Negative emotions cause... cancer. How to contain them?

Both positive and negative emotions are present in us from birth. Some people know how to control them, some don't. We are made of feelings and they accompany us throughout our lives. Emotions are the reaction of the human body to certain circumstances. And we can all react differently to the same life situation. For one it will cause negative emotions, and for another positive. Most of us try to get rid of negative emotions, but before doing this, we need to find out what the possible reasons for their appearance may be. On the website you will learn a lot of new and useful information about negative emotions and the reasons for their occurrence.

Normal emotion

It would seem that everything happens as if from scratch. Suddenly a powerful wave of aggression rolls in, bringing us to a boiling point in a matter of seconds. And now we are no longer able to control the emotions that overwhelm us.

In fact, anger is never born suddenly and without reason. This negative emotion has a lot of irritants: stress, fatigue, insult, deception, resentment, fear, unfavorable situation in the family or at work, dissatisfaction with oneself, dashed hopes, inflated goals. It is a mistake to believe that the manifestation of anger is the lot of unbalanced natures. This feeling is inherent in everyone without exception and begins to manifest itself in infancy. There is nothing wrong with losing our temper sometimes. After all, most often anger is a reaction to unfair treatment of oneself. A signal that tells a person that his boundaries have been violated and encourages him to stand up for himself. Some psychologists even consider this feeling useful, mobilizing internal strength for activity and struggle.

The reasons for anger can be clear and obvious (they were rude in a store, deprived of a bonus, forced to give up a vacation), or they can exist in the imagination of a person who thinks that they want to offend, humiliate, deceive him, and he involuntarily screws himself up. It also happens that a person transfers negative emotions hidden deep in the subconscious to another. For example, he doesn’t understand why he gets angry with his boss every time he gives him another task. But if you dig deeper, it turns out that the boss reminds him of an overly harsh father, who in childhood often punished for the wrong reasons.

What is the game

Using fictitious stories as an example, players will have to clarify what important “message” from the unconscious is embedded in this or that negative feeling.

During the game, we touch upon the most charged with negative emotions topics. The format of the game “Liberation” allows you to touch them very carefully. All dramatic events are lived out in a playful way with hero figures, and the players themselves are reincarnated as “deities” who observe the world of living beings, influence events in this world and help living beings (figurines) on their life path. This maintains a safe distance between the participant, his feelings and personal life experiences.

Suppressing does not mean winning

Everyone has the right to be angry. Although many still believe that this feeling must be suppressed in every possible way, not given the slightest chance to find itself in the soul, much less break out. And, no matter what happens, always remain calm and unperturbed. But such tactics usually do not end well. Experts say that constant suppression of anger weakens the nervous system and can lead to various ailments: hypertension, heart disease, gall bladder, liver disease, as well as cause depression, stress, alcohol or drug addiction, and obesity. It has been proven that women who hold back their anger for a long time are twice as likely to develop breast cancer, are often unhappy in their marriages, and are much less likely to live to old age than those who give vent to negative emotions.

In addition, people who deny themselves the right to anger, as a rule, do not have flexibility of consciousness. And finally, overexposure to accumulated aggressive emotions can result in such a powerful psychological explosion that an outburst of anger will seem like fun in comparison.

It turns out that immediately letting off steam when you feel an overwhelming feeling of aggression is healthier. Another thing is that we can’t do this everywhere. Well, let’s say your loved ones will still forgive you if, in a fit of anger, you hit the table with your fist, scream or destroy part of the service. But if you allow yourself to do this at work or in a public place, those around you will rightly conclude that you need psychological help.

Anyone who is accustomed to acting this way anywhere and in any acute situation creates problems for himself and those around him. And over time he risks becoming dangerous for everyone with whom he comes into conflict, since he often allows himself not only to shout, but also to let go of his hands. If you don't stop in time and move on to other ways to discharge, anger will turn into a destructive emotion.

Causes of negative emotions and how to deal with them

To become a truly happy person, you need to set yourself a goal: to free your inner world from negative emotions - fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge and greed. But they do not arise just like that, but are most often caused by certain factors. The most common causes of negative emotions found in modern people:

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Rationalization and justification. Often this is simply a defense, explaining away an unacceptable action with acceptable explanations. It's like trying to create a beautiful swan from an ugly duckling. This kind of explanation sounds very, very good, even when what you did was the complete opposite of what you said. This kind of action keeps negative emotions inside you. To avoid this, you need to stop making excuses for all the actions you take. You, like any other person, have the right to make mistakes - we all live for the first time. And you shouldn’t stress yourself out by constantly reminding yourself of one mistake.

Hypersensitivity. You understand that everything you do is a desire to earn the respect of others or not to lose it. And what do we get as a result? Your main concern is what people will think or say about you. I'll go further: for some people, their entire self-esteem is determined by how other people interact with them. Their foundations and values ​​are based on the opinions of others, which are constantly changing and very, very subjective. As a result, if these opinions are negative, we allow negativity into our lives and negative emotions start dancing in your life. The way out of such a vicious circle is quite simple: the next time you are hit by a wave of depression or bad mood, try to understand the reason for what is happening and learn to be above the opinions of others about you. This skill will save you a lot of nerves and put you in a good mood for a long time. This means it’s time to form your value system and your self-esteem.

Justification of your feelings. If you justify your negative emotions by the fact that you have the right to experience them, it will cause the opposite effect, they will simply fill your inner world.

And it will be oh so difficult to escape with such a motto. A good example: you failed a test. You then become very angry with the examiner and justify your anger by describing all the reasons why you failed the test. Some go so far as to raise the issue with higher authorities. And as long as you continue to do this, your negative emotions will not go away, I will say more, they will increase like a snowball. What if you say, “Well, I failed the test, but I’m not the first person to do this. It’s better for me to start preparing now and try to pass in a week.” Now the negativity recedes, paving the way for positive emotions, a good mood and will focus you on achieving your goal. Your activities will become more effective after you stop making excuses for yourself.

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Now you know what reasons cause negative emotions and how you can easily and easily cope with them by controlling your psychological state.

Calmly and with dignity

There are many opportunities to transfer aggressive energy into a creative direction. The simplest one is to switch to more pleasant things at the moment when you feel that some action (cleaning, drawing up an annual or quarterly report, protracted communication) is causing anger. The optimal way out is to master the technique of physically suppressing anger, which allows you to recover psychologically with the help of sports activities - swimming, running, boxing, playing with a ball.

The so-called technique of continuous writing can also be effective: write in a notebook, without stopping, everything that worries you, then read, try to understand, calm down and tear up everything written.

But what to do if an outburst of anger takes you by surprise - negative emotions are already overwhelming, but you need to end the conversation with dignity at all costs?

First of all, you need to realize that you are angry, to catch the vibration of negative energy within yourself. It is advisable at this moment to mentally take a few steps back. And if possible, then physically increase the distance: take a step back, stand up, if you are sitting, move your chair back.

You may have to interrupt the conversation for a while - apologize and say that you need to call urgently. It’s even better to leave the room at this moment, retire and give vent to your feelings - curse, hit the wall with your fist, push the door. Then breathe deeply and evenly for a minute. And try to understand what made you so angry. As soon as you find the answer to this question, it will immediately become easier.

Sometimes, when you feel increasing irritation from your interlocutor, it is useful to relieve yourself by telling him about your feelings and moving the conversation to another topic. For example, you complain that today, due to a big traffic jam, it took a particularly long time to get to work and this made you terribly angry! Well, it’s better to tell your people - family, friends, friends - openly what exactly they did that angered you, without, of course, getting personal. Then you won’t have to reach a state of anger at all.

Moral or ethical feelings

These types of feelings are characterized by the experiences that a person experiences in his relationships with other people, with society, as well as in the process of fulfilling certain duties imposed by society. Moral values ​​and concepts of personality make sense here - it is they that shape the image of morality and morality in each of us. After all, what is conscience, for example? This is a measure of responsibility for a particular act of a person before society.

Moral feelings include all those emotions that we experience in the process of communicating with people: trust, sincere affection, affection, friendship, love. We should not forget about the sense of duty, national pride, love of the Motherland, solidarity, and so on. The role of this type of feeling is very great, because it is important for a person to be able not only to dissolve in the crowd, that is, to defend his own “I,” but also to consolidate in time with his own kind, acquiring a moral “we.”


It is with the sense of humanity that our love for the Motherland, for people, patriotism and national identity are connected. In this case, a whole system of a person’s life attitudes is at work, all his moral norms and values ​​are involved. They are expressed in empathy aimed at communication, help, and mutual assistance. It is thanks to humanism that we respect the rights and freedoms of other people, and try not to damage their honor or offend their dignity.

Sense of honor and dignity

These types of high feelings tend to determine a person’s attitude towards himself and how others perceive him. In simple terms, honor is the recognition of your achievements by others. It is these feelings that arouse in us the desire to create a worthy reputation, a certain level of prestige, a good name among our peers.

Dignity is public recognition of the rights of a person to respect and independence from the social environment. But we ourselves must be aware of all this, evaluate our actions from the point of view of morality and morality, and reject what can humiliate or offend us. A person’s unbiased assessment of his actions and relationships towards other people are another definition of conscience. The higher our moral and moral self-awareness, the more responsible and conscientious we act.

Feelings of guilt and shame

These not entirely pleasant emotions also relate to the moral feelings that form the image of any normal person. They are a kind of guards who protect us from the harmful effects of our vices. Guilt is a more mature emotion - it is expressed more clearly than shame. Guilt occurs when a person does something that goes against his moral beliefs and principles. It is precisely such sensations that do not allow us to go beyond the boundaries of life in society.

As for shame, it is often confused with guilt. However, these are different sensations. Common manifestations of shame are discomfort, confusion, and regret experienced by a person if he does not meet the requirements of other people. In this case, he expects contempt or ridicule. This is how an inexperienced stripper feels, experiencing her debut performance on stage in a men's club. After all, she is afraid of deceiving the expectations of the crowd and is ashamed of her nakedness and defenselessness.

Intellectual feelings

And finally, the time has come to talk about the third type of high human feelings - intellectual ones. Their basis is any cognitive activity that we carry out during study, work and creative research in science or art. It is the intellectual feelings that are responsible for the search for truth, that is, the only correct answer to many of the most important universal questions.

There is an inextricable connection between the processes of cognition and intellectual emotions. The first is impossible without the second. The mental activity of a person, which arises in the process of scientific work, will bring tangible results only if he is truly interested in the object of his study. And those of us who study or work simply out of a sense of necessity often fail and become disillusioned.

Feeling of surprise

This feeling occurs when a person gets acquainted with something new and unknown. We are surprised by extraordinary events that we could only guess about. A successful process of cognition is generally impossible without this emotion with its joyful connotation. Surprise, which is caused by one or another surprise, forces a person to pay close attention to an unknown object or phenomenon, thereby encouraging him to learn more and more new facets of the world.

Feeling of doubt

Almost any person experiences it if he encounters contradictions on the way to the truth. It is doubt that prompts us to look for new evidence of the correctness and correctness of views and theories, comprehensively test them, and only then release them into the world. Without these emotions it is difficult to imagine at least one scientific discovery, and indeed human life in all its manifestations.

Feeling of confusion or clarity of thought

These sensations manifest themselves in us as anxiety and dissatisfaction if the object of our knowledge is seen by us unclearly, if we cannot orient ourselves in its features and connections. Such feelings force a person to understand more deeply certain issues related to study or work. As soon as our thoughts turn from vague and uncertain to clear, so-called insight and self-satisfaction sets in, thoughts are ordered and acquire a logical sequence.

Feeling of bewilderment

Such sensations are associated with the inability to give a clear explanation of any fact, object or phenomenon. It happens that in our research and exploration we find ourselves in a situation where existing connections and definitions of something do not suit us. Then we are again forced to start all over again and look for mistakes in our actions. Confusion forces a person to return to choose the right direction.

Feelings of guesswork and confidence

The construction of scientific hypotheses and their proof are based on these sensations. At first, a person cannot yet accurately establish and trace connections between the objects under study, but he can guess their nature. In the process of further mental activity, logical conclusions appear, which are confirmed in practice. It is then that we feel confident that our actions are correct.

The feelings experienced by people, described above, and many others, being a personal “response” to the surrounding reality, are generated in their content, first of all, by the nature of the phenomenon to which they are directed. Then they are determined by the attitude that each of us has developed towards this side of reality in the process of long-term social practice. And, finally, they largely depend on the nature of individual human needs, developing and transforming in the process of social development.

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