Hormones of happiness and the formula of love. How to feel happy?

From a chemical point of view, euphoria is a hormonal surge. Is it really all that banal? What about the “butterflies in the stomach” when you fall in love? Or an incredible buzz after a great run? Or a feeling of slight intoxication after a new victory? Yes, these are also hormones - our natural drugs. The need for happy experiences sometimes plays a cruel joke: having felt an emotional uplift once, many people seek to prolong it artificially. But there are many healthy ways to get the long-awaited ecstasy. They will be discussed in our article.

Euphoria - what does it mean?

The term "euphoria" comes from the Greek word "euphoria", which translates as "state of pleasure". This is a spontaneous and pronounced emotional uplift, accompanied by causeless fun, joy, a feeling of happiness and optimism for no good reason.

The cause of euphoria is a biochemical reaction in the brain. Endorphin connects with the receptors of nerve cells, and dopamine transmits impulses through the processes of these cells that cause pleasant sensations. When the amount of these hormones increases, this reaction increases several times and causes euphoria.

Important! Euphoria gives the patient only pleasant sensations, but a long-term feeling of delight and happiness is considered unhealthy and dangerous for a person.

The Sure Path to Ecstasy

For love pleasures to bring real pleasure and delight, it is very important that both partners strive for this. There can be no question of any kind of joint work; this path should be based on a mutual desire to make the partner and, of course, yourself happy. There is no strict instruction on “What is ecstasy and how to get it.” Moreover, usually such moments come completely unexpectedly, without any preparation. However, some reasonable recommendations can still be found.

A woman should try to master the art of sensory concentration. Completely abstracting from external fuss and the desire to please your partner, you need to be only here and now, listening to your feelings. Using this tactic, over and over again the girl gets more and more pleasure, gradually approaching her cherished goal.

The stronger sex should not forget how important the environment in which the love affair takes place is for the partner. A bedroom decorated with flowers and candles will certainly create a positive effect and help the lady get maximum emotions. It is also important for a woman to realize that she is beautiful and desirable. A passionate look from her partner and a gentle whisper of compliments - that’s what she’s waiting for at this moment.

What causes euphoria?

A euphoric state can arise as a result of three groups of reasons:

  • naturally, as a result of normal causes;
  • in a toxic manner, through the use of drugs and alcohol;
  • psychologically and physiologically, in diseases and injuries.

The state of euphoria can be caused by drug intoxication

Natural causes

Elevated mood in this case manifests itself for normal reasons natural to humans.

This group includes:

  • euphoria of love or euphoria of passion;
  • delight in music or film soundtracks;
  • happiness when receiving good news;
  • feeling of pleasure after playing sports.

Love euphoria, which occurs when falling in love, is considered the most common subspecies in this group. Unlike pathological types, it does not last long: a euphoric state occurs often, but quickly fades away and gives way to other emotions.

Toxic causes

A euphoric state can be obtained through the abuse of alcoholic beverages and psychotropic drugs.

Alcohol euphoria is characterized by loss of attention

This subgroup includes the following types of euphoria:

  • alcoholic, accompanied by mental retardation;
  • opium, which does not affect the speed of thought processes;
  • heroin, characterized by sharp changes from euphoria to melancholy.

When toxins leave the body, the state of toxic euphoria also disappears. The desire to regain a sense of joy and serenity often leads people to drug addiction and alcoholism.

Mental and physiological reasons

Physiological and mental reasons that provoke a euphoric state include the following pathologies:

  • skull injuries, especially with damage to the frontal lobes of the brain;
  • oligophrenia;
  • clinical depression;
  • affective disorders;
  • manic syndrome;
  • hyperthymic psychopathy;
  • affective insanity.

Unreasonable euphoria can be caused by manic syndrome

Getting rid of such conditions is carried out by doctors of psychotherapeutic and neurological profiles.


Since euphoria is a fairly strong emotional state, its diagnosis is not difficult even for a novice specialist. It will be a physiological norm for short-term joy, due to an objective reason. For example, when a person receives long-awaited good news.

If unmotivated joy persists for too long and nothing supports it, you need to seek specialized medical help.

The main symptoms of euphoria that you need to pay attention to:

  • a feeling of maximum contentment, carelessness, and serenity that is unreasonable for others;
  • raising the mood to the highest limits of joy;
  • a significant increase in mental activity and productive activity against the background of a good mood is not observed;
  • disinhibition of desires, including sexual ones;
  • rise in blood pressure, increased heart rate.

A distinctive characteristic of primary euphoria is the presence of changes in the intellectual sphere - the fantasies that visit a person result in gestures and rapid speech. Whereas there is no desire to turn them into reality.

After a certain period of cloudless joy and excellent well-being, inactivity and passive behavior very often sets in - depression. At such moments, a person who was previously literally gushing with positive emotions amazes those around him with his aggressiveness, irritability, and bad mood. Intellectual activity is inhibited even more, as the production of “joy hormones” – endorphin and dopamine – decreases. It is they who are responsible for the formation of euphoria. Dysphoria sets in.

Symptoms of a state of euphoria

Euphoric states are accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • causeless feeling of pleasure, joy and happiness;
  • serenity, carelessness, excessive optimism;
  • decrease in intellectual functions;
  • active but unproductive activity;
  • increased gesticulation, waving of arms;
  • rapid, unintelligible and verbose speech;
  • imaginative fantasies without trying to realize them;
  • increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.

The main symptom is the patient’s feeling of satisfaction and serenity for a long time, for no apparent reason. Other signs may appear differently among patients, or may be absent altogether.

Why is euphoria dangerous?

Euphoria can greatly harm a person. An enthusiastic state observed over a long period of time impairs the functioning of self-control mechanisms. This leads to unbalanced behavior, uncontrollability, and hysteria. This behavior can be harmful to both the patient and people around him.

Frequent manifestations of causeless euphoria lead to hysteria

Other effects of euphoria include:

  • dissociation of mental activity;
  • social maladjustment;
  • loss of sense of reality;
  • toxic dementia.

The narcotic type of euphoria is often accompanied by euphoric pain: severe physical or psychological discomfort, which the patient talks about with pleasure and joy. This is a dangerous condition that can cause serious injury.

Important! In some cases, euphoria can be fatal.

Treatment methods

Pathological forms of a euphoric state are usually treated with medications, droppers and psychotherapeutic techniques.

Drug treatment

Treatment of the euphoric state is carried out with the help of tranquilizers, vascular drugs, and antidepressants.


Drug groupsInfluence on aggressive behaviorExamples of funds
NormotimicsThey relieve sudden mood swings and smooth out the transitions from euphoria to depressive states. Used as symptomatic therapy. Valpromide, Carbamazelide
TranquilizersRelaxes and calms, relieves unbalanced behavior. Used for mental forms of euphoria. Hydroxyzine, Phenazepam
Antipsychotic drugsThey are used for mental illnesses that cause a feeling of excessive joy, pleasure and happiness.Haloperidol, Quetiapine, Clozapine
Sedatives with natural ingredientsThey relax and calm the nervous system, allowing you to cope with pathological causeless joy. Reduce the symptoms of a euphoric state, relieve hysteria and imbalance. Persen, Novo-passit,
Sedatives with alcoholValosedan, Corvalol
Bromine-based sedativesAdonis Brom, Bromcamphora
Other sedativesMagnesia, Afobazole
NootropicsStimulate blood circulation, improve intellectual abilities and memory. Used for head injuries or problems with blood supply to the brain. Picamilon, Nootropil, Phenibut
AntidepressantsIncreases the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain. They help overcome depression, which causes unmotivated delight. Melipramine, Trizadone, Fluoxetine
DiureticsCause forced diuresis, help get rid of the euphoric state caused by toxic causesDiakarb, Trigrim
B vitaminsThey improve the functioning of the nervous system, help cope with unstable conditions, and smooth out the symptoms of euphoria.Angiovit, Compligam B, Pentovit


Important! In case of toxic poisoning caused by abuse of alcoholic beverages or drugs, blood purification using a dropper is used.

The dropper is used for toxic poisoning or simply to remove alcohol from the blood

Under the supervision of a nurse or doctor, the patient is given a mixture of glucose and saline over 30-120 minutes. Once the toxins leave the body, the euphoric state caused by them will also disappear.

Falling in love: “there’s chemistry between us!”

The brain in love feels simultaneously in a state of pleasant stress and euphoria. Modern knowledge of neurophysiology proves that love potions or love potions may indeed exist.

Falling in love begins long before you meet someone you like. Just like in all animals, as spring approaches, hormones “awaken” in the female and male bodies. They lower our critical assessment somewhat, and when a person appears that your brain considers as a suitable candidate, phenylethylamine is released. It is a natural aphrodisiac. It is present in small amounts in chocolate, cheese and red wine. It is these foods that the romantic and loving French eat in large quantities. But there is very little of it in products, so the most powerful effect is phenylethylamine, which is released in our brain.

Under the influence of phenylethylamine, the following happiness hormones are released:

  • Dopamine
    . It increases libido, creates a pleasant emotional background and you feel motivated. Dopamine helps create new neural pathways to happiness. Every time you see the one you are in love with, hear his voice and remember him, the new “dopamine path” becomes smoother, which means the path to happiness is achieved faster. Thanks to dopamine, lovers promise to do everything possible, and then impossible for their loved one, just to trigger the release of the pleasure hormone dopamine.
  • Norepinephrine
    . Provides you with energy and increases performance. When you see your lover, norepinephrine is released, you get worried, your knees tremble, your heart rate accelerates and your breath takes away.
  • Serotonin
    . It is considered the hormone of happiness, but in fact controls our mood and behavior by inhibiting the destruction of norepinephrine. When you fall in love, serotonin makes you fearless and impulsive, relieves anxiety and adds flexibility. This hormone makes you not even want to eat, and you can stay awake without feeling tired.
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