How to become happy again: 17 tips to get back to normal life

How to pull yourself together

Do you dream a lot, but your dreams cannot come true? Have you been lying on the couch, visualizing for several years, but this method does not help? And the reason for this is that you need to start taking action. Find the strength to pull yourself together, collect your thoughts and begin to realize your goals.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to wake up early and then get ready for work or school. This attitude manifests itself in many matters, especially when feeling lazy or unwilling to do anything. It’s interesting how successful people manage to accomplish many different things during the day. How do they manage to cope with anxiety, anxiety and, as a result, pull themselves together? They are also prone to laziness, do not want to do much, and are absent-minded. Human nature is designed in such a way that emotions take precedence over reason, prompting a person to do nothing. The main difference lies in the individual view of life circumstances - they realize that if they do nothing, then they will not achieve the desired results. Following procrastination, time will be wasted and nothing will be achieved.

11) Have some close relationships.

You don't need a hundred close friends, but you do need one or two people in your life who are important and will be there to help pick you up when you fall.

This could be your spouse, your parents, a sibling, or a friend on your other side.

So how many friends?

About 5 close relationships, according to the book Finding Flow:

"National surveys show that when someone says they have 5 or more friends with whom they can discuss important issues, they are 60 percent more likely to say they are 'very happy.'"

However, the number may not be as important as the effort you put into the relationship.

We all need someone to remind us that we are not alone in this life and to help us smile when things don't go our way.

Happy people have someone they can rely on. It makes them feel secure in the knowledge that they can turn to themselves in times of need and celebrate victories when they happen.

Connection makes life happier. If you are looking for happiness, don't go on a journey alone.

Although we may walk through this world alone, it is always more fun to spend precious time with people, doing things that bring you joy.

When we are surrounded by people we love and who love us, we feel safe.

When we feel safe, we are more likely to let things slide off our backs, less likely to let drama get the better of us, and more likely to see the good in people.

We have a circle of trust that we feel protects us, our interests, and we feel safe being ourselves.

How to start a new life

Many people dream of completely changing their lives. They no longer want to work for pennies or have debts. They want to make their desires come true. The most difficult stage in this is the awareness of the impossibility of realizing what was planned. Thus, suppressing any action on the path to change. You need to figure out how to pull yourself together and take action:

Development of willpower

Decide whether you need change or not. Start strengthening your inner core. Otherwise, being in an uncertain state, you will never achieve the desired result.

Setting the right goals

One of the easiest ways to pull yourself together is to set a big goal and move towards it. If the goal has been chosen correctly, then internal forces will awaken that will help you take action.

How to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start living: 3 steps to self-confidence

13) Don't rely on other things or people to make you happy.

It's not your job to make you happy. If you're unhappy at work, you're unhappy at work.

Happy people know that there is life outside the office walls and they don't need to extract any value from the work that helps them make money.

The money they earn helps them live a better life, but it is how they choose to approach that life and use that money that makes them happy.

Your spouse, children and family are also not responsible for your happiness. When you take full responsibility for your happiness, you will find yourself getting closer to what you want in life.

How to gain self-confidence and willpower

It's pointless to say that I can't muster the strength. Now simple tips will be presented, following which you will become more confident:

  1. Start creating an environment of people around you that you want to be a part of. Stop communicating with those who are ballast and drag you down. They condemn all your actions, say that you won’t succeed, and so on... You should be surrounded by like-minded people, those who are able to inspire, motivate and encourage you to take action.
  2. Using relaxation techniques. By carrying out such techniques, you will not be overloaded, you will be relaxed, as a result of which the body will recover much faster.
  3. Be clear about your end goal. Every day, visualize the end result of your actions. It is important to understand that your result depends on your aspirations and actions.
  4. Give free rein to your own feelings and emotions. Set aside separate time for this. Allow yourself to set aside about 7-12 minutes to “whine”, freeing your body of negative energy that is making you unable to pull yourself together. This will give you extra motivation to gain confidence.

14) Move.

Research shows that physical stress can reduce mental stress.

The Harvard Health Blog says that aerobic exercise is key for your head, as well as your heart:

“Regular aerobic exercise will bring noticeable changes to your body, your metabolism, your heart and your mood. It has the unique ability to excite and relax, provide stimulation and calm, resist depression and relieve stress. This is a common phenomenon among endurance athletes and has been confirmed in clinical trials in which exercise has been successfully used to treat anxiety disorders and clinical depression. If athletes and patients can benefit psychologically from exercise, so can you.”

According to Harvard Health, exercise works because it reduces levels of stress hormones in the body, such as adrenaline and cortisol.

It also stimulates the production of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers and mood lifters.

Exercise helps keep your body strong and your mind sharp. Train your brain and body by thinking thoughtfully about your life, where you are going and how you are going to get there.

Train your body to be ready for the amazing life you are about to live. There have been many studies that show that people who exercise regularly are happier.

You might not enjoy running a 4-minute mile, so don't do it. Find a place where you can take a leisurely walk and enjoy the company of yourself, your breath and the sound of your feet on the ground.

10 recommendations to pull yourself together

Here are the simplest methods that will help you pull yourself together and start living a fulfilling life.

Avoid relying on other people's opinions

It is a normal procedure for a person to consult with people close to him, seeking advice or support from them. There are often times when, in search of support, we encounter a negative reaction to our thoughts, even though these people are close to us. Therefore, never forget that the most important person in your own life is you. It’s normal to seek advice from family and friends, but don’t try to follow their lead if you haven’t received approval for your ideas and actions. Life belongs to you, not to any of them. Live for your own pleasure. Even if your plan does not come true, you will gain life experience. What if you can realize what you want? Therefore, do not waste time and decide to take action.

Keep your ideas to yourself

Many people want to tell everyone about their ideas and plans. On the one hand, you will hear a lot of encouragement and attention in your direction. But if you pay attention to human psychology. Approval of a person’s activities can significantly reduce motivation, discouraging them from achieving their goals. The human brain begins to believe that the task has already been completed and there is confidence that most of the work has already been completed, after which you relax to a large extent. Most likely the implementation will start to falter. In this regard, implement your plans first, and then share your achievements.

Correct prioritization

You always want to change your entire life in an instant. We always say that we will change our lives for the better starting tomorrow, after the rain, and so on... Any changes in life are associated with stress for the body.

Your goals must be realistic and achievable, otherwise there is a risk of breaking your self-esteem.

Focusing on the good

The modern world is rapidly developing technology. Especially in the field of leisure and social networks. Nowadays, many people like to share their personal successes. Some people will look at the beautiful lives of other people, not realizing that behind beautiful photographs there are many problems, life experiences, and so on... You must concentrate on what is important only to you. If you saw someone’s beautiful life, you understand what you can strive for and start taking action instead of becoming despondent.

Don't wait for the right moment

Most people love to console themselves with phrases like “I’ll start on Monday,” as if then life will definitely change. Spending today lying on the sides on the couch. It is very important to understand that such an action will fail in advance, since laziness will not go away, and starting tomorrow is an endless excuse for action, thereby leaving everything in its place. Something will always go wrong with you, sometimes things interfere, sometimes friends, sometimes work, and so on... In the future, just like today, problems cannot be avoided.

The ideal time to change your life is now! Create a plan and strictly follow it.

Celebrating your victories

Not every person is ready to celebrate their successes, since since childhood we have often been lowered from heaven. I got a 4 at school, you come home, and my parents start arguing that I could have gotten a 5. The competition passed, I received a medal for 3rd place and were unhappy again, I could have taken first place. Of course, there is no particular blame on the parents. They thus encouraged that everything could be done better. In reality, after such “praise” from the parent, the child is no longer happy about his achievements.

Therefore, promise yourself that as soon as you achieve any success, be sure to praise yourself. Create a celebration even with the smallest achievements. Thus, motivation will rise and be maintained at the required level.

Love your job

Inspiration does not necessarily come from the very first seconds of taking action. In most cases, people have to start acting through force. Don’t give up if you don’t see the desired result in the near future. You need to develop a habit. After acquiring it, working on yourself will go much easier and faster.

Monetizing your work

Do you have a hobby? Take it and try to monetize it. Having achieved it, you will get twice as much pleasure from doing what you love. Do you like to take photographs? Start doing photo shoots. Do you write beautiful texts? Become a full-fledged copywriter. Share your hobby with friends and relatives. With the help of word of mouth, clients will appear.

Learn to relax

When working too much, a person is susceptible to emotional burnout. The idea that the more you work, the faster you will achieve results, should not be taken literally. Sooner or later, dedication will stop, the body needs a boost of energy and self-healing, and without rest, performance will decline. Learn to relax and relax properly.

12) Buy experiences, not things.

You might want to head to the local mall when life gets tough; After all, a little retail never hurt anyone.

But does this really make people happy?

Sure, you may get instant gratification, but you know as well as anyone that the happiness gained from buying things doesn't last.

Dr. Thomas Gilovich, a psychology professor at Cornell University, has been researching the impact of money on happiness for two decades. Gilovich says:

“One of the enemies of happiness is adaptation. We buy things to make ourselves happy, and we succeed. But not for long. New things excite us at first, but then we adapt to them.”

If you feel like spending money, spend money on experiences. Go see the world. Live your life on planes and trains and in a car on the road to nowhere.

According to Gilovich, “Our experiences are a bigger part of who we are than our material possessions. You may actually like your material. You may even think that part of your personality is connected to these things, but still they remain separate from you. On the contrary, your experience truly is a part of you. We are the sum of our experiences."

Get out and see what life is made of in other places. Spend time in beautiful parks, challenging hiking trails, and by the ocean as much as possible.

These are places where you will find your happiness, not a shopping mall.

Optimistic attitude

When a person has no problems, he rejoices at any event. Then his loved ones will be happy. For example, my mother is not in the mood in the morning and swears for no reason. It is clear that her relatives will not have him. And when mom kisses you in the morning and wishes you a happy day, then everything will be fine

A truly happy person endures difficulties and adversity more easily. And for example, in this case, it is better to take a child of two to four years old. It is at this age that the baby enjoys everything in the world. And he doesn’t know what sadness is. When he falls, he shakes himself off and runs on. After all, there is so much new and unknown ahead, there is no time to be sad. At this age, the child lives entirely one day at a time and tries to do a bunch of things. This is the ideal to follow.

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