Red and blue colors control human life

Blue color is rightfully considered one of the most noble. Looking at it, we remember the shades of sky and water, elements that can be observed endlessly. Blue has also been used in art and jewelry making since ancient times. It was considered the most expensive, since for a long time blue paint was produced from the precious stone lapis lazuli. Accordingly, only rich people could afford blue clothes. Perhaps this is why many people subconsciously associate this color with something regal and majestic.

Shades of blue

This color has many different shades, but three of them are most often used. These are cyan, azure and ultramarine. The first shade, cyan, is a cross between green and blue. For this reason it is often called a shade of sea wave. Azure is a shade of blue, close to cyan. This is what the sky and clear sea water look like on a cloudless day. Ultramarine is the most intense, deep, magnetic shade of blue. Sometimes he is also called an electrician. Ultramarine is also a coloring substance, a mixture of silicon, sulfur and aluminum. Thanks to his invention, the color blue gained great popularity. Other shades of blue have no less euphonious names. For example, sapphire, midnight blue, Prussian blue, denim, etc.

What does the color orange mean in behavioral psychology?

The orange shade combines the properties of yellow and red tones: it is both radiant and aggressively striking.

In psychology, the color orange has the same meaning: it excites and stimulates action. The excessive energy and “liveness” of this shade can disgust and irritate people.

Usually he is loved by sociable people who are not afraid to openly express their position in life. Such people are open and straightforward, sensual and compassionate. The orange hue is not as “active” as red; its warmth and richness is more often associated with autumn, harvest time, the hearth, gatherings by the fireplace or fire.

The negative qualities attributed to this color are mainly imposed by images of road worker uniforms, prison clothes, and robes.

Symbolic meaning of blue

Blue is the color of the sky, literally and figuratively. Please note that even on Christian icons, blue almost always dominates the color scheme. This is especially true for images of the Mother of God. Blue is the color of purity of body and spirit, upward aspiration, spirituality. In this it is the opposite of the color red, a symbol of passion. The image of red and blue together, which can often be found on icons, denotes the subordination of the body to the spirit. The negative side of blue is puritanism and stiffness. Hence such expressions as blue stocking or blue beard. Here blue appears before us as a symbol of coldness and detachment.

This color is also one of the symbols of royal power and noble origin. “He is of blue blood” - this is often said about representatives of the upper class of society. In the ancient world, blue clothes were most often worn by priests and kings. In this way, they made it clear to the common people that they were connected with heaven and belonged to a higher caste. Traditionally, blue is considered a masculine color, associated with willpower, logic, and spirituality. In our culture, boys are taught it from a very early age by dressing them in blue or light blue clothes and buying toys of this color. However, it is worth remembering that women can also possess these conventionally masculine qualities, strong intellect and developed will. Therefore, the monopoly of men on this color is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Duality of blue

Blue has both positive and negative meanings.

Positive aspects include:

  • intellectuality, sublimity;
  • prudence;
  • tolerance, tolerance;
  • truth;
  • peace.

It is believed that blue is capable of inspiring heroic deeds, has the ability to purify the soul, awakens intuitive thinking and encourages the desire to learn higher matters.

But at the same time, there are certain negative aspects of blue. These include:

  • increased fatigue;
  • coldness in the emotional environment;
  • emotional instability;
  • rancor;
  • vanity.

Long-term exposure to this palette can cause a loss of sense of reality and severe depression.

Physiological and health effects of the color blue

The color blue is known for its special influence on the central nervous system and other organs of the body. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it invigorates and calms at the same time, that is, it harmonizes. If a person’s excitement prevents him from working, or he has high blood pressure, blue will relax and calm him down. Blue, on the contrary, can invigorate a tired, exhausted person with a weakened immune system.

It is worth remembering that the darker and deeper the shade of blue, the more pronounced its sedative effect. Such shades lower blood pressure, slow down metabolic processes in the body, and make you sleepy. Therefore, it is better to use them in the afternoon. Light and bright shades of blue have the opposite effect, invigorating and stimulating. Therefore, before starting a working day, an important meeting or an exam, it will be useful to meditate on lapis lazuli. This stone is painted in a beautiful, heavenly blue color. It is also the color of a strong will, so working with it can help those people who exercise a lot, diet, etc.

Light therapy

In fact, light waves of different frequencies can help

heal the cells of our body.
NASA specialists are especially interested in this topic and have conducted a large amount of research in connection with this phenomenon. Light therapy - a cure for depression
They learned what happens when a person exposes his cells to the near-infrared spectrum, which is slightly beyond the visible red color.

After analyzing the data obtained, they created the HEALS technology, which makes it possible to treat and heal human cells using light waves of a certain length.

The system has already been used in the treatment of skin ulcers, burns, etc. The results were impressive. Particular success has been achieved during the treatment of the oral mucosa.

About 15 percent of people with cancer suffer from oral ulcers after a radiotherapy session. NASA experts found that a two-week course of light therapy leads to a reduction in pain in 96 percent of cases.

Blue color also has its advantages: microbes do not like it very much, and it can easily cope with boiling passions.

5. Color affects your purchases.

Most large companies spend a huge amount of money to develop a logo and select appropriate colors for it.
Everything is done not because they have nowhere to put the money. Buyer beware: how sellers are deceiving us
They want to find the right approach to consumers. For example, an online store. It turned out that a person will buy something faster on a page with a red background, but only if the product is really profitable and competitive.

Psychological effects of blue

As mentioned above, blue is a harmonizer of energy. It reduces unnecessary nervous tension and adds strength to those who lack it. Blue helps improve memory. It has been observed that people work and study better in rooms painted blue. This color mobilizes, helps to focus on the goal, discarding everything unnecessary. Therefore, psychologists advise using it for people who are easily distracted, restless and absent-minded.

The blue color unobtrusively encourages trust and emphasizes the strength and authority of the person using it. Perhaps this is why this color is most often used in the dress code of various serious companies. This is the color of security and protection of the highest level. Please note that it is used by almost all international defense organizations, for example NATO or the UN. There is a lot of blue in airports and train stations, that is, places with an increased risk of danger.

Symbolism of black and white colors

Since the birth of the first religious systems, the opposition of white and black has been given sacred meaning. This is good and evil, the dualism of the light and dark principles of existence, human consciousness and physicality, the contradiction between the heavenly and earthly worlds. The Yin-Yang symbol is a visual embodiment of this union.

Luscher wrote that black is the color of the absolute beginning and the absolute end. In chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis (Bible), the color black is reflected in the image of primordial darkness: The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep. Darkness was the beginning of all things until the creator created light and differentiated it from darkness.

Black is the tone of denial, the absence of everything. It, like a negative, deprives the colorful pictures of life of light. The black shade is authoritarian, the negation embodied in it does not allow the slightest deviation from the proposed way of life.

Black is a shade associated with death, grief, but at the same time with sexy underwear, style and sophistication (in clothing and interior design), and aggressive claims to power.

In psychology, white color symbolizes purity and purity of spiritual thoughts. This is the absolute of all human aspirations, something unattainable and incomprehensible.

All shades of the rainbow visible to humans are simply electromagnetic waves into which white color breaks up when passing through a prism. Accordingly, all the colors of the rainbow are nothing more than appearance, or radiation visible to the human eye of one single color - white.

The perception of black and white colors, including transitional gray tones of varying saturation, is produced by the deep layers of the brain.

Blue color in clothes, image

Blue clothing and accessories are an integral element of business style for both men and women. It emphasizes such qualities as professionalism, seriousness, wisdom, and reliability. It should be used to make a favorable impression on the employer or your business partners. However, recently, blue color is increasingly used by fashion designers to develop collections of casual and festive clothing. With its help you can create the image of a real lady, elegant and mysterious. Blue is not very conducive to communication, but it weeds out inappropriate, obsessive fans. You want to treat the lady in blue as politely as possible. On a subconscious level, this shade emphasizes the intelligence of its owner, her restraint and nobility.

Blue color in clothes is quite universal, suitable for women with any skin or hair color. However, those with pale skin with a pinkish undertone should not overdo this shade, as it can highlight their imperfections. Women with an aristocratic porcelain complexion or those with a golden undertone or tan can wear it in any quantity. Makeup using blue shadows or eyeliner is appropriate only in the evening. Use blue eyeshadow only if your skin and hair tone is cool tones. Blue mascara is often chosen by young girls to emphasize their originality.

What does red mean in psychology?

Colors are rarely found in their pure form. Usually one name means several different shades: dark and light, cold and warm. The meaning of red in psychology can be both negative (anger, danger, aggression) and positive (energy of life, health and love).

According to Max Luscher, the red hue means activity. If the senses react positively to it, then it gives a person energy, passion, and a thirst for power. Red color is close to self-confident, active people striving for self-affirmation.

Negative assessments of the shade come down to the concepts of restlessness, fussiness, and irritability. Sensitive, introverted people find the red tone frightening or extremely annoying. Red is preferred by people with a sanguine and choleric temperament.

In general terms, we can say that red is an exciting hue, but its other qualities can only be considered in a specific context.

Blue color in the interior

This color is a leader in the design of various work spaces, offices, reception areas, etc. Designers advise companies that work with law, medicine, and information technology to make the most of its dark versions. Here they use combinations of blue and white, gray, black. For other areas of activity, too much blue and these color combinations may be too heavy. When presented correctly, blue looks great in a home interior, especially in the newfangled high-tech style. Blue and silver as the main colors are suitable for both the living room and the kitchen, made in this style. However, it is worth remembering that high-tech will appeal only to those people who prefer minimalism and austerity to home comfort.

In the living room, this shade will look stylish, but it can somewhat constrain guests and household members due to its formality. Blue in moderate doses is good for the bedroom, because it calms and makes it easier to fall asleep. However, those couples who have problems in bed should beware of it. Blue can aggravate problems with sensuality. This shade is perfect for decorating a home office, especially for those people whose work requires mental stress. In small doses, blue in lighter and warmer shades (azure) can be combined with yellow and green.

Psychology of color: why we like blue and how to wear it

People have long believed that colors evoke different moods and feelings, and some research has supported the idea that colors can have psychological effects. Blue is a color that is often found in nature, such as the pale blue of the daytime sky or the rich, dark blue of a deep body of water. Perhaps this is the reason why people often describe the color blue as calm and serene. However, as a cool color, blue can sometimes appear icy and distant. This is a basic color that everyone can find a suitable shade for their wardrobe. Want to know how to choose clothes in this color?

Favorite color of politicians

Blue is described as the favorite color of many people and the most preferred color among men. Blue evokes a feeling of calm or serenity, but at the same time, since the Middle Ages, it has been associated with power. So this shade of modern political figures was a favorite of Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher, and now Queen Elizabeth adores it.

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Posted by O, The Oprah Magazine (@oprahmagazine)

Do not forget that during the Silk Road trade, lapis lazuli powder was an expensive dye that only wealthy members of society could dye fabrics with. For this reason, when you wear a blue dress for an evening out, you are likely to receive a lot of compliments from others. Moreover, we recommend wearing an outfit in shades of blue more often than the usual black one - the deep blue color will suit more people, without visually increasing your age, but giving your figure a defined shape.

The color of stability and reliability

The color blue is often seen as a sign of stability and reliability. Companies that want to create this image use it in advertising and marketing. Remember the verification icon on Instagram - what color is it? Fun fact: approximately 25% of the icons on our phone are blue for this very reason. This is a good shade for choosing a business suit or dress shirt. You don’t have to stick to classic blue—ultramarine, indigo and other shades are now in fashion.

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Posted by STYLIST SHOPPINGSCHOOL (@shkola_shopinga)

Desire to be alone

Blue can also evoke feelings of sadness or detachment. Think about how paintings that feature a lot of blue, such as Picasso's Blue Period, convey a mood of sadness and loneliness. If you are in a melancholic mood and want to be alone with your own thoughts, put on an oversized tracksuit in this shade, UGG boots, a voluminous jacket and go for a walk. A little physical activity will quickly change your mood for the better!

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Posted by Makeup Artist/ Nonna (@nonnik_make_up)

Don't forget about jeans

How could we not mention the modern girl’s favorite wardrobe item? Created as workers' clothing, jeans are a classic wardrobe staple in the 21st century. Choose high-waisted styles with loose straight or flared trousers. It is advisable to have several pairs - in deep blue and blue shades.

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Posted by Loon | Women's Clothing (@loon_collection)

Impact on humans

Blue color has a calming and calming effect. It helps a person get rid of aggression, insomnia and negative thoughts. This is a harmonization of energy, recommended for use in places where a person is expected to be more active, attentive, and at the same time have emotional relaxation.

The described meanings of blue flowers will definitely come in handy the next time there is a question of choosing the color of the bouquet. Well, by and large, give from the heart, show attention from the heart, and then the color, shape, type of flower will not matter at all.

Who likes it and why?

Blue and cyan are traditionally considered masculine colors, while red and pink are feminine.

But for the most part, this is a marketing ploy rather than a real connection between gender and color.

A person of any gender can find a variety of shades attractive, and a girl will not grow male genitals if she wears blue pants.

According to a large study conducted in 2003, about 35% of women and 55-57% of men reported that they consider blue to be their favorite color .

Men who prefer blue often have the following personality traits:

  1. Pedantry. Attention to detail, perfectionism and practicality are often present in the character of men who choose the color blue.
    They strive to do everything as best as possible, check every little detail and carefully adhere to the rules and instructions. On the one hand, this is good, since the quality of the work will be higher, but due to excessive pedantry, the speed of its completion decreases. Also, pedantic people are prone to developing neuroses and anxiety disorders.
  2. Striving for stability. For such a man, balance and calm in everything are a priority. To make life clearer and more stable, they often prefer to follow schedules.
  3. Ability to resolve conflicts. Blue is the color of the world. Men who choose it consider conflicts, quarrels, fights, scandals unacceptable and always strive to solve all problems peacefully, for example, through dialogue. They often act as a kind of peacemaker for quarreling friends or colleagues.
  4. Self-confidence. Men who prefer blue know what they want to achieve and realize that they have the strength to realize their own plans.
  5. Responsibility. Pedantry is complemented by a sense of responsibility, which is why such men perform well in work, especially in work that requires extreme precision and attentiveness. And if a mistake was made, they will admit it and try to fix it.

Women who choose blue have similar personality traits as men who prefer it.

They are decisive, diligent, prefer to solve problems diplomatically, careful, attentive.

At the same time they:

  1. Tend to hold back emotions. This personality trait does not mean that these women are cold (although this trait may be inherent in them), but they strive to control their own lives as much as they can, and if the situation requires unemotional objectivity, they will try to do everything possible to achieve this.
  2. They are excellent at organizing information. This allows them to quickly select the most valuable from the total volume they receive and assimilate it in order to later apply it and achieve the planned goal. This feature also helps them plan more effectively and identify key tasks.
  3. They have developed empathy. Empathy is the ability to deeply empathize with an interlocutor, understand his feelings and essentially feel them on an equal basis with him. This feature is rarely present in men, since their gender role imposes on them emotional detachment, as a result, their ability to understand and comprehend emotions remains undeveloped (and this often adversely affects their mental state). Women successfully use it in diplomatic conversations, during dialogues with loved ones, in the process of trying to reconcile quarreling friends.
  4. Loyal to your partner. Such women are usually monogamous and usually have no desire to start a relationship with anyone if the one that already exists suits them in every way. This feature is also inherent in men who love the color blue.

Also, women who love deep blue may be characterized by moderate shyness.

Both women and men with this color preference tend to be interested in science and creativity, and strive for self-development and improvement of skills.

Children who prefer the color blue are distinguished by their balance, obedience, prefer to think and then act, look reasonable beyond their years, and at an older age they may be interested in philosophy.

They do not have a selfish perception of the world; they are open to friendship and sincere.

Who likes blue? About this in the video:

Read about the influence of orange on the human psyche here.

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