How can you live, and live happily, with huge debts?

Guys and girls from poor families have to get on their feet quite early. Various circumstances can force them to live separately from their parents (from mom and dad):

  • The desire for independence;
  • desire to ease the burden of parents;
  • a thirst for other pleasures that are not available in the current financial situation (for example, paying for a hobby).

So how can you live independently at 18 years old, especially if you are also a student?

First things first.

Why is it better to live separately from your parents?

It’s good to live with your parents: they will feed you, give you something to drink, wash you, clean you up, wake you up, give you a lift, and give you pocket money. Ideally, of course, because there are also parents with whom it is much more difficult to live physically and mentally than on your own.

Why then do young people try to do everything to live separately on their own? Statistics have found that the age of separation from parents is decreasing every year. Now young people try to separate themselves as soon as they finish school. So what's the deal?

  1. Parental oppression. Parents are wiser, they always know everything better. Adults do not accept mistakes, because they chew everything so carefully to their foolish children. And young people want to make mistakes. And then learn and make mistakes again. How else to gain experience if not on your own?
  2. 24/7 control. You can't just come home at three in the morning without explanation. You must definitely say where and with whom you were, and also be sure to swear three times that this will not happen again.
  3. Eternal monitoring of progress. A C on an exam is a consequence of your drinking session with friends three months ago. So, no more discos anytime soon until you get a 4.9 GPA for the entire session.
  4. Constant guilt for doing everything wrong. Disappointment in the eyes of old people, which breaks their hearts and yours.

The advantages of living separately from your parents are that you lose all of the above. Be prepared to also lose a cozy environment, pocket money, round-the-clock love and care.

No need to constantly clean


Things are on the floor, the sink is full of dishes, and there are crumbs on the floor? Who cares! You can now clean your apartment only when you want, and not when your neighbor demands it. If you don't mind the mess, you can only clean up before guests arrive. Or you don’t have to clean for them – it’s your business, it’s not our place to judge. And if you are a neat person, living alone is also good for you - you no longer have to constantly clean up the dirt for your messy neighbors.

First part-time job

If you've never made money before, try to figure out what you're good at.

If you know that you are good at Russian language and literature, you can write essays for your classmates.

Okay, this isn't a completely legal example. Give private lessons to those who are lagging behind, provide tutoring. Don't worry: even astronauts and roboticists got their start with some crappy job as kids.

If you can't find a subject you're good at, find parents who need help with their child. Working as a part-time nanny for a few hours a week will help you start collecting your capital.

Pros : this type of work can be done without prior pedagogical training; you receive some kind of salary.

Cons : You may not have the patience to deal with capricious and restless creatures. After all, often these activities are needed not by them themselves, but by their parents.

Still not yours? Then pay attention to copywriting, contextual advertising, help with walking pets.

Here’s another great way to almost make money, which will allow you not to miss school or go to work.

Wearing pants is no longer an obligation.


Moreover, not only pants, but also underwear. You can walk naked whenever you want and as much as you want. After a shower, you can wait five minutes before getting dressed, or two hours - what's the difference? There’s no one else here anyway, there’s no one else to dress for, so it’s up to you to decide what to wear or not wear. If you wish, you can sleep naked, watch TV naked, eat naked, and generally live naked.

First job

Take a good look around: you can always find something to make money from.
It’s immediately clear that you won’t get as much money from a part-time job as from a full-time job. Therefore, having entered university, it’s time to think about finding something permanent and more serious than dog walking.

But how can this be done if the university requires you to attend all classes? Moreover, you need to turn in your homework, tests and labs on time. But work requires constant presence at certain hours, and being late is at least indecent. And the maximum that awaits you is that you will lose what you go there for: money.

Browse the advertisements. You will definitely find vacancies for merchandisers, promoters, couriers and other specialties that can be hired even if you are still 17.

As a rule, specialties that do not require special training and experience are paid in the amount of about 80 rubles per hour.

Pros : flexible work schedule, the ability to combine work, study and sports training or hobbies.

Cons : prepare to be tired, and very tired.

Here is an approximate weekly schedule that awaits you after getting a job, if you really want to start living separately from your parents.

This is what your work/school day might look like:

Don’t forget that even with work, you will have to incur some expenses:

Meals, travel and much more will now also have to be paid for independently.

This is also worth considering when choosing a job with a certain salary.

If you were under 18 years old when you started working, you will receive significantly less. Immediately after reaching adulthood, submit official documents to apply for a legal position. This will not only increase your level of earnings, but will also give a start to your work experience.

Here are some more useful tips for those living separately:

  1. Try to eat not in corporate canteens, but in the nearest cheap supermarkets. Food from Auchan will save you a lot of money.
  2. Don’t rush to buy yourself a cool training uniform from your first salary. Wait for your salary to increase, otherwise you will not be able to avoid debt.
  3. The better you study, the higher your scholarship. And a good scholarship is a good help for your salary.
  4. If you spend a lot of time traveling to/from work, take your homework with you. You will be surprised how much you can do in the time spent on public transport!
  5. Don't be afraid of difficulties. It will be hard at first. But over time, you will get into this rhythm and will cope with all the difficulties once or twice.

What to do and how to live if there is no money to live on?

If you have no money and don’t know how to live further, don’t panic! You can cope with a difficult financial situation faster if you save money and earn more at the same time. Here are 5 tips on how to survive when there is no or little money.

Save money on transport

Walking prolongs life and does not cost money.
Start traveling by buses and metro. Now you don’t need to look for money to refuel your car. Cover short distances on foot: you will save your finances and improve your health.

Don't waste money on entertainment

Give up cinema, attend free exhibitions and master classes. Stop buying books - there are libraries.

Save on groceries

Think about saving money and giving up your usual products. Visit supermarkets well-fed, with a list.

Look for cheap analogues of familiar products - they occupy the bottom shelves in stores.

Scratch the bottom of the barrel

Inspect your kitchen cabinets, freezer, and pantry. There will be canned food, cereals, pickles - it’s time to finish everything. Don't waste money on set lunches - get homemade food in containers.

Buy promotional products

Catch promotions from grocery markets, clothing stores, and shoe stores. Use coupons and discount cards. Retailers regularly announce special offers on official websites and social networks. Install special applications on your phone where you can receive alerts about promotions on products and goods. Supermarkets offer pensioners groceries at special prices.

Housing issues

Heaven in a hut can be even for one.
If a teenager already lives separately from his parents, then he knows what is possible and what is not.

But if separation from parents has not yet occurred, you need to know what you will have to face.

Dorm room

This only threatens the very, very purposeful:

  • those who are excellent students;
  • those who grew up in single-parent families, large families, military families, etc.;
  • those who are in very difficult life situations (but be prepared to provide strong evidence).

However, this type of housing has quite contrasting advantages and disadvantages.

Pros : significant savings on rental housing; fun and freedom always reign; You can always get any materials for study, as well as simply for life - sugar, a blanket, yeast or a drinking buddy.

Cons : your neighbors will be not only classmates, but also other unwanted neighbors (cockroaches, bedbugs and other living creatures); regular passing of an additional “session” (fire safety rules, cleanup days, duty on duty, in the kitchen, on the floor, etc.); if you are late at a meeting with friends or with your parents, then after 23.00 you are unlikely to be allowed into the hostel ( this is the law!); you may come across a “not your dream” neighbor with whom you may have disagreements about the placement of things, cleaning, music or something else; It’s simply impossible to get enough sleep in a dorm.

Renting an apartment yourself

So, if you are a minor, then you need to know how long you can live separately from your parents. The law says that children under 14 years of age cannot be registered separately from their parents.

If there are compelling reasons, children may register at any location separate from their parents.

From the age of 16, if necessary, an emancipation procedure can be carried out - premature recognition as an adult.

All these difficulties can be completely avoided if you have a good relationship with your parents and they are not against the child starting to live separately at 15 years old or at any other age. In this case, they will help you with everything: in finding housing, concluding a rental agreement, and will also be responsible for you.

Renting a home yourself is very expensive. But we have some tips for you on how to reduce your tuition costs and help yourself and your parents a little.

The advantages of renting an entire apartment : the ability to receive guests or come home at any convenient time; housekeeping in the usual way, independence from the tastes and views of other people; choosing the right area (closer to work or university); you don’t have to worry about the integrity of your own belongings and products

Disadvantages of renting an entire apartment : high rental costs; the condition of the apartment is not always decent; landlords can show up without warning and raise rent without warning; may be asked to move out at any inconvenient moment; neighbors will keep a close eye on you and if there is loud music or guests, they may immediately call the police; The degree of wear and tear of furniture and equipment is unknown, so you are responsible for any damage.

Rent a room

Renting a room is much easier and cheaper than renting an entire apartment. And it seems like this is the same rented apartment, but not the whole thing, but only part of it.

But there are some nuances here that are worth knowing.

For example, my classmate rented a room in her first year from a seemingly sweet grandmother. But soon things took an unexpected turn. As soon as a student went to a disco or returned home 5 minutes later than the usual schedule of classes at the university, a sweet granny would play with her classmate’s mother and wash that bone. Not what we count on when we want to start an independent life, right?

However, if you come across an adequate owner (or even he will live separately and rent out the entire apartment room by room to different people), then there is quite a chance to live “high.”

Pros : you can choose the location of the apartment yourself; often good living conditions because often the owners themselves live in the same apartment and take care of the territory).

Cons : shared bathroom; restrictions on visits; inconvenience to the hosts if you return late; the possibility of running into inappropriate roommates.

Living without money at all in Russia - how is this possible?

It is possible to live without money in Russia. It is important to save, buy promotional products, plan spending, work, and take advantage of benefits provided by the state.

Citizens of different categories can receive the following benefits:

  • unemployment benefit;
  • discounted medications;
  • financial assistance;
  • child benefits – relevant for large families;
  • subsidies - targeted social assistance;
  • tax deductions for the purchase of real estate, education, treatment.

Find out about the benefits! Any allowance will be a good bonus to low income

France is being openly mocked - it's her fault

The Americans are walking through the forest, I ask the French to leave, to Yerevan. It's noisy and interesting, you might get kicked, nothing more.

Turkish companies will definitely work throughout the Garabagh territory, especially since the best construction, road, and logistics companies are among the Turks. Ukraine, Pakistan, Israel, Afghanistan should definitely be invited, each country will have something to do and earn money. Participation in the restoration of Garabagh is not so much an economic front as a political one. Azerbaijani companies themselves could do everything there at a high level. But this is precisely the case when goodness must be shared.

Armenian companies can also come, look and offer their participation in the restoration of what they themselves destroyed. Free, only out of kindness and humanism, along with a sense of awareness of the restoration of historical justice.

You can wash as much as you want... and not wash too


We have already discussed the fact that you can wash as much as you like in paragraph 7, and now let’s talk about the benefits for dirty people. When you live alone, you can go three days without showering and no one except your deodorant will know. You can even go an entire weekend without touching a comb or toothbrush, and only your dentist can judge you for that.

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