Team building - how to organize team work

Navigation for the article “Bullying at work: what are the reasons and who can become its victim? Part 1":

  • Bullying at work - what is its mechanism?
  • Bullying or conflict? Find out if there are rational reasons

Relationships in a work team are not always easy to build.
A team is not always a group of people united by a common goal. Here the ambitions of different people, habits and reluctance to accept new things can collide. Everyone may have their own interests, often competing with each other. Different views on life, work and the common cause. Conflicts as a clash of different interests are, alas, not uncommon. But we should not confuse bullying (nitpicking, ridicule, slander, isolation and boycott, and even harm to property and human health) and conflict. Bullying is a form of psychological violence, i.e. unilateral aggression of a group against one person.

This phenomenon is present in all cultures and in all countries of the world to one degree or another. Some European countries have even passed laws protecting employees in the event of bullying at work.

In English, there is also the term mobbing, which has already begun to be used as a synonym for the word “bullying” in Russian (mobbing).

Mobbing can be directed from top to bottom, i.e. from superior to subordinate, or “horizontally” – i.e. bullying at work from colleagues who are approximately equal in position in the company.

A friendly team is the key to successful work

A team is a group of people that should become a team united by a common goal. The manager undertakes, at first glance, an impossible task - to create a cohesive team of employees with different characters, temperaments, hobbies, abilities, and tastes.

If he manages to unite them all with one goal and make sure that they are ready to work not for remuneration, but for the sake of an idea, then such an enterprise will certainly be successful.

The cohesion of the team will make it possible to complete any, even the most difficult task, since everyone will feel like part of one whole. The leader’s goal is to form not only a friendly community, but a team of like-minded people, in which everyone, by performing their task, contributes to the success of the common cause.

Microclimate plays a big role. If a person goes to work with pleasure, then the return from him will be greater. If there are squabbles, quarrels, and conflicts in the workplace, then all the workers’ forces are mobilized not for creativity and searching for the best way to solve problems, but for maintaining emotional calm.

When there is a good, friendly atmosphere at work, then everyone is ready to help not only in solving work problems, but to support them during difficult periods of life.

Which team is considered cohesive? Characteristics of a cohesive team

In the workplace, a person is looking for:

  • recognition of one's interests and values;
  • security;
  • comfort.

The microclimate and interpersonal communication either contribute to this or not.

A close-knit team is a community in which everyone’s personal needs are met, that is, their interests and values ​​are shared.

This depends on the sympathy of employees for each other and the sharing of existing rules and regulations. What kind of teams there are depends on the degree of cohesion.

A healthy team has the following characteristics:

  1. A positive emotional background is maintained.
  2. Each employee considers himself part of the whole, since the team supports common norms, values ​​and goals.
  3. Team spirit developed.
  4. The leader is involved in uniting the team, and does not let everything take its course.
  5. Employees have a desire to come to work knowing that the team will support them during a difficult situation.
  6. The presence of a democratic atmosphere that has a positive effect on making important decisions.
  7. Informal relationships make it easier to cope with job responsibilities, correctly distribute working time, and form self-discipline.
  8. Trusting relationships do not allow the presence of negative emotions and give a feeling of security, confidence in oneself and others.

A good team requires a special kind of connection between employees that helps overcome the undesirable influence of external factors.

When it is necessary to create a cohesive team

In any organization, there are situations that indicate that emergency measures need to be taken because the company cannot operate effectively. For example, these:

  1. The team of workers is agitated due to false information. The situation is created in companies where employees do not receive the necessary information. In such organizations there is abuse of power, and the remuneration system is opaque. Rumors and gossip do not allow the enterprise to operate normally. Emergency assistance from HR specialists is needed.
  2. Illiterate leadership, lack of control and clear definition of job responsibilities leads to the formation of groups and the emergence of informal leaders. This may cause a split in the team.
  3. Poor management leads to internal competition. The “carrot and stick” policy contributes to the emergence of hypocrites and earphones. Everyone is pursuing personal interests, so it is impossible to constructively resolve complex issues together.

The lack of strategies to create a corporate culture and the deterioration of the microclimate in the group will slow down the process of building a unified team.

How to protect yourself from aggression at work

Psychologists insist that one cannot respond with silence to insults and humiliation. If you give in, the aggressor’s attack will continue with renewed vigor, and he will no longer keep himself within any limits. Therefore, follow these guidelines.

  1. Listen to your body's signals. If you feel discomfort around an employee, you feel like you are inferior because of his ridicule - this is a natural aggressor trying to suppress your dignity.
  2. Stop berating yourself. You should not assume that aggression from others is entirely your fault and look for flaws in yourself. All the pest seeks is to control you and your behavior, to “crush” you.
  3. Don’t even dare listen to insults and humiliation until the end. As soon as they start shouting at you or saying nasty words, stop the person. We are not talking about assault or other physical force. Just say “Enough!”, “I’m tired of it!”, “Don’t you dare yell at me anymore!”, “Can you explain it properly?”, “Repeat the same thing, but clearly and calmly!” etc.
  4. Don't keep negativity to yourself. Having heard a lot of unpleasant words and unkind attitudes addressed to you at work, share your feelings with someone you trust. This could be a spouse, a relative; a consultation with a psychotherapist would not hurt. By the way, a specialist is simply necessary for those who are unable to overcome bullying at work.
  5. There is no point in bringing or explaining anything, just as there are no prospects when trying to change the character of the aggressor. Believe me, a person can only be changed in his infancy, and once he has crossed adolescence, it is useless to fight his shortcomings. The best thing you can do is to begin to respect yourself and give concrete rebuff to the offender. You need to behave in such a way that no one dares to behave disrespectfully towards you. As soon as attempts arise, cut them off in the bud, ask a clear and tough question: “What do you need from me?”, “Who gave you the right to shout at me?”, “Who gave you the right to insult and humiliate my dignity?”, “Why?” “Did you think that you are allowed to talk to people in that tone?” etc. The main thing is to always remain an intelligent person and not allow yourself to go to extremes and abuse. Thus, you will only stoop to the level of a brawler and play into his hands.
  6. Don't play, just be yourself. Don't try to make only a positive impression, let them see you for who or what you really are. Future employees need to know your natural “face.” Moreover, the desire to look better works against your own nature. Why hide your natural character traits if they do not cause problems for anyone. And if this is the case, it is better to fight them rather than hide them.
  7. Before a new meeting occurs, set yourself up for the positive. If you can’t relieve stress, remember something good, try mentally meditating or say a prayer. No one has yet been able to cancel her power. This will make it easier to find a common language with future colleagues.
  8. Watch your appearance. Perhaps the negative attitude towards you is the result of your own wrong actions. For example, you dress too provocatively, brightly, or maybe even vulgarly. You shouldn’t turn your workplace into a nightclub, where everything is available - long slits, miniskirts and revealing cleavage. Keep your clothes in a business style that will not interfere with your work, not only for you, but also for those around you.

Having achieved their goal, opponents can force you to write a statement of your own free will. But don't rush into an important decision. Be that as it may, if you are a good specialist, there will always be work. Agree with your boss and start looking for a worthwhile job, try to agree on dismissal by agreement of the parties in order to receive severance pay. Perhaps the job is to your heart’s content and there are branches where you can get a job by transfer, without breaking your employment contract. Or, before you leave, take the required vacation, spend it to benefit your own health and calm your nerves.

I recommend reading: Workaholism.

How to Know When You Need Team Cohesion

A leader needs to make an effort to unite the team when:

  • the team contains too different people who simply cannot coexist together;
  • employees do not understand what to do, get angry and lash out at each other (reason: vague tasks, lack of a clear distribution of roles);
  • employees are “on salary” and do not want to work (there is no motivation system);
  • the spirit of competition flourishes (too rigid motivation).

A good leader knows that in order for an enterprise to operate successfully, it is necessary to build a team, and he must do this himself, and not shift this task to his deputies.

What is your first day on the team like?

I would like to immediately make you happy - the first day at school or college is much harder to bear than getting to know the work team. So, you have hardening, although you don’t realize it.

Just like at school, relationships in a team involve interaction with losers, cool people, simpletons, gray mice and princesses. Your task is to promptly recognize who is in front of you, what good he will do, and how to make sure that this character does not pose an obstacle to you on your career path.

Before we look at the rules of behavior for a newbie, first, let’s break down the inhabitants of your office (workshop, military unit, etc.) into types.

Methods, mechanisms and conditions for forming a cohesive team

Team building methods:

  • meetings, meetings, consultations aimed at establishing contact between team members and creating an awareness of the integrity and unity of the team;
  • “round tables”, seminars to find ways to resolve problems in professional activities;
  • general motivation, which makes it possible to increase work efficiency and allows you to feel the team spirit (engagement in a common project, as a result of which the entire team is rewarded, rather than an individual employee);
  • creation of a democratic governance structure.

The formation of a corporate culture of an enterprise always leads to the fact that the company’s staff unites around a common goal and values.

Creating good working conditions, conducting training to develop team spirit, corporate entertainment events - all this contributes to the fact that each employee recognizes himself as a valuable member of a team that brings benefits.

Factors to keep in mind during the team formation phase

At the stage of team formation, the leader must:

  • respond quickly to changes, as they happen quickly;
  • build communications;
  • distribute functions and responsibilities;
  • establish control;
  • develop a motivation system.

A friendly team at work must not only be formed, but also maintained. The leader must constantly work on this. A team will not be formed in a few days; the company’s work style should be collaborative work.

Recommendations for the manager

If you, as a leader, want to unite your employees, listen to the advice of psychologists:

  • share your victories and failures with your team;
  • pay attention to the opinions of employees;
  • show attention to employees (you need to know the domestic difficulties of your subordinates and show participation);
  • Create and maintain a sense of team spirit.

The team is created from different individuals, and each has its own ambitions and potential. The most business-like part of the team should always be in the manager’s field of vision, so that differences do not become the causes of inconsistency and discord.

What is psychological pressure and how to resist it?

Psychologists distinguish two main types of psychological pressure at work – mobbing and bullying.

Mobbing is collective bullying of one of the employees. Bullying is the emotional pressure of one manager or ordinary employee on several colleagues.

All types of psychological attacks manifest themselves in a similar way. Let's look at the most common forms of pressure.

  1. Manipulations based on fear and guilt of the interlocutor are often used by people who build powerful psychological attacks. To neutralize the pressure, you need to play along with the manipulator a little, otherwise the pressure will intensify. Then, during the conversation, do not make promises or take on any obligations.
  2. Rhetorical questions : “Do you understand what you’ve done?”, “Why are you such a loser?” do not require an answer, but they cannot be ignored either. Attempts to answer look like a desire to justify yourself. To fend off an attack, you must agree and repeat part of the question. For example, “Yes, I understand what I did, and I did it to attract new clients.” “Yes, I’m a loser, but a beautiful loser.”
  3. A direct threat puts serious pressure on the psyche, but usually indicates a desire to reach an agreement and uncertainty in front of an opponent. A threatening person is rarely capable of decisive action. The best strategy is to stick to your original plan. Of course, if we are talking about communication, and not a real threat to life.
  4. Massive pressure is pressure on the target of attack from all sides. The goal of attacking people is to resolve the issue in their favor. For example, daily calls, SMS from the bank in order to impose a credit card. Pressure on the negotiating partner in the form of endless calls, letters, business visits. For protection, you can use different methods. Usually this is an explanation of your position to the main opponent or to each participant in the pressure.

Attention! To combat psychological pressure, it is important to be able to maintain internal balance. Serious pressure causes many to lose their cool. At such moments, the use of methods of protection against psychological aggression will help.

Conditions for forming a cohesive team

A cohesive team can be built under the following conditions:

  • all members have common views, values, worldview;
  • the team is homogeneous in age;
  • an atmosphere of general psychological safety and acceptance has been created in the team;
  • the leader is an effective employee and is able to take cohesion measures;
  • all employees are involved in active, emotionally rich activities that matter to everyone.

The team also unites in the process of fighting with rivals (another team) for the best achievements.


The manager must know how to organize the work of the team in such a way that each employee is active and interested in achieving a common result. Each employee will be motivated and involved in joint activities if they are aware of their involvement. The desire and passion for working together as a team depends on motivation. The level of interest can be determined by the employee’s activity indicator.


Purposefulness presupposes a community of interests and the desire for common results. It depends on how closely the personal goals of each employee are related to the team goals, whether they complement each other or, conversely, contradict each other. The level of focus is determined by the degree of interest of each team member in achieving common goals. At the same time, each employee must be results-oriented in his activities.


A structured team is a team in which each member clearly knows his duties, functions and responsibilities. When solving complex problems, employees can be easily divided into groups. Issues of insurance and duplication are also easily resolved.


The extent to which employees are interdependent on each other affects their commonality and compatibility. To determine the integrity of the team, find out the relationship between individual and group activities.


A team united by a common goal is assembled and organized. He easily organizes his activities in accordance with the plan. Such a team is easy to manage, since each member is punctual, efficient and self-organized.

Subject to quality management decisions, joint work on the ground is carried out according to the established plan. Each employee is responsible for his own area of ​​work, taking on a delegated degree of responsibility.


A close-knit, friendly team works faster and more efficiently. Coherence means that all actions are harmonious and team members interact with each other. The degree of conflict is low, since management decisions eliminate contradictions and disunity.


Only if every employee is interested in the business, and the entire team works harmoniously, can high results be achieved. In a friendly team, each employee knows that the efficiency of the entire enterprise depends on the effectiveness of his activities, therefore he will perform his duties efficiently, taking responsibility for his area. In a team of like-minded people, everyone not only goes to work, but works for results.

The atmosphere in the women's team

Now let's move on to a more specific topic - relationships in the women's team. Above we have presented general rules intended for both women and men. But it is worth understanding that the female and male teams, as they say in Odessa, are “two big differences.”

  1. It doesn't matter in what mood you crossed the threshold of the new office. Be kind, smile and show everyone your goodwill. Yes, perhaps the return move will be accompanied by the hissing of “snake” tongues, but do not be afraid. This always happens when new “blood” joins the team. Now your task is to ensure that the employees who want to tear you apart become your friends. In any case, it’s worth trying, and if it doesn’t work, take other measures.
  2. Remember the toast from the famous film comedy: “I fell to the bottom of the deepest gorge and broke because I became separated from the team.” Take an active part in the life of your company, attend parties, corporate events, buy a gift for an employee, boss, etc. Don't miss the moment to show off your culinary skills and treat your colleagues to some light baked goods.
  3. Don't even think about participating in gossip. Let's not rudely understand that you are not a fan of spreading rumors, but rather nicely and evasively avoid getting into trouble. If you do it abruptly, they will hold a grudge against you, and a slight dodging will not give cause for dissatisfaction. As they say, you need to be a diplomat.
  4. Before you joke or make jokes, think “three hundred” times about your words. Not a single unfortunate expression will pass by a woman's ear. Perhaps you had no intention of offending anyone, but it will be too late to make excuses. The resentment will lurk and wait for the moment to strike you, unsuspectingly, with a powerful blow.
  5. Have you found yourself in a lair where two “groups” are fighting? Make no mistake, it is unlikely that you will be able to stay on the sidelines of this confrontation. But don’t rush to conclusions, take a closer look, study the tactics of each of them and stand in the row where you find more in common with your interests, views, and ideas.
  6. Help, but in moderation. Show sympathy, care, do not refuse if you are asked for help, but do not let them cross the line of what is permitted. As a rule, newcomers are always forced to clean up other people's tails, run for coffee, bring sandwiches, etc. Don’t let them get on your back and show character, first refuse intelligently, but if the situation happens again, be more decisive in your intonation.
  7. Don't be arrogant and arrogant. It doesn’t matter what color your diploma is and constantly reminding your colleagues about it is not necessary. Believe me, theory is one thing, practice is another. Remember the proverb “easy to learn, hard to fight!” In reality, not everything is so simple and experienced employees, who do not have the opportunity to boast of a red crust, know much more than a beginner. Continue in your tone - expect intrigues, and not one, but several “colleagues” will start playing dirty tricks.

Of course, fighting bullying, bossing and other negative manifestations of abnormal relationships at work alone is difficult, if not impossible. Leaders, managers and other functional groups of companies need to think about the problem. After all, thanks to harmonious relationships, a company can achieve high results, while quarrels, conflicts and scandals clearly have a negative impact on income and reputation. So eliminating violence and humiliating treatment of employees is a key issue for business owners and management. Staff turnover will not lead to anything good and you need to fight for a professional, excellent employee. To reduce the risk of conflict situations, you should take care of your staff: give vacations on time, reward them, pay them what they deserve, and create recreation areas. Grateful employees will take on their work with even greater vigor and help the company achieve high results.

How a cohesive team is formed

Building a cohesive, organized team takes time. A successful leader understands that this will not happen overnight. The team goes through five stages of development, resulting in team unity.

Lapping stage

Any interaction and subsequent formation of relationships begins with grinding in. If team members have not worked together, then at this time they demonstrate their character, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. During this period, you can attract a psychologist who will help build interpersonal relationships, taking into account the individual characteristics of each person. If this is done professionally, there will be fewer problems in subsequent stages.

Conflict stage

Conflicts are normal for any group of people. At this time, mini-groups begin to form, informal leaders and outsiders appear. The leader's ability to effectively resolve conflict situations will help to successfully pass this stage. By carefully observing all team members, you should intervene in a timely manner in a situation where someone cannot withstand the pressure or confrontation put on him.

Experimental stage

At this stage, after all conflicts within the group have been resolved, the personal and professional potential of both the individual employee and the entire team begins to grow. Despite the fact that at this stage there are malfunctions and uneven distribution of loads, the team begins to improve performance.

Creative stage

In the process of industrial relations, people are identified who are able to rally a group around themselves and take responsibility not only for themselves. The manager can delegate to them some of the powers when solving important tasks. Now the team is capable of a creative approach to work.

Maturity stage

At this stage, employees are united. Each of them knows their roles, duties, and responsibilities. Issues are resolved constructively and calmly. A mature team is capable of solving complex problems and achieving great results.

Team building tools

There are many methods that increase team cohesion at different stages. They allow you to reduce the time it takes to form a team of like-minded people, in which everyone feels not just an employee, but a part of something big.

What events bring the team together?

Collective celebrations of birthdays, holidays, and corporate parties make the team friendly. Informal communication brings people closer together. People become more free, going beyond business communication. When colleagues often communicate in such an environment, they better understand each other and the manager. There is more mutual assistance and trust in industrial relations.


Each team should have its own traditions. Morning coffee together while watching funny videos will charge you with positivity for the whole day. At the end of the day, the whole team can gather for a 15-minute tea party with sweets, which will allow them to leave the burden of production worries and go to their family in a great mood. At the end of the working week, the whole team can go to fitness, yoga, or the pool. Don't forget about the annual company anniversary celebration.

Even small joint events will bring team members closer to each other, and everyone will value the atmosphere of openness, comfort, and ease created in the company.


You should not treat meetings as something official; they can take place in an informal setting. It is important that every member of the team is present and can express their opinion on any issue. At such meetings, important issues are discussed, and everyone feels needed and able to influence the efficiency of the enterprise. At the end of the meeting, you can congratulate employees on special events, praise them, and reward them with gifts.

mass media

You can publish corporate newspapers or magazines that cover the life of the team. In such publications they write about achievements, successes, set goals, congratulate on significant events, write suggestions and wishes. Those who wish can submit their poems and songs about the group. Such a corporate publication is produced alternately by various departments.


The manager must know about his team, what kind of rest which employee prefers. Joint trips to nature immerse you in a relaxed atmosphere in which the potential of colleagues can unexpectedly be revealed. Barbecues, camping trips, and excursion trips prevent employee burnout and ensure cohesive work.

A change of environment relieves stress and tension, relieves any complications that have arisen, and helps us look at each other with different eyes. A corporate vacation unites the spirit, sets the mood for positivity, and allows you to break out of routine. You can organize a joint pastime within the office walls, the main thing is that everyone has fun.

Games to help bring your team together

In the ranking of ways to make a team more friendly, team building is the leader - a set of team activities. There are the following categories:

  1. Intellectual. In the process of collective activity, team members need to use mental abilities and ingenuity. These include: role-playing games, quests, photo competitions, games “What? Where? When?".
  2. Creative. Allows you to achieve team cohesion at a high level. Staging a play, organizing an ensemble or group, composing and performing one’s own work, staging a dance, making a film, preparing and tasting dishes - all this reveals the potential of employees and improves interpersonal communication.
  3. Extreme. Gives a sea of ​​positive emotions. Types: paintball, orienteering, obstacle course, parachute jumping.

These team building options will help you form a friendly team.

How to rally an online store team

When creating a virtual team, create a project charter that outlines the principles of cooperation and displays the rules of interaction between employees. It also outlines the procedure for holding virtual meetings and highlights the procedure for considering conflict situations. A leader must think about how to unite a team of people.

Team building methods

Even if your office only has a manager and a courier, and the rest of your employees work remotely, there are ways to bring your virtual team together.

First of all, keep your employees informed about all the affairs of the online store. Make newsletters, report news, ask for feedback. Communicate more, start a corporate chat and discuss the goals and values ​​of the company.

If an employee does not participate in discussions, then you should pay attention to him, since such behavior indicates that he is simply making money.

Social networking will do the trick, but make sure people know each other by sight. To do this, arrange video meetings on Skype, include messages in Telegram.

How to unite remote employees

Even employees scattered across cities can be united by holding joint events. To do this, think about the format of the meeting and choose the most accessible location. Even if a couple of employees come, it will be great, as it will be an opportunity to communicate “live.” The main thing is that the leader believes in the success of the event and that he has the best team.

How to fight a predator in a team

It seems that you work in a rather large company and perform your functions impeccably. But there is a colleague, if you can call him that, who every now and then tries to prick you, humiliate you, expose you to ridicule and say insulting words at every opportunity. What does he want from you, why does he have such an attitude towards you? Why did he decide that he could make you a “punching bag?” This issue will persist until it is resolved. But if you believe that only your personality annoys someone, then you are deeply mistaken. Bullying, that is, psychological violence in the workplace, is a very common thing. Let's consider what it is, what are the roots of the problem, what needs to be done so that the offender closes his mouth once and for all and never again dares not only to say, but even to look badly in your direction.

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