Final essay: How are the moral guidelines of modern man formed?

What are spiritual and moral guidelines?

This term usually means a set of rules for interaction with society and moral principles, patterns of behavior that a person focuses on to achieve harmony in life or spiritual development. These rules include:

  • Morality and its components: conscience, mercy, freedom, duty (patriotism inclusive) and justice.
  • Morality: this term contains the essence of a person’s high demand for himself in terms of his activities, directed both to the external world and to the internal one. The main moral guidelines are the desire for goodness and humility, the rejection of actions that bring harm to both society and oneself, as well as the spiritual development of one’s personality.
  • Communication ethics implies tact and respect towards others; following these norms makes a person’s life acceptable in society, without condemnation or persecution.

Final essay: How are the moral guidelines of modern man formed?

(477 words) Each generation has its own moral guidelines, which are formed under the influence of the era. Some went through the war and developed love for their Motherland, some saw the rapid development of industry and developed faith in progress, and some, under the influence of the revolution, sharpened the sting of justice. Modern man lives in prosperous times, but the pace of the world around him is accelerating all the time, and technological progress is evolving on their heels. His moral guidelines are determined in accordance with the specifics of a given era. Modern writers have written more about this.

Thus, Victor Pelevin in the dystopia “SNUFF” ridiculed society’s desire for exaggerated morality, aimed at elevating representatives of gay people. In Byzantium, militant minorities seized power and began pushing laws that discredited the majority of people. One of them was a ban on public relations with persons of the opposite sex under 46 years of age. This absurd requirement led to the fact that men and women of traditional views were forced to cohabit with dolls that repeated the human image in everything. In the media and films, representatives of LGBT communities presented their choice as a priority and imposed their ideals on all viewers without exception. This policy was a consequence of the overpopulation of Byzantium and the lack of resources: in order for people to reproduce less, they were pushed into relationships in which there could not be children. This fantastic situation largely reflects the formation of modern morality. Popular trends portray childbearing in an unfavorable light so that humanity voluntarily reduces its population and does not bring it to a critical point. It turns out that supporting minorities and joining them is relevant and good, but advocating for traditional values ​​is conservative and not at all fashionable. This is how moral values ​​are formed pragmatically today.

However, there is another way to form moral values, along which less progressive countries are moving. We find its description in the story by E. Pasternak and A. Zhvalevsky “While I’m on the edge.” In this work, one of the heroines, on the contrary, attacks the LGBT community in the person of her own daughter. Venus is in her teens and is going through a phase of fluctuating between orientations. But her mother, having learned about her daughter’s unconventional inclinations, began to force her to abandon this position through violence and scandals. At the same time, the woman systematically insulted and humiliated her child. Alcohol abuse and lack of development left their mark on the moral values ​​of the heroine. It seemed to her that homosexuality was a disease that needed to be treated with medication. She was ashamed of this “stigma”, but considered it completely normal to mock Venus. This attitude on the part of the mother provoked a suicide attempt, which her daughter miraculously managed to survive. In this example, we see how, under the influence of archaic prejudices and imposed fears of modernity, moral guidelines with a double bottom are formed: while defending some traditional values, people forget about others - kindness, understanding, love.

Thus, the process of formation of modern moral guidelines occurs between two fires: stereotypes of the past and fanaticism of the present. Some people foam at the mouth to defend rights that have not actually been violated in developed countries for a long time, while others are ready to launch a witch hunt that has long been cleared of the slander of the Inquisition. Both positions represent extremes that turn everything reasonable, good and eternal into a circus show in the square.

Moral values ​​in modern business

A moral guideline is a person’s idea of ​​what is subject to approval or condemnation. Usually, moral guidelines are clothed in completely tangible properties: - patriotism and citizenship; - hard work and professional integrity; — modesty and responsible performance of duties; - generosity, etc.

Eh... the dashing 90s... they greatly changed the consciousness of the Russian people. I will not go into the reasons for such extreme changes... The important thing here is that the guidelines for the entire society have changed significantly. Everything that just recently could have resulted in a real criminal offense has come forward. Values ​​have become different. More than one generation has grown up on the general desire for personal enrichment. Moreover, the ways to achieve this wealth often had nothing to do with moral standards and ethics. For too long, the West has lured us to a “beautiful” life. And the “forbidden fruit” effect worked perfectly. What ultimately happened? The country was torn apart by groups of people close to the current government. Most of the population looked at all this chaos from the outside, complaining about their helplessness in trying to prevent it. The consciousness of many Russians has mutated. If quite recently ideas about working for the common good flourished in society, now everything has been turned upside down. Self-interest is a new moral guideline...

Meanwhile, one generation after another of our “renewed” country grew up, which saw how everything was happening and decided for itself that this model of the world was the fairest. For many, the goal of personal enrichment has become the main one. And the ways to achieve it began to be of secondary importance. All this has brought our heroic Motherland to the state that we can all see at the moment. Naturally, children, like sponges, absorb the entire world around them and are a mirror of our reality. And now in schools, kids don’t discuss the achievements of our cosmonauts or leading workers, but brag about gadgets, cars, apartments and everything material... I understand that before there were rockets, planes and cars that kids exchanged and boasted about, but with the advent of the technocratic age everything has changed almost beyond recognition. This is truly terrible. And the point here is that, in pursuit of false values, we began to simply drift away from the most important thing every year. From knowing ourselves and our goals... And our children are already doing this with us.

Tell me, how often have you talked with your child about what is good and what is bad? How often have you told him about what should be the most important in the life of every person? How many times have you asked him what he wants to be when he grows up? How can you answer your little son or daughter’s question about the purpose of birth? Well, surely, each of you has at least once encountered such rhetorical questions... And how did it all end??? Well, don't bother me? Let me talk??? Go and play PSP or something else... just don’t bother me with your questions... Has this ever happened? ... And our children again sit down at the computer and satisfy their knowledge of the world, at best, by playing Angry Birds ... Or even worse ... Some parents are so unconscious that they buy their children toys with age restrictions that are twice their age. To be hair stood on end when I heard first-graders talking about completing the next mission of the game modern warfare 2...Games where the most sophisticated forms of murder are practiced. What will these innocent children become? What will be the norm for them? What are their moral compass? And why are you surprised when you hear selective swearing during recess in first grade? Really, for all of us, the thirst for material wealth has become the fertile soil on which all future generations can be raised?...

Moral guidelines for raising preschool children

Anna Yudina

Moral guidelines for raising preschool children

Modern society requires the emergence of a new person as a citizen, which inevitably entails a change in moral guidelines and ideals of the content of all forms of social consciousness.

When it comes to moral education , the question immediately arises about moral and ethical standards .

Morality is a traditional, meaningful form of social consciousness and relations between people, approved and supported by group, class, public opinion. Morality is determined by the nature of social relations. It contains generally accepted norms, rules, laws, commandments, taboos, prohibitions that are instilled in a growing person from early childhood.

Morality ensures the child’s adaptation to the conditions of social life and keeps him within the framework of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.

Morality is a concept that is synonymous with morality. However, morality is considered as a form of consciousness, and morality is the sphere of morals , customs, and practical actions.

Moral education is a purposeful process of introducing children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society.

Morality finds expression in relation to the Motherland, society, the team, individuals, oneself, work and the results of work. Morality as a personality trait is not innate; its formation begins in childhood. Today, the basic principles of morality remain unchanged: the desire to do good and refrain from evil, to take care of other people.

It is precisely because of its high significance that the problem of moral education of preschool children is always the focus of attention of outstanding teachers such as: V. A. Sukhomlinsky, N. S. Karpinskaya, A. M. Vinogradova, V. G. Nechaev, V. I. Loginova and others.

the following means of moral education for preschool children :

-artistic media: fiction, visual arts, music, etc.


-children’s own activities: play, work, learning, communication;

-the atmosphere in which the child is raised ;

- the environment surrounding the child.

When we talk about moral education , the question immediately arises about moral and moral qualities. Today, moral education is an important aspect of the overall development of preschool children . After all, only in the process of moral education does a child develop humane feelings, form ethical ideas, skills of cultural behavior, social and social qualities, respect for adults, a responsible attitude towards carrying out assignments, and the ability to evaluate one’s actions and actions. In preschool age, children develop the ability to evaluate the actions of their own and others, to accurately recognize the correctness of actions, explaining and commenting on their attitude to this. preschool children in the right direction.

There are many possible ways for controlled and purposeful moral

-fairytale therapy

-illustrated literary works

-artistic creativity


-different types of children's activities and an equally important and interesting way to develop moral education is theatrical activity.

The question of what is “good” and what is “bad”, what behavior is correct and what is unacceptable, is philosophical, each parent decides for himself, what he wants to see his child like and how he will raise , and we are just trying Note the ways in which you can show your child what is “bad” and what is “good.”

Children aged 2-3 years do not perceive abstract concepts such as “generosity”, “truth”, etc. Therefore, give your child real examples. Be firm in calling out unwanted behavior, but do it in a calm, friendly manner.

4-5 years is the most fertile time when you can strengthen your child’s concepts of “good” and “bad.” Children at this age perceive simple explanations . You can already explain to them such concepts as “generosity” and “honesty.” Continue to show your child examples, even better if you yourself are these examples. Children at this age strive to be like people close to them, they strive to evoke joy and a positive reaction from their parents, so the more often you praise children at this age, the better. Do not ignore and encourage the good behavior of children; this is the main educational method at this age.

Children aged 6-8 develop social awareness. They begin to understand that others also have rights and that there are rules in society that must be followed.

Thus, the content of moral education of preschool children should be focused on universal human values, on understanding differences (racial, national)

as conditioned by nature and
history , providing the opportunity to expand and enrich the social experience of each person.

§ 11. The spiritual world of the individual


1. What are a person’s spiritual and moral guidelines, what is their role in his activities?

A person’s spiritual and moral guidelines are what a person strives for spiritually and morally. Their role in human activity is very great, because his actions and actions will directly depend on his spiritual and moral guidelines. A person who has a developed spiritual life, as a rule, has an important personal quality: his spirituality means striving for the heights of ideals and thoughts that determine the direction of all activities, therefore some researchers characterize spirituality as the morally oriented will and mind of a person.

On the contrary, a person whose spiritual life is not developed is spiritless, unable to see and feel all the diversity and beauty of the world around him.

2. What is the essence of the categorical imperative?

The categorical imperative is an unconditional compulsory requirement (command), not allowing objections, mandatory for all people, regardless of their origin, position, circumstances. And as Kant argued, there is only one categorical imperative: “always act in accordance with such a maxim, the universality of which as a law you can at the same time desire” (maxim is the highest principle, the highest rule). The categorical imperative asserts a person’s personal responsibility for the actions he has committed and teaches not to do to others what you do not wish for yourself. Consequently, these provisions, like morality in general, are humanistic in nature, for the “other” acts as a Friend. This is the essence of the categorical imperative.

3. What are moral values? Describe them.

Moral values ​​are the most important moral values, what is dear to a person in himself and in others: life, honor.

4. Why is the development of a person’s moral qualities impossible without self-education?

If a person lacks self-education (self-control), then he will not be able to gain the “experience of good deeds”, and therefore become morally rich.

5. What is the essence of worldview? Why is worldview often called the core of a person’s spiritual world?

The essence of a worldview consists of the totality of a person’s views on the world that surrounds him, therefore it is often called the core of the spiritual world of the individual. Worldview is the basis of human spirituality.

6. What types of worldview does science distinguish? What characterizes each of them?

Science identifies the following types of worldview: 1. ordinary - built on one’s own experience, formed spontaneously; 2. religious - the basis of this worldview is religion and 3. scientific - based on the achievements of science.

7. What do the concepts of “morality” and “worldview” have in common? What is their difference?

General - both morality and worldview are a totality and a system. And the difference is that the worldviews of different people can be different, but morality is the same.

8. What is the significance of worldview for human activity?

Based on a worldview, a person can act one way or another, because... he comes from his own views.


1. Do you think morality forces a person to act in a certain way or does it give freedom? Give reasons for your answer.

Morality always acts as moderation, the ability to self-restraint; at all times and among all peoples it has been associated with restraint, close to asceticism (asceticism is a person’s ability to limit himself, to impose a ban on his natural desires, if necessary). From this concept we see that morality forces a person to act in a certain way.

2. Scientists argue that value orientations determine a person’s life goals, the “general line of the individual.” Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your position.

Yes, I agree with this opinion; indeed, value orientations determine a person’s life goals, because value orientations are the core of a person, those guidelines that guide a person’s activities.

3. The English thinker Adam Smith noted the importance of a wise and creative course of action, a combination of prudence with valor, with love for humanity, with sacred respect for justice, with heroism. “This prudence,” said Adam Smith, “involves the union of an excellent head with an excellent heart.” How do you understand the author’s thesis about “combining an excellent head with an excellent heart”? What, in your opinion, is the connection between this provision and moral values?

A good person should have everything excellent, both mind and heart. Any person should think with his head and listen to his heart before doing anything. On the moral side, if a person listens to his heart, he will not act cruelly and selfishly.

4. Academician B.V. Rauschenbach wrote: “Isn’t it alarming that the characteristics of “a successful businessman”, “a good organizer of production” sometimes turn out to be more important than the assessment of “a decent person”? Do you agree with the scientist's opinion? Give reasons for your position. Try to formulate your own definition of the concept of “decency”.

Decency is the moral quality of a person who always strives to keep his promises and does not intentionally harm others. The characteristics “successful businessman” and “good production organizer” are not always more important than the assessment “decent person”, because both a businessman and a production manager can also be decent people. Of course, in modern society it is very important that people who occupy certain positions are decent.

5. Russian sociologists conducted a study of students’ values. Students named the following value orientations as the most important in their lives: getting a good education - 29% of those surveyed; have an interesting job - 34%; get a prestigious job - 26%; achieve material wealth - 42%; have good health - 50%; my family - 70%; enjoy life - 26%. Named something else or found it difficult to answer - 5% of the students surveyed. How do you feel about these results? Which values ​​from the list above do you consider most important to you? What would you add to this list?

From this list of values, family comes first; second place is taken by health, third place by material wealth.

For myself, I would also keep this sequence. It is very important that in modern society family and spiritual values ​​are valuable, and material wealth fades into the background.

The phenomenon of spirituality

The concept of spirituality involves two interpretations: secular and religious.

From the point of view of the first of them, spirituality is a person’s desire to embody in his life the highest values, such as goodness, beauty and truth, to realize himself through love for the world around him and to achieve an ideal.

From the point of view of a religious position, spirituality is understood as a deep connection between a person and God, the achievement of unity with him and the beginning of the process of “deification” of a person’s personality.

At the same time, both secular and religious positions assume that the source of spirituality is conscience, which is interpreted as a feeling of the connection between man and God (religious position) or a sense of internal harmony and justice (secular position).

Life guidelines in our lives! And how to find them?

Hello dear readers of the “Areas of Life” blog. Have you ever thought about where you are going in your life, what will be left of you when the time comes to leave this world. Perhaps you are trying in every possible way to drive away from yourself the very idea that we are not eternal, but it is the thought of death that can help us in life, and as paradoxical as it sounds, it is so. It is the thought that someday we will not be there that can be an excellent motivation in the things we are doing now and serve as a source for finding our life direction.

Very often a person does not know what he wants from life, he does not know what to do in the present tense. He moves in a circle, home - work - TV - sleep, and so on every day, sometimes this circle includes walks with his wife and children, and shopping trips on the weekends. This is what life looks like for the average person. He doesn’t have a goal, and if he does, it’s for 2-3 years, or maybe for some, 5-10. But that’s all... And what happens next? Looking for a new goal? Won't it be too late? After all, with age, we have less and less strength to implement our ideas, more experience, but who will you pass on your experience to? And will your experience that you acquired be needed in our time, there is a lot of information, and every day it becomes even more, a lot changes, what did not work 10 years ago works great now, and vice versa, what worked before , now it doesn't work anymore.

Therefore, to determine what you want to get from life, imagine the following situation:

You arrive at a funeral, a lot of people have gathered, all your family and friends, your friends, but for some reason no one will notice you. You notice a coffin and head towards it, there are huge wreaths, flowers everywhere, and sad sad tear-stained faces. And so you approach the coffin, and you see yourself there. Yes, you died, that’s where your life ended. You sit down on the ground, look at all these people who came to say goodbye to you! And how many people do you see, how many people regret your death, and are there among them those who are trying to hide their gloating and are glad that you are no more? And now your family will talk about you!

Think about what you want to hear from their lips, what words spoken by them would be most important to you. How would you like to be remembered? What would you like to hear about your character, about the things you did, about what you left behind? What role did you play in their lives? Ponder this!

And if you honestly and sincerely approached this experiment, you came into contact with the desires of your soul. Now you have an internal guide that will help you move through life. If you doubt something somewhere, remember that you are not eternal, remember that when you leave, you will be remembered by your actions and actions.

And now that you know what you want from life, you know where you are going, you can build a plan that will help you get there, now you have life guidelines that will show you the right path.

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