Psychology of color: provoking emotions in email campaigns

Nastya Roshchinskaya, content marketer at SendPulse, wrote an article specifically for the Netology blog about how to evoke different emotions in email newsletter subscribers using color.

Colors are believed to influence human emotions and behavior. What does the right color do in email marketing? Helps lead the consumer to the target action and increase brand awareness. In this article I will tell you what associations different colors evoke and how well-known companies use this in their mailings.

Training program: “Email marketing: increasing sales and expanding our customer base”

What the Research Says

The perception of color depends on personal preferences, upbringing and cultural characteristics of a person, but when it comes to shopping and interaction with a brand, there are also universal points:

  • for 80% of users, color affects brand recognition;
  • 90% of customers decide to buy based only on the color of the product.

Color helps a brand stand out and be remembered from its competitors. It awakens memories and affects a person’s emotional state. And each in his own way. Let's figure out what email marketers can do about it.

Color techniques in psychotherapy.

We perceive generally accepted associations with different shades automatically. We say: turned purple with indignation, green with envy, black with melancholy, without even thinking about the meaning of these phrases. Although color shades have long been used for treatment and diagnosis in folk medicine. Thus, in Ayurveda, each color of the rainbow corresponds to one of the seven chakras that influence mental health. In Chinese medicine, each organ system is associated with its own element and its corresponding colors.

The relationship between emotions and color is used in various diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.

Luscher testing method.

Luscher's color psychodiagnostics makes it possible to determine the emotional state of the person being tested depending on his color preferences. The technique is based on the ranking of shades and the characteristics of subjective color perception. During testing, a person simply selects one shade from several offered. The better a person is able to abstract himself from thoughts and experiences, the more objective assessment of the personality he will receive in the end. The test is used for self-diagnosis, when hiring, in age and sociological studies.

Art therapy.

Art therapy is psychological work with drawing and color palette. This art therapy was created at the intersection of arts that are learned visually: painting, graphics, sculpture, design. Moreover, participation in therapeutic sessions does not require even minimal artistic abilities. Participants in the process simply get to know themselves.

Art therapy can be individual, but group work is considered more effective. Participants first act as creators: they create sculptures, paintings, and compositions. Then they become spectators, watching themselves and other participants from the outside. The session ends with a discussion of what the participants think the author put into his creation. The author himself shares his impressions of the work, his thoughts and emotions. Thanks to art therapy, awareness of one’s inner state comes, one’s attitude towards oneself can change, and self-esteem can improve.

Yellow - we revive and lure

The sun and happiness are the first associations that come to mind. Rich yellow expresses joy, optimism and spiritual lightness, while darker shades are both calming and invigorating.

Yellow encourages impulsive shoppers, so use it in your flash sale or clearance emails. Add yellow if you want to cheer up your subscribers.

The Alice and Olivia newsletter is bright yellow, but it doesn't cause alarm or fear. On the contrary, the connection between the online store’s promotion and the legendary The Beatles and their hit Yellow Submarine comes to the surface:


Another natural color - green smells of spring coolness and summer heat. In Eastern practices, the shade characterizes money, wealth, success.

A green interior relieves stress, calms, and extinguishes conflicts. Its 100% relaxing effect can be so strong that you simply won’t be able to wake up in the morning in a green bedroom. That’s why you should think about the location so that you see the greenery before bed, but don’t notice it after.

In general, green tones are suitable for any room: they will be appropriate in the living room, kitchen, bathroom, hallway and even children's rooms.

Blue - we gain trust

The color of reliability. Tones and shades of blue are associated with safety and tranquility, instilling confidence and even increasing productivity.

Use blue in your newsletter to increase the company's credibility in the eyes of the subscriber, and blue to enhance the feeling of purity and peace. But dilute the color scheme of the letter with other shades so as not to inadvertently drive a person into depression.

The dermatological brand La Roche Posay cares about the health of girls’ skin, so the company’s logo and newsletters are made in rich blue colors, symbolizing purity.

The influence of basic colors on the psyche.

It is known that in the first cave paintings three colors are more common: black, white and red. Moreover, the popularity of these paints is more likely associated with magical rituals and symbolism, and not with ease of production.

Red: the most ancient.

Captures attention, creates a feeling of warmth; associated with activity, aggression, energy, good health. Red was especially impressive to people because it was associated with blood and life itself. Later it became a symbol of love, divine and state power, revolution and victory.

Preferences for red indicate an unconscious desire to excite others.

Black: the most paradoxical.

On the one hand, it embodies elegance, evokes a feeling of security, mystery, silence, and mystery. On the other hand, it is associated with mourning, grief, denial, refusal and a negative perception of life. And black is also a symbol of evil and black magic, renunciation of everything positive.

Preferences for black mean a lack or absence of something important in life, a desire to protect yourself from the outside world.

White: the most elusive.

In fact, it is much more complex than it seems - it is more than the sum of color waves. This is a symbol of ideality, which is interpreted differently by everyone. This is the source of light that participated in the creation of the world. Examples confirming this idea of ​​white can be found in all religions of the world.

A preference for white indicates a desire to emphasize purity, safety, and virtue.

Black and white are especially noticeable in contrast when combined . Together, they personify Being in all its integrity: good and evil, day and night, light and darkness. The confrontation between white and black is reflected throughout history, manifested in literature, religion, and art.

There are an infinite number of colors and shades, so let’s look at the psychology of a few basic ones :

  • Blue. This is a shade of the soul that requires concentration, readiness to meditate; associated with reliability, calmness; embodies the desire for peace and unity.
  • Yellow. The brightest, the most radiant; expresses the human need for fulfillment; associated with sunshine, lightness, sociability, good mood.
  • Green. This is a shade of life, nature, mood, balance; personifies harmony, tranquility; associated with spring, hope, immortality.
  • Pink. The calming color effect of pink is comparable to the effect of mild tranquilizers; represents innocence, femininity, romance.
  • Orange. It is a symbol of enlightenment and a shade of clothing worn by Buddhist monks; the effect of orange is comparable to the effect of antidepressants; creates the impression of friendliness, openness, optimism.

Experts in the field of color perception say that color is a strong emotional factor for most people. But in this science there are no strict canons, no unambiguous interpretation of the symbolism of one shade or another. The semantic load of color captivates precisely in the context of self-knowledge, perception or self-expression.

Take a temperament test

Green - we encourage you to take care of nature

This color symbolizes nature, and nature is harmony, vitality and a new beginning. Dark shades are associated with wealth and stability, while light shades are associated with kindness and compassion.

Focus on green if the company's corporate policy is related to environmental friendliness. Tentree is an eco-friendly clothing brand. When the company reminds subscribers about the importance of protecting the environment, the emails are filled with rich colors of fresh greenery.

Symbolic meaning

The most important and ancient symbol of brown is soil. This is why it is considered the most suitable for people associated with agriculture. It symbolizes productivity and fertility in women. Psychologists often call it a feminine color, which helps maintain stability and family well-being. It carries the warmth of the hearth and is responsible for the ancestral connection. At the same time, it is not recommended for young and ambitious people - it hinders any personal development.

Color has light and dark shades, many of which have negative energy. It is used to characterize strong and powerful people. It is less easily soiled and practical, but at the same time it has a strong impact on the human psyche, suppressing personal characteristics.

Any color is perceived by a person on a subconscious level, so even clothing or any object in the environment can have the necessary impact on the personality. It is used for sewing uniforms in the army and hired workers to extinguish manifestations of individuality and initiative.

Purple - adds mystery, but not too much

Associated with luxury and secrets. The color purple motivates a person to solve pending tasks and problems, and most importantly, it evokes a desire to create.

Online clothing stores use light shades of purple to emphasize romance, while cosmetics brands convey mystery with darker shades. Try to use this color in moderation without distracting from the main thing, as NYX does.

Physiological influence of brown

All shades of brown, to one degree or another, contain colors from the “warm” part of the spectrum:

  • red,
  • orange,
  • yellow.

Therefore, brown is a warm color that warms, but does not burn, but gives a cozy warmth. A room with walls and furniture painted this color will feel several degrees warmer than other rooms in the house.

Thanks to the shades of red-orange it contains, brown has a light, gentle stimulating effect:

  • increases physical endurance;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • activates the work of the heart;
  • increases immunity.

But the stimulation of brown is combined with a slight sedative effect, because cold blue-violet tones are also present in it. Therefore, brown lowers blood pressure and somewhat inhibits processes in the autonomic nervous system. The influence of this color is useful for tired and weakened people after illness, as well as for nervous overstrain. Finding yourself surrounded by brown, especially light shades, a person breathes a sigh of relief and understands that there is no need to rush anywhere, but simply relax with pleasure.

Black color - complement other colors

This color signifies sophistication, control and independence. Since black is the absence of any color, it correlates with secrecy, individuality and restraint.

Negative meanings of black include evil, sadness, depression and even death. So in your mailings, dilute it with other colors. Send intense black emails only to specific audiences or on special occasions. The Pull&Bear newsletter is dedicated to Black Friday and the chosen color corresponds to the occasion.


If pink can be called a cold red, then orange is warm. The combination with yellow has a positive effect on red: it ceases to be aggressive, but remains just as energetic.

Orange lifts your spirits, charges you with positivity, activates your brain, and promotes the development of creative abilities. It acts as an anti-stress, relieving tension and defusing conflict situations: it is noted that under the influence of orange color, relationships in the family are even improved.

Important! Too much bright orange can lead to headaches.

White color - balancing the elements of the letter

Traditionally it is associated with purity and innocence. White is a balanced combination of all the colors of the palette, so it can both charge you with vigor and optimism, and calm you down and drive away fears. But too much white can make people feel lonely and empty.

In newsletters, this color is most often used as a background, since it highlights the rest of the letter elements and matches all colors. Look at the newsletter from Cuyana - the white background gives a lightness, making the design look neat and restrained.

Gray in the interior

In the interior, gray color reveals its versatility when used as a background to create an individual space. After all, one of the undeniable advantages of gray is its versatility. By making gray walls in your home, you introduce harmony and a common element into the rooms, creating a harmonious backdrop for your feelings. In the room you place objects, paintings that reflect you as a person. This is where you receive guests; it is this room that shapes the opinions of others about you. In the hall, elements that reflect what you live and who you really are look good. If you are interested in traveling, then a map with flags appears on the wall, if you do something with your own hands, then a mini exhibition of your works will look great, if you are interested in books - a selection of books that you are currently reading.

For some, gray color will be a plus in the kitchen, because it helps reduce appetite, and there will be no need to waste money on nutritionists. And if you want, on the contrary, to improve your appetite, add colorful accents to the kitchen interior: red bell peppers in a basket with vegetables and fruits, a green apple, a yellow banana and an orange juicy orange. These colors will help you feel hungry again. And fresh mint and basil growing in pots will certainly improve your mood.

Unexpected results

The experiment revealed several interesting facts that help workers relax during the workday:

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  • 90% noted that by focusing on the creative process, they noticed a decrease in stress levels;
  • 68% said they felt focused when arranging bouquets;
  • 53% noted that they felt relaxed while working.

The experiment also showed that flowers have a positive effect on our workplace:

  • 100% of respondents noted that they felt happier when working with flowers in the workplace;
  • 75% said they felt a reduction in stress levels after working with flowers;
  • 50% percent experienced an increase in productivity after adding flowers to their workplace.
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