How to 100% know that a girl likes you by correspondence and in real life

The main question that arises when meeting someone or trying to take the first step is the response! How do I know if a girl likes me? You need to know this! After all, starting from the emotions that you evoke in a girl, further communication will be built. And when she has sunk in, all that remains is to choose the right time and place.

In this case, there are several situations when you need to find out whether a girl likes you or not

A few simple signs of sympathy

Most clearly, the attention of a representative of the fair sex is revealed by her eyes: if a man is attractive to her, she constantly follows him with her gaze, but when he looks at her back, she usually timidly lowers it. But as soon as the young man turns away or pretends to look away, the guy immediately receives a new look - this time a flirtatious one.

If a girl's hair is longer than average, then you can notice another sign of sympathy - playing with it, so those who liked the young lady with a boyish haircut were somewhat less fortunate. So, if you see a beautiful lady fingering her locks and especially twirling them around her fingers, then this is a sure sign that she is not indifferent to the man.

And if she throws her hair over one shoulder, thus showing off her neck, then this is already such an accurate sign, the only sure thing is a frank confession. A girl can also shake her hair, as in a shampoo advertisement, to allow the man she likes to appreciate its beauty. And this is a completely obvious manifestation of coquetry on her part, and women do not scatter their coquetry anywhere.

It is also imperative to pay attention to the lips - not all girls do this, but some, when a man they like is in close proximity to them, begin to bite and lick them.

Finally, no one has canceled such an eloquent sign as body language. So, that representative of the fair sex who likes a man always takes an attractive pose when she sees him so that he pays attention to her.

In addition, she always tries to touch her body, doing it as if unconsciously, and also always tries to demonstrate her attractive legs, sometimes throwing them one on top of the other, sometimes swinging her shoe, and so on.

Of course, girls try in every possible way to attract a man’s attention to such a pleasant part of their body as their breasts. To do this, they resort to a technique that seems simple at first glance: I simply throw my hands behind my head in a very natural gesture. This allows her to demonstrate her curves in all its glory without doing anything vulgar.

Often women also gesticulate a lot when they want a man to pay attention to them, and they usually do this in a conversation not with him, but with another interlocutor.

Provoking jealousy

How do you know if a girl likes you? If you're asking yourself this question, try one old way. Look at other girls in her presence, give them compliments, and in the meantime, discreetly watch your passion. Most likely, she will show her dissatisfaction and annoyance in some way. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise her sympathy for you may give way to deep hostility.

A girl can act similarly. Flirt with another guy when you're around and watch your reaction.

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Beautiful stranger: seven signs that you should approach her2

In the life of a rare man, there has never been a situation when he really liked a stranger - at a conference, in a nightclub, or just at a party with friends. But it’s stupid to approach her right away - that’s clear to you. But how do you understand that a woman who sees you for the first time likes you?

In fact, there are seven fairly reliable signs that help determine this. They complement those already listed above and will definitely help you clarify the situation.

So, a girl can look at you and at the same time play with something - either a glass, or a phone, or with her jewelry. In this way she tries to attract attention and sends non-verbal signals.

Brave girls can smile easily when their eyes meet, and they can also start a game of flirting with another man and at the same time glancing at the one who is the object of real interest.

This is followed by sexy laughter and a deliberately loud conversation, but it is almost impossible to understand who exactly she is trying to attract with it at this stage, so you better give the girl a chance so that she herself demonstrates a desire to get closer.

She can do this in different ways; the fair sex has plenty of them in their arsenal - from a simple request to light a cigarette to a request to borrow a pen. Of course, there is always a chance that she really does not have a lighter or has nothing to write with, but in reality it is tiny.

How to please a stranger on the street: contextual method


Most guys, wanting to please an unfamiliar girl in some public place, believe that such acquaintances are always accidental. That is why they do nothing themselves, imagining that such meetings are always spontaneous.

At the same time, if you liked an unfamiliar girl, you are unlikely to approach her. It seems that the moment and place are completely inappropriate, and in general “somehow inconvenient.”

But I assure you that meeting the girl you like anywhere (!) will only take you 15 minutes, and it will not be difficult at all.

If you look from the outside, there are two types of men. The first ones are very worried about the result of the acquaintance; they put in all their efforts, achieve a woman, but get little. And for others everything works out very easily and as if by itself - there is zero investment, and the girls are crazy.

Do you want to be the second type of man? It's not difficult - just read this note to the end and follow my advice.

Shall we begin?

Contextual method

Today it is quite difficult not so much to please a girl as to get through her external “armor”, which all representatives of the fairer sex have put on themselves in order to keep men away.

Therefore, approaching an unfamiliar girl and trying to get to know each other directly will most likely not work (unless you look like a very successful young man with such self-confidence that this armor doesn’t even have time to appear).

But if you are an ordinary guy who doesn’t have an expensive suit, confidence or dating experience, what should you do?

The contextual method is an effective approach that helps you quickly get a girl to like you on the street or anywhere else.

To put it simply, it is important to talk to her about what is happening around her or about the peculiarities of her behavior and appearance.

The simpler your approach, the easier it is to turn you off. When “spiritual people” come to your home with books or distributors of something, they never immediately say what they want. At first they try to confuse you so that you don’t immediately understand what they want from you, don’t say “no” and immediately close the door.

The same with an unfamiliar girl on the street, who, of course, will immediately suspect what you want from her, but the logic of the conversation will be different, which will not give her “moral permission” to send you away.

Starting a conversation

One option is a topic about what she looks like. Surely there is something in her image that can be positively noted. If she has a really good combination of colors in her clothes, then you can point out exactly that. Or mark a separate part of the wardrobe (shoes, handbag), say that it was so well chosen that everyone will soon have it.

Hint to her that she is the most positive, and the people around are sour and boring.

Lots of options!

If you want to get a girl to like you, then using the contextual method is very convenient: she doesn’t seem to be getting to know you in front of everyone, but is just going to exchange a few phrases. This justifies her for everyone who is nearby; she is still inaccessible.

Without touching there will be no sex

Even if it's a complete stranger, you should start using touch as early as possible. Even if you just shake her hand, your contact has begun. It is very important. If there was a touch, then an important threshold has been passed.

For a girl this is of great importance. You, who touched her, and you, who did not, are two different people. The second one is no different from the others, but the first one has every chance to please the girl and go much further.

Yes, you don’t have to do this right away, but sooner or later you will have to use touch to seduce her. If you do this at the first meeting, you will significantly speed up the whole process.

Of course, you probably now have a fear of touching an unfamiliar girl. But this can be cured with practice. It is necessary to make approaches and begin acquaintance with this - lightly touching the shoulder or putting your arm around the waist. After this, you won’t have any problems with kinesthetics.

Sometimes you need to be bolder!

To please an unfamiliar girl, so that she immediately notices you and distinguishes you from others, healthy arrogance will not hurt.

This is especially true when you want to be sure that she will definitely come to the date you have scheduled. But impudence needs a reason.

Let's imagine that you get close to her and start a conversation. Your actions:

  • You communicate actively, persistently, and confidently;
  • You ask why she decided to dress this way, you don’t forget about the jokes and jokes in her direction;
  • You set the topics for conversation yourself (change the topic on your initiative, and not when she wants);
  • You take her to another place, even if she is busy or waiting for someone.

As you understand, in the last point the date takes place right there. And this scheme is the best. Even if you just go to have tea in a cafe, your chances of seducing her immediately increase many times over.

But remember that I’m not talking about ordinary (everyday) impudence, but about the style of behavior that all females love so much.

Therefore, do not expect that you will immediately be able to make the right impression on unfamiliar girls. But it is precisely this skill that allows a girl to like you at first sight.

Getting a girl to like you is not a sport

There is one trick that helps a girl like you when you meet her. There is no need to perceive this as a sport, because they will definitely feel your desire to get to know each other. Having realized this, they immediately try to leave (if you need it so much, you show your neediness, and girls do not tolerate this).

But this is very easy to solve.

My students (for example, Mikhail Kirillov kirillove) often receive an assignment: you need to have a legend that would explain what you do where you meet. Some people just walk by to get to the shopping center, others are waiting here for their friend.

When you go out into the field, you should already have a legend that you believe in. In addition, you should not look for unfamiliar girls in one place for a long time - you will only approach, and they will already understand everything.

A natural effect can be achieved by constant movement and a gliding gaze. Well, don’t forget about your own appearance, mood, activity. Be emotional (in moderation), joke, tell small funny stories (if you are good at it and the situation allows it), do not forget about light banter at her expense.

In this article, I touched on only one aspect that will help you get a girl to like you, even if you don’t know each other at all. But there are a lot of such nuances. Although I can already say that you are on the right path - if you at least completed reading this article.

But to succeed, you need to do a little more. Only then will your life truly change! I have a lot of useful materials that I deliberately do not publish here. Let them help only those who really want it and read my materials completely. Just sign up for my free newsletter and you will receive actionable advice that will start producing results from day one.

Best regards, Roman Vinilov!

Dating on social networks: determining sympathy online3

Today, indeed, many people meet through social networks - this is a modern and effective way that allows you to make acquaintances in absentia, and then go offline if the girl likes you. But how can one determine sympathy if a representative of the fair sex cannot be seen, that is, if all the signs listed above do not work?

The Internet space has its own system of signs, so different rules apply here. So, on social networks there are also signs of sympathy, so if you want to know how to understand that a woman you don’t see likes you, then you need to be able to highlight them.

You are definitely attractive to a young lady if she is a regular visitor to your page and not only follows the posts you post, but also likes them without fail, and even posts news that could hint that your views and tastes are similar. For the same purpose, she subscribes to the same public pages and reposts your posts.

If a girl is not shy about taking your side in discussions and arguments, then there’s definitely a jackpot here - you can just immediately ask her out on a date, because she definitely couldn’t demonstrate her sympathy more clearly. Well, maybe only direct coquetry in the comments to your posts.

She tries to be there and help

If a girl attends the same events as you, takes the next seat, tries to be next to you at every opportunity, and “accidentally” ends up in the same place as you, then she is not indifferent to you. Watch further. She always laughs at your not-so-successful jokes, listens attentively and with interest to your stories about car repairs, and is she interested in fashion and painting? This is no longer simple sympathy, this is already love! If she “suddenly” became interested in cars, computer games or fishing, you can be sure that this is true love.

Does the young lady offer you her help, sparing no time or effort? She's head over heels in love with you. By the way, about help. If she asks you to fix a stuck jacket zipper, help you fix your computer, or gives you advice on choosing a new cell phone, that's a good sign. The girl sees in you not only an object of sympathy, but also a protector. She, of course, can cope with the problem herself, but she gives you the opportunity to take care of her, appreciate it.

You are dating, but everything is unclear...4

Such situations are actually quite rare, but this does not mean that they cannot occur - they still can, primarily because men have a bad habit of doubting themselves, their women and their attractiveness to her. Are there any particular signs that might reassure you? Actually there is!

So, if a girl never refuses to communicate, that is, she is extremely rarely so busy as not to chat for at least five minutes, then this is a sure sign of her high interest in the relationship. The same applies to sex: if she values ​​a man, she never refuses him, not out of fear of losing, but because she sincerely wants it.

She never makes her man worry about where she is - it’s not that she reports on her movements, she just makes sure to tell him that she’s going to visit her parents for the weekend or meeting a friend in the evening.

And a woman who sincerely likes her man never gives him a reason to be jealous - neither seriously nor jokingly. And she certainly won’t flirt with someone else in front of him just to make him jealous.

A girl interested in a man is always interested in his opinion on this or that issue, definitely wants to learn as much as possible about him and is not capricious, even if she does not like the restaurant he has chosen - and not because she wants to please, but because doesn't want to upset.

And in general, she is ready to spend time with him anywhere and doing any activity, because the main thing for her is not where, but with whom. All these are simple but important signs that help you understand whether a woman likes you.

But if you still have doubts or often ask the question “why don’t girls like me,” then we recommend reading our next article at the link.

We study her behavior

One of the signs that a girl really likes you is her behavior. A classmate, a fellow student, a colleague, in general any girl, even a girl, will definitely give something away when in contact with a person she likes, and then you will be able to understand whether she likes you or not. So, what to pay attention to:

  1. The girl constantly compliments you on your appearance, wardrobe, clothing style, notes your masculine facial features and stately figure.
  2. She always listens to you carefully without interrupting. Asks questions: “How are you doing? How was your day?". He is interested in your problems and shares his own, talks about his feelings and experiences. This means she trusts you and does it because she likes you.
  3. The girl does not speak negatively about you in front of strangers, and does not make comments to you in the company of friends. If something is wrong, she correctly talks about it face to face.
  4. Sometimes the young lady herself initiates your communication and meetings by calling you on the phone.
  5. She likes to touch you. She often takes your hand, hugs you by the shoulders, pats your knee. She responds to your kisses and kisses you herself.
  6. If he asks for help, it happens infrequently, in situations where there is really no one else to help. She doesn't ask you to do something she can handle herself.
  7. The girl is always glad to meet you. The smile never leaves her face, she laughs at your jokes and jokes herself.

Attempted seduction

There are many tricks and tricks that are invisible at first glance that women use to successfully seduce men. Take a closer look at the girl you like, and you will be able to understand a lot about her attitude towards you:

  • The top button of her blouse accidentally came undone, but the lady is in no hurry to button it;
  • She usually wears trousers or jeans, but today, knowing that she was going to meet you, she put on a dress or short skirt that emphasizes her slender legs;
  • If you make eye contact, a subtle flirtatious smile appears on her face;
  • Sexy walk if you are looking at a girl;
  • She bites or licks her lips in an attempt to arouse your interest in her;
  • Loud talking and sexy laughter are also clear signs of attempted seduction;
  • Touching your own body as if by chance;
  • The young lady plays with her ring, bracelet, hair clip, glass, phone or other accessory.
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