How to understand by your behavior that a married girl or woman likes you

In this article, psychologist Anna Evlitskaya answers the question “How to make a married woman fall in love with you: 10 rules?”

If the object of strong feelings becomes a person with whom it would not be worth falling in love, for example, a man begins to feel passion for a married woman, then he has a choice: try to muffle his feelings or try to conquer his chosen one. A guy can win a married lady by using certain techniques and giving his beloved what she lacks in her usual life. At the same time, it is important to match her image of an ideal man.

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According to psychologists, it is possible to seduce a married girl.

Sometimes a lady who has a family and constant everyday problems makes contact faster than an unmarried woman.

There are several reasons for this:

  • she is tired of the family routine;
  • the husband has ceased to be interested in his wife as a woman;
  • intimate life has come to a standstill or become scarce;
  • the girl is overcome by banal boredom and the desire to feel desired again.

Sometimes such a lady herself begins to look for acquaintances. If a man has met a woman who looks like a respectable wife, but he wants to try to seduce her, then the suitor will need a supply of certain knowledge and skills. To do this, a person must be:

  • gallant;
  • romantic;
  • cheerful;
  • successful;
  • mysterious
  • well-groomed;
  • passionate.

Ladies of all ages love polite men. Such a gentleman has a chance of success. You should not forget to give your chosen one your hand, help her put on her coat, and bring her bag.

Politeness has now become a rather rare quality, so a man will immediately attract the attention of even someone else’s wife.

Women who have been married for a long time get tired of the monotonous life, of the exhausting and boring household routine. Over time, the husband gets used to his own role, stops noticing the attractiveness of his girlfriend, does not give compliments or give flowers. Therefore, a man who does not forget to show signs of attention has every chance of success.

The technique of seduction requires you to first find out what a woman likes, and then behave in accordance with this standard. If a lady is romantic, she should be presented with flowers, dedicated poems, and presented with all sorts of cute mementos. During a meeting, it is important to look your interlocutor in the eyes.

If a girl is judged by her appearance, then a man is judged by his achievements. Even if he is nothing special, you should at least try to look respectable and solid. It’s rare that a married lady would risk her status and stable life for a guy who has nothing in his heart. And if a new acquaintance is a successful person, then this will help him win the lady he likes.

To be attractive to a woman, a man must present some kind of mystery. You can never open up completely, you need to leave something that she will only guess about. Girls are by nature curious and endowed with a rich imagination. If a fan periodically disappears somewhere and does not talk about his work and life, then in his own imagination the chosen one fantasizes about something interesting and believes in it herself.

At home everything is ordinary and ordinary, but here there is something unusual and interesting. Any woman will want to unravel the mystery that surrounds her new acquaintance.

The rules for seducing a married woman require Don Juans to look good and dress smartly. Neat, fashionable, expensive clothes are one of the points that women pay attention to. It is difficult to seduce a lady who is unkempt.

The main rule of success is that the man himself is in love. If a gentleman’s heart beats faster on a date, his palms sweat and his cheeks turn red, it won’t be difficult for him to persuade his lady to sleep with him.

If you follow these rules, many women will not remain indifferent and will bestow their attention and affection.

A meeting with a non-free lady can be arranged anywhere. Married women go with their friends to cafes, cinemas and theaters. The meeting can take place in a company where a person appears with whom the young man wants to establish a closer relationship.

Romances often arise at work with colleagues. But you should be careful and not advertise your relationship.

Exploration and the process of conquest

Over time, even the strongest unions encounter problems, misunderstandings, and moments of crisis. It is no secret that the female sex is more emotional; it requires more attention, compliments, passion, holidays, and positive emotions. Every couple is faced with everyday life that destroys the romantic atmosphere, sex gradually turns into “marital duty,” and feelings slowly fade away.

If you want to have an idea of ​​how to pick up a married woman, look closely, listen, observe, or ask directly about what is happening in her life.

Only by identifying the problematic, missing part of the needs of the desired object, can you slowly begin to take decisive, deliberate actions.

There is no need to rush, be very persistent. On the contrary, show the married woman that you are a true friend who will always give advice and lend a courageous shoulder. Act slowly, carefully, but confidently. Only after building a friendly foundation can you understand how further events will develop. If you behave desperately, overly persistently, then there is a huge chance of simply scaring the person away.

Qualities of a Gentleman

Be polite, gallant, pay attention to the lady of your heart - this will play into your hands, because it is unlikely that your spouse behaves the same way after many years of marriage. The husband believes that this stage has already been passed, he got what he deserves, and his wife will not get away from him anyway.

It’s easy to be gallant, just bring your favorite thing, give your hand at the right moments, hold an umbrella, help with outerwear. Be careful with your speech, remove curses, obscene expressions, rude phrases in order to show respect and eventually win a married person.

The mistake of most men is that they consider romance necessary only in the initial stages of a relationship, when they achieve what they want, and then they stop noticing changes in outfits and hairstyles, not to mention preparing surprises, flowers and spending time together.

Initially, avoid presenting huge gifts, sweets, bouquets, or any items that will have to be carried home. This will definitely arouse suspicion in your husband.

Start the process of conquest with compliments, poems, gift cards, going to a good establishment.

Why does a married woman fall in love?

reasons why a married woman falls in love with another man . But they all boil down to a feeling of dissatisfaction with the marriage .

The most common reason is the wife’s desire to take revenge on her unfaithful husband. In this case, the lady deliberately commits infidelity. At the same time, wanting to raise his self-esteem, he does not try to be careful. Her main task is to cause pain to her husband, the same as she once experienced.

But falling in love can arise unexpectedly , as a consequence of a number of factors.

Lack of intimacy. Dissatisfaction in sexual relationships pushes not only the stronger half of humanity to cheat. Women in this regard are even more ardent in nature . They want to feel desired and attractive, and at a certain moment their passion for their husband, who takes her for granted, cools.

The lack of trusting relationships and psychological comfort in the family can also push a woman into adultery. Constant reproaches, insults and indifference force you to seek consolation on the side.

Lack of attention and emotional coldness . Over time, even the most sincere relationships reach the everyday level. Some women take this for granted, others are categorically not happy with it. Lack of romance, compliments and unexpected surprises , spending time together, all this can serve as an impetus for betrayal.

How to behave

It is not for nothing that it is commonly believed that boys love with their eyes, and girls with their ears. Stock up on all sorts of jokes, anecdotes, and funny life stories to create ease and ease when communicating. If everything goes according to plan, you will be able to win over the girl and the potential passion will begin to talk about herself and what she would like. You need to combine pleasant words of praise with humor to achieve emotional relaxation.

If trust is shown, they begin to keep secrets with you, share personal things, then half the success is guaranteed.

A small trick that will tell you how to win a married woman: maintain a slight intrigue, a spirit of adventure. Do not lay out your trump cards right away; if it is obvious that you are ready to make any sacrifices, then there will be no mystery left, and interest will quickly dry up.

Girls are curious by nature, so trying to find out as much as possible, then she herself will not notice how she gets caught in the net.

Features of temperament

It is much easier with women who are accustomed to clearly expressing what they think and feel than with shy and closed women. But both cases have their pitfalls.


Shy and melancholic individuals are already afraid of their inner experiences, and when it is also not free, it closes down completely.

It is common for a married woman in love with a secretive character to try not to approach her lover and not to start a conversation first. Rather, she has many complexes and does not want to see you again, so as not to show her traits that seem unpleasant or bad to her. Such a madam may even turn away and run away as soon as you appear on the horizon.

In this case, it is better to communicate in private or on a social network, when no one is watching or judging.


If the lady you like has an extroverted character, then the behavior will be different - she is bright, constantly laughs, tries to make friends or even joke with you. Please note that the joke can even be caustic and caustic, because the behavior of a married woman in love should be such as not to give herself away. She cannot be cold and distant due to her temperament, and therefore she tries to pass off interest as almost hatred.

Don't be surprised if you hear barbs and criticism.

Ice queen

There are also those who behave absolutely indifferently as soon as you appear on the horizon. They act like you're worthless, don't want to be the first to show feelings, and act like ice queens.

When they see you, they are indifferent, and it is extremely difficult to understand whether they really think something good about you or not. Only the body language described above will give such a lady away. She cannot control him, so be observant. An indifferent woman will never be the first to open up and will want you to achieve it and run after her.


Be sure to take care of your appearance: beauty and external attractiveness are not as important as a solid, successful image. It's not about the money, but about the possible future. A young lady will never risk choosing a losing option, so you need to have social status, show generosity, demonstrating that you will not be lost.

Women are picky about details, so she won’t like an unkempt man who doesn’t take care of his hair, shoes, and accessories. On the contrary, anyone will be delighted with a clean, ironed suit, neat hairstyle, and the aroma of pleasant cologne. This way you can not only give the impression of a businesslike, neat person who is able to take care of himself and also demonstrate impeccable taste.

Passion is a must. Be as frank as possible, show how loved and desired the person is to you, but do it affectionately and discreetly.

Even if there is no intimacy at this stage yet, then tactile communication, emotions, words will also show a lot. Do not forget that if a family man commits adultery, then this is stress, a serious step that you simply must compensate for. It is clear that in sexual terms there should be caresses, tenderness, so that it really resembles an act of love, and not instinct or obligation. With care and reverent attitude, you can eventually tie him to yourself, making him the ideal lover that will be needed.

By communicating on a social network

You can also tell by correspondence on a social network if a married woman likes you. If you are not indifferent, she will often visit your profile and like all posts, comment on photos and repost the most interesting posts from you.

Analyze what groups she subscribed to after meeting her. If she has adopted a lot from you, you can rest assured of affection on her part.

If a married woman likes you, she will respond to your message right away, even if she feels uncomfortable.

Special attention should be paid to stickers and emoticons. They may seem sweet and innocent to you, but if there are a lot of cute and gentle stickers, this is already a clear hint that you are among the favorites.

In addition, if a lady begins to pay more attention to spelling and punctuation in messages, this is another sign that she is not breathing smoothly towards you.

Prohibited tricks

Don’t be selfish, think through everything in advance, make informed decisions, because your actions will affect the other person. If you decide to interfere in someone’s fate, realize that such a step can not only break up a family, but also ruin their life. Conquering is interesting and cool, but know how to accept the boomerang consequences.

There are rules that must always be followed. First, decide for yourself: why do you need this relationship, what future prospects and role will suit you? Be honest with your partner, if you are satisfied with your lover’s place, then say so directly, so that there are no misunderstandings or false illusions.

Don’t put any moral pressure, give the opportunity to make decisions too, don’t try to manipulate!

If a married lady's family collapses, are you ready to take responsibility? Think carefully about this question before asking to break up with your husband, or even more so, making scenes of jealousy.

Listen and don't ask unnecessary questions. If a girl is with you, she feels support, protection, sympathy. Take time for each other, make the most of it instead of talking about your husband, asking questions, comparing. Make it clear that you accept and understand it, are ready to make concessions and wait, because this is a very important step that decides the future fate of more than one person. Take your loved one out of everyday life, and then time will tell.

What psychological techniques are used?

To make a woman fall in love with you, it is not enough just to want it .

You will have to make an effort, and sometimes ingenuity.

  1. Look into your eyes. Eye contact is one of the techniques of psychology. On a subconscious level, we do not trust those who do not make eye contact. Conversely, eye contact inspires trust in us, because we think that the person is telling the truth. However, there is a slight subtlety here - looking too long and too closely can frighten or arouse suspicion.
  2. Be able to listen. Women love to talk.
    At the same time, men often pretend to listen, but they themselves think about their own things. The partner's subconscious perceives this as inattention and lack of interest. The ability to listen sincerely must be learned. Don’t just nod your head as a sign of attentiveness, but try to remember at least part of the information, ask leading questions that will help the woman open up. However, at first, avoid too frank and, especially, unpleasant topics.
  3. To compliment . Ladies love it when people pay attention to their assets. But there is no need to praise always and everywhere. Constant compliments will get boring. Say how good the woman looks today, how well done she is for completing a complex project successfully, say thank you for the delicious dinner.
  4. Give gifts. It could be small little things, flowers. A too expensive gift, especially at the beginning of acquaintance, will cause a feeling of inconvenience, but pleasant little things will delight you. A gift should not turn into an obligation and routine.
  5. Make surprises, surprise. Has the lady long dreamed of going to the theater for a rare performance? Give her such pleasure.
  6. Be a mystery, don't open up completely and immediately. A woman should strive to get to know you.
  7. Say how important it is to you.
  8. Ignore . One of the techniques that works for many women. This is due to curiosity and the desire to win the attention of an unavailable man.
  9. Create positivity . A woman should feel pleasant and comfortable next to you.

A woman chooses a man in whom she feels strength, confidence, and protection. The natural desire is to create a couple, a family with someone who will be a support.

Words must be supported by actions . If you only promise, but do not deliver, if there is more self-praise in your phrases, then the lady will sooner or later come to disappointment.

A real man who is worth attention is strong, self-sufficient, attentive and ready not only to talk, but also to do.

How to make her fall in love with you? An easy way to arouse the interest of any woman:

What is better: to love or to be loved? Find out the answer right now.

Is it always difficult to seduce?

At first glance, it is impossible to determine the complexity of a particular situation, but rather in the process of direct communication. When a lady is happily married, the relationship is going smoothly and brings pleasure, then she has no need to look for a potential lover. It is worth noting that problems exist in all families, the only question is their scale, ability to cope and degree of desperation.

Women tend to defend family values ​​and preserve marriage, so if she is happy, then winning such a girl will be difficult or not at all feasible.

On the other hand, it is not always difficult to win the favor of even a captive young lady if she has not found idyll, harmony, support and mutual understanding on the part of her husband in her family life. Everyone wants to get their own happiness, if you can give it, then just push the person in the right direction and fill the missing gaps in life.

If she is married and he is single

A married woman needs to think several times when entering into a relationship with a bachelor . Of course, head-turning passion sometimes leaves no time for thinking, and the lady, immersed in her own feelings, does not think about the possible consequences. And they can be deplorable for all representatives of the love triangle.

Reluctance to share . Playing second roles very often becomes boring for a free lover. Then he may begin to demand from his mistress that she leave her husband . If you receive a refusal, further relationships become impossible, and the ending is always difficult to predict. The lover will dictate his terms and harass the woman with threats to tell her husband everything.

Relations on two fronts . Free from obligations, a lover can afford relationships with other representatives of the fairer sex. At the same time , he understands that he will remain completely unpunished, because his mistress is in the family at this time and cannot know what is happening . And in the event of exposure, it will be difficult for her to make a claim, since he tolerates another man in their relationship.

Transience is another disadvantage of the relationship between married and single. He needs vibrant sexual relationships, and preferably on demand. Family routine does not always allow the mistress to satisfy momentary desires, so soon the bachelor will get tired of this and he will begin to look for another object of passion.

Bottom line

It is millions of times easier to conquer a lonely person; he has no one to compare with, and there is a high probability that he himself is in search. A free lady can easily accept advances, without remorse or pangs of shame from exposure. It's simple: you're right for each other, or you're not. A busy young lady needs to be given more than she already has, to conquer, filling her life with new colors and fresh emotions. Experienced girls have already seen everything; simply having similar values ​​and interests will not be enough.

Don’t be a boring shadow, confidence and a sense of humor are the main criteria for conquest! Conquering is not as difficult as maintaining an alliance later.

It’s not for nothing that they say that with the help of kindness and tenderness, you can lead an elephant with a string. Nothing is impossible, you need to believe in yourself and go towards your desired goal. Weigh it well, think over your decisions, actions, develop your own strategy, just be sure to make sure that you are acting at the behest of your heart. And if you did what you could, but were ignored in response, show the courage to let the person go. This means that he is simply not yours, do not waste time trying to conquer him, as it is pointless.

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