Types of violence and their consequences


Psychotherapists identify the following factors that turn a person into a rapist:

  • Distrust of people.
  • Provoking actions, aggression of the other side.
  • Stress (professional, emotional), severe fatigue.
  • Unloved profession, money problems.
  • Low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence.
  • Unemployment, alcoholism.
  • The appearance of constant boredom and feelings of emptiness.
  • A person cannot overcome difficulties normally.
  • Depression, loneliness, feelings of rejection, resentment, isolation from society.
  • Uncontrollable anger.
  • Restlessness, anxiety, unstable emotional behavior.
  • Hostility towards others, broken promises.
  • Helplessness.
  • Mental illness, emotional disorder.

Types of violence

According to the characteristics of the subjects committing violence, the following categories are distinguished[2]:

  • attempt on one's own life or health (including suicide, suicide attempts, self-harm);
  • interpersonal violence (violence by another person or group of people);
  • collective violence (violence by the state, political group, terrorist organization).

Based on the nature of violence, the following types are distinguished[2]:

  • physical violence;
  • sexual violence;
  • psychological abuse;
  • damage or neglect.

Types of physical violence

We note that all violent actions often lead to injury and death. This could include blows, kicks, bites, severe beatings, or the use of different types of weapons. Depending on the emotional state, the following types are distinguished:


The person is aggressive, gets very angry, screams, then starts fist fights, cannot control himself, hurts others. In this case, the pain that appears due to powerlessness and complete disappointment in life is to blame. The patient cannot control his emotions and does not control his behavior. This is an expressive form of violence.

Cold (intentional)

In this case there is no anger, rage, or intention to hurt someone. The criminal always has a specific goal, often it can be associated with faith, belief, ideology, philosophy. Violence can be direct, in which it is immediately clear that they want to cause harm. Indirect violence is considered especially dangerous. In this case, the victim is not even aware of the attack.


When a rapist has sexual intercourse against his will, it is rape. This also includes various coercions of a sexual nature, sadistic forms, jealousy with rape.

The bad thing is that many victims can suffer from domestic violence, while they carefully hide everything, live and endure everything. Some people begin to blame themselves for everything, thinking that they have to endure pain.

Important! Under no circumstances tolerate aggression towards yourself, hiding behind the phrases: “I did something wrong,” “My chosen one is just upset, I need to get over it,” “I deserved this.” Victims do not understand what is normal and what is violent behavior that goes beyond social and legal norms.

Tribute to tradition

— Vladimir Pavlovich, women are more often victims of domestic violence. What is it like?

- Firstly, physical violence. Women are beaten in the family, and this is considered the norm in certain circles of society and even in certain countries.

Secondly, sexual. Although it is quite close to physical violence, it is still different, because sexual violence is not only physical force against the will of a woman, but also psychological suppression and humiliation.

Thirdly, psychological, when a woman is subjected to humiliation and demands that diminish her role in the family and in society.

Fourthly, economic, when a woman is financially dependent on a man.

There is also a connection with educational qualifications. In families with higher education and financial security, sexual violence is more common. And in families where the level of education is low, physical violence accounts for 70-80%.

It also depends on the country. In the United States, sexual violence is prevalent in families.

In our country, physical violence always comes first.

This is due to many factors and, first of all, to traditions and duplication of behavior. Usually people imitate the behavior of their parents and transfer this model to their family.

- If dad beats mom, will the son then beat his wife?

- Yes, this is considered normal. But I want to emphasize that quite often a woman begins to dominate. She mentally suppresses a man, takes his salary, controls all expenses. This is psychological and economic violence.

- Also traditions? If mom controlled dad, will the daughter also control her husband?

- This is a matter of traditions and upbringing. Her mother taught her to do this. In our country, it is customary that a man gives his entire salary to his wife, and she already manages the income. In some cases this can be regarded as economic pressure. The husband is an economic donor, but very rarely a woman is satisfied with his income. She begins to reproach him for his absence:

  • big salary
  • pride,
  • careers.

That is, psychological pressure comes into play. It cannot be clearly divided into physical, economic or psychological pressure. Everything is mixed.

— Does a woman like this position? Can she, under the guise of dissatisfaction, hide her joy at being dominant?

- This is a translation of such experiences into the sexual sphere, because there is already an element of sadism: yes, I will take money from my husband, getting pleasure from it. I think that this is just a tribute to tradition, and there is little sexism. That is, a man must earn a certain amount, give it to his wife, and she will manage it: roughly speaking, give out a ruble for lunch, as was the case in the Soviet Union. That is, she simply cannot allow her husband to manage his salary himself.

There are very few families where these issues are resolved on a parity basis: there is a total amount earned by husband and wife, and they decide together how to spend it.

I think this is the most correct thing, and this is exactly how it is in my family.

But each person determines what is convenient for him. There are my closest relatives: the woman works three jobs, and the man works two jobs, and goes fishing for two days. But he takes three thousand from his wife for fishing. It is impossible to convince them that this is wrong. They see this in their parents and repeat this model in the family.

Is it possible to prevent violence?

Certainly! Here you immediately need the help of medical workers and the police. You should not tolerate violence against yourself, be sure to call the hotline. You can also contact a help center or shelter, where legal advice will be provided.

It is important to understand that you are a victim and should not tolerate bullying. In addition, psychologists recommend preparing for an attack, analyzing your behavior - perhaps you are provoking the rapist. It is very important to be independent from the rapist - in housing and financial matters.

It is not recommended to watch scenes with violence. Nowadays there are quite a lot of shocking, sharp images and computer games with murders. Over time, aggression can go beyond what is permitted.

It is also very important to carefully approach the issue of raising a child - to try in every way to protect him from the media, to protect him from various unpleasant situations. Parents should closely monitor the affairs and interests of their children:

  • Do not allow watching films with blood or murder.
  • Be patient with children.
  • Set specific boundaries for behavior.

The meaning of the word "violence"

  • Violence, as defined by the World Health Organization, is the intentional use of physical force or power, actual or threatened, directed against oneself, another person, group of persons or community, which results (or has a high degree of likelihood of resulting) in bodily harm or death. , psychological trauma, developmental disabilities or various types of damage.
    This definition connects premeditation and the actual commission of an act of violence, regardless of its outcome. The inclusion of the words “use of power” in the definition expands the traditional understanding of the nature of a violent act by including in the concept of violence actions the source of which is power over a person, that is, threats and intimidation.

    Globally, violence kills more than 1.5 million people every year. For every violent death, there are dozens of hospitalizations, hundreds of emergency room visits, and thousands of doctor visits. In addition, violence often has lifelong consequences for victims' physical and mental health and their interactions with others, and can also slow economic and social development.

    According to the official WHO position, the causes of violence are partly due to biological and other personal factors that predispose a person to aggression, but more often such factors interact with family, community, cultural and other external factors and thus create a situation in which violence occurs.

    Violence is the leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 45. On Earth, 14% of men and 7% of women die annually from violent causes—more than 1.6 million people. These figures mean that every minute in the world a person dies as a result of an attack. According to WHO, every 40 seconds someone on Earth dies by deliberately committing suicide. 35 people are killed every hour as a result of armed conflict. Over the last century, the total number of deaths in wars and local conflicts is 200 million. At the same time, for every one killed in armed conflicts, there are another 40 people who received injuries of varying severity and require serious treatment. At the same time, domestic violence is no less evil. According to statistics, half of all murdered women were killed by former or current husbands or lovers. In some countries this figure is closer to 70%. One in four women around the world suffers from sexual violence throughout their lifetime.

  • How do you know if you are prone to violence?

    Pay attention to these signs:

    • A person misjudges his actions.
    • Tendency to violence, while the person does not think about the consequences of behavior.
    • The rapist does not know how to control himself, he has no fear, but he shows aggression.
    • You get pleasure from harming others.
    • Indifference to the grief of other people.
    • Manipulation of others, playing with feelings.
    • A rapist cannot create a strong family.
    • Coldness, prudence, lack of emotions.
    • Lack of shame, guilt, morality, conscience.
    • Antisocial behavior.
    • Cannot plan the future or further actions.
    • No understanding.
    • He doesn’t see where truth and lies, fiction and reality are.
    • Reacts strangely to alcoholic beverages.
    • Suicidal behavior, suicide blackmail.
    • Anger, pugnacity, indifference to punishment.
    • Refuses close people.
    • Constantly fails at school and at work.

    If at least a few signs are observed, you should not hesitate, urgently consult a psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist. Rapists are often criminals who can kill, rape, and otherwise harm.

    Question No. 6. violence and its types

    Question No. 5. optional signs of the objective side.

    For their legal meaning, see the topic of corpus delicti.

    A crime scene is the area where a crime specified in the law was committed. The crime scene allows you to choose the law of the state under which you will be prosecuted; In some cases, the crime scene allows us to determine the stage of the crime.

    The time of crime is the chronological period during which the crime is committed, specified in the law. Allows you to select the law that should apply.

    Means and instruments of committing a crime.

    Tools are objects of the external world with the help of which a person influences the subject of a crime or the victim.

    Means are tools or physical processes that are used by the criminal to influence the subject of the crime or the victim.

    The method of crime is a set of techniques and methods by which a crime is carried out, specified in the law.

    The situation is the totality of circumstances under which a crime is committed. specified in the law.

    In law, the most common weapon of crime is a gun.

    A weapon is a device and objects that are structurally designed to destroy a living or other target. You can add: and having no other economic purpose.

    Types of weapons - law “On Weapons” of November 13, 1996. (independently).

    The most common method specified in the law is the violent method.

    Violence is a socially dangerous, unlawful influence on a person’s body or psyche against or against his will.

    There are two types of violence (according to the object and method of violence):

    1. physical , that is, the impact on the human body or non-informational impact on the human psyche (introduction of potent substances into the human body).

    2. mental , that is, informational impact on the human psyche. One type of mental violence is hypnosis.

    Hypnosis is a mental state associated with special changes in consciousness, in which unconscious mental processes become as controllable as possible. The state of hypnosis is an irresistible force for most people.

    Physical violence (according to the method of influence on a person) can be:

    A) impact on the external integument of a person

    B) by introducing harmful substances into the human body, that is, affecting internal organs, bypassing external ones.

    The first type of violence is punishable in three cases:

    1. its application (the act itself).

    2. when its use caused harm to life and health (Article 105).

    3. if it was a way to achieve another criminal goal.

    Violence of the second type is punishable in the second and third cases. But the second incident of violence can be considered as force majeure.

    Physical violence of any kind is divided into two types according to the degree of danger:

    1. violence dangerous to life and health . This includes:

    a) causing serious harm to health (Article 111);

    b) harm to health of moderate severity (Article 112);

    c) any harm to health associated with short-term health disorder (up to 21 days) or minor permanent loss of general ability to work (up to 10%);

    d) violence that did not entail any consequences, or that resulted in consequences in the form of bruises and abrasions, but at the time of its infliction created a danger to life.

    2. violence not dangerous to life and health : beatings, torture, physical restraint and other infliction of physical pain, as well as causing minor harm to health not accompanied by short-term health problems and loss of general disability.

    Treatment methods

    Often used in medicine:

    • Individual psychotherapy – the patient, together with the doctor, finds a solution to the problem.
    • Group psychotherapy - several people have a similar problem. Here the participants interact with each other and provide support in any situation.
    • Family psychotherapy – meetings with a doctor, during which they analyze what kind of relationships develop in the family.

    So, physical violence is very serious, so you should not tolerate bullying!



    Violence is violence


    1. Oppression: Yaroslav and all his grandchildren Vseslavl!.. You are bringing filth upon the Russian land with your sedition, upon the life of Vseslavl. By which there is more violence from the Polovtsian land! 34—35


    Yes, it is appropriate for him (Job) to be lenient, to torture himself for the guilt of lenientness and to control, for her sake, to accept violence from an enemy, or to be offended by a friend. Izb. St. 1073

    63 vol
    Then Antigonus, the son of Aristouls, came to the Tsesarev, crying out against Urcanus and Antipater, his commander, saying that ... she herself stinks the whole earth with covetousness and violence. Flav.
    Full. Jerus. ,
    183 (XVI century ~ early XII century)
    1015: Yaroslav, who does not know death from now on, has destroyed many of Yaroslav, and committed violence against the Novgorodians and their wives. The Novgorodians got up and beat the Varangians in the courtyard of Poromoni. Pov.
    time years, 95 (1377 ~ beginning of the 12th century) .
    1140: After a little time, the Novgorodians began to raise their voices against Svyatoslav at the veche about his anger... the Novgorodians rose up in the veche and beat up their friend Svyatoslav about his violence. Ipat.
    years. ,
    307 (XV century)
    1210: And she sent to Novgorod (Mstislav Mstisl.): ... I came to you, having heard violence from the prince, and I feel sorry for my father. Novg.
    1 years ,
    51 (XIII century)
    And in our years, why don’t we see evil? many troubles and sorrows, wars, hunger, from filthy violence. Pouch.
    Serap. Vlad. ,
    14 (XIV century ~ XIII century)
    Behold, one day I go to that blessed one... to see that poor widow, even if she was offended by the judge... The blessed one goes to the judge and speaks to him about her, and delivers him from violence. Pater.
    Pech. (Abr.), 70-71 (XV century ~ XIII century) . Svyatopolk did a lot of violence to people, the houses of more powerful people to the ground


    without guilt, uprooting and taking away the names of many. Ibid.

    It is proper to preserve piety and to think the best of the citizens and to possess sweetness, not to do anything violent, to think of the human enemy as if it were one’s own enemy. Bee
    13 (XIV century ~ XIII century)

    2. Coercion, forced influence on someone, sth.

    1093: If God grants you to accept the power of my table, according to your brothers, with righteousness, and not with violence, then when God takes you away from this life, let you lie down, and let me lie down at my tomb. Pov. time years, 142 (1377 ~ beginning of the 12th century)

    And even if you wanted it by force, she gave it to Starodub and was merciful to you, your side. Pouch.
    Vl. Monom. ,
    165 (1377 ~ early 12th century)
    Alexander seemed to think of putting a good crown on the trees, and the priest decided: I am not worthy of doing this; If you do it by force, do what you want - for the crown prince, every law is not written. Alexander.
    88 (XV century ~ XII century)
    About the bishops or clergy supplied by the help and violence of the ruler and holding the Church of the Saints, the Apostle rule 30 of the seventh collection. Ryaz.
    helmsman ,
    19 (1284)
    Even if the city of Kostyantin came to Kostyantin through violence and lust for glory, I pray for myself that I won’t get anyone else’s soul. Gr.
    God. ,
    128 rev.
    (XIV century) .
    The king was overthrown from the throne and forced into the monastic rank. Pam.
    Smoot. vr. ,
    230 (XVII century)

    3. Rape.

    You are a fierce old man, you no longer have the strength to endure future torment, you are a fierce woman, violence from those who captivated is acceptable. Flav. Full. Jerus.

    462 (XVI century ~ early XII century)
    Even Latin men are free to inflict violence on their wife, and if there was no rubbish on her, then pay 5 silver. Smol.
    gram. 1229 (C) ,
    1496: And even if the sovereign had granted us great favor, Magamed Amen would not have sent the king to us in Kazan, because of him there was great violence and dishonor to our katuns. Risen.
    years. VIII, 232 (XVI century) .

    ◊ Violence - named after. pad. units h.

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