Developing flexibility of thinking - quickly making the right decisions

Practice silence

Silence is absolutely not held in high esteem in modern society. We listen to the radio at breakfast. While working at the computer, we turn on movies to create a sound background. We constantly want entertainment. Try to give up this habit and practice silence more often. Concentrate your attention on what you are doing in a given period of time. Silence helps us think clearly and clearly!

Developing flexibility of thinking - quickly making the right decisions

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The human ability to think has interested scientists since ancient civilizations. Today science is trying to bring useful improvements to mental and intellectual activity. Thus, in particular, the development of flexibility of thinking is practiced.

Flexibility of thinking helps you quickly navigate different situations and make the right decisions.

Stereotypes of thinking, which often clog the mental activity of many people, keep us within the “comfort zone” - our usual ideas. Do not forget that everything new always lies outside this territory fenced off by you.

Flexibility of thinking develops and is trained only consciously, mainly in situations of choosing actions.

The actions may be quite banal, but the point here is to choose unusual actions that exclude automatic decision-making.

To improve the thought process, you also need to monitor your diet and avoid the consumption of alcohol and nicotine-containing products, which have a detrimental effect on brain cells.

The development of flexibility of thinking practiced in logic games in which it is necessary to look for ways out of difficult situations: chess, checkers.

The flexibility of the human mind is expressed in the mobility of its thought processes, the ability to take into account the changing conditions of mental and practical actions, and change methods of solving problems in accordance with this. Flexibility of thinking is contrasted with inertia of thinking. A person who thinks inertly is more likely to reproduce what has already been learned than to actively search for the unknown. Thus, inert thinking is a “lazy” mental activity. And flexibility of mind is an essential quality for creative people.

Flexible thinking is also an independent mental activity. Independence here is expressed in the ability to pose questions and find original ways to resolve them. Independence of thinking also presupposes self-criticism - the ability to see the strengths and weaknesses of mental activity.

The author's psychological methods for developing flexibility of thinking existed back in Soviet times. The well-known system of classes published in 1990 by V.N. Kelasiev, who developed practical exercises to develop flexibility of thinking.

In the psychological literature, flexibility of thinking is presented as a property of productive thinking, manifested in the restructuring of existing methods for solving problems, in the replacement of methods that are no longer effective with optimal ones.

Proponents of Gestalt psychology M. Wertheimer, K. Koffka, K. Duncker identified the presence of the property of productive thinking, which consists in the ability to abandon stereotypical actions, to identify new, unusual properties, relationships of objects. This property is determined by the ability to rethink the situation and reconstruct it. The process of solving a problem in this case is the transformation of something original, associated with the restructuring of the situational image, highlighting new properties in the object that were hidden (unnoticed) before.

Domestic psychologists associate the development of flexibility of thinking with imaginative thinking.

Flexible thinking is also necessary for a modern businessman in order to find non-standard solutions to difficult situations, see the situation from a new perspective, and make the right, optimal, rational or original decisions. Successful entrepreneurship today is no longer possible without the ability to think quickly and outside the box.

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Learn not to interrupt your interlocutor

Stop feeling like the navel of the earth and develop the ability to listen to others, without the annoying desire to insert your two cents into the conversation. Take a break from your own thoughts, fully focus on your interlocutor and let him speak to the end. At the same time, pay attention to his tone, posture and facial expression. Sometimes nonverbal language provides much more valuable information than words.

The versatility of the concept

Some say that flexibility of mind can replace the beauty of the body

Indeed, an intelligent, quick-thinking person who easily adapts to any situation attracts the attention of others. Thanks to the peculiarities of his thinking, a person will not experience significant discomfort if he needs to study a complex issue from different angles, including adhering to unusual points of view

Changes in external conditions will not be a serious obstacle to achieving what is planned, and self-analysis is easy and without problems for such a person. Possessing a flexible ability to think, a person is able to see his mistakes and admit that he is wrong.

A synonym for mental flexibility is versatile thinking. This quality can be developed in yourself if you put some effort into it. Many methodological publications and full-length books have been published on this topic, training courses and effective exercises have been developed. The basic rule that you need to adhere to in order to achieve success is systematicity. By practicing regularly, you can give yourself a sensitivity to possibilities, fundamentally new ideas, and unusual approaches.


In the GREENPORTAL program, we recommend spending at least 30 minutes daily developing the flexibility of your body. It’s better in the morning, so you can more successfully prepare yourself for daytime disasters. We will definitely share our favorite exercises with you on the pages of the site. But ideally, you should find a competent coach who will help and advise you, especially at the first stage. After correctly “setting up” the exercises, you can transfer them to your home if for some reason you are not comfortable exercising in a club.

What practices are aimed at developing flexibility? This is the now well-known yoga, as well as qigong, Pilates, and various types of stretching. Look for those practices where you will feel comfortable and where you will be interested. The body will definitely thank you with pleasant sensations and the absence of any standard ailments for middle age, such as back pain!

Success and flexibility in all members!


What is it about

The mind is said to be full of flexibility if a person is able to quickly identify patterns and mutual connections between the objects with which he has to work. Such a person is able to formulate associative connections; it is not difficult for her to evaluate all possibilities and act taking them into account. If a careful analysis of one’s daily routine and a critical assessment of oneself give a person a disappointing result, one should not be upset, because this personality quality can be developed.

People say about others that their mind is full of flexibility and rudeness. It’s difficult to say whether this is more of a compliment or a condemnation, and much depends on the subtext with which the phrase was uttered. A person who quickly understands what is happening and evaluates prospects has a flexible mind and correctly assumes how things will develop. This quality is based on the ability to quickly break down events into their component parts. Having a flexible mind, a person can evaluate problems and analyze them from different points of view, predict possible ways out of the situation and the consequences that their implementation will entail.

Do I need to change

Flexibility of the body and flexibility of the mind - almost any person would like to develop these qualities, especially if he realizes the importance and benefits of such personal characteristics. Changeability and instability are typical phenomena in human life, and sooner or later everyone faces them.

Events cannot be controlled, but a flexible mind allows you to quickly accept changes, adapt to new conditions, and take control of the external environment as soon as this becomes possible. It is believed that it is necessary to develop a flexible mind in order to immediately understand in any situation which choice is correct, how to determine what needs to be done. A person who has managed to develop his intellect and thinking ability will be able to come up with non-standard ways out of any difficult situation and resolve contradictions and conflicts born within.

Many specialists in personal development and improvement of intelligence have dealt with the questions of how to develop mental flexibility and whether it is necessary to do so. It was possible to identify the connection between thinking and the object of skills and accumulated knowledge. At the same time, experiments on this topic indicate that improving thinking is not at all about gaining new experience. Moreover, as research has shown, the more experience a person has, the more difficult it is for him to invent new ways out of a situation, to form strategies and ideas that are fundamentally different from those that came to mind earlier. Experience interferes with the development of thinking, no matter how strange it may seem.

Developing individuality

Not many people are guided only by their own desires and opinions. In order to develop individuality, a person will need to begin to live in accordance with his purpose and conscience. This leads to the need to find something you love. The chosen activity will allow you to become the master of your existence. The achievement of such a goal is facilitated by creative activities, which must certainly be enjoyed and bring tangible benefits.

In addition to changing your inner vision of life, mental gymnastics are recommended. It can develop flexibility in the same way that physical exercise strengthens our body. It only takes a few minutes a day to do mental flexibility exercises. They are the practice of very simple strategies that promote the interaction of the left and right hemispheres of our brain. This leads to the creation of new connections between neurons and gradually increases the flexibility of the mind as a whole. Does a person need such exercises or not? In order to determine the answer, it is enough to pass any test for flexibility of thinking. Answers to the proposed questions will allow you to check your originality of thinking. But when solving a mental flexibility test, you shouldn’t immediately give up and discover the correct answer. It's worth thinking about, but you need to do it without too much thought.

How to do gymnastics for the mind?

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