How to make a guy leave you: ways to break up

It is always difficult to part with a loved one, especially if the girl did not want it. What to do if your boyfriend dumps you? How to get out of this situation with dignity, without making hasty attempts to return him.

If there is no strong connection between partners, then they are likely to break up.
This statement is also true in cases where only one person in a couple continues to have warm feelings for the other. It is no longer possible to keep someone who has decided that the girl is a burden to him. He will still, sooner or later, find a reason to leave her. Or he won’t find it, and then he’ll leave without any explanation. Articles on the topic

Breaking up is not the end of the world!

- Breaking up is not the end of the world! — What to do if your loved one leaves you? — Tips that will make it easier if a guy breaks up with you — What you shouldn’t do if a man leaves you — How to move on after breaking up with a guy? - Conclusion

Parting is a small death... Unfortunately, it is a very rare option when the feelings of both partners cool down at the same time. It often happens that you still love, but you are no longer there.

Yes, breaking up with a guy is always hard. When he says that he doesn’t love you anymore, doesn’t want to be with you, and leaves - it hurts more than a slap in the face.

The most important thing is that you need to reduce the degree of tragedy. Only you decide what your reaction to the event will be. You can start to think that this is a tragedy, your life is over, your heart is broken, or you can be sad for a week, think about everything objectively and understand that there is no reason to bang your head against the wall.

And remember that you and only you can truly help yourself in this situation. Yes, such a nuisance happened. But this is life! But in life anything happens...

Find out how to stop loving a guy!

What to do if your loved one leaves you?

• Find out the reason for the separation.

If your boyfriend left you, you don’t know what to do and how to get over the breakup, then at least find out the reason for the breakup. Basically, the reason why a guy left you could be because you stopped inspiring, loving and satisfying him. If a guy dumps you, what should you do?

He has lost all interest in you and is now looking for a new source of love and inspiration. Perhaps you began to treat him incorrectly, stopped loving him, or, on the contrary, were too attached to him. Perhaps the reason is not in you, but in the natural properties and character of the guy, he is not constant and has found another girl who attracts him more.

• If you want to cry, then cry.

But you are allowed only one day to bury and feel sorry for yourself. Realize that tomorrow, when you open your eyes, you will wake up in a new life. Oh, cry for your health today, sometimes it’s very useful.

What makes you think that being abandoned by your loved one is the biggest misfortune in your life? Look at yourself in the mirror: you are young, beautiful, smart. Any normal man dreams of such a girl. And the fact that your ex left you - you should also thank him for ridding you of his presence.

• Believe in yourself and your strengths.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You shouldn’t isolate yourself in your own world and drown in boundless self-pity. On the contrary, start living life to the fullest. If your loved one has abandoned you, this is not a reason to give up on yourself.

Go to the cinema with your friends, visit exhibitions. Finally, take up horse riding or sign up for a striptease course - do what you were forbidden to do in a relationship with a man.

• You are now free!

Everything that doesn't happen is for the better. This man left you, but another will soon take his place. And maybe you will find your happiness.

Remember how long it’s been since you’ve communicated with your parents and relatives. All because all your time was consumed by your relationship with your boyfriend. Now that you are free from “marital” responsibilities, you have a chance to make up for lost time.

• Organize a grand celebration for yourself and your friends.

Just get together and have fun. Give your ex-relationship a send-off. And don’t even think about being sad or crying this evening – on the contrary, enjoy every minute of this evening. If your loved one left you, let it be a reason for fun.

• Go shopping.

Shopping is exactly the way that can bring even the most depressed person back to life. Do not spare your legs and money - because the action is worth it. The result is you are renewed, beautiful and with sparkling eyes.

• Flirt and make eyes.

Even if at the moment you absolutely do not want a new relationship or even a fleeting romance. It's OK. But the attention and admiring smiles of men will perfectly raise your mood and self-esteem. (read also how to find a boyfriend).

Reasons why women initiate a breakup

There is an opinion that girls more often strive to preserve their family and relationships than men. In fact, about 70% of breakups occur on their own initiative. Many continue relationships in the hope that everything will change, or quietly hating and dreaming of leaving, especially if there are children together or the fear of being left without financial support.

There are several reasons that may lead a woman to decide to break up:

  1. The desire to feel equal. If your partner does not allow you to develop, earn money, does not take into account your interests and does not respect you, then it’s time to break up.
  2. Marriage is beneficial for a man. In modern society, guys get more benefits from relationships than their girlfriends. Women not only work and raise children, but also take on household responsibilities. In addition, they try to care for their loved one and keep themselves in shape in order to keep him. This relationship model does not lead to happiness. Discontent accumulates in a woman, and as a result she may not be able to stand it.
  3. Problems in relationships. Many girls react sharply to difficulties. If a guy cannot provide financially, does not strive for the best, if he humiliates, beats, starts drinking or takes up other bad habits, then an affair with him will not bring joy.

When a guy doesn’t want to change for the sake of a successful relationship and doesn’t treat his beloved with respect, the relationship is unlikely to reach marriage. If partners live in a marriage, then there is a high risk of its dissolution at the initiative of the woman.

Tips that will make you feel better if your boyfriend breaks up with you

• Be sad for a couple of days, a week at most.

You don't have to go outside these days. Cry, watch sad films. Realize the horror and sadness of what happened. Be fully imbued with your suffering, you have every right to do so, because you are experiencing a serious loss. If you don’t do this, but suppress your feelings and emotions, you won’t be able to completely heal your heart...

• Understand that you are the most important person to yourself.

How not to fall into despair. Anyone, even the closest person, can offend and betray you. He may leave you, stop communicating with you, stop loving you. But you will never abandon yourself! Also, only by truly loving yourself can you survive all the difficulties and not fall into depression for a long time.

• Try not to cry about this person anymore.

This is not the person who deserves your tears! Besides, tears won't help your grief.

• Speak up.

Just sit in front of the mirror and tell your reflection how bad you feel. Straight from the heart, tell everything and you can even ask your reflection questions, and I assure you, your subconscious will answer them for you. You will tell everything to yourself, but you can hide it from your mother and friend.

You will begin your monologue - the dialogue you will most likely start with self-pity. You will continue, perhaps, with anger at the guy. But you should end with the attitude that your separation is only for the better, that you can handle it, you are strong, and everything will be fine.

• What hurts most is not the fact of the breakup itself, but the pain that we consciously inflict on ourselves. That's why:

No sad music. The music is danceable and life-affirming. Cinema - comedies, or, if you like, science fiction. But no dramas or melodramas!

• Don't create illusions.


  • if a man doesn’t call, it means he doesn’t think about you;
  • if he says he doesn't love you, he doesn't;
  • if he says he doesn't want to be with you, that's exactly what it means. He realizes and sees your value and still doesn’t want it;
  • if he doesn't call you his girlfriend, he means "I'm not sure if you're the kind of woman I need";
  • if he says that monogamy is not for him, then there is no reason not to believe him;
  • the absence of an answer is the answer;
  • you cannot prevent separation by talking;
  • bad guys aren't called bad for nothing.

• Spend time with relatives.

See that there are many people around you who care about you!

• Do something you didn't have time to do when you were in a relationship.

Very often we make the mistake of allowing love to fill our entire world. We forget about friends, about sports, about self-care, about studying, about a career, about our hobbies. Now is the time to remember all this!

• Do something unusual, extreme!

Skydive, scuba dive and so on.

• Go out to people.

In any case, in your city there are various events, some trainings, courses, most likely there is an anti-cafe. Go there, you will make new friends. You will start communicating again, surround yourself with new people, and you will feel better.

• Give yourself a beautiful photo shoot.

Professional. Let them make you up, comb your hair, dress you and take your photo. The result will be great, you’ll like yourself, post photos on social networks, get a bunch of likes, and your self-esteem will immediately increase.

You may also be wondering how to get over a breakup.

Bring back love

The most popular, and at the same time simple and accessible magical ritual that can rekindle a guy’s feelings. You will need: a large onion, a lot of toothpicks or pins, a low pot of soil. Stay alone and in complete silence, concentrate on the image of the guy, remember his smell, taste, body warmth. Take the onion in your hands and imagine his head and face. Think about what idea you want to inspire in him. Pierce the bow with a pin and say:

“As easily as a pin pierces a bow, so let (the guy’s name) rise with the same ease of passion and love for me. He will think about me during the day, at night, until he confesses his love and repents of leaving. Amen"

Take a new pin and plant the following thought in your loved one’s head. Continue the ritual until you run out of ideas. Leave the bulb on the windowsill. Within 3 days you can add to what has been said. On the 4th day the bulb needs to be planted. As soon as green feathers appear, the beloved will return.

What not to do if a man leaves you

1. Immediately get rid of thoughts of suicide from your head!

Out of ten suicide attempts, nine are unsuccessful, and if you survive by jumping out of a window or swallowing sleeping pills, you will remain severely disabled, and then you can definitely give up on your personal life. In any case, he will not cry for you.

2. Don't try to understand why this happened.

It is impossible to understand this. And even more so, don’t engage in self-flagellation. You can be blamed for what happened only in one case - if you cheated on him left and right. If this is not so, then the blame lies entirely with him.

3. Don't try to get him back.

At least wait a couple of days. Perhaps he will return himself.

4. Don't try to immediately find a replacement.

Relationships should be built not “to spite” someone, but “for the good” of yourself and your loved one. If you, having not yet stopped loving one guy, start dating another, then at one point you risk discovering that nothing connects you with him... and you will act just as cruelly as they did to you!

Why did this happen to me?

This is the question you need to ask yourself first. Not “how could he”, “why”, but precisely “why did this happen”. In any situation, two people are always to blame, even if not in equal shares.

If a guy finds someone else, it means that he was not truly happy and experienced a lack of affection, love, attention, understanding, or other things. A guy going nowhere can be provoked by frequent swearing and cooling of feelings.

Or perhaps your guilt is much more serious, you cheated on your boyfriend or cheated on a big scale. In any case, the sooner it becomes clear where the mistake was made, the sooner it can be corrected. Or leave “broken” relationships in the past.

How to move on after breaking up with a guy?

1. Thank God, fate, or whoever you believe in, for the fact that this happened now.

What happened to you was inevitable: he would have left you sooner or later anyway. But imagine that you would have to go through divorce proceedings, in which he would publicly throw mud at you, division of property, turning the apartment into a communal apartment, where you would meet his new wife in the kitchen every day, that you would raise a child alone ( or even two) ... in a word, the sorrows of an abandoned girl are much lighter than those burdens that fall on the shoulders of a divorced (at the initiative of her husband) woman - be glad that you have avoided such a fate.

2. Get rid of everything that reminds you of your ex-boyfriend.

It probably won’t work from everything – at first, absolutely everything will resemble it. But throwing away his photographs, gifts and letters is quite possible.

Also delete his number from your mobile phone’s memory, his e-mail from your email program’s contact list, etc. - besides, there will be less temptation to contact him.

3. Don't let yourself get bored!

Surely you have something that you have long wanted to do, but never got around to: learn Japanese, learn how to cross-stitch, ride a horse, or something else.

4. Pay attention to what you have left.

There are so many joys in life! And all this is left to you... so enjoy it all, live and be happy!

And love will definitely come - when you least expect it. Read also how to improve your mood.

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