Parting. Lack of desire to live, wake up and go to work.

Most people believe that in order to fulfill their desires, they must force things to obey their will. This is partly true, but there are other forces at work in the universe that can also make your dreams come true. Fulfillment of desires involves knowing how to use these great powers of the universe.

Life is full of desires, but few of them become an integral part of our lives. We really want them, no matter what. When you want something very badly, you come up with ways to get it.

There are things we don't do that sometimes allow our desires to slip out of our lives.

But, there is nothing that you simply cannot have if you put your mind and heart into it. Along with your dedication and daily commitment, there are certain things you need to keep in mind to make your wishes come true.

Go towards your desire

Every day you need to do something to make your desire come true. It's like building a house. You have to lay a brick every day so that you can create a wall, and soon the four corners of the wall along with the roof will become a house.

This is the magic of life that can be experienced. If you want something, go in that direction, one step at a time.

Don't worry if you have no idea about the path and if you don't have that experience. If you keep going, life itself is merciful enough to give you all the knowledge and all the experience necessary to fulfill your desire.

Parting. Lack of desire to live, wake up and go to work.

Hello, Ulyana. At the very beginning, I want to tell you that your desire - “The desire to die instantly and without the continued existence of the soul in the next world” is impossible. Why? But because our soul lives for 10,000 years, incarnating on planet Earth 52 times! And in every incarnation she comes for new experiences. Yes, through earthly life the soul learns lessons, often traumatic. But this is exactly what she came for - to learn lessons (to each their own!), to develop through suffering. Classes at the school of life are individual, dear Ulyana. “Don’t try to look for the guilty, there are no guilty ones in fate, someone just got something, but YOU got it!” - I’ll quote lines from one wonderful poem. If you want to find out in detail what kind of lessons YOU received, what your life purpose is, where to move, spend your potential, and where fate has gifts in store for you, I offer you a consultation on numerology. I assure you that you will receive answers to many painful questions. Write by email, address at the end of the letter.

Now let's understand the information that is available. Because we must learn life lessons, of course, but at the same time we must learn to enjoy life, see and feel life, and not just suffer. Let's not fall into depression, but sort out our lives. As W. Churchill said, “You shouldn’t look too far ahead. It is possible to deal with only one link of our destiny at a time.”

1. Take an inventory of your life today. I suggest this exercise: divide the sheet into 4 columns. 1st “I have and want to have”, 2- “I have, but I don’t want to have”, 3- “I don’t have and don’t want to have”, 4- I don’t have, but I want to have.”

Let's go further, in the 1st write everything that you have and want to leave in life. I would be proud to write down here “son, mother, work, slim figure, good health, help from the child’s father - “.. buys everything for my son and helps me..., friends, good memory, intelligence, intuition”, etc. write down everything you value. Next, be sure to write a letter of gratitude to a higher power, say words of sincere gratitude for those priceless gifts that you have in your life and that others would accept as happiness. Your mother is alive and helps (as long as a person’s mother is alive, that person is in the happy state of a child). You have a son - your resource, joy and inspiration. You have help from a man for you and your child, you have a job (how many people are now left without work and income?), etc. Gratitude is the golden key to any door, Ulyana. This is the first thing to do.

In the 2nd column “I have, but I don’t want to have” - you can write down living together with your mother, loneliness, bad mood, etc., everything that you would like to GET RID OF.

In the 3rd “I don’t have and don’t want to have” - I would write down: incurable illness, disability, complete lack of work, etc. - something that you would like to AVOID in life.

And in 4 “I DON’T have, but I want to have” - write everything that you don’t have in your life now, but you would really like! “..I want a normal man to start a family, I want to live separately without my mother, my own family...” - write, don’t be shy, dream. This is a very important column. You are creating a picture of your life here. With your worldviews you plan your separate reality! Expressing your intentions correctly is the first step. Next, action is needed. Goals are achieved through actions, Ulyana. Allow me, I will speculate on your behalf, and then you will adjust it for yourself.

“I don’t have a relationship with a man, but I want one. But for this I need to “let go” of the previous guy first. Yes, he helps me, he is the father of the child, we communicate - so be it. He is an immature person, as a person, not suitable for family life, not ready, he himself is still a child - “as usual, he ran away to his mom and dad.” Yes, I accept it, because it is impossible to get orange juice from a tomato, no matter how hard you squeeze it. I need another man. Which one then? Do I have an image in my head of MY man? What does he do, what does he look like, what is his hobby?”

Ulyana, this thought of yours - “I have not met and will not meet another person who will start a family with me” - we immediately throw it in the trash! Yes, I haven’t met you yet. Because you can’t close one door - say goodbye to your ex and start dreaming of a different image - that’s the reason.

To be happy in a relationship, you must first understand yourself. There is nothing wrong with being in a relationship only with yourself for a certain time. The ability to be, to live alone is a super useful practice for the soul.

The greatest gift we can bring to any relationship is to be ourselves.

When we relax and accept ourselves, people around us feel much better. Our opinion of ourselves is what really matters. Shift the focus to yourself. Learn to be happy WITHOUT anyone.

Incorporate daily self-care into your life plan. This is not self-obsession, not selfishness. We learn to love a person - ourselves. Being yourself, loving and accepting means giving yourself the opportunity to grow and change.

Now I will argue further, on your behalf: “Yes, living together with my mother bothers me, it would be good if I came and my mother left. But today the situation is such that she is looking after her son, I have the opportunity to work, for this I am grateful to her. How can I improve the situation so that after work I can do my own thing, sports, creativity?” I don’t know, Ulyana, your living conditions, but here are some options: agree with your mother that from 19 to 20 you need to... be alone, read, meditate, dance. What exactly is your mom stopping you from doing? Sometimes it’s enough to sit down at the table, pour some tea and, with love for another person, talk through your wishes and expectations. Since the situation is such that you need to live together, you need to agree on boundaries and space. What you can do for the future - write an action plan: rent 2 apartments, for yourself and your mother, your son will go to school - your mother will go to work or live on her pension, change jobs - take out a mortgage. Sketch out options, even the most fantastic ones, of what could happen. Your goal is to live separately with your son. To achieve any goal, you also need time to complete it.

Roll up your sleeves, Ulyana, you have a lot of work. Analyze, plan, dream, give thanks and don’t forget to breathe deeply and enjoy life. Problems are part of our life. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself, but focus on ways to solve them. Finally, I will quote the words of A. Einstein - “those who want to see the results of their work immediately should become a shoemaker.”

I offer you a 15-minute free consultation on WhatsApp +79502475881. I remind you about a valuable consultation on numerology - according to the date and place of your birth, as a result of which you are guaranteed to receive answers to many painful questions and learn a lot of interesting things about your life. Call and then decide. The choice is yours. You can also receive additional advice by mail at

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Your desire should be the main goal of your life

But as you move along your path, you must take care of many things so as not to miss the life around you. Life comes with its daily responsibilities. You are part of the whole and therefore it is important for you to take care of different aspects of life.

But while fulfilling your duties, you should never forget about your desire, among everything that surrounds you.

Learn, grow, improve and become better with your approach to fulfilling your dreams.

Remember that if someone fails to achieve their desire, then it is not the situation or circumstances, but the person himself. If you give up, the life that supports you in fulfilling your desire will also leave with you.

It's all about you and your passion. It is you who push the situation, people and circumstances to make the impossible possible.

Every day that you get closer to your desire, you must learn, improve, grow and become a better person in life.

It forms a habit for you. You don't live to fulfill your desire, but you also live to improve your life by fulfilling your desire. It is necessary to remain open to the magic of life.

Reluctance to live.

Hello Anna! Despite your dark thoughts and depressed state, you wrote here. And this is very good, this is a signal that you still have a desire to change your life.

Don't blame yourself for your condition. Managing your life is easy when a person has resources, he is filled with them. And now you don’t feel this fullness.

You write that you are “disappointing everyone.” On this occasion, I would like to give you a statement from the famous psychotherapist Frederick Perls: “You did not come into this world to live in accordance with my expectations. Just like I didn’t come here to justify yours. If we meet and get along, that's great. If not, then nothing can be done.” I completely agree with this statement - no one is obliged to meet the expectations of other people, even their close relatives.

From a short message it is difficult to understand the reasons for your condition, but your phrase “I want to run away from everyone” may indicate that you may be uncomfortable in the environment that you have now.

Anna, try to imagine - what if suddenly, magically, you would find yourself in any other city or in another country. We woke up in a completely new environment. And your current life is in the past. What wishes would you have? What would you like to see, what to do, what people to meet?

You are not attached to the life that you have now, although it may seem otherwise to you. You are free, and there is a huge world behind you. Which you can explore any way you want. It may seem that such “research” requires a lot of money, but there are a lot of different options, ranging from interesting volunteer projects in Russia and abroad with free accommodation and meals (there are Internet resources with similar offers from trusted organizations, upon request in a search engine they are not difficult to find) to state educational institutions in different cities with the provision of hostels and good conditions. I’m not saying that you need to immediately leave home or change educational institution, but if some option awakens in you the desire to live brightly and do something, that’s great.

You write that you were thinking about seeing a doctor. Anna, this is not superfluous and can be done quite quickly and will in no way interfere with the search for other options. Lack of strength, reluctance to do anything, can be caused by decreased functions of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands; tests must be taken to exclude or confirm the presence of medical factors.

In order to fill yourself with resources and switch your thoughts from everyday problems to something good, I suggest you read not articles, but a good book, namely “Medicine for the Soul” by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (sometimes found under the name “Broth for the Soul "). It consists of short stories from real life. And these stories really have a therapeutic effect, filling you with warmth and light. This book can be found and downloaded on the Internet.

In addition, I suggest you watch the following films: “127 Hours”, “Garden Country” and “Empty Containers”.

You can also try to analyze your life, your feelings, thoughts, by starting to write a book about yourself, describing in it everything that you consider important, starting from your earliest memories. Perhaps no one else will see this book except you, but this is not so important, it is for you, your personal life story. Or maybe someday, years from now, you will want to make it public and reading it will provide a resource to other people who feel bad.

You don't want your life to be like it is now. Fill yourself with resources, fantasize about how you would like to live. Your fantasies may take shape over time into specific goals.



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Making wishes come true using the “glass of water” technique

The “glass of water” technique discovered by Vadim Zeland can make your wishes come true. It's simple, requires few physical tools, but a lot of positive energy. All you need is a small piece of paper, a glass of water and your affirmations.

Write down on a small piece of paper what you want, whether it's a career advancement, a new car, or a desire to find your soulmate. Whatever it is, write a statement on this paper and place it under a glass of water.

You can use your favorite drinking vessel, although clear glass is usually best. Rub your hands together to activate your unique energies and then place them around the glass.

Focus your thoughts and energy on your purpose and desires, actively pushing the energy towards the water. Water is considered a conduit of information, and drinking this charged water first thing in the morning and right before bed can give life to what you want.

Do not want to live. What to do? Six steps away from depression.

If the world suddenly begins to seem gray and nothing in life pleases us, we are often ready to give up on life itself. If you seriously think about not wanting to live, then this is a symptom of depression. Often a low mood is combined with poor sleep and changes in appetite (strong increase or decrease). Of course, if you can't bring yourself to get up and do everyday activities, ask your loved ones to arrange a meeting with a good psychotherapist. However, except in very serious cases, depression should be treated without pills. “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” - this question is increasingly being sought in search engines. Let's talk about what can help.

Firstly, if you are thinking about means of suicide, I can tell you that the methods that work 100% are excruciatingly painful. However, what is more terrible is not the torment before death, but the horrors that will await after it. According to some church authorities, suicides experience near-death suffering an infinite number of times. Suicide will not relieve pain, it will lead you to eternal prison. They will not be able to pray for you; God does not accept prayers for those who have rejected his gift of life. There can be no peace for a suicide; only people who have endured suffering on earth and who have not given up can find true peace. So tell yourself that suicide is not for you.

Secondly, you need to try to get away from the human world for a while to the natural world. It's good to go camping for a few days with a tent. Often depression occurs due to the fact that a person is overloaded with communication and cannot fully relax. It’s also good, if you have the means, to rent a room for one in a sanatorium and be alone. Often after several days, when you hear the sound of flowing water, the sound of the forest, the singing of birds, you begin to look at the world differently. What to do if you're tired of living? Get away from annoying factors for a while.

Thirdly, try to give yourself maximum physical activity. “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” Work yourself to the point of exhaustion. Set a goal to run at least 20 km - and complete the task, after you do this, your biochemical state will change dramatically. You will only want to eat, drink and sleep. And the next day, when you get up in the morning, you will immediately feel a new state. And you have a chance to change your mood this way. By the way, depression is successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy. Isn’t it better to create a lot of stress for yourself, without waiting until really strong measures are needed?

Fourth, start cleaning the house. Things that irritate and stress you, just throw them away. This provides wonderful relief from depression. When you don't encounter unpleasant things, your perception of the world often changes. Get rid of photos of your ex and his gifts if the sight of them spoils your mood. Your well-being is worth more.

Fifth, seek communication with supportive people. Just don’t drink alcohol - it increases depression, and only slightly lifts the mood for people in normal condition. And drunk people ask, “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” becomes more acute and more often ends in suicide. In addition, it turns off the brain - the only thing that can help you in a situation of depression. So don't cut the branch you're sitting on. If you don't have close people you can trust, call the helpline.

Sixth, look for what needs to change in your life. Perhaps you live with the wrong person, study at the wrong institute and work in a job you hate. These stresses resulted in depression every day, and therefore the question “I don’t want to live, what should I do?” sounds not like a question, but like a cry from the heart. Until you change your circumstances, things won't get easier for you.

Don't want to live? What can you do to make life more colorful? Learn to love what is, because when we are depressed we look at the world narrowly and don’t see much. Give yourself the right to make mistakes. And the right to change lives. Your actions may seem unreasonable to your loved ones, but this is your life and only you are responsible for it. So follow your heart and look for new sources of inspiration.

Manifestation of desires by free will

Another way to be successful in wish fulfillment is to make sure that what you want, as it relates to another person, is consistent with everyone's free will. You should never try to manifest what you want if it goes against the will of another or will harm them in any way. Fulfillment of desires is not the conquest of people and things, but success.

Your success and the other person's success must be aligned in order to use it to get what you want. This need must also be mutual. Make sure you reach an agreement with the other person before you commit your energy to achieving a goal. If two or more are brought together, so be it.

Requests for help Write your story Hello. I understand that what I’m going to write now is weakness, but I have a feeling that it won’t get better. In reality, there is no way out yet, or rather, you understand what needs to be done... and you can’t. It doesn't hold anything at all. Nothing is encouraging, there is no reason to think that it will be better. If now, being already an adult, with a secondary education, with arms and legs, I still remain under the influence of my mother, then my entire subsequent life will be as she wants. More likely. I’m also ashamed that I burden my acquaintances and friends with my problems, they advise me something, but I don’t know what to do. I am the kind of person who always believed that I would be able to break out and live my own life. Until the age of 16, there were hysterics, a frivolous attitude towards studies, isolation and laziness. After 16 I came to my senses and graduated from college on a budget basis. I worked part-time and tried not to borrow from my mother. Sometimes I went to my grandmother, to the other end of the city, to live a little. And I dreamed that as soon as I graduated from college and started working full-time, I would live with her, away from my hysterical mother. This moment has come, I graduated from college. The question arose regarding admission, I think it is reasonable to either enroll on a budget program in absentia, there is such a faculty and you should not miss this chance!! or spend the money you earn on courses that will really help you acquire skills. Crust is not a panacea these days. I went through interviews myself and I know. But if you study, it’s useful. I’m amazed that many people shell out money just to get a crust, because it’s “prestigious” and like everyone else’s. Yes, not everyone actually does... On my mother’s “advice,” I applied to two universities and this morning burst into tears and didn’t go to the exam. Mom threw a tantrum, as usual. She's always been wild, but lately she hasn't been herself. She constantly asks if she turned off the appliances, she doesn’t remember her actions - whether she turned them off or not. And he will ask me 10 times whether I turned it off or not. I myself somehow suffered from env. She still has it. She considers her opinion to be the only correct one; everyone owes her. I don’t ask for money or attention, but just to let me live on my own. She equals me “you MUST get in oh, you must plow like me, you must accept my help,” “no one can put you in your place.” Everything should be in its place, there are two opinions - hers and the wrong. She mainly used belittlement in relation to me, convictions of my stupidity, inadequacy, but as she did, in her opinion, she’s smart, I’m proud of you, etc. This is unhealthy. Another great oddity of hers is the comparison with her drunkard dad who doesn’t live with us. For all 20 years, I was terribly tired in my soul. I struggled with myself and my doubts. I studied for 4 years... I saved, I worked, I didn’t sleep. For the sake of finishing college and starting to live quietly on my own. But I feel like I’m losing control over my own life, my mother is throwing a circus (you’ll give me a stroke, I want to live) - well...inappropriate things. But I just want to live by my own rules, with my own money in complete independence from her... and that’s all, I don’t even demand anything. Although the years of living with her also make me a manipulator, an aggressor, etc., BUT I FIGHT WITH MYSELF. I just often started thinking about the meaninglessness of my life. I know EVERYTHING about how disgustingly a person dies in ALL cases, the stories of surviving suicides, disabled people who fell into madness, etc. I also believe in God. And the fact that the soul will suffer forever. But there is no incentive to live yet. I don’t believe that I will go on a budget, I will work and live away from her. For some reason I no longer have faith in myself. Despair is a sin. But there is no mental strength. The thought that adult life begins with my mother’s rules and that I will again have to depend on her to some extent... I start from the rush to enroll, ending with her participation in paying for school (from this year)... well, I have thoughts about my death. Constantly. I don't feel myself. If I die, my soul will suffer for a long time and will stay in this world as long as I have to live. And if I survive, then after such an act even those who are now helping me will turn away from me. I’ll be left alone, I’ll end up in a mental hospital and everyone will talk to me like I’m a sick person who wanted to kill himself. I push these thoughts away, but they creep in. My grandmothers who love me will be offended by me. Mom will generally feel that she is right, and maybe she will deliberately put me in a mental state in order to control me even more. So...I'm only 20 years old. I'm neither here nor there. I have no idea what to do... Thoughts about my worthlessness and the fear of life with the stigma of being mentally ill are fighting among themselves. How to overcome the reluctance to live? Support the site:

Inna, age: 20 / 07/15/2019


Good afternoon. Move to another city, live in a hostel and start your life. And live on your own. But I can say one thing, any mother loves her child and yours loves you too. And the greatest grief is the death of a child.

Regina, age: 31 / 07/15/2019

I'm afraid that I won't find a good job and will sit on my mother's neck. I am afraid that I will not be fulfilled either in my studies or in my profession. And I have a strange feeling that I am living some kind of draft... that another life, a happy one, should begin. But there is neither this happy life, nor even the prerequisites for it. I also seriously doubt that I will be able to go where I want. I started preparing as soon as I returned from the universities to which I applied! In real life, I look confident, intelligent, men turn around. But there’s some kind of hell inside, I don’t sleep well, I can’t eat. The feeling that there will never be happiness in my life again. That a happy life will not begin. I feel weak and very scared. The only thing that helps is taking care of the cat and talking with friends.

Inna, author, age: 20 / 07/15/2019

Good night! Don't be afraid! What is there to be afraid of if the worst thing is death? And you are not afraid of death, since you write here. Maybe you should try to move away from your mother then? And live on your own. If it doesn’t work out, you can always return to your parents’ house. But you will find out that it didn’t work out. And so sit and be afraid all your life??? Do you need it??? Live and do what you want. There is no need to be afraid to live. Go to a psychologist. It is important to accept yourself, self-acceptance can be increased. Just live and rejoice and live your life the way you want it - happily, with peace and joy in your soul.

Regina, age: 31 / 07/16/2019

Hello, Inna! I really sympathize with you. Just don't despair. Try to bring something new and interesting into your life, which will make you want to live. Under no circumstances should you lose hope that someday you will live on your own. I think you're just tired. Of course, in your situation it would be best to consult a psychologist. To learn how to communicate properly with your mother. Be more lenient, you understand that mom has some illnesses and problems. Therefore, do not take any reproaches to heart. If you were born, it means you already have a meaning in life) You’re great, you’ve already achieved a lot! Try to continue to work on yourself: increase self-acceptance, independence, responsibility, resilience and love of life. Try to learn not to lose heart or feel sorry for yourself under any circumstances, but to look for a way out and move forward! Be sure to believe that you can build your life in such a way as to be a truly happy person. Then it will be easier for your mother to accept that you are already an independent adult and can build your own life. Try to show your mother more attention and care. Maybe not quickly, but your relationship will definitely improve then. If you want, you can also write to a psychologist online) And you can also ask the Lord for help) You believe in Him) God created you as a wonderful person, He loves you very much and will never leave you) Ask Him for help more often and it will become easier for you) God is always with you) I wish you the meaning of life, more patience and strength, good relationships in the family, success in life, good health, always a good mood, happiness, more love, joy and peace in life and all the best! Hold on, God will help you! Guardian Angel to you! Warm hugs, you are not alone! Go to church more often, participate in the Sacraments of the Church, they are priceless and will help you overcome all problems) https://www.pobedish. ru/main/samopoznanie Look here, please.

Anastasia, age: 21 / 07/16/2019

Hello. Inna, it’s not entirely clear whether mom is really sick, has psychological problems, or is it just her character. If the problem really is with her health, then try not to judge harshly, it’s not her fault for her illnesses and most likely she herself is not happy about forgetfulness, anxiety, etc. If these are just character traits, then the solution is really to move; maybe you can enroll and move into a student dormitory, or find a job and rent a room. You are young, it is understandable that you are a little scared, there is uncertainty, but over time it will pass. Strength to you. Believe in yourself.

Irina, age: 31 / 07/16/2019

Dear Inna! Of course live! In your own way, in full force and without looking back! Youth, like a blue bird, languishes in captivity! Adult life does not begin on its own. Sooner or later a person DECIDES to live independently. With all the consequences. Rely only on yourself. Mom has nothing to do with it at all. An independent person stops telling his mother and sharing. Not out of harm, of course. He just ALREADY decided what to do. He doesn't need advice or approval. Furthermore! No matter who says anything (even mom!), he will still do it his way! It’s scary to leave a comfortable, understandable, prosperous life in your parents’ home. And start your life: unsettled, incomprehensible... YOUR OWN! Yes, it's scary. Yes, the question is where to live and for what. Yes, someone will be offended and will not understand, will be offended, or will start a scandal (this is not the first time you have had these scandals). Yes, you may not get the education you wanted or the wrong job... But don’t you think that all this together is real life?! Dreams, plans, goals - everything is good, everything is correct - but this is not life yet. Real life is the very unknown that cannot be predicted or calculated. It will never be exactly the way you pictured it. You are good and smart. And they drew everything well, beautifully. But life will make its own adjustments. This is what makes her so beautiful! For parents, the departure of a child into their life is also very painful. Parents are depressed, bored, feel lonely, abandoned, some get angry... But the child MUST separate. This is the NORMAL. In adulthood, there is a rapprochement with parents again. Everything comes in waves and periods - this is life. Everything will be fine!

Elena, age: 43 / 07/16/2019

DEAR, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!THIS is very pleasant, useful and wise advice that helped me during a DIFFICULT PERIOD OF LIFE. I no longer stand on the edge and I believe in myself, in God, and of course in Good people!!! From the moment I decided to live and fight against circumstances, help others, set big and wonderful goals, it’s like I found a second wind of the Soul!! ! And now I’m not afraid of anything, because life is already beginning to turn in such a way that new opportunities and chances open up. Caring and helping others saves me. And work. More friends who were close mentally. Thanks to you and the site! For your attention, understanding and kindness. It will be returned to you.

Inna, author, age: 20 / 07/17/2019

Hello, Inna. Many of our problems exist only in our thoughts, even the most terrible ones, the worst of which there is nothing - thoughts of suicide. You, as a believer, must understand that these are living forms and they are very dangerous! There is a whole section of the website about them Talking to them is always only to your detriment, right up to the worst. Inciting fears, suppressing, drawing pictures of the “future,” especially scary, joyless ones, and much more that seriously poisons our inner world, is their field of activity. But they don’t know anything about the future from the word “at all”! Excessive self-reproach and self-pity are also tools to drive one to suicide. Yes, they can be very intrusive, but there is also protection from them. She is with God. Man is created in the image and likeness of God. God’s commandments are like safety instructions at work; if we don’t follow them, we endanger our lives and those around us. Of course, the Lord is Merciful and Long-suffering, but who knows the time God has allotted to him? People die even a second after birth, sometimes, but we live as if we were immortal. Our souls, of course, are immortal, but how we enter our eternity depends on the results of our earthly life. The sections of the site “about death”, “I committed suicide”, “methods of suicide” help many to reconsider their views on the possibility of conversations with “thoughts of suicide”. Please read, our dear Man, and that it is absolutely necessary to “fate the relatives of a suicide,” you would not even wish such hell on your enemy, especially on your loving mother, beloved and loving grandmothers and all your relatives. No matter how strict, nervous, or wrong they may be at times, I am sure that they love you very much and in no way deserve this! Therefore, suicide is not an option at all! The sacraments of the Church of Christ (Confession, Communion) will help you fight suicidal thoughts, please talk to an Orthodox priest about how to prepare for them and start living with God, under His protection of your own free will, this is very important. The Lord gave us all freedom of choice and cannot violate it. If we like communication with our enemy instead of communicating with God through the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Communion), in which we are mysteriously united with God, then this is only our choice, blaming someone else for this is pointless. Christ is the Light that enlightens the world, with Him it is much easier to live life, even if the trials are very serious, despite the fact that “thoughts” and many people around say the exact opposite. If you want to start an independent life, there is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to develop in the right direction, and the site suggested by another author. can help you a lot with this. Everything will be fine with you if you stop talking with these “thoughts” and start methodically building your future step by step. In life there cannot be only one joy, understanding, love, it also has trials, troubles, sometimes very long, sometimes very serious, but life does not end there. After a dark night there is always a dawn, and this is how everything passes in our life: both sadness and joy - this is how the song goes. God help you and I wish you more sunny and joyful days! Just don’t despair and pray to God every day. As you can, to begin with, in your own words, everyone starts somewhere, and then the Lord Himself will guide you according to your persistence.

Vitaly, age: about 50 / 07/17/2019

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Step by step energy force

Unlike the few people who miraculously won the lottery or had their life changed instantly, you may have to achieve your goals by taking steps.

Focusing your energy on a quick fix may not work as effectively and may also produce short-lived results. Step by step energy pushing or releasing energy is the best way to solidify what you want and bring lasting results.

Wish Fulfillment: Mastering the Art of Manifestation

The newly created path can only appear if you take steps. Desires and dreams alone are not enough. Every situation and every experience in your life remains fresh and new to you. Nothing exists in the future, but you create the future by taking these steps towards your desire.

Life holds a sign at every step. If you learn to read these signs and have the courage to move in the direction of these signs, it will be easier for you to achieve your dreams.

Life is filled with excitement at every turn when you are deeply connected to yourself. You can read the flow of life only if you can read all the movements that happen within you.

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