Is it possible to attract the love of a specific person?

On distance

People with paranormal abilities can move objects in space with the power of their thoughts. But not only psychics, but also quite ordinary people can control their thoughts.

Human thoughts have absolutely no boundaries, so a person can see the most unreal events in his imagination.

One of the important manifestations of thought is its attractive power. In other words, if a person constantly thinks about something, then sooner or later it will happen to him.

For example, people can attract money, luck, illness and, of course, other people with the power of thought. Moreover, you can attract the right person to you not only from your close circle, but also someone who lives in another city, country, continent, that is, this can be done from a distance.

attract any person to you , regardless of their gender, age and location. The object of attraction can be either a familiar person or a stranger. In order to attract a person who is at a distance, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Formulate a specific goal - in your imagination you need to really imagine how this person (object of attraction) will appear before you in real life.
  • All thoughts aimed at attraction must be positive - this will open a flow of positive energy, which will certainly lead to a good result.
  • It is necessary to regularly (several times a day) look at the photograph of the person you are attracted to , since it is simply impossible to see someone who is at a distance.
  • Before you begin to control your thoughts, you need to clear your mind of everything extraneous, that is, it is impossible to simultaneously attract a person and something else.
  • It is necessary to regularly say words of gratitude for what happens in life.
  • You need to regularly use affirmations - short statements that are somehow related to the person you are attracting. This is a very important point, since words have played a big role at all times. People exchange information using words and use certain words to express their thoughts and dreams. That is why it is extremely important to clearly pronounce every word that (even if in absentia) is spoken to the desired person.

Every person has the power to control the gravity of their own thoughts. Daily thoughts about a person at a distance will be transmitted to him using vibrational waves. As a result, he will also want to meet the person who attracts him.

The main thing is imagination!

You may find this technique difficult to learn. But it’s definitely worth a try, even if you are only superficially familiar with it.

This method is ideal for attracting a guy at the initial stage. You don’t need to become smarter or more beautiful, you don’t need to bother yourself about why some women attract men easily and others don’t, rack your brains about what they have that you lack. You don't need to take any first steps. What you need to do is just relax, turn on your imagination and enjoy yourself. And the guy is yours.

Even if you don’t know each other yet, the man will feel a burning desire to get to know each other, and he will come up to you and start a conversation. And if he didn’t pay any attention to you before, you will notice with what interest he will begin to look at you now, and in the end he will definitely make attempts to get to know you and attract you.

You can use this technique whenever you like a particular guy. It works without any physical actions towards the man: you don’t have to approach him, you don’t have to get to know him, you don’t have to call him or invite him anywhere, you don’t have to write to him.

On the contrary, under no circumstances take any first steps on the physical level! Just watch how it will work at the level of thought power.

You will find several more practices for attracting and seducing a man with the power of thought in our store:

  1. Special mood: how to make a man fall in love with you in 21 days
  2. Meditation to attract a man and strengthen the energetic connection with him
  3. Meditation for women to increase sexual energy
  4. Meditation: how to make a man fall in love with you
  5. Audio practice “How to become desirable and attractive to men”


In practice, it is quite possible to attract any person to you. This could be a former lover (beloved), a stranger you liked, or an old friend with whom communication was stopped.

The ritual of attracting a person with the power of thought must be performed regularly. You need to sit in a comfortable position. It is best that at this time the person is not distracted by any extraneous actions. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine the person, his face, clothes, facial expressions, behavior.

It is necessary to remain in this state until the moment there is a feeling that thoughts have begun to move to the object of desire. After this, you need to relax and say good words to this person. It could be just a phrase or beautiful poetry.

There is another practice of controlling the power of thought, which called frailing. Its essence is to completely abandon thoughts about the desired person. Then the vibrational waves will work in the opposite direction. That is, if you suppress thoughts about the desired person in the subconscious, then this information will also reach him and have a unique influence. As a result, a person will begin to be “attracted” to someone who ignores thoughts about him.

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Technique for transmitting thoughts through sleep

You can achieve a lot with the help of hypnosis. The method is not difficult to master; you just need to want it and make an effort. There are different types of hypnosis – conscious and unconscious. Non-contact suggestion of thoughts at a distance is called telepathic hypnosis.

The method is used at moments when the consciousness of the suggestible is weakened - during a period of severe fatigue, when the person is in a state of drowsiness or sleeping. Then you will be able to sneak into a dream, put information into your mind, and in the morning he will wake up confident that these are either his own thoughts or what he saw in a dream.

At first, conduct experiments with people in the same room. On relatives (with consent), acquaintances.

Approach the sleeping person, touch him. But it’s better not to: once you get used to direct contact, it will be difficult to wean yourself off the auxiliary action. Look at the person’s face, mentally scroll through the phrase that you want to convey.

Imagine that it literally “enters” a person’s head, enters the mind. When he wakes up, ask what he saw in his dream, what new thoughts appeared. When the experiment succeeds, complicate the action. Start working with the person behind the wall.

Each time the exercise is improved. As a result, learn to imagine the person nearby and inspire ideas. When it’s hard to visualize an image, arm yourself with a photograph.

Real life examples

Marina and Alexey dated for more than two years, made plans together, and prepared for the wedding. Everything changed in one evening when

Maxim called the girl and said in an indistinct voice that he had met someone else and they should break up. Marina experienced this shock for a long time, tried to forget the young man, but all attempts were unsuccessful.

Quite by accident, Marina came across an article in some magazine that thought is material , and with its help you can attract any person to you. Since then, all Marina’s thoughts and deeds were aimed only at winning back her young man. The girl thought about him, wrote letters and put them in her room, wrote poems about him.

At the end of December, just before the New Year, a bell rang in the girl’s apartment. When she opened the door, her beloved was standing on the threshold. That same evening, the young people made peace, and since then they have not parted. Maxim, being a materialist, apologized for his actions in the past, confessed his love to Marina, and the girl knew that in reconciliation with her beloved she took the most active part - she “pulled” him to her.

Working with energy channels

Key points, getting started:

  1. The position you are in should be comfortable, keep your back straight.
  2. Start meditating, while detachment from the surrounding reality should reach its maximum phase, extraneous thoughts should not bother you.
  3. Close your eyes and imagine that you are connected with the ether and the surrounding Universe by a certain stream of light. It comes from your head and moves towards Space, up. Then the image of the person you are going to influence should appear in front of your face as clearly as possible. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to accurately see his appearance and clothes; achieve a feeling of the complete presence of this person nearby.
  4. Then, when you invisibly feel the most plausible image, you should surround it with a stream of light, the one that you imagined earlier and that came from you to the Universe.

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Olga: There was a period in my life when I wanted to bring a young man back to me. I constantly thought about this man, re-read his messages. In the end, we made up after meeting by chance in a cafe. It turns out that we came to the same place at the same time. I can say with confidence that I “attracted” him.

Ivan: One day on the street I met a girl I liked. Since then, I began to often visit the place where the meeting took place. We saw each other a few more times, and then she came up to me and offered to meet me. The power of thought exists !

Dream man: attract or keep?

But, girls, I’ll tell you right away: don’t think that this technique alone can make a man fall in love with you for life. This is wrong.

This practice, the so-called sexual meditation, very well helps to attract a man, but only at the first stage. After all, we all understand that relationships between a man and a woman begin with physical attraction.

Yes, attracting a guy at the very beginning of a relationship is not difficult. What's next? How to attract a man to you for a long time?

And then it is important to maintain in him the desire to stay next to you forever. This requires a whole set of “procedures,” including upgrading yourself and your self-esteem, self-love and self-acceptance. This is exactly what we learn at the “I’m Alone” marathon. But that's a completely different story...

Have you ever wondered why some women attract men like a magnet? Do you know how to attract a man to you? Have you ever had any successful attempts to attract a guy with the power of your thoughts? Share your experience in the comments.

Safety precautions

The power of thought is a very powerful tool, especially in the hands of a person with strong energy. Therefore, it is important to remember that you should not try to “force” a person to think about you in moments of illness and poor health. And also when you have a confusion of thoughts in your head, when you cannot concentrate, in moments of increased emotionality. Otherwise, you can harm both yourself and the object of your affection. Be careful and skip the session of working with the power of thought, returning to this practice when you become calm and can fully concentrate on your loved one.

Also, you should not engage in mental practices if you are not confident in the strength of your own feelings.

The power of thought - how to attract a person

For several decades now, there has been such a branch of science as positive psychology. The purpose of this knowledge is to search, study and put into practice factors that influence the prosperous existence and harmonious development of the individual and the community as a whole. Experts working in the development of positive psychology have substantiated and proven that a thought is a kind of energy clot. The power of thought is so strong that it can influence not only the body and brain of its owner, but also physically influence what is happening outside the body.

The conclusion suggests itself: everything that a person has, all the events that happen to him, in fact, are attracted by him and brought to life. It is enough just to seriously think about how desires will come true with the power of thought. The same principle applies to negative thoughts. However, in order for life to be filled with positivity and joy, it is worth learning to use the law of attraction based on good intentions.

Psychological ways to make your beloved man or woman think about you all the time

Among all the psychological methods for solving such a problem, direct as well as indirect ones can be distinguished. With the direct method, the object of love is inevitably forced to undergo certain manipulations on your part. This technique consists in the fact that you must be in a certain contact with the object of love for a certain period of time. For example, you can flash before his eyes with an enviable degree of regularity, and then suddenly stop any manifestations of contact for him. This will naturally make the person think about you. After all, on a subconscious level, he will have a strong lack of your appearances in his life that have already become familiar to him.

Let's look at an example of how this principle works. Suppose you happen to work with a certain person and, coming to your workplace, you greet him every morning by saying hello. However, if you suddenly start ignoring your colleague and stop saying hello to him in the morning, then completely unconsciously and involuntarily he will remember you and wonder what happened. Interest and curiosity will be strong in him, for what reason you unexpectedly stopped greeting him and this will naturally make him think about you. Perhaps not immediately in a romantic sense, but it is definitely something.

The law of positive human attraction in step-by-step preparation

  1. Definition of desires. This is the main rule on which the subsequent effect depends, because an accurate representation of the goal must be realistic for implementation. You need to decide on your desires and present a clear picture of what you want to achieve in the end. If your desire is a certain person whom you want to attract into your life, you should not imagine that he will arrive on a golden horse or in a crystal carriage and bring with him unprecedented gifts from heaven.
  2. Thinking should be positive. It is wrong to prepare yourself for an unsuccessful outcome of your plan ahead of time. It’s better then not to even start this activity; the effort will be wasted anyway. Only confidence and the right, positive attitude will help attract similar energy and successfully achieve what you want.
  3. Spatial perception. Through eye contact with the outside world, a person receives most of the information. Therefore, you need to perfectly represent your desire in the form of a picture. For example, a photo of the person you want to attract into your life. If such a person does not exist and you just want to see a sensual and kind person next to you, you can depict him on a piece of paper, absorbing into it the positive vibrations of your thoughts, and for this you do not need to have artistic skills. Thanks to visualization, the picture will be imprinted in the mind, saturating the power of thought.
  4. Prioritization. Decide on the most important things - this will help make the power of thought subservient to you. Spending a little free time on bringing order to your head and positive energy will make it much easier to connect with the outside world.
  5. Confirmation factor. This can be a short phrase placed on a sticky note near the computer or on the bathroom mirror containing a verbal formula for realizing what you want, which, when repeated every day, is affirmed in the subconscious and helps stimulate a positive influence on life changes. The main thing in this factor is not to repeat it mechanically; the essence of the effect depends on the bright emotional coloring and real desire.
  6. Cross out the negative. The mental attraction of a person will begin to act in your interests at full capacity only when you cross out all the negativity that has accumulated throughout your life. It is impossible to immediately get rid of everything bad and be completely positive. You will have to work hard on yourself and your thoughts in order to achieve complete balance over your thought processes. But having achieved the result and rid your head of bad thoughts, you will not let them back in.
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