get rid of its negative influence.

By performing such a ritual, you will put an invisible wall between you, which will push the enemy away, and his bad thoughts will be directed against him. If you decide to take such actions, then the day before, try to stop feeling hostility towards the enemy, think only about what is bright and pure. If you do not get rid of attacks of anger, then in a moment of strong concentration your thoughts will return all the negativity back to you.

A spell to make your enemy leave you aloneWait until the moon enters its 22nd or 30th cycle. This is the most optimal time to perform the sacraments. The ritual performed must be supplemented with the following attributes:
  • Church candles in the amount of 3 pieces. Buy them on a regular day when there are no church holidays.
  • Matchbox.
  • The tablecloth is black. If you don't have one in your house, just take a piece of fabric.
  • Photo – 1 piece (of the offender), 1 piece (yours). Choose photos that don't include other people. By your actions, you can unconsciously cause harm to them. The photograph must be full length.
  • Mirror – 2 pieces (without frame).

How to perform the ritual

  • The process itself should take place after sunset.
  • Two photos are laid out on a table covered with a black tablecloth.
  • On the right is your enemy, on the left is you, at a certain distance of ten centimeters.
  • The mirrors are checked, face up.
  • Then light one of the candles with a match.
  • It is under no circumstances recommended to use a lighter in this case.
  • Place it in a candlestick between the photos on the table.
  • You light the second candle from the flame of the first, place it on the mirror lying on your photo, saying: “I name you (what is your name).”
  • You do the same with the third one, but put it on the mirror in the photo of your enemy with the same words, only instead of your name you indicate the name of the one who offended you.

Looking at the light of the second candle, you say the cherished words, exactly as many times as necessary for you to feel relief.

How to get rid of greed, the traditional Hawaiian method

Since I no longer want to deal with such clients, I began to seriously think about how to get rid of greed. The first thing that came to mind was the cleansing method known as ho oponopono

I often practice this method
Not regularly, but often, and he helps me in different situations. On the first day I spent at least half an hour on cleansing, then the second day, and the third

Surprisingly, the number of applications from the site has sharply decreased; apparently those whose lessons I no longer need have left. Proud that I had conquered my greed, I asked God, told him something like this, - “My dear, you see how cool I already am, there are practically no stains left on me, test me, send me the situation, and we will check if I conquered greed in myself.”

And he organized, as always, in the best possible way, so much so that for half a day afterwards I was shaking from the “injustice”! I realized that three days was clearly not enough for me to cure this defect. Looks like we'll have to fight for a couple more days

How to overcome greed, a religious approach

This could be the end of the story, but the article is still not so much about me as about how to overcome greed for money, so I would like to add what the holy scriptures and people I respect say about this vice.

For example, in the Koran there are the following lines: “Verily, the keys to worldly fortunes are located next to the Arsh, and the Almighty sends them to His slaves as they spend. To the extent that you are generous to your family, Allah sends you the keys to worldly inheritance.”

Let’s not focus on “slaves” now, I don’t like it myself, but note “How generous you are for your family, the extent to which Allah sends you the keys to worldly inheritance.”

What are these words about? That the more you care about your family, the more opportunities you have to earn money for them. Not for yourself! For family! It is important

What if we expand the concept of family from our immediate relatives and take responsibility for them? I haven’t tried it yet, but for some reason I’m sure that the amount of money earned will increase. What if we take responsibility not only for relatives, but for those who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to earn money that we have?
That is, in order to recover from greed, it is necessary not only to sit in meditation, cleansing yourself and space .
You need to start donating .

Let's remember rich people. Most of them donate considerable sums to charity

. And the phrase “the more you give, the more you receive” immediately comes to mind, and lately I’ve somehow been putting off this moment, although I used to practice such activities.

I know that many people think that when I have a lot of money, then I will also donate. You won't! Wealth is the ability to share, to be generous. You need to start now, when there is not enough money

We need to change our paradigm from the worldview of a beggar to the worldview of a generous person, capable of not only taking, but also giving!
It doesn't happen that it snowed first and then got colder . Change always comes from within, first you need to change your attitude, then your environment will change, first it gets cold, then it snows!

Vedas on how to get rid of greed, envy, greed

A. Khakimov confirms my thought; this is what he answers to the question “How to get rid of greed, envy, avarice?” . I quote here the text from the website

02/18/2018 Konstantin Bely

How many people constantly count pennies just to survive! They are constantly in a situation of poverty. But poverty is not determined by the amount of money in your wallet. Poverty is in our brains

. And until you stop thinking and acting a certain way, you will not be able to get out of poverty.

Is the man greedy or practical?

First you need to understand what is considered greed and what is considered saving. After all, there are different types of men.

Successful and truly rich men, in principle, from a female point of view, are greedy. The truth has long been known that the more money a person has, the greedier he is.

And if a man started his own business not so long ago, he has not yet had time to get enough of money. He sees many prospects for the development of his business, requiring financial investments, and therefore prefers to invest all his money in work and only a little in all other areas of life.

In this case, we cannot yet talk about greed: maybe it is just practicality and the understanding that money must first be invested in something that will later bring income.

Again, think about whether you need to endure all these hardships, not knowing whether you will be able to enjoy dividends in the future - suddenly the man will have another woman. Here we are not talking about your husband, but about the men who come into your life. If your partner does not propose to you and says: “Be patient, dear,” then you need to understand that in this case there is a certain amount of risk. And here only your heart will tell you the right path.

There are men who will deliberately lead you by the nose, not intending to marry and not wanting to spend money on you now. And there are those who want to develop their business and only then offer you something, in which case your expectations and modesty will return to you a hundredfold... although they may not return. Therefore, you must honestly answer the question: are you ready for losses if your investments - youth, time, health - never pay off?

You may also meet other men who have already established themselves, but who do not want to invest in you. It's worth thinking about why? Or such a man, in principle, does not want to spend money on you, because he is not confident or deeply disappointed in women, or he has some kind of economical position in life. How does he prefer to spend and invest money?

Does he not want to invest and spend money AT ALL, or is this happening because his partner is not confident in your sincerity and love?

And you? Are you really dating him without thinking about money? Do you have self-interest? Are his suspicions and fears justified?

In this situation you should be careful. Greedy men very often tell women heartbreaking stories about how they were robbed by their ex, how they did a lot for her, and in the end she left her with nothing.

Girls, of course, there are notorious bitches among women. But... If this is not a swindler, but a partner who lived with him for several years and fell into a love trap, then think about why she has so much anger at this man? Perhaps she was greatly offended and believed that everything rightfully belonged to her.

Do not rush to feel sorry for a man and, out of a desire not to be like your former passion, prove to him by all means that you do not need money.

If a middle-income man “came” to see you, then look for yourself. If he can’t take you to an expensive restaurant, but he has no problem buying a bucket of ice cream and your favorite fruit, then this does not mean greed. His budget is just limited.

What matters in a man is not how much he pays, but that the amount of money he spends on you is meaningful to him.

For some, 200 rubles is money, but for others, even 20,000 will not cause significant damage to their financial situation. Therefore, you, as a wise woman, do not rush to draw conclusions, but watch your chosen one a little, and then you will be able to understand whether he is a greedy man or not.

Say no to pity

Those who consider themselves poor constantly feel sorry for themselves. They gradually get used to being content with little

They think that nothing can be changed, their lot is so difficult and they need to come to terms with it. They think that it is not their destiny to be rich
No luck - the eye color is not the same, the height is not the same, and the voice is not very good... All this is nothing more than self-pity
This is a disgusting, sinking feeling
And other people feel this very well
. We need to eradicate it, because who would want to communicate with such a person? Who would want to hire him for a normal job? You know the answer.

Stop being greedy

Do you think you are poor because fate is unfair to you? No, most likely it's because you're just greedy. And the less money, the more greedy.

The problem here is simple: greedy people want a lot, but do not want to give anything in return. If a person works, then he has at least some money. And if you don’t have any money and don’t expect it, then you don’t really work.

Someone constantly complains that they cannot find a suitable job. By suitable, as a rule, we mean salary sufficient

But maybe stop being greedy and it’s worth trying to get a job with a salary other than what you would like to get right now?
Maybe you are overestimating yourself altogether? And if you work well, then good prospects definitely await you . If you think that they don’t exist, and your job doesn’t bring in money... well, you should think about whether you’re giving enough, whether you’re putting in enough effort.

There are many more excuses a greedy person can come up with. For example, that he is a sociopath and can only work from home, but such a job cannot be found. Or that the city is small and there are no good jobs in it

Remember - if you have a head, two legs and two arms - all these “problems” can be solved
You can find remote work, and you can learn a profession from scratch
. Deciding to move to another city is also not that difficult.

Recognize the greed in yourself. It's quite easy to do

. Start paying attention to the following: Are you choosing the cheapest products? Are you trying to get something for free? Is it hard to part with money when buying a gift for someone? If yes, then you are greedy.

Why do you want to take revenge?

Each of us has our own answer to this question. And, what is most interesting, it will never be the same and will not be repeated. There is, however, a clear definition. This is objective revenge for the discomfort and torment caused.

Some peoples consider revenge to be a noble pursuit. But there are still people on Earth who sacredly hope that revenge is taken by idiots who are alien to moral canons. How correct is this, whose side should we take on this issue?

Most likely, you must decide for yourself what this concept means to you.

Remember the actions of our ancestors. Almost all family members took part in this confrontation. Even close friends and acquaintances were involved. Revenge entailed a new reason for resentment and disappointment. The circle closed, and it was very difficult to get out of it. So what to do? Should we forget blood enmity?

Read more: Forgiving offenses - three steps to understanding the truth of actions

Don't fool yourself

The poor have a lot of problems: they cannot improve their living conditions, they have debts, they have no job or career prospects... It ’s a shame to be poor - poor people think

That's why they do everything to
... not appear poor (instead of not being poor)!

As a result, the money is spent on the wrong things. A person with a salary of 20 thousand can take out a loan for a foreign car worth 800 thousand. After all, you want a more or less prestigious car

. Why take “all sorts of rubbish”? Every second person on public transport (and anywhere else in general) has a smartphone from a popular Apple manufacturer in their hands. A person can spend his last money on branded clothing, and then sit on bread and water until his next paycheck.

Having the attributes of a rich life will not stop you from being poor. No need to deceive yourself

Stop taking loans unnecessarily and using your last money to buy things that are not really necessary
. The fact is that rich people became so because they were able to invest their money wisely. And the poor spend every penny.

The most common, but simple and effective advice is to save 10% of all types of income. And figure out what to do to increase your savings.

The sick greed of a man

You must understand that if by nature a man has more feminine energy, then you should not expect great success from him in society.

However, there are often men who in a perverse way combine both half-man and half-woman. Such partners will not be able to give you either the warmth of feminine energy or male security in material terms, although at the same time they behave like a “model man”, demanding respect and veneration.

This is not a disadvantage or a reason for humiliation - such men need help, deep and serious psychotherapy in order to restore parts of themselves damaged in childhood. But you are not a psychotherapist, you are a woman.

If you don’t get anything from a man, then it means he either DOESN’T WANT to give you anything or CANNOT give you anything.

A man with severe psychological problems not only cannot give you anything, he does not want it. Such men are greedy by nature. And this male greed destroys a woman. Don’t try to understand and justify this, you won’t be able to become an accepting, unconditionally loving mother for a man, or heal the emptiness of his soul.

The wife cannot solve the problems that the husband had in childhood. The union of a man and a woman is not a union of mother and son, where one gives and the other receives. This is a reciprocal relationship where you both give and receive.

Answer yourself honestly the question: what do you get from a man?

  • Wife status?
  • Material support?
  • Feeling safe?
  • Support?
  • Love and warmth?
  • Care?
  • Feeling of a reliable rear? What?

If none of the above, then isn’t your man a pathological greedy person?

Well, you won’t be able to make him generous, no matter how hard you try; he will always only consume without giving anything in return.

You will not have complete unconditional acceptance of a man, it is very difficult: you cannot even love your children with only such love. In any case, you have your own desires and requirements. And there is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed about them.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with what it means to bury a hole in a dream

Yes, sometimes a woman, with her claims and dissatisfaction, destroys all a man’s aspirations to do anything for her. In theory, a man always wants to be the best in the eyes of his woman, and I think this is the most important thing - not to kill this desire.

If a man feels that he is the best for you, he tries to be so, and this desire is his potential. Don't destroy it. And how it will be realized - in money, achievements, love for you, care or something else - it doesn’t matter. Learn to appreciate what you have.

If a man doesn’t even try to become the best for you, or you systematically killed his desire, then it will not be easy to restore everything and return it. Maybe it was not you, but his mother who tried hard and destroyed the desire to please a woman in her son; in this case, no matter what you do, you will not be able to rehabilitate this ability.

Greed is the inability to give, and not only money, but also love, care, warmth, attention, time...

If this ability was destroyed in childhood by a mother or, for example, a father who disrespected his son, made fun of him, laughed at his failures, then as a result the young man gave up forever, considering himself somehow unfinished. And no matter how hard you try, you are unlikely to be able to increase his self-esteem.

You must understand that you should not transfer responsibility for a man’s greed onto yourself, think that it means that you are not a woman, since such a man is next to you. It may not be about you at all.

If you know that a man earns money and saves it for his needs, like a hamster in its hole, then think about whether you are dealing with a real greedy person? Remember, such a partner destroys a woman on a subtle level, because you give, but do not receive anything in return.

I am writing all this about men with whom you have been in a relationship for quite some time.

If you have just started dating, then at first it is difficult to judge the qualities of your partner. Let the relationship develop and watch what happens.

Especially dangerous are men who do not invest money in business and at the same time constantly save on a woman and even on themselves. And they collect, collect... Money is energy, and it must be in motion, in flow, and if this does not happen, then you and such a partner will wither away, like stagnant water in a swamp. The more money a man gives, the more he receives, but this does not mean that you need to give every penny, but some of it must be spent.

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