Shades of purple. Palette, photo with names

Violet combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The meaning of purple in psychology it is associated with wisdom, creativity, extravagance, dignity, grandiosity, devotion, peace, pride, independence.

Purple is a color rarely found in nature and, as a result, it is often perceived as a color with sacred meaning. Therefore, the color purple is often associated with mysticism and magic. Lavender, light lilac (orchid color), lilac and violet flowers are considered exquisite and precious.

Rare occurrences of violet in nature make the creation of violet paint one of the most expensive among colored paints. Therefore, throughout history, purple robes were worn by the kingdom, people of authority or people of high rank.

This is where purple is associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, wealth, strength, power and ambition. And these days we often see exquisite items painted exactly this color on store shelves.

Psychology and the color purple

Purple color in psychology is one of the least studied. It is rarely chosen as a favorite color. Experts say that purple tones can have different effects on a person’s well-being and psyche, depending on the specific situation. For example, from the abundance of purple color a person can:

  • Feel sadness and hopelessness;
  • Sink into depression;
  • Find non-standard, creative solutions to existing problems;
  • Go deeper into yourself, fall into a contemplative, thoughtful or lyrical mood.

All shades of purple are known to enhance intuition, which is why clairvoyants love this color.

Lilac color: symbolism

Lilac is one of the shades of purple. It is distinguished by an almost equal ratio of blue and red colors. Therefore, the shade turned out to be very memorable.

Unlike purple, lilac is considered more loyal. It is associated with romance, innocence and tenderness. However, psychologists believe that such a tone can create an aura of anxiety around itself.

Lilac sometimes carries contradictory meanings. On the one hand, it symbolizes nostalgia, and on the other, a bright future. Therefore, it can be stated that this tone also denotes a connection between generations.

What does it mean

It is traditionally believed that this color means the inner potential of a person - that which is hidden and does not find a way out. These may be different feelings for different people: some have melancholy, depression or constantly suppressed anger, while others, on the contrary, have creative energy and a thirst for new discoveries. Purple is often chosen as a favorite tone by secretive people who are not inclined to share their own thoughts and feelings with others. Such people often experience difficulties in the process of adequate self-expression and cannot find a common language with others due to their secrecy. This should be taken into account during psychological support sessions.

For women

Green color in psychology - what it means in life, who likes it

If a lady likes to dress or decorate the interior in purple tones, this may signal that:

  • A woman subconsciously seeks attention and recognition;
  • She does not strive to find a permanent partner and is quite happy alone with herself, with her thoughts and feelings;
  • The lady is not prone to bright, violent manifestations of emotions;
  • Periods of vigorous and energetic activity may alternate with unexpected attacks of female melancholy and melancholy.

Dark shades are often chosen by unbalanced people who often get angry. Light lilac is the favorite color of feminine, romantic natures; It is often said about such women that they seem “not of this world.” Even the “femme fatale,” accustomed to ruthlessly conquering men’s hearts, can call purple her favorite color.

Interesting. Lilac, like other so-called “cold” colors of the solar spectrum, helps reduce appetite. Therefore, if a lady with curvy figures is unhappy with her own figure and wants to lose weight, the ideal option would be to use purple dishes.

A kitchen in lilac tones will help you lose weight

For men

In psychology, the color purple is of great importance for the stronger sex. If a man in a married couple has a great love for such colors, he can be a real “domestic tyrant” with a difficult character both at home and at work. To find an approach to such a person, a woman must in every possible way emphasize his dominance, diligently portraying submission and obedience. No wonder dark purple tones have always been considered a symbol of power. Also, lilac, called the favorite color, is a sign of mental instability and hot temper.

A lover of purple is a born leader with bright charisma and explosive temperament.

For children

When a preschooler or teenager at the beginning of a lesson draws his own mood and names his favorite colors, parents and psychologists should pay special attention to the color scheme of the drawing. If the baby chooses the mood color purple, then elders should be wary - this may indicate hidden depression and poor adaptation to the team (at school, kindergarten). Also, love for lilac indicates:

  • Dreamy nature;
  • Excessive enthusiasm for any activity (reading, needlework, sports);
  • Children's inferiority complexes associated with appearance problems;
  • The desire to immerse oneself and escape from reality;
  • Dissatisfaction with the world around us and the desire to find a way out in fantasies.

Children under three years old actively use lilac in their drawings, but at this age children like any bright colors. It is possible to draw conclusions about the connection between the love of purple and character when the child is at least five years old - it is at this time that conscious preferences begin to actively form, depending on the temperament and mental organization of the child.

Basic shades of purple. Palette and their features

True purple is rich, deep, dark. This color practically never occurs in nature, but its complex shades are quite common. The main impurities are blue (leading to a cold range) and red (leading to a warm range). It is almost impossible to get true purple by simply mixing these colors. The perception of shades of purple is influenced by white, gray and black, which are present in many ratios and variations of shades.

Much more common are shades of purple from the warm tones palette (purple, berry, red-violet). The lower the brightness of warm shades, the cooler they become, but at the same time they never become as cold as the most faded of the cold ones. There is also an inverse relationship - the darker the purple, the colder it is, regardless of whether the base shade is warm or cold tones.

Cool shades

Classic cool purple is the color of the infinity of the Cosmos. It has quite a lot of shades, resulting from different ratios when diluted with white, black, gray or blue.

Shades of purple. Cold and warm shades.

The resulting shades are among the darkest in violet, but you can also obtain lilac, gray-violet tones of varying saturation.

Warm shades

Shades of violet, the palette of which begins with lilac, come immediately after pink. Against the background of violet-purple, it can be difficult to distinguish them, although in terms of color it is already the violet range. Amethyst shades of varying intensities come next after purple. Purple is always saturated, these are plum, eggplant shades and related ones. Physics states that the red-violet spectrum, which includes warm shades of purple, is a transition between warm and cold colors.

Because of this feature, it is endowed with a special effect on humans and specific symbolism.

Basic shades of purple

Due to the intensity of red or blue, as well as white, black or gray in the base purple, a palette of shades of purple is formed.

Categories of shades are combined depending on brightness and dominant undertone:

  • pastels: delicate, diluted with white, for example, purple snow, lavender mist;
  • lilac: cool, fragile shades based on blue, such as the silence of the orchid, pink lavender;
  • pink-violet: warm and relatively bright shades, like the color of smoky grapes, crocus;
  • purple: shades have a significant red undertone, for example blackberry, decorative rose;
  • wine violet: a mixture of blue and red undertones in a violet base, such as plum, woody tulip;
  • grey-violet: shades based on a gray undertone, like the color of heron, morning corduroy.

Purple and its shades

Bright and rich purple is a combination of pink and violet, the color of wealth, spirituality and power. In the Christian tradition of icon painting, only St. Anne and the Virgin Mary were initially depicted in clothes of this color as a sign of special respect and as a symbol of the movement from the carnal to the divine. The peculiarity of shades of purple is the insignificance of blue compared to red in the purple base. In this case, the saturation will always be high.

Bright purple, red-purple, classic purple, lilac-purple, wine-purple, violet-purple - the colors are bright, expressive. Red-purple is an emotional and very dynamic color, sometimes even difficult for an unbalanced psyche. This is the color of sexuality and carnal desires, provocative and sometimes dangerous with exciting fantasies. But due to the purple base, it allows you to detach yourself from the bustle of the world and see the beauty and power of the world around you.

The shades of this color are medium in brightness, and the saturation of the undertone determines the temperature: amethyst, Consord grape, purple dahlia, hyacinth purple, bright purple, blackberry, royal lilac, deep lavender, grape juice, bright purple, majestic purple, Royal grape, amaranth purple, magic purple, pansy, crown purple.

Lilac and its shades

Lilac color is part of the palette from pink-violet to blue-lilac tones, remaining light or medium in saturation. They evoke a feeling of tenderness, fragility, and freshness. The determining factor here is the undertone, which makes the color warmer or cooler. This group includes: pale lilac, lilac, lilac amethyst, lavender, blue-lilac, bright lilac.

Lavender is a shade that combines the tenderness and romance of a pink undertone with the restraint and fragility of lilac. In this color, the pink undertone is closer to lilac than to purple. Its shades are bright and medium light: blooming orchid, pastel orchid, pastel lilac, lavender, violet, tulip purple, bougainvillea purple, purple paisley, purple dahlia, passion flower.

Gray-violet and its shades

Gray-violet is the most “natural” of the purple range. Its shades surround a person everywhere. This is the color of mystery and versatility of the Universe, capable of plunging into the abyss of melancholy, but at the same time showing the smoothness and fullness of existence. The shades of this color have a significant admixture of gray, and this determines their characteristics. Shades of violet, the palette of which is based on gray, is relatively wide, covering light and medium-dark tones.

In this case, the undertone based on violet and gray can be different: blue, red and medium violet. The names of the shades indicate naturalness, aristocracy and elegance: glycine, heirloom lilac, lavender atmosphere, dusk purple, dawn purple, grape, grape jam, grape compote, purple haze, mulled wine, logan berry, purple velvet.

Violet blue and its shades

Violet-blue is the color of the evening, twilight and revealing the true “I”. Blue in a violet base gives scope for fantasies that are far from reality - like fairy bedtime stories. The shades of this color are quite saturated, they are medium and dark. A touch of gray makes them more casual and less formal.

Shades of violet-blue can even be classified as basic, although unmuted, colors: blue storm, iris blue, oriental violet blue, clematis blue, violet blue, blue ribbon.

Dark purple and its shades

Dark purple is the deepest and most limitless color of the violet range. This is the color of space and eternity: without borders, without warmth, without passions. There are no very dark shades in the Pantone palette, although they are all relatively rich and dark. They are obtained by adding red and gray to violet in different proportions.

At the same time, the shades are different from black, quite pronounced: the color of the space fleet, royal purple, sweet grapes, logan berry, gothic grape, parachute purple, purple velvet, astral aura, eclipse. The last two, due to their significant blue undertone, are also classified as blue-violet. Purple-black is deep, powerful, mesmerizing and otherworldly.

This shade of purple still has the power and mystique of the base color, but the black balances it out. This color is less gloomy, but still mysterious, calming and indicative of strength. There are relatively few shades of purple-black, since they are quite dark. At the same time, the saturation can be different, and differences in the undertone are sometimes difficult to notice. These include the color of purple pennant, purple plumeria, mysterious purple, and nightshade.

Effect on mood

Pink color in psychology - what it means for a person who has a craving for it

Contrary to widespread misconception, the abundance of purple in clothing and interior design cannot drive a mentally healthy person into depression and melancholy. Problems can only arise if the person was initially mentally ill. Violet has the following effects on the mood of normal people:

  • Helps focus and improves concentration;
  • Has a relaxing effect on those who suffer from stress;
  • Makes you think about global things and take your mind off everyday everyday problems;
  • Helps to get into a contemplative mood.

All shades of purple are often used when decorating meditation spaces. You can create such a corner of your home yourself; lilac curtains (blinds) and a carpet of the same color on the floor are perfect for this.

Lilac tones set you in a philosophical mood

Attention! Purple in combination with red has an exciting effect, so this combination of colors cannot be used for a child's room. If you combine purple with dark blue, a person, on the contrary, will feel peace and relaxation.

Options for using purple in clothing

Purple can be both the main and additional color in ensembles for different times of the day, also acting as an accent in the created image. When choosing purple as the main color of a set with a skirt (dress or suit), it will be elegantly complemented by tights of the same shade. It looks luxurious no matter whether the tights are thick or translucent.

If we are talking only about a dress, then it can be diversified with harmonious or contrasting accessories, but you can also leave the ensemble based only on purple - it is self-sufficient, but due to the specific perception of color, it is still not always appropriate at official meetings. As an additional color, purple looks advantageous in almost all combinations, especially when it comes to pure and rich shades.

With more complex halftones, it is better to be careful, checking the compatibility according to the tables. A tandem of purple as an additional color to the main one in combination with achromatic colors will be a win-win option. Purple as an accent in an image is most appropriate in contrasting combinations, and it will be the brightest when contrasting both temperature and color subtone, but in the same brightness.

The image will not be boring, interesting, original and fresh if you use purple as the color of your belt, shoes, or scarf. At the same time, balance is important - there should be one purple accent.

Who likes the color purple?

Orange color in psychology - what does it mean in a person’s life

In psychology, a purple hue as a favorite is a sign of a truly creative person, a dreamer, a person who constantly “has his head in the clouds.” Also frequent lovers of this color are phlegmatic and melancholic people. People with unconventional thinking are also often lovers of purple, in this way they indicate their originality.

In interior and clothing

The effect of the color purple on a person can be different. It all depends on age, temperament and situation. Designers and psychologists do not recommend keeping your entire wardrobe or interior in purple tones. One or two bright accessories are enough. In a suit, this could be a bright lilac scarf or neckerchief with a floral pattern, in the interior - dark purple curtains (in the living room) or bright lilac blinds (in the kitchen). Such details can liven up the most boring ensemble.

Purple clothing and accessories will help you stand out from the crowd.

To love or not to love purple in clothing and interior design is everyone’s personal choice. Psychologists say: if a certain color causes unpleasant feelings, you should not completely abandon it. Perhaps if a person often admires dark purple tones, he will understand their charm and change his tastes.

What does the color lilac mean in clothes?

Lilac Dress: Pexels
Outfits in lilac tones look very attractive. However, is it worth wearing them often? Let's figure out what lilac means in clothes.

Previously, it was believed that only selected people could wear lilac clothes. This happened because the shade was quite rare. Therefore, only nobles and people who had great influence in society could wear lilac clothes.

Now times have changed, so anyone who wants can wear lilac outfits. Psychologists say that people who prefer this shade of clothing consider themselves chosen. They are individuals who rarely take into account the opinions of others, without admitting that they are wrong. Therefore, it is very difficult to argue with them, and there is no need.

In the interior

  1. It is preferable to choose lilac color for the bedroom. Promotes tenderness and intimacy. Pairs perfectly with pink shades and enhances sensuality. Lilac influences easy falling asleep and develops intuition.
  2. If you want to find a shade for your personal office, violet is ideal. But don’t overdo it with its use; it’s better to dilute it with white.
  3. In a social room, such as a living room or kitchen, it is not recommended to choose purple walls. However, you can choose purple accessories.
  4. It is unacceptable to use purple items in a child's room. Here you can use a lilac shade, which will help improve your baby’s night sleep and develop his creativity and curiosity.
  5. Suitable for decorating rooms for meditation and yoga.
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