How to understand that a girl is hiding her feelings: signs of falling in love

The girls are good actresses, even if they don’t try, they are great at playing roles. They also don't talk directly about their feelings. They are afraid that they will not be mutual, they are embarrassed, they are not confident in them. What should a guy do in such a situation? It would be logical to approach her and find out everything directly from her.

No one can guarantee that she will answer honestly or that she will not be afraid. And it’s awkward to ask about something like that, it suddenly seemed like you’d only make a fool of yourself. Then, how can you understand that a girl is hiding her feelings? You need to carefully but carefully observe her, noting any oddities in her behavior.


It’s so natural that when a man she likes appears on the horizon, the girl begins to preen. Moreover, this process can be uncontrollable, and the stimulus comes from the subconscious. But it is precisely such unconscious signs that provide the basis for drawing conclusions with the highest degree of probability. Most often, girls start straightening their hair or playing with curls. There are options when a girl concentrates on a certain part of clothing. This behavior definitely indicates that the girl is interested.

Nonverbal signs4

Psychologists say that those who are in love with someone can begin to unconsciously copy poses, gestures, and adopt words and phrases from the object of their affection.

She gets nervous when the one she likes is nearby, twirls her hair on her finger, bites her lip, blushes, answers inappropriately. The girl was animatedly talking about something, and as soon as he walked in, she immediately began to get confused.

She physically wants to be closer to the guy, so she looks for a reason to touch him. Tactile sensations are very important for a person in love, they allow you to create a connection between two people. The girl constantly straightens the guy’s hair, his clothes, tries to hold on and sit next to him.

How to understand that a woman is in love and is hiding her feelings? Try to touch her back. If she doesn’t feel anything for the young man and this is her usual behavior, most likely no reaction will follow. And the one who is in love will immediately become embarrassed, blush, but her eyes will begin to glow.

Attitude to personal space

The concept of personal space is known to every modern person. This is that small perimeter beyond which a person does not allow anyone. You can even call personal space intimate space. The essence does not change from this. This is a space that belongs to only one. But, as with any other rule, there are exceptions. Close people are allowed into personal space. And therefore, if a girl is calm about your touches, drinks from your cup and does not hide her phone from you, then this gives reason to say that the girl regards you as a close person. After all, touch, a mug, and a mobile phone belong to the sphere of personal space.

Main features

You can understand that a girl likes you if you look closely at the behavior in your presence:

  • She will follow you with her eyes, but will look away if you look at her. This is not only coquetry, but also a natural psychological impulse.
  • Perhaps a married girl will be given hints such as biting her lips and licking them with the tip of her tongue, stroking herself on the knee or thigh.
  • The voice becomes higher in your company and the tone itself is gentler, the speech is more pleasant and subtle.
  • She tries to share her plans, dreams, hopes and willingly answers any questions.
  • Asks for help or advice, to which he willingly listens. This means that she subconsciously tries on you for the role of a man, a protector and a leader.
  • If a woman is actively interested in your life: asks questions about the past, future and views. He finds out how the day went and will never ignore him if the guy wants to talk, speak out or ask for advice on any matter.

You may not notice these signs due to the lack of personal real communication or the temperamental characteristics of the married girl herself. Therefore, if everything is not so obvious, then read the following sections for a detailed analysis.

Changes in appearance

If you notice that a girl has changed dramatically in appearance or has changed her hobbies and habits, then this gives rise to an analysis of previous events. If you said that you don't like blondes, after which she dyed her hair brunette. If you said that you love jazz and she is interested in this direction. If you said that you love pizza and during your next meeting she demonstrates her ability to cook an Italian delicacy, then this clearly indicates that she is in love with you.

What to do if a girl is in love?

Answered “yes” to most questions? The girl has a crush on you. What to do about it? There are two options:

  1. If you are interested in her: meet her halfway and start a relationship.
  2. If a woman is “not hooked”: gently and delicately refuse.

The main thing: do not torment the young lady, do not force her to remain in uncertainty. Otherwise, it is possible that without achieving reciprocity from you, she will find another man. I talk more about such situations in the section “Ideal love relationships.” In the meantime, let's look at complex cases in more detail.

How to behave with a married lover?

A more juicy situation, right? You were able to understand whether a married woman loves you. How to be in this case? Answer yourself the question of how strong your feelings are for her. What do you want from a woman: sex without commitment or a full-fledged relationship. If she is just a sexual partner for you, get out of her life. Don't come between her and her husband, don't ruin her marriage. But do it tactfully, like this:

  1. Invite her to a meeting in a cozy restaurant or for a walk in the park.
  2. Tell her that you know how she feels and that you are very flattered that such a beautiful woman is interested in you.
  3. Explain that your intentions do not include a serious relationship, and you do not want to destroy your family.

Even if you do everything right, be prepared for an emotional reaction. If you think that you have found the love of your life in this girl, continue the relationship, fight for her heart. In the article “Pickup truck is no longer in fashion” I convey these and other valuable thoughts. Take them into service.


Particular attention should be paid to gifts that a girl gives for no apparent reason. Historically, gift-giving is the prerogative of men. But this is not entirely fair. And the girl in love suddenly begins to realize this. After all, the basis of true love is such a trait as the ability to self-sacrifice. And even if it sounds too loud, this trait can manifest itself in small things. It is small gifts from the girl that you should pay attention to first.

No. 6. She thinks about you a lot...

If a girl/woman has serious feelings (love) for a man, she will think a lot, almost constantly, about him...

If you, dear, don’t have something like that, you remember or think about him, I don’t know, rarely, or on holidays or there only after work, when you have no one to be with/take a walk/f*ck with, etc. or there on weekends, etc., then this is not love. If we talk about love, real love, serious feelings, then you will think about your man almost constantly.

There will be a lot of thoughts in your head, you will be curious, wondering what he is there, where he is, who she is there with, what he is doing, how he is doing, is everything okay, is he thinking about you and so much more. You will have a lot of thoughts in your head regarding him. Important point. This will last a very long time (permanently).

If it stayed there for a day, two, three, a week, two = then this is not love, these are not serious feelings; if you think about him for a long time, on a regular basis, this indicates the seriousness of your feelings.

Another important point. If you are single - there is no competition for you among other men, then perhaps you just clung to this man - so that you have at least someone rather than nothing at all.

Here it is important not to deceive yourself, if you are really in demand among many men, but at the same time you still think and want exactly the same thing (others are not interesting) - this really means that you have serious feelings for him, really, even don't doubt it, not for a second.

When you have other options (men), but you still think about a specific man, constantly (think about him a lot), = this indicates that you have serious feelings for him.

The principle of a mug of tea

Just don’t confuse it with the principle of drinking a glass! In our case, the meaning is completely different. We are talking about the most banal mug of tea, or rather about how a girl pours this tea. In any company, a girl will start pouring tea first to the one she likes the most. To the one whom he values ​​most. That is why, using such a simple method, one can conclude that a girl has a special relationship with a particular young man. This list is far from exhaustive! There are a huge number of signs that can help you detect if a girl is in love. But even knowing just these signs will allow you to draw very accurate conclusions regarding whether a girl is in love!

Psychology and signs of falling in love

A woman in love is literally bombarded with an abundance of feelings and thoughts. She changes, becomes more sentimental, and her head is constantly spinning with thoughts about her beloved. Sexual fantasy also does not sleep.

A lady in love is capable of deciding to take any action, even if it is wrong, and all just for the sake of pleasing her beloved.

Romantic songs are now perceived by a woman personally, films about love evoke tears of tenderness, and passionate poems plunge into magical thoughts when the whole body is covered with goosebumps.


There are several typical signs that distinguish a girl in love. They are the ones who make it clear whether she has feelings.

First of all, we are talking about non-verbal signs that are immediately noticeable to people around us. A loving girl changes in appearance:

  • her eyes are shining;
  • she smiles;
  • she changes her wardrobe and image.

Such a lady literally exudes happiness, and thanks to this she becomes even more attractive to men. She dresses in beautiful and seductive clothes and puts on high-heeled shoes.

Behavior also changes. Hormones cause a girl's mood to constantly change. Cheerful laughter is replaced by bitter tears and sadness. If a woman is usually stingy with emotions, then when she is in love she literally gushes with them. Feelings overwhelm her, and she shares this with others.

If the feelings are not mutual, then unrequited love can lead a woman to a nervous breakdown and severe depression. This condition leads to various diseases.

A loving girl is absent-minded , she seems to be floating in the clouds and it is impossible to reach her. She directs all her energy exclusively to the object of her sympathy; nothing else interests her.

Woman's behavior

A girl who has fallen in love will demonstrate changes in her behavior in every possible way. She constantly watches the object of her adoration; if their gazes intersect, she inevitably looks away, while blushing and shy.

She is always courteous and friendly with him, reacts to his jokes, even if they are not the most successful. Any of his requests do not go unnoticed. In a word, she is trying with all her might to attract the attention of her beloved.

The beauty in love constantly adjusts her hair, and does it very sexy. She often gestures and shows off her hands, thereby emphasizing that she is open and ready for a relationship.

She tries to violate the guy's personal space, doing it as if by accident. The girl touches her lover or even hugs him. She also copies his behavior and shows her care in every possible way.

Strictly speaking, she does everything possible to ensure that the object of her love devotes his precious time to her. If the feelings are mutual, then the girl literally blossoms. She screams about her feelings and does not allow them to be doubted.

How to find out about her real feelings: test

A test as such will not help in how to find out if a girl loves you. Before you start testing the young lady, you should understand that few people like experimenting on themselves.

You can, of course, go to the hospital and time the time it takes for her to reach your room, but it’s better to stop playing children’s games and test normally. But yourself. Your attentiveness and observation.

So, a girl really likes you if:

  • When talking, she looks at your face. It doesn’t have to be straight to the point; for many people this is quite difficult. The main thing is not through you, not into your wallet, not into your phone, and not onto your nails.
  • When she listens to you, her lips are slightly parted. Essentially, this is readiness for a kiss.
  • When communicating in a cheerful company, when someone jokes, she looks at you, at your reaction. The girl will subconsciously be guided by the reaction of the guy she is interested in
  • She smiles at you sincerely and laughs at your jokes. This is a moderately wide smile, in which almost all facial muscles are involved: this is made clear by the “crow’s feet” near the eyes. This smile does not look rehearsed, it does not appear too quickly and does not disappear immediately after you turn away.
  • She straightens her clothes and hair when communicating. If she straightens her hair, her arms rise up, revealing her breasts. This is a subconscious sign of demonstrating your sexuality.
  • If during a conversation her hands are near her waist, this is an almost direct, but subconscious hint to continue communication in a more intimate setting. This is how she focuses your attention on her hips and genitals.

Changes in behavior

Where is love without changing behavior? When it comes to girls, most often they begin to behave as if they have fallen into childhood. This is even good, because feeling like a child can be extremely useful. However, for some, the cute, “childish” and sometimes not entirely adequate behavior of a friend may be irritated by the subject of her sighs.

How to make a girl fall in love with you?

You should understand that you cannot be nice by force. You can't get a young lady with obsessiveness and pressure, and if you do, it won't be for long. But you can increase the likelihood.

  • Let her know that you are interested in her. These could be banal bouquets of flowers, an invitation to take a walk or discuss something.
  • Get into her hobbies. It is difficult for a girl not to love a guy at all with whom she has a favorite thing in common. Dancing, cinema, hand-to-hand combat - it doesn’t matter. Try to understand and love her hobby.
  • Help her. Actions. Give me a ride home if it's raining outside. Give her some tea if she comes in from the cold.
  • Spend time with her. Don’t be afraid to invite her to places that interest you two, but don’t overdo it either. She should have enough time for herself, and the monotony becomes boring. Try to understand her tastes and choose an event that both will enjoy.
  • Don't play with her in fits of ignoring, jealousy, indifference, etc. This looks more like a child's manipulation than the actions of an adult man. Behave according to the situation.
  • Give all sorts of things for no reason. The very fact of receiving something for free is very attractive.

At the initial stages, gifts should not make it clear to the girl that they are trying to bribe her. We need something good, sincere. A book, a bag of red tea, gummy bears, calipers, a piece of jadeite, a jigsaw. It's a matter of taste, you never know what someone likes.

Occupying Thoughts

It’s impossible to talk about the first signs of falling in love without noting how many thoughts the girl begins to have about the new object of her desire. Most often, they result in conversations that friends and loved ones have to endure. Talking about “him.” Thoughts are thoughts, but young ladies want to tell the whole world about their new crush on a subconscious level, which is what they do, not even always noticing that they are most often talking about a new acquaintance.

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