Signs of infidelity, or how to understand that your husband is cheating and deceiving

How to calculate treason? They say you can't hide love and a cough. A deep feeling inspires people to do small everyday feats. Under his spell, we do not notice the shortcomings of the chosen one, we are afraid of losing, destroying forever the fairy tale that we ourselves have created. But what to do if jealousy, suspicion, mistrust prevent you from fully enjoying happiness? How to understand that a guy is cheating and what changes in the behavior of your loved one should alert you?

Sometimes it's so difficult to sort out your feelings. Are these clues from female intuition or ordinary suspiciousness? Did he really cheat on you or is it just a fantasy? Perhaps the reasons for his isolation, anxiety, problems at work, and not a signal of cooling or the appearance of a rival. Excessive jealousy, nagging, and reproaches will negatively affect relationships.

What to do if a woman suspects a man of infidelity?

In order for a woman not to torment herself with guesses, it is necessary to know the signs indicating the fact of her husband’s infidelity:

  1. regular delays at work . At the same time, to a direct question regarding evening absences, the man gives slippery answers without specifics;
  2. the man behaves distantly . Being constantly in thoughts about another woman, it is already difficult to notice your companion. Communication and sex life with her in such cases is reduced to a minimum. In this case, there may be frequent telephone conversations between the man and his “work colleague.” A wife’s reading of her husband’s SMS messages can become irrefutable evidence of “deviations to the left”;
  3. changes in character . Having a woman on the side, a man begins to compare her with his companion. Of course, the second half will lose in this situation. Against this background, the husband begins to get irritated with any actions of his wife. But here it should be noted that such behavior cannot absolutely indicate betrayal. Perhaps this is an ordinary crisis in family relationships. But if a man also shows a desire to go on vacation without his family, it’s worth ringing the bells;
  4. traces of lipstick and foundation on a shirt can clearly indicate betrayal . A familiar masculine scent may be mixed with feminine perfume.

A sign indicating infidelity may be the husband's fear of looking his wife in the eyes.

Signs of a rival at work

How to find out if a guy is cheating at work? Someone else's smell, hair on clothes, in a conversation we accidentally hear laudatory speeches about a colleague with whom we have a purely business relationship . Delays, frequent meetings. When you appear at his workplace, office workers behave suspiciously. They show excessive interest in your person, whispering as they follow you with their gaze.

There are many reasons why men cheat. Knowing about them, we can make timely changes to the life of our couple so that even the thought of infidelity of the other half does not arise.

How to understand that a husband is cheating and deceiving in marriage?

A man who wants to start a game of two sides always tries to be resourceful and inventive. After all, the wife should not guess about the betrayal.

Let's look at the methods of deception that men resort to to get out:

  1. special attention to the wife . Signs of betrayal are also an unexpected manifestation of attention and romance. Flowers and gifts may appear that are not dedicated to the holidays. This is how cheaters behave in order to get rid of guilt. But you shouldn’t rush to accuse your husband of cheating, because he could accidentally break his wife’s mirror or burn through the tulle with an iron. In such cases, men also turn into “angels”;
  2. the man suddenly became a workaholic . If the spouse is not used to overworking at work, you should be alarmed. To make sure that the head of the family has a passion, you will need to clarify why the man is delayed and find evidence for yourself that no work beyond the norm fell on the shoulders of the spouse;
  3. excessive attention to one's appearance . If a spouse who has never followed fashion and his own style begins to pay special attention to the choice of shirts, trousers and underwear, you should be wary. After all, the reason for such excessive attention to one’s image could be a mistress;
  4. Passwords have appeared on your phone or tablet. All actions aimed at eliminating access to information in email, social network accounts and telephone are the first sign by which you can learn to recognize the presence of a “passion”.

Signs that a guy is cheating

How can I tell if a guy is cheating on me? Carefully study the signs of a guy cheating. Despite the individuality of each individual situation, one can easily trace typical mistakes in the conspiracy of a liar. She, like bread crumbs from the famous fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, will help you get to the truth.

  1. Excuses for meeting you. You used to spend a lot of time together, now he goes out with friends without you more often. He says he’s tired, not hungry, and doesn’t feel well enough to pay attention to you. He stays late at work too often, his car constantly breaks down, or he spends the night at a friend's house. This does not mean that your boyfriend is cheating on you, perhaps he really spends all his free time working on a complex project, but there is reason to think about it.
  2. The manner of communication has changed. He abruptly stopped giving compliments, although he used to be generous with pleasant words, and looks absent-minded. Or he falls asleep with flattery, uses unusual vocabulary. More often he gives gifts and flowers. Compensates for guilt? Sudden mood changes, inattentiveness in conversation...Whether the guy is cheating on you or not, this is a suspicious sign.
  3. Became secretive. Stops talking on the phone or doesn't answer the phone in your presence. Closes the browser, minimizes the windows, slams the laptop when you suddenly enter the room. The phone is turned off for a long time and is often out of reach for several hours. Was it constantly busy or did the battery run out? Didn't you cheat?
  4. Changed my lifestyle. I started playing sports intensively, changed my clothing style, hairstyle, and perfume. He constantly looks in the mirror and started shaving regularly, although he used to be lazy. New culinary preferences appeared, he suddenly switched to vegetarianism, raw foodism, and went on a diet for no apparent reason. We noticed a passion for a musical style to which we were previously indifferent or a non-standard hobby. Perhaps he is stimulated by new love.
  5. Constant reproaches, dissatisfaction, criticism. A clear sign that you should reconsider your relationship. Perhaps the man began to compare you with the new girl. This does not mean that you are inferior to her in anything, it’s just that the magic of falling in love creates a certain ideal image. Whether your boyfriend cheated on you or simply fell out of love, think about whether such a relationship is worth cherishing?
  6. Outflow of money. Caring for someone else requires additional expenses. Flowers, sweets, wine, gifts are expensive these days. I noticed a constant lack of money, maybe the guy cheated on you.
  7. Sexual cooling. Started experimenting or completely lost interest in sexual life with you. Doesn't want to take off his T-shirt, prefers caresses in the dark - is he afraid of exposure?
  8. Constant lies. How to recognize a cheating guy? They caught the inconsistencies in his story and revealed the contradictions in his words. The suspect is confused in his testimony.
  9. Voice changes. What to do if your loved one often goes on business trips? Is it possible to keep love at a distance? How do you know if a guy is cheating? Listen to the voice on the phone. If a guy cheated, in addition to inconsistencies, an attentive girl will notice uncertainty and a trembling voice. Long pauses during which he tries to come up with a better excuse. The phone is turned off for a long time, there is no time to talk.

Signs of a cheating husband's behavior

To the above listed signs you can add subtleties that are characteristic of different cases. Let's consider typical situations of betrayal.

Infidelity on a business trip

If cheating occurs on a business trip, you can check the affair using the following signs:

  • the spouse perceives the trip with joy, the wardrobe is selected carefully and neatly packed into the suitcase;
  • after the trip, the husband is in high spirits, the wife is given a gift;
  • The head of the family answers his wife’s questions about the business trip in a joking tone.

As a rule, such betrayals do not have a serious reason, so they diligently hide from their wife. The reaction of a representative of the fairer sex can be different, it all depends on whether she agrees to come to terms with the situation.

Cheating on pregnant wife

Convicting a husband of cheating is always a big stress for a pregnant woman. Moreover, if the head of the family decided to hide the betrayal.

The list of signs that should alert your spouse includes:

  • late return home;
  • the husband’s desire to leave home to carry out work assignments;
  • scandals that a man causes when his wife wants to study his phone or other gadget;
  • the appearance of a new scent on my husband’s clothes.

Since pregnancy is a crucial stage of life, psychologists advise a pregnant wife not to take her husband’s “adventures” to heart. It is worth throwing away bad thoughts and thinking about the child.

Treason in a virtual environment

The popularity of social networks today has made it possible to communicate at a distance. Intimate conversations and exchange of erotic photographs allow you to virtually cheat on your companion. As a rule, sex on the Internet is hidden from the wife, as it involves frivolous, non-binding communication.

Virtual intimacy is characterized by the following features:

  • a man likes to spend night time at the computer;
  • the spouse constantly deletes his browsing history on the Internet;
  • the head of the family began to be jealous of the woman, although he had not done this before.

If a man sometimes has fun like this, then it will not harm family relationships.

But when the desire to regularly realize one’s sexual fantasies on the Internet appears, intimate life with one’s wife becomes insipid and fades into the background.

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How can you tell if a man is cheating accurately?

If a wife really wants to check her husband’s words for their veracity, she should give her husband a lie detector test, rather than asking her friends for advice. The polygraph guarantees 100% accuracy of the result.
Therefore, in this way it is most reasonable to convict a traitor. But here it should be understood that not every man will agree to such an exposure procedure, even if he is faithful. A private detective agency will also help you verify your husband’s infidelity.

The detectives conduct surveillance, obtain certain information, and after a while give an accurate answer: either the husband is faithful or not (with evidence). When there are facts, a man will not be able to deny his shameful behavior.

A test to help identify a traitor

The test is a good tool that can become an assistant for a wife who has plagued herself with suspicions.

Questions compiled by psychologists will help you understand whether a man has cheated and whether he is capable of betrayal:

  1. Is there any fact of betrayal in a man’s life experience? If yes, then the suspicions are not unfounded. The spouse should think about whether the head of the family can be trusted.
  2. Does the man have a narcissistic, narcissistic personality? If yes, you should understand that such people easily allow themselves to break the rules, crossing the line of what is permitted.
  3. Is a man often tormented by feelings of guilt in various matters? If not, then he can safely change and will not reproach himself for it later.
  4. Is a man “friendly” with such a concept as a lie? If yes, you should be wary. After all, she is proof that a man can easily deceive his wife and hide the fact of infidelity.
  5. Was there an example of betrayal in the man's family? If parents betrayed each other, there is no doubt that their child will be prone to this in adulthood.
  6. Has your spouse recently lost a job? This factor can undermine self-esteem. The new novel, according to many representatives of the male audience, is capable of raising self-esteem.
  7. Has tenderness and attentiveness on the part of the faithful suddenly disappeared? If so, there was probably cheating.


Folk methods of testing a man for treason

Not all of our ancestors were well versed in psychology. But many grandmothers knew about interesting folk methods that could reveal deception and treason.

Checks for betrayal look like this:

  1. check with potassium permanganate. This method is more psychological than practical. The husband's underwear, which he wore all day, needs to be soaked in water. When doing this, the man should be warned that his loyalty is being tested. It is worth telling the spouse that if the water turns pink, then sexual intercourse took place during the day, if the water remains clear, then there was no sex during the day. A faithful husband will laugh, a traitor will think and worry. When your spouse is fast asleep, you should add potassium permanganate to the water. An unfaithful husband will get up at night to flush the rose water and pour clear water instead. The spouse who did not cheat will not take such a test seriously, so the water will be pink until the morning;

  2. if the husband returned from work late, we pounce on him and ask him to fulfill his marital duty. A man with a good libido will not have problems in this regard. If the spouse evades (which is not typical for him), you need to be wary;
  3. male testicle test. If after work your spouse decides to take a bath (not a shower), it’s worth looking at how the testicles behave in the water. Popular wisdom says that the testicles of a man who has recently had sexual intercourse will float, and the head of the family who has not recently had sex will have his testicles sink in the water. This is the physiology of men.

Some resort to such a folk method as fortune telling. But for the reason that such a popular method of verification is dubious, we will not take it into account.

When to suspect cheating

But if you begin to notice changes in your man’s behavior and communication that you had not previously noticed in him, then you should be seriously wary.

    What may indicate new acquaintances on the side:
  • excessive attention to one’s own appearance - the desire to lose weight and pump up, changing the style of clothing, haircut, perfume scent, etc.;
  • some isolation in communication, detachment and coldness in relationships, decreased attention to family issues and raising children;
  • planning a vacation separately, although you have always vacationed with your family before;
  • a change in attitude towards your actions - an indifferent ostentatious perception or a quick temper over any trifles will equally indicate that he is not comfortable and not interested in you;
  • Frequently staying late at work or going on business trips. You should be especially wary of business trips that fall on holidays and weekends;
  • an increase in his expenses without visible purchases;
  • cooling in bed or new preferences in caresses and positions, etc.

If you notice a couple of such changes in your partner's behavior, you should not immediately sound the alarm. It is quite possible that he is stuck at work or simply has entered a new stage in your relationship. And then any suspicions on your part will only worsen the situation. The best option would be your understanding and support, trust and love with which you surround him in your home. But if you are painfully familiar with more than half of these changes in the behavior of your chosen one, then it’s time to clarify the situation with the help of a test of fidelity.

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