If you have no strength: what to do and how to continue living

At school we all studied the law of conservation of energy. And therefore we know that energy reserves need to be replenished regularly. And reserves of vitality too. We need energy physical and spiritual, emotional and intellectual. It is difficult to carry out even daily activities when we are physically exhausted. And it is no less difficult to take on anything when we are mentally and emotionally exhausted. So where can you get vitality if you feel like you're lacking it?

The spiritual side of the problem

Such a phenomenon as suicide is a big ethical problem that has become practically insoluble since the moment religion ceased to have a fundamental influence on public morality.

This was much easier before. The Christian Church has a categorically negative attitude towards suicide, not at all listening to the questions of its parishioners about how to live if there is no strength to live. It is believed that there is no more serious sin, since suicide combines both murder and despair, and in addition, the sinner deprives himself of the opportunity to repent. Suicides are not given a funeral service or buried in consecrated ground to this day.

So, what happens to us in moments of powerlessness? And how to cope with the situation that has arisen?

Why do we fall into such dark states? What happens to us in moments of powerlessness? How to cope with this condition? The danger of powerlessness is that even if we want to cope with it, we may simply not have the resources to do so. At such moments we feel completely empty. It’s as if all the vitality has been squeezed out of us, and there is no way to replenish it. And now there is no meaning, no goals. There is no joy and pleasure. It's like a vicious circle. A person has the strength to do something when he has a goal, and when he is powerless he does not even have the desire to think about any achievements. It is very difficult to cope with this condition on your own. It's best to have someone who can push you from the outside and guide you on the path to recovery. We are skidding in place, trying to get out, but we don’t have enough jerk or power to do it. Sometimes we even stop without any hope that the journey will continue.

State view of things

Since European civilization, by and large, is built on Christian morality, a specific attitude towards suicide is reflected in the official legislation of many countries, where suicide has long been considered a criminal offense.

This may surprise some, but in the UK it ceased to be so only in 1961, when numerous appeals from human rights activists forced Parliament to reconsider the relevant law. Until this moment, for an incorrect answer to the question “how to live if you have no strength to live?”, you could pay a significant fine, and at the end of the 19th century you could even be executed by hanging. In Ireland, criminal penalties for suicide were abolished only in 1993 (!).

Psychiatric position

Now such savages can only be encountered in Africa (Ghana, Uganda). However, in society itself the attitude towards suicides is ambiguous and varies very widely - from acceptance to condemnation.

For a long time it was believed that the problem was: “How to live on if you have no strength?” characteristic only of mentally abnormal people. This stereotype is alive and well today. Harvard once conducted a study asking psychiatrists to make a diagnosis based on data from medical records. All patients committed suicide, but not all participants in the experiment were informed about this.

The results showed that when the cause of death was known to experts, they diagnosed mental disorders in 90% of cases, and if it was unknown, in only 22%.

Among the medical reasons for suicide are severe depression - more than 70% of patients have suicidal thoughts, and about 15% make attempts.

How to live on if you have no strength and don’t want anything

How to live on if you have no strength and don’t want anything? Determining how to live can be quite easy if you have desires and goals, but the same question is perplexing if you lack desires and motivation.

Such a condition can be temporary and occur quite easily, or it can take on a chronic form called apathy - it is a medical term that reflects disorders in the mental sphere.

There is no need to immediately diagnose yourself; for many people, apathetic moods are a periodically encountered norm, and these problems can be solved quite independently, without turning to doctors or medications.

It is important not to confuse the lack of desires and strength with simple laziness.

This can be easily distinguished - laziness disappears as soon as a sufficient stimulus appears, followed by a surge of strength and activity, the person’s eyes light up.

In a state where there really is no strength, not a single stimulus will make a person jump, and when the sphere of needs and desires is frustrated, there will simply be nowhere for the motivational component to arise.

In case of malfunction of any organs, the onset of a viral disease, or at the time of exacerbation of a chronic illness, the body’s reserve reserves are aimed at eliminating these problems, so there may simply not be enough energy for everything else. Lack of vitamins in winter and chronic lack of sleep undermine the body's strength.

Moreover, it will not be possible to fight such problems by increasing motivation and working through willpower - the lack of sleep will need to be compensated by establishing a routine over a long period of time, and not just one night, and the lack of nutrients will need to be restored in consultation with doctors.

Physical exhaustion from prolonged work requires rest for the body, otherwise more serious health problems will occur after a lack of strength and desire.

Often you don’t want anything and the presence of a feeling of powerlessness is due to emotional burnout, which is characteristic mainly of people in helping professions or workaholics, and is often reflected precisely in the professional sphere, without affecting the rest of life.

In the case of emotional overload during communication, powerlessness in any form of contact can occur, and long-term monotonous work can completely kill aspirations and creativity. Depression and moments of crisis can plunge a person into a similar state with the same ease as physical disorders.

Among the many reasons, it is necessary to single out the one that sucks all your strength and initially concentrate on eliminating it.

How to live further if there is no strength and meaning

It is the loss of the meaning of life that deprives you of your main strengths, so instead of pumping yourself up with energy drinks, it is more logical to deal with your basic life-giving meanings.

Such conditions arise from crisis and traumatic moments, when a person loses loved ones, faces serious illnesses, and is forced to radically change his life.

Then the previous guidelines collapse, and new ones have not yet been formed, and it becomes completely unclear how to live, and there is really no strength, since exactly as much energy appears as is necessary to realize aspirations.

Some can afford to travel to deal with a change in direction, understand where difficulties came from and set a new course, but not everyone can leave their everyday life for introspection of the inner world. Then the question arises of how to live further if there is no strength and money to provide such a retreat. Fortunately, it is continuity with your usual life that is the key to overcoming this condition.

Spiritually strong people perceive everything philosophically and as temporary categories, having internal meanings of something imperishable and without an end point - this could be self-development, improving the world, helping those in need.

When the meaning is limited to some specific relationships, people, type of activity, then the likelihood of its loss is high, and the more specific and stronger the attachment, the greater the crisis awaits.

While continuing to perform your usual actions, consider your life for the presence of such eternal meanings that have value even after your death, even after everything disappears and changes.

During this time, you can automatically go to work and cook soup, while mentally noting to yourself whether it makes sense to paint your lips or feed the homeless, go to church or buy a dress - by analyzing such little things you can come across their relevance, despite the changes that have occurred. Following this, an understanding of energy will begin to increase for the performance of such actions that you yourself assess as important - this will be the new course of your life.

If the meaning of life was lost after a certain event, then this happened due to severe psychological trauma, which the nervous system was unable to cope with.

Then it will fade away and become less of a concern, but the feeling of not being completely alive may remain, so it’s worth contacting a psychotherapist to work through the situation as quickly as possible - the older the injury, the more difficult the rehabilitation will be later.

If there is no opportunity to use help, then try not to hold back your negative and uncomfortable emotions - cry while you cry, scold the world order while a cry breaks out, kick the walls of the institution where it was painful. Everything is fine, as long as these emotions do not remain inside you, because it will take all your strength to contain them.

How to live on if you have no strength and nothing works out

There are periods when you work so hard that you no longer have the strength, but there is no result, and you get the deceptive feeling that you need to try even harder. It is necessary to slow down and do everything calmly and slowly, reducing the priority of what is being done.

Shift your attention to your own condition and, above all, take care of rest, emotional relief and breaks, and only in your free time do what you so zealously strived for earlier.

The secret is quite simple - the more you care about yourself, the more resourceful state you are in and then new ideas can be born to optimize the process of introducing new ways of achieving, instead of punching a wall with your forehead when there is an open door a meter away from you.

In developing a strategy for how to live further if there is no strength and money, many begin to diligently save and force themselves to work more - the system is a failure, since it leads to a deterioration in physical condition, emotional well-being, and to the cessation of any progress in business.

If you are tired, then you are going the wrong way - you are wasting a lot of energy, working in the wrong places where you can be useful, and not using optimization.

If you notice that it’s not working out, then it makes sense to change the strategy for achieving it or the goal itself (well, you don’t teach a parrot to swim, or you teach a dog or a parrot to talk).

Exceeding expectations and impatience can lead to such conditions, so before setting deadlines and hoping for stunning results, monitor the situation regarding what you have in mind.

Even a round-the-clock effort may not be enough due to the specifics of the activity being performed; perhaps it would be more important to relax and wait in inaction (remember that you cannot pull grass out of the ground).

It is better to do something constantly and in small doses than to try to complete what you have planned in one moment, because both quality and your sense of self suffer from such an approach.

Another point that leads to the draining of internal resources and a destructive result is control. The more processes you try to control, the more nervous you become about the inconsistency of small details, and you lose energy.

At the same time, control over everything does not allow you to navigate the situation and change the concept of action in time; it does not allow you to rely on the opinions of others, which takes up your time for constant checks; as a result, you do not respond to changes adequately.

Norm is a fragile concept

The question of mental norms, in principle, can be considered open. Therefore, the cry of the soul: “How to live if you have no strength to live?!” does not mean that a person is crazy. In the end, statistics don’t really clarify the situation regarding the causes of suicide either.

Thus, according to WHO research, the reasons for 41% of suicides are completely unknown, 19% commit it out of fear of future punishment, 18% because of personal troubles, and the same number (18%) because of mental disorders.

It is characteristic that only 1.2% of people commit suicide due to a serious illness, so this reason cannot be considered widespread, but it is precisely this that is the main argument heard from the camp of citizens loyal to suicide.

In this regard, the practice of legalizing euthanasia in many European countries with a high standard of living deserves attention. Thus, in Belgium, a young woman under 30 years of age recently received the right to kill herself with the help of doctors. The cause was depression - she has no other illnesses. Many people consider this state of affairs to be abnormal.

In search of glory

Young people are more worried about how to live if they don’t have the strength to live: with age, the desire to commit suicide diminishes, and the reasons take on different features. It is saddening and discouraging that suicide rates among teenagers have tripled in the last decade.

Sociologists and psychologists are sounding the alarm and tend to blame the Internet, believing that suicide for some young representatives of humanity is an occasion to express themselves and get their “minute of fame” among like-minded people.

In many countries of the world there are sites dedicated to suicide, but, despite the fact that some states have considered it necessary to ban them (Japan), they still grow and multiply like mushrooms after rain.

You need to understand that the thought of suicide that comes to mind necessarily indicates the presence of a problem (problems). If the idea becomes obsessive and comes back again and again, you should seriously think about ways to get help.

In the post-Soviet space, psychiatrists are not particularly favored, but this practice is vicious. It is difficult to say how many people could have been saved if they had turned to specialists in time. If a person is not able to independently understand the motives that force him to think about where to find the strength to live, he should definitely visit a psychotherapist or find another way to discuss his problems.

Traumatic factor

As a rule, the idea of ​​the meaninglessness of one's own existence visits those who have suffered a bereavement - trauma is triggered in a similar way: the loss of a loved one, social status, a large amount of money or a job. People without families are at particular risk: according to statistics, it is more difficult for them to know where to find the strength to live on after suffering a loss.

If the reason for suicidal thoughts was a certain event, you need to know that the human psyche is quite flexible and capable of adaptation. The hardest time is the first six months after injury. After this, the person is more or less able to return to normal life.

How to cope with the loss of a loved one

There are situations that cannot be changed, cannot be played back. They are the most difficult. When loved ones pass away, it seems that everything is over, the world has collapsed. And to some extent this is true - the world will no longer be the same as before. But you remain in it and you need to move forward. Even if it seems to you that it makes no sense, and the pain blocks your mind. They say when you feel bad, go and help those who are even worse. This is good advice - after all, only by giving, we are restored, filled, and become stronger.

It is very difficult to learn how to rebuild your life. After the loss of a loved one, at some point you realize that nothing has happened to the outside world: the sun is shining, people are going about some business, the neighbors are still fighting behind the wall. At such moments, you may feel terrified that no one will be able to understand all the pain that is inside you. But in fact, life shows something else - it has not ended for you, it continues, and there is also both good and bad in it.

If you want to find out how to live, even if you don’t have the strength, this means the main thing - you want to live, and you value life, which means you are able to see the beauty in it. The pain of losing someone may not be lessened, but it will be different. You should know that your loved one, even if he is not next to you, wishes you happiness and wants you to suffer less. So you just need to move on with your life. Do something every day, go outside, do any physical work. In such difficult situations, it sometimes makes sense to seek help from a psychologist. We should not forget that severe mental trauma can have equally serious consequences. But you still need to live, and a specialist can provide exactly the support that is needed.

Ekaterina, Vidnoye

Feeling of belonging

The experience of Western countries can serve well. This form of therapy, such as support groups formed from people with similar problems, is quite effective.

Firstly, it will not hurt a person to know that there are people who have suffered a similar loss, but still continue to live.

Secondly, it eliminates the need to deal with the problem alone. It is noteworthy that among suicides, only 24% communicated with many people, 60% with several, and 16% were completely alone. Such statistics speak in favor of the fact that the ability to develop social contacts plays a key role in deciding how to live further if there is no strength.

Special thematic forums on the Internet can serve as a kind of analogue, but you should be careful here: people on the Internet often behave much harsher than in real life.

Virtual space encourages irresponsibility, since there is no need to see someone's distress (which is unpleasant for almost any person), and there is also no likelihood of punishment. Personal communication is preferable in any case.

A good help is the so-called helpline, which the desperate can dial. The sympathy of a stranger can help prevent disaster.

What to do when you are mentally exhausted?

Moral support and positive emotions are as necessary a source of vitality as clean water, fresh air, quality food and healthy sleep. Moreover, the lack of positivity in life can kill the desire to act, even when you are completely healthy, and over time can also lead to illness. We all know that emotions and health are closely related, that all diseases are caused by nerves, so you need to feed yourself with positive energy.

Top 10 ways to overcome emotional fatigue:

  1. Chat with pleasant people - family, friends, relatives. Call and find out how they are doing. Ideally, dedicate an evening or a day off to communication - go or invite them to a party, cinema, theater, nightclub.
  2. Spend some time alone with yourself - just sit or lie down in silence. Or, conversely, listen to your favorite music. Or walk through the park (square, embankment) and admire nature, without rushing anywhere and throwing unnecessary thoughts out of your head.
  3. Pay attention to your pets - pick them up, play with them, sit them on your lap. If you don’t have pets, you can go out into the yard, feed and pet a stray cat or a non-aggressive dog. By the way, the emotional impact from yard cats that are not spoiled by attention is often stronger than from domestic cats that are tired of daily attention.
  4. Do a quick cleaning in one place - on your desk, in your bedside table, in your hallway. You can do it without fanaticism - just carefully fold what’s lying on the table or in the nightstand, put your shoes back in the hallway, shake out and wash the rug, and wipe off the dust from open surfaces. It will take 10-15 minutes, and the visible result will immediately lift your spirits.
  5. Try to meditate and master any meditation technique - Zen meditation, mantra meditation, Vipassana meditation or any other. Even if nothing works right away, just trying to learn something new will give you fresh emotions that are so lacking in a state of moral exhaustion.
  6. Think about what is good in your life and what you can be grateful for. Good things can always be found. If you are constantly overloaded with work, be glad that you have it and you are in demand; if you are unemployed, rejoice at having free time, the opportunity to sleep until 10-11 in the morning and spend time reading, walking and self-development.
  7. Read a book, maybe the first one you come across. If the book turns out to be interesting, you will receive a charge of emotional vigor. If not, you will see with your own eyes how much interesting things there are in life compared to boring books.
  8. Say “no” to something or someone unpleasant that is poisoning your life. Sometimes simply getting rid of unnecessary and intrusive obligations allows you to feel relief and a surge of vitality.
  9. Go where it's fun and exciting. For example, a dance master class, a group vocal lesson, a concert where there is a fan zone with the opportunity to sing along with the performer, wave your phone with the backlight on, or dance. You can go to such places yourself if you don’t have enough emotional strength even for friendly communication with someone.
  10. Ask to go on a business trip at work or to visit friends in a neighboring city. You can go for just one day, using an overnight train or bus, there and back, if you don’t like to spend the night in hotels. Any journey is a small life, and there are so many interesting things in life!

These are universal tips that are suitable for almost everyone. However, I would like to dwell separately on advice for our beautiful ladies. The weaker sex is more susceptible to emotions, including negative emotions. But our beautiful women have many more sources of vitality in their arsenal.

Look for a remedy

Many of those who have suffered misfortune find an outlet in religion: the problem is solved by the church and the clergy. In principle, to help a person, it is not always necessary to have a diploma - sometimes ordinary compassion is enough. In the case of a priest, all the age-old wisdom of the church and deep faith in the Lord help.

In the search for answers to the question of how to find the strength to live on, all means that bring reassurance are good. Doing your favorite thing gives good results. If there is none, you need to try to find it.

Numerous volunteer organizations provide an opportunity to escape from your own problems by switching to those of others. One person is helped by the realization that “someone has it worse,” another may find the meaning of life in mercy.

There is probably no single recipe. Even smokers, when quitting a bad habit, are guided by various methods. There are those who are soothed by a pack of cigarettes lying in their bag: “If it becomes completely unbearable, I’ll smoke.” Others know that they are better off staying away from tobacco and use other strategies. In the same way, people who have suffered a severe loss and do not know how to live with it must find their remedy.

How to continue living if you have no strength: advice from psychologists

In the modern world, people are exposed to daily psychological and emotional stress. Problems at work, traffic jams, poor environment, and unfavorable family environment sometimes make a person’s life simply unbearable. The result is chronic fatigue and a complete lack of interest in life. The question of how to find the strength to live on is sooner or later asked by many members of society, and, unfortunately, they do not always find an answer.

What to do

A lack of desire to move on with life occurs in many people. Usually such thoughts arise after a tragedy or accident has occurred. Even the most focused optimists sometimes feel pessimistic. However, people often misinterpret their condition: they want to live, but not in the same way as at the moment. A person is not satisfied with the current life situation, he wants to change something, but he does not have the strength to do so. Troubles and misfortunes make us stronger and more experienced. There are often cases when a strong shake forces you to throw away all depressive thoughts and forces you to move only forward. You shouldn’t expect help from others, you need to find the strength within yourself to get out of this state. Advice from psychologists will help you understand yourself, separate the important from the unimportant and find peace of mind.

Analyze the current situation

First of all, you need to set priorities, separate real difficulties from imagined ones, and then the range of real problems will narrow significantly. There is no need to exaggerate the significance of the current situation - this is just another stage of life that will end sooner or later.

You can't be idle

Find the strength to start looking for a way out. By telling yourself that you have no strength to live on, you are building an insurmountable wall of negativity, which will be too difficult to break through. If you can't find a straight path, take a circuitous path, but don't stand still.

Gaining life experience

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, a reasonable person is able to draw conclusions from any situation, and the more complex it is, the more valuable the experience gained.

Think positively

Depression affects energetic and active people. Find the strength to do something interesting and inspiring. A new activity will give meaning to life, and there will be a desire to move on.

Appreciate life

Our life journey is too short, and we do not know at what moment it will be interrupted. You shouldn’t waste even a few precious minutes on despondency, sadness and despair. It’s stupid to waste precious time on depression when you can spend it on making new acquaintances, traveling, and communicating with loved ones.

Throw out the negativity

Don't withdraw into yourself and hold back your emotions. If you want to cry, cry, then noticeable relief will come. Just don’t drive yourself into hysterics, it won’t lead to anything good. You can’t be in constant nervous tension; you need to periodically give vent to your feelings.

What isn't done is for the best

How to find the strength to move on if you are fired from your job? Or maybe this is a sign? A signal from fate that you deserve better, and a change of job will bring only positive changes to your life. Has a loved one left you? Perhaps it was just a transitional period on the path of life, and real feelings are only ahead? What we accept as a great tragedy is actually an impetus for a new, happy stage in life.

Reconsider your social circle

Energy vampires exist not only in psychology books. There are many people in our lives who are not satisfied with their existence, and feed on the energy of positive and happy people. Drive away envious people, whiners, hypocrites from your environment, they have no place there. By communicating with them, you will gradually begin to live with their problems, which are of no use to you. Make friends with self-sufficient and positive individuals, and following them you will also improve yourself.

Be realistic about reality

Beautiful knights and magnificent ladies live only in fairy tales. Real relationships are much more complicated than in novels, and the sooner you take off your rose-colored glasses, the less disappointment you will experience.

Don't sacrifice yourself

Self-giving is important in any relationship, but you shouldn’t constantly sacrifice yourself in relationships that are devoid of reciprocity. If the object of your adoration is not worthy of you, find the strength to admit it and step back. Perhaps a great and bright feeling awaits you ahead.

Get rid of internal oppression - resentment towards others

Strong resentment does not allow us to live in peace; it drives us into depression with heavy oppression. Learn to mentally forgive your offender, and then you will clearly feel relief.

Feel gratitude

Thank people for their kind actions towards you. Perhaps in this way you make new friends who can help in difficult times.

Apperciate things which you have

Look at yourself from the outside. Maybe you have something that others don't? We are not necessarily talking about material wealth, we need to value good friends, excellent health, living loved ones, family well-being. Not everyone has this, but they don’t complain about fate, but move on.

Let go of the past

Every new day is a blank slate on which you can start writing your life path anew. All grievances and tragedies are in the past; you need to be able to let go of unpleasant memories, while drawing useful experience from them.

Methods to combat apathy towards life

In psychology, there is a clear definition of the lack of vital energy - apathy. If you don’t have the strength to live on, try taking the advice of experts. Write down on paper everything that makes you apathetic towards life and burn the paper. If such an idea seems a little stupid to you, you can use the old proven method - tell a stranger about your problems. He will listen to you and perhaps give objective advice on how to live and what to do. After such actions, you will feel real mental relief. Seclude yourself from others. It is best to do this in the forest, where you can relax from the bustle of the city. Clean air and birdsong will help you recover emotionally. Doctors say that the more emotions you keep inside, the more difficult it is to get out of a depressive state. If you want to scream, scream, cry, after that you will feel much better. If you understand that you cannot cope with the problem on your own, consult a doctor. An experienced psychologist will help you find the true cause of poor mental health and help you find a way out of the current situation. Lack of interest in life can torment a person at any time of the day; you can wake up in the morning and feel terribly tired. Where to find strength for a new day? Doctors recommend the following ways to “charge” your body:

  • Review your diet. Perhaps it contains an excessive amount of sweet, fatty and salty, which puts a significant burden on the body. The more you eat healthy foods, the more energy you will get.
  • Invigorating aromas. It has long been proven that citrus increases performance. Eat oranges and tangerines more often, and they will definitely charge you with energy for the whole day.

  • Fitness. We are not talking about exhausting physical activity, but about light exercise or jogging in the morning. Simple exercises will allow you to wake up faster in the morning and feel good spirits.

If you follow these simple steps, the blues will gradually recede. Try to look for something good, positive in every day, set new goals for yourself.

What causes loss of interest in life?

Before you begin to treat apathy, you need to identify the causes of its occurrence. Most often, interest in life disappears for the following reasons:

  • Constantly experiencing stressful situations. A person is chronically depressed and can no longer get out of it on his own. In this case, you need to seek specialized help.
  • Avitaminosis. Usually, during the off-season, a person begins to experience an acute lack of vitamins and minerals, folic acid, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. As a result, anemia occurs, and the body works only at half its strength.
  • Diets. Exhausting diets make the body weakened and lethargic. A person who is losing weight limits himself to sugar, as a result of which glucose ceases to nourish the cells in the required quantity.
  • Physical overload. Exhausting training or hard work exhausts the body, which often results in apathy and weakness.
  • Mental stress. A striking example is students who experience great mental stress during a session. After passing exams, they often become depressed.
  • Taking certain medications can also negatively affect your mental well-being.

Lack of desire to live further, depression - all these concepts are just a temporary state of the body, which can and should be fought. If you do not pay proper attention to a depressive state, over time it can develop into a real tragedy.

About 3% of the total number of patients with depressive disorder attempt to commit suicide. These are very scary numbers, because our friends and relatives may be in this seemingly small percentage.

Don’t withdraw into your shell, look for a way out of the current situation, don’t give up. If you are wondering how to continue living if you have no strength and cannot find an answer, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist.

He will recommend medications that, in combination with psychological activities, will quickly restore peace of mind and meaning in life.

Source: https://apatii.net/sovety-psixologa/kak-najti-v-sebe-sily-zhit-dalshe

Change to change

If there was no significant traumatic event, but suicidal thoughts still occur, you need to sit down at the table, take a blank sheet of paper and, as honestly as possible, list the reasons why you want to quit everything. This method is good in any way:

  • forces you to systematize your own thoughts and feelings;
  • gives clarity to the problem;
  • makes you penetrate deeper into its essence.

Once the factor that forces you to think about where to get the strength to live has been discovered, it is necessary to outline ways to combat it. In this direction, even the smallest step will be a success. Of course, it’s good if an experienced and friendly psychotherapist helps. When it is not possible to resort to the help of a specialist, you should try to involve a loved one or the Internet in solving the problem.

There are special psychological portals where you can discuss your problem and listen to what others have to say about it. Judging by some reviews, this method has a right to exist. The main thing is to be ready to change and listen to advice.

How to live on if you have no strength

In the life of almost every person there is a period when the strength to live becomes less and less, perhaps the strength leaves completely. I want to give up, give up everything and hide deep under the blanket, or even deeper - under a meter layer of soil. But we all understand perfectly well that going out the window is not an option, and we should look for a new path in life, and perhaps repair the old one. So where to start on this path of spiritual restoration? First, you need to find out where the legs grow from, that is, find the cause of this problem. Often this problem lies on the surface. This could be the loss of a loved one, physical disabilities, financial problems, drug or alcohol addiction, perhaps something else, you can’t list everything. Or perhaps the essence of the problem lies within a person, it is possible that in the world around him everything is quite sweet and smooth, but the hands themselves give up every day more and more and the strength becomes less and less.

If the problem is obvious

If the problem is obvious to you, or perhaps it is a whole mountain of troubles that has piled up over a certain period, then you need to start solving it, and even think about what to do. Yes, there are difficult life situations, but everything in our world can be solved. First, you need to understand what mainly led to such a state when you give up. Then you need to understand what to do next, gain optimism and meet difficulties halfway. Yes, it is not easy, but it is in such situations that character is strengthened and the will to live is manifested. It is also necessary to enlist the support of truly close people. We need to admit to them and to ourselves that there are certain circumstances that need to be overcome. It may be worth asking them for some help or at least moral support. After you start solving your external problems, you need to remember that not everything always works out right away. Perhaps the difficulties will not go away immediately. It is likely that this will be a rather difficult battle with a pile of life’s troubles. But don’t give up just at the first failure. Truly strong and successful people always struggled with a pile of problems at the beginning of their journey, and did not even think about retreating. Desire and perseverance are the foundation for overcoming the crisis of life circumstances. You just need to set a goal and start moving towards it. Nothing can stop a person who knows what he wants, and the main thing is to focus on his goal.

If the problem is inside

If the problem lies within, then starting to move towards its solution is somewhat more difficult. Often a person cannot understand without outside help what is wrong with him, and yet nothing works out in business. It seems like there are arms and legs, and the head is also in place, but I’m unlucky in life, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to deal with it. This requires specific self-analysis; of course, you can go to a specialist, but saving a drowning person is the work of the drowning person himself, and you will have to get out on your own. A specialist will help and this is important, but your work will be the main one. First you need to understand the essence of the problem, find out what is missing inside and start working on it. Perhaps you lack self-motivation for something, but this is a trait that needs to be trained like a muscle. Perhaps there is a lack of determination; this trait also needs to be trained. An excellent solution to all internal problems would be to study thematic literature in those areas in which there are problems. Indeed, what could be better than reading books where it is written in detail how to live, how to become happy and achieve success in your endeavors. It is this method, combined with introspection, that will help change your views on certain things and improve your quality of life.

How to give yourself strength

But without small joys it is difficult to build real happiness, which is why you need to periodically pamper yourself. You should reward yourself from time to time with things that truly bring you pleasure. Having climbed another mountain, it’s worth stopping and having a bite of your favorite ice cream or watching your favorite movie. Indeed, these little things work effectively, the brain begins to understand what it is working for and what it is striving for, and it itself is in a good mood. This method has been known for a long time and is called “Carrot and Stick”, it is quite useful to use it, but the hardest thing is to find an effective leader within yourself who will prompt and encourage you on time.

Thoughts are material

If you imagine your future filled with life, success, joy - that’s exactly what it will be. If you think that another portion of failures awaits you next, then this is destined to come true. Those thoughts that live in our heads come true over time. If you have absolutely no strength left to live, remember what you have been thinking about lately? Most likely, your thoughts were completely negative, and you used them to eat up your life energy every day. The solution to this problem is obvious! You need to set yourself up for the best every day. At first it may seem stupid and pointless, but this is only because negative thoughts have been controlling you throughout the last time. Then, more and more often, you will notice the appearance of a good mood and an increase in positive energy. As a result, positive thoughts will naturally come to your head, and you will have a lot of strength to overcome life’s troubles.


As a result, we can draw the following conclusion : in order to deal with all external and internal problems, you mainly need to take a closer look at yourself and do it better with the help of a specialist. Indeed, all problems are within us, another question is how difficult it is to break this vicious circle of troubles in order to allow breathe freely and enjoy life. To do this, you should use all the above actions together, because it will be easier to overcome difficulties if you use several levers of pressure on them at once. In the life of every person, from time to time there is a certain crisis in relationships with society or with oneself. In any case, the main thing is never to give up, never give up, and look into the future with optimism! Admin Source: https://kakpravilino.com/kak-zhit-dalshe-esli-net-sil/

Caution: children

A special category of people who ask the question of how to find the strength to live are teenagers. It’s a pity that they don’t ask it to parents. And it’s even more sad if they don’t find understanding among the older generation.

Adults, in part, can understand: Shakespearean passions performed by 13-year-old girls can really cause both laughter and irritation. Of course, mom knows very well that first love is not the end of the world, “disgrace for the whole school” is not a stigma for life, etc. But it is important to understand that a teenager actually thinks that everything is over, and he may well make a decision that will cause his loved ones to experience a constant and hopeless feeling of guilt.

In the end, analysis of the huge amount of data collected by suicidologists suggests that the indifference of others is often the cause of suicide.

What to do when you are physically exhausted?

If you feel like you don't have enough energy every day, you might just be tired. This possibility exists even if you eat normally, don’t lift weights and sleep 8 hours a day, because it’s not so much the quantity of sleep and food that matters, but their quality.

Having fulfilled the daily calorie requirement with the help of sweets, a person will feel more exhausted than if he eats a balanced diet. Going to sleep with the help of sleeping pills is less beneficial than sleep resulting from fatigue from physical activity. However, in the absence of physical strength, it does not come to physical activity and sports. It turns out to be a vicious circle. However, there is a way out of it!

Top 10 ways to quickly replenish your physical strength:

  1. Eat a piece of meat and, in principle, add protein foods to your daily diet, unless there are contraindications for health reasons (for example, kidney disease).
  2. Partially replace sugar and sweets with dried fruits (for example, raisins, dried apricots, dates).
  3. Find an opportunity to eat fresh vegetables and/or fruits every day, at least apples and carrots.
  4. Don't overeat at night, at least for 3-4 days in a row.
  5. Drink more clean water and less tea and coffee, also for at least 3-4 days.
  6. Sign up for a massage if there are no health restrictions (for example, fever, inflammation in the body or exacerbation of a chronic disease).
  7. Sign up for a special massage if you have diagnosed health problems (see a chiropractor to straighten your spine, lymphatic drainage massage if lymph flow is impaired, etc.)
  8. Buy a vitamin-mineral complex at the pharmacy. Ideally, first consult with your doctor which complex is best based on your health condition.
  9. Take a walk before bed and/or do light exercise, perhaps yoga asanas or simple stretching.
  10. Go to bed early, preferably immediately after a walk and exercise. Repeat these steps as often as possible.

All of the above sounds quite banal, but it is more than effective. We do not call for immediate and drastic lifestyle changes. We suggest testing some changes when you suddenly feel a decline in physical strength.

If something doesn't help you, cross it off the list. If it helps, but seems tiring to use on a regular basis, then you will have an emergency self-help technique in stock in case of physical fatigue next time. By the way, if you are exhausted both morally and physically, restoring vitality should begin with restoring physical fitness and physical energy.

There is no need to commit irreversible actions

Many discussions about the problem of suicide contain almost contemptuous remarks that “they are just trying to attract attention in this way.” And indeed: from 85 to 90% of suicide attempts end unsuccessfully, and among the survivors there are four times more women than men. But doesn’t the fact that a person has to draw attention to himself in this way deserve sympathy?

People should be kinder to each other, especially since this, as a rule, does not require large expenses. Say a sympathetic word and refuse a sarcastic one - what could be simpler? Perhaps then the suicide curve will steadily creep down.

You can give up and give up at any time. It is much more difficult to continue searching for the meaning of existence. Nobody knows what will give a person strength to live on and when this will happen - you need to try to maintain hope. B. Strugatsky, giving an interview once, told his fans: “You should never commit irreversible actions.” And this is very good advice for all of us.

VQ as a source of vitality

So, let’s take a closer look at the concept of “vitality quotient,” abbreviated as VQ. This is the so-called “vital energy coefficient”. Forbes seriously believes that for leadership and success in business, VQ is much more important than IQ, although traditionally they give more importance when talking about the components of success.

In a nutshell, VQ is “the intensity of the desire to live.” The higher the VQ, the more a person strives to develop, learn something new, achieve success, and control what is happening in his life and environment. The vital energy coefficient also means, among other things, the ability to energize yourself and those around you. In other words, ideally a person should find sources of vitality not only for himself, but also for those with whom he walks alongside through life.

How to activate and increase your VQ? To do this, it is recommended, first of all, to understand yourself and do what really excites you. The most radical advice is to completely forget about what you were told in childhood, school, family, at work, get out of your head what you were called to do, and become yourself. This is the only way you will revive your inner potential of vitality, which every person has. And if the energy of life force emanates from you, like-minded people will be drawn to you. As you remember, pleasant communication with people close to you in spirit is an additional source of vitality for you.

In general, the above recommendations should be enough to choose from them something that will most effectively help restore your vitality.

And you can learn more if you take our “Self-Knowledge” program. She will help you organize your life in such a way that you always have vitality for any plans and accomplishments. This is exactly what we wish for you - so that you always have enough vitality and energy - physical, emotional, intellectual.

Go for it!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • How to sleep and relax more
  • Why is time management so important?
  • How to sleep well at night
  • Cumulative stress theory
  • 10 reasons to drink water every day
  • How to nourish yourself
  • Ways to train and develop willpower
  • How to run correctly
  • Ways to stay healthy every day
  • How to instill motivation for sports

Key words: 1Psychoregulation, 1Self-knowledge

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