How to compliment a girl about her beauty without seeming trivial?

Compliments to a girl: more than 100 examples

Compliments to a girl are very important if you are going to impress your girlfriend. After all, compliments show that you have noticed how beautiful and smart the girl is.

There are many ways to give a girl compliments, and they will always have a positive impact.

Wouldn't you welcome praise from a girl on a date about your appearance?

Girls also love compliments. In fact, women actually like compliments much more than men.

Read: beautiful, pleasant and affectionate words to a girl

Giving a compliment to a girl doesn’t just mean saying something nice, so one of the most important requirements for compliments is to be sincere.

Only if a girl sees sincerity in your eyes will she be flattered and appreciate your words.

Otherwise, you will only cause the girl a feeling of awkwardness and irritation, since she will understand that you are simply flattering in order to obtain some benefit for yourself.

How to compliment a girl

Compliment her appearance

A time-tested compliment that is relevant to any girl, anytime and anywhere.

Surely your girlfriend is beautiful. So when you finally meet, tell her how beautiful (cute, gorgeous, amazing) she looks.

How can you not appreciate your amazing girlfriend who has put so much effort into looking so good for you?

Gawk at the girl

We are, of course, talking about a friend with whom you have already, at a minimum, established close contact.

When you're on a date with a girl, your gaze will be one of the best compliments you can give your date.

This happens naturally when you are influenced by the beauty of an irresistible girl.

If you can't look at a girl without getting lost in the beauty of her eyes, it will be a clear indicator to her of how happy you are to be with her.

You can also tell the girl that you feel how happy she looks too.

Compliment to her skills

Does your girlfriend have a wonderful voice and is it not a shame to go to karaoke with her? Or maybe she knows a lot about fine wines?

This is great. Don't forget to compliment the girl on her well-developed skills.

Read: Happy birthday greetings to a woman

Most men don't even think that women might love being praised for something other than their appearance.

That's why girls are so used to compliments on their appearance that praising a woman's skills can soften your friend's heart in a special way.

Compliment her femininity

Recognize her feminine nature, her kindness, her care. The way she smiles is what makes time stand still. The cute movements of her fingers as she fixes her hair, and her flushed face taking on the awkward expression that comes when you praise her.

Complimenting a girl on her femininity is a wonderful and more subtle way to acknowledge her beauty.

Complimenting with “masculine” actions

A man is first and foremost a protector. When you go on a date, be gallant and do not forget to look after the girl, surrounding her with care and attention.

Find an empty chair for her, support her when she needs help, take her wishes into account.

Playing the role of a knight and ensuring your friend has a great time is one of the best silent compliments to a girl.

Don't focus compliments on one part of the body

You shouldn’t focus on certain parts of a girl’s body when trying to give her compliments.

If you want to compliment your date's big breasts, you are sure that the girl will not react negatively to your attempt because she has a slightly different vision of things. Your comment may make the situation worse.

The exception is compliments about eyes, hair, lips, a woman's scent and her voice.

Compliments shouldn't be about her age.

By saying: “You look great for your age!”, you can ruin your friend’s mood for the rest of the evening.

In this way, you will remind the woman of approaching old age, especially if wrinkles have already begun to appear on the forehead or near the eyes.

In other words, age is not a topic that should be touched upon when complimenting a girl.

Don't disguise advice as compliments

Don't say, "You're so pretty when you wear red," or "You're so pretty when you smile."

These manipulative techniques to change a woman to suit your needs are certainly not real compliments.

And in general, the girl will think that if she does not wear red and has a sad expression on her face, she is not a beauty at all, but one of your mediocre acquaintances.

Don't pay attention only to the girl's personality

Compliments about only personal female qualities are just as not the best option as compliments that relate solely to appearance.

A woman is the same person as a man, and does not consider herself a doll with a head stuffed with straw. But do not forget that sexual demand and external confirmation of her attractiveness are very important to a girl.

Don't tell her she's not like other girls

If being different from other girls can be called a compliment, then only with a very big stretch.

Such words will seem insincere and will make the woman feel that something is wrong with her.

Don't focus on her body type

No matter what type of body type you like in girls, complimenting your friend on her current shape is a bad idea.

You have no idea what complexes your partner is hiding, and you may hurt her without realizing it.

Don't start or end your compliments with dates.

“Today you look amazing as never before” will mean for a girl that on all other days except today, she looks bad.

“You look great as always” makes all the difference.

Any girl wants to consider herself stunningly beautiful and smart always, day and night. Just don't get trapped by the words you say.

Don't care about her earnings

If a girl earns decent money, you should not focus on this with compliments.

Money loves counting, which means it is a dry topic, devoid of any emotional overtones.

The best compliments are spontaneous

Keep this in mind if you want to learn how to give sincere compliments to a girl.

The very moment you look at her, what are you thinking? If this is within the bounds of reason, your thoughts arising now can easily be transformed into a sincere compliment.

Compliments to a girl that are better not to give

You lost weight

You mean, “You look so beautiful. You are very slim and beautiful, and it suits you very well. Of course, you have a great figure at any time, but today you are simply special.”

What she thinks: “I guess I usually look fat. I’m sorry that I used to embarrass you with my presence due to my excess weight, but I’m also happy that I now fit your image of an ideal woman.

And yet, let’s hope that I can, without much difficulty or outside help, get into the taxi that I will soon call.”

You have such beautiful eyelashes

Why even say such a thing?

What she thinks: “I’m very happy with your words. This is an amazing feature, isn't it?

I am very pleased that my eyelashes were able to attract your attention, and I am happy that out of everything I have: my eyes, figure, intelligence, my appearance in general, only my eyelashes turned out to be worthy of your praise.

How cool it is when the only thing about me that can earn a compliment is a small handful of hair around my eyes, especially considering that they are false.”

You're not my type, but you drove me crazy

You mean, “I've had women with hobbies and outlooks on life that are different from mine, and I'm very glad that you have their qualities. I think I did the right thing by choosing you."

Her interpretation: “You know, I'm not usually interested in women who look or act like you, but in general you're not that bad, and in this particular case I'll make an exception...”

You look just like your mom

You mean, honestly, who knows why something like this would break out?

This must be one of those cases where the mouth works independently of the brain to fill an awkward silence or try to develop a conversation.

Her interpretation: “You look thirty years older than your actual age, and you have a lot in common with the woman I want to see as little as possible in my life.”

You have very expressive facial features

You mean: “There is something unusual but devastatingly attractive about your appearance.

You defy conventional standards of attractiveness, and even exceed them through the stunning interplay of uniqueness and beauty.”

Her interpretation: “You have the wrong nose, funny lips and something strange with your eyes.”

You are much more attractive than my ex

You mean: “My ex was a very beautiful woman, there is no doubt about that. But you are simply a Goddess."

Her interpretation: “You know, we’re sitting here, talking, but I still can’t stop thinking about my ex-girlfriend. To be honest, you’re not that beautiful, although to be fair, your ex was a little worse.”

You're so tall

You mean, “You may be a little taller than average, but you still look amazing. Tall suits you very well.”

Her interpretation: “Holy shit, I never thought I’d go on a date with Michael Jordan!”

Examples of compliments to a girl

1. A job well done. “It's amazing how well you did it. I'm very proud of what you were able to achieve."

2. Her concern. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have a girl as caring as you."

3. Her humor. "You can always make me smile."

4. Support her dream. “I know how much you want this, and I am confident that you can achieve it. I love how passionate you are.”

5. Her support towards you. “You inspire me to become better and better.”

6. Her presence in your life. “I am very happy when you are with me.”

7. Her courage. “You are very brave and I am proud of the way you strive to win.”

8. Her ingenuity. “Thank you for helping me solve the problem. I don't know what I would do without you."

9. Her communication skills. “Talking to you is so exciting. I'm glad we can communicate constantly."

10. Her taste. “And you have excellent taste. I'm glad you made this choice."

11. Time spent together. “I love that we do everything together. It makes me feel like we're getting closer."

12. How it adds energy to you. “Near you I am always cheerful and active.”

13. What emotions does she give you? “You make me feel loved and needed.”

14. How she treats you. “The way you treat me and communicate with me makes me feel like I can be very sincere and natural with you.”

15. Her poise. “You are so unflappable. It’s only thanks to you that I can look at things objectively.”

16. Her love for you. “You make me feel like the luckiest person on earth just being around you.”

99 more compliments to a girl

  1. You give meaning to my life.
  2. I can't imagine my life without you.
  3. How do you always manage to look so beautiful?
  4. I'm lucky to have you.
  5. You always know how to surprise me.
  6. You are the reason my life is so wonderful.
  7. When I see you, an ordinary day becomes a holiday.
  8. I dreamed about you last night.
  9. Even when you are near, it seems to me that you are missing.
  10. You smell very delicious.
  11. Time spent with you is the highlight of my day.
  12. I see so much warmth in your eyes.
  13. You understand me so well that it seems to me that you can read minds.
  14. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  15. I'm so happy just spending time with you.
  16. You are not just my favorite girl, but also my best friend.
  17. Your smile alone is enough for my sadness to simply evaporate.
  18. You are perfect. I like everything about you.
  19. I feel weak in my knees when you touch me.
  20. I want time to stop when we're together, but it always finds a way to fly by.
  21. I wish I had met you as a child.
  22. Your sweet smile drives me crazy.
  23. It's so hard for me to leave you every time we say goodbye.
  24. You are my dream that has come true.
  25. I love you so much that I couldn't put it into words even if I tried.
  26. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
  27. I love your soft skin when I touch it with my hands.
  28. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy.
  29. You don't need to change because I love you exactly the way you are.
  30. It hurts me to see you sad.
  31. Your eyes are so beautiful that I'm afraid to get lost in them.
  32. When you hug me, I feel butterflies in my stomach.
  33. You look so much like a beautiful angel that I am afraid to harm this beauty by touching you.
  34. I think God had an epiphany the moment he created you, because no one else was as close to perfect as you.
  35. You are the only thing I am grateful for in my life.
  36. I love the way your hair feels on my fingers when I touch it.
  37. I love it when you say you love me when I kiss you over the phone.
  38. I love it when you are in my arms.
  39. My every day begins with a thought about you and ends with a dream about you.
  40. You are a gift to others.
  41. You're awesome.
  42. Your manners are impeccable.
  43. I like your style.
  44. You have a cheerful laugh.
  45. I appreciate you very much.
  46. I can't imagine my existence without you.
  47. You can outshine the sun with your beauty.
  48. You deserve a hug every second.
  49. You should be proud of yourself.
  50. You have an amazing sense of humor.
  51. Your kindness is a balm for the soul of everyone who knows you.
  52. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give you an 11.
  53. Your inner world is as beautiful as your appearance.
  54. You inspire me a lot.
  55. You are like a ray of sunshine in the midst of gray everyday life.
  56. You see only the best in other people.
  57. Your ability to remember everything down to the smallest detail is impressive.
  58. You are a great listener.
  59. It would be cool if all people were like you.
  60. This dress fits you perfectly. I even envy him.
  61. You allow me to feel more joy in life.
  62. You can dance like no one is watching, but everyone is watching you because you dance amazingly.
  63. You are tastier than a million tons of chocolates.
  64. You are wonderful.
  65. When I feel bad, you always give me support and I feel much better.
  66. You are very kind to the people around you.
  67. I should thank you more often. So thank you.
  68. My environment is at the highest level because you are part of it.
  69. You always have the best ideas.
  70. You can always find something special in the most ordinary things.
  71. You are my candle in the dark.
  72. You are a great example for others.
  73. You can always find the right words.
  74. It's amazing that you always strive for self-development.
  75. Who raised you? They deserve a medal for a job well done.
  76. You are great at everything.
  77. You have a very beautiful voice.
  78. The people you love are lucky to have you in their lives.
  79. You are like a breath of fresh air.
  80. Your creative potential seems limitless.
  81. Your beautiful name suits you very well.
  82. I really like your quirks.
  83. You really know who you are and what you want.
  84. It's so wonderful that all the children love you.
  85. You are my reason to smile.
  86. You are very smart and beautiful.
  87. You have a very graceful gait.
  88. The way you value your loved ones is incredible.
  89. You are special to me.
  90. I can talk about everything with you.
  91. I always learn so much from you.
  92. You are very sexy.
  93. I always feel very comfortable with you.
  94. My friends are crazy about you.
  95. I can't take my eyes off you.
  96. I can't stop thinking about last night.
  97. I miss you.
  98. If I had a million dollars, I would quit my job and spend every second with you.
  99. I'm grateful to have you.

When you start complimenting a girl, armed with the above examples, you are sure to make your friend feel special, loved and much happier.

Don't get hung up on one detail4

Admiration acquires significance only when it is said unobtrusively, as if casually. For example, if a girl starts laughing, say that she has a beautiful smile and immediately move on to another topic. There is no need to say the same thing for the next hour, but in different words. “You have such a beautiful hairstyle, but only one strand is a little out of place... here it is,” and you point with your hand to a small mistake.

Perhaps this was originally intended. But with such a gesture you will make it clear that you paid attention to the girl’s hair and appreciated her efforts to be beautiful. The words will sound completely different: “You have such a beautiful hairstyle, but now it’s no longer fashionable to cut your hair like that, it would suit you like this...”. With this approach, you risk getting turned away and getting blacklisted in her phone book.

In any case, it is important to remember that any compliment to a girl should sound unobtrusive. And if you feel that words of admiration thought up in advance may be perceived in the wrong context, it is better to keep it for yourself. Approach the art of compliments wisely, and you will see how your woman will change. Well, if you don’t have one yet, then think about what compliments you will give to the girl you like on the first date.

How to tell a woman that she is beautiful?

Warm words should evoke only positive emotions in a girl and not vice versa; in order to achieve the desired effect, it is important to learn how to give compliments correctly.

A few practical tips and recommendations will help you do this:

  1. Brevity. The compliment should be simple and brief; there is no need to prepare any long speeches in which the pleasantness said to the girl may simply be lost. Such simple speeches as: “You look great!” or “You shine like the sun today!” may be quite enough to lift the girl’s mood for the whole coming day.
  2. Honesty. A girl always feels if a guy speaks sincerely, and is able to distinguish truth from flattery, so when complimenting your chosen one you need to be as honest as possible, otherwise the effect of insincere words can be completely opposite;
  3. The effect of surprise. A compliment said casually during a conversation can be very effective and will undoubtedly be appreciated by the girl.
  4. Attentiveness. You need to praise a girl or woman for her achievements in something. The main thing is to maintain a clear line and not to over-praise, since too frequent compliments after a while begin to be taken for granted and cease to please.
  5. Depth. It is important to always remember the merits of the chosen one - if she has acquired some new thing, the emphasis when pronouncing a compliment should be placed not on the acquisition, but on the good taste of the girl, thanks to which this very thing was acquired.
  6. Specifics. Common phrases such as “You are beautiful!” or “You are perfection!” you’ve been fed up with them for a long time, and you won’t surprise anyone with them, and even more so you won’t be able to attract the attention of the girl you like in this way. Today's girls prefer more specifics - if we talk about how beautiful she is, then you need to emphasize exactly that feature in her appearance that you liked.
  7. Smile. A sincere compliment made from the bottom of your heart should always be accompanied by a smile; only in this case can you achieve the expected result from what was said.

Considering and applying these recommendations, the girl will definitely smile shyly in response to your compliment.

List of best options

The best compliments for girls are those that are said sincerely. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in poetic form or in prose, it’s important that the guy speaks the words from the bottom of his heart. Some people prefer to express love in a humorous way, while others prefer to express it in poetry or serious expressions full of feelings. Everyone has their own version of compliments. Any sincere words about female beauty will not leave the weaker sex indifferent.

  1. My unique!
  2. This is what Miss Universe looks like!
  3. You are not just beautiful, you surpass all women with your appearance!
  4. I would look at your sweet face forever.
  5. The most amazing girl in the world!
  6. An aura of tenderness and warmth emanates from you.
  7. I thought there was no such wondrous beauty in the world.
  8. You act like a magnet on men and attract thousands of glances.
  9. I will whisper again and again: this is what Love looks like!
  10. Next to you, I am ready to perform feats and things get better.
  11. My soul!
  12. The touch of your gentle hand lights a fire in my mind.
  13. Finally I met you, the girl from my dreams!
  14. Your presence fills me with happiness.
  15. Say a word, O beautiful creature. Your voice sounds like music.
  16. You are like a mysterious book that cannot be read.
  17. I'm ready to fight for your smile.
  18. Oh God, how beautiful you are!
  19. You are the center of my life!

By complimenting a girl, a man inspires her to become even more beautiful.

When and what words to avoid

An appropriate and casual compliment is an effective way to get a girl to like you. You can praise her interesting hobbies, humor, and appearance. You need to speak in a calm and confident voice. Studies have shown that representatives of both sexes like a smooth and quiet tone.

You need to give compliments “on target.” A young girl will appreciate cool phrases. For an older woman, it is better to choose a gentle but original option. There is no need to try to surprise with flattering, deliberate delight.

Some expressions can ruin any relationship. So, if a friend broke up with her husband, there is no need to talk about how good he began to look after these changes. She doesn’t want to remember once again about an unpleasant moment in her life.

Some men think that if you tell an older woman that she looks younger, she will be pleased. But in fact, it’s not worth mentioning age either at 20 or at 50. There’s no need to compare a girl with her ex and mother, or veiledly talk about her imperfect appearance.

Compliments, simple or sophisticated, should be spoken from the heart. Insincerity and falsehood are felt immediately. An inappropriate comment can ruin the whole evening. You need to choose the right compliments and speak with the right intonation.

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