6 reasons why men end relationships despite love

Rationality Rational

Rationalism is not reinventing the wheel, it's just common sense

the meaning and method of making the right decisions.

Dmitry Solo. Principles of Rationalism. Start

“I thought Karpov wasn’t afraid of anything.” - You know the difference between fear,

explain rationality and stupidity?

TV series "Capercaillie"

Rationality as a personality quality is a tendency to have an overly rational attitude towards life; the ability to direct one’s actions towards the most reasonable, expedient use of something.

Two woodcutters once argued which of them would cut more wood from the morning until four o’clock in the afternoon. In the morning the men dispersed to their positions. At first they worked at the same pace. But an hour later, one of them heard the second stop cutting down the tree. Realizing that this was his chance, the first lumberjack redoubled his efforts. Ten minutes passed and he heard the second woodcutter get to work again. And again they worked almost in sync, when suddenly the first woodcutter again heard his opponent stop again. Once again the woodcutter happily set to work, already feeling the smell of victory. And this went on all day. Every hour one of the loggers stopped for ten minutes, and the second continued working. When the time was up, the one who worked without ceasing was absolutely sure that the prize was in his pocket. Imagine his surprise when he learned that he was mistaken. - How did it happen? - he asked his partner. “Every hour I heard you stop working for ten minutes.” How did you manage to chop more wood than me? This is impossible! “It’s actually very simple,” he answered directly. — Every hour I stopped for ten minutes. And while you continued to cut down the forest, I sharpened my ax.

A rational person strives to find the optimal solution that leads to the goal in the most reliable way. To do this, he weighs, calculates, justifies, compares, in a word, does everything possible to solve the problem “headlong”, rationally, with the mandate received from reason, clear logic and expediency.

Rationality as a quality of personality manifests itself when the consent of the mind is obtained, because its functions include analyzing incoming information, comparing it with existing knowledge, applying it to one’s life experience, building logical structures, and justifying one’s decisions with considerations of efficiency and expediency. Rationality can be either leisurely, judicious, or impetuous, decisive, ready to take risks in conditions of uncertainty.

Take bankers, for example. Who will say that they do not work rationally? Operating in an unstable environment and not having complete information about counterparties, commercial banks are forced to thoughtfully manage banking risks in their daily activities through proven methods and techniques. “You can’t do business without taking risks,” says Richard Boulton and his colleagues. “If you don’t take risks, you won’t earn anything.” Professor V.V. Vitlinsky is right about.

Rationality is a masculine personality quality. A man has a highly developed mind, a woman has a highly developed mind. A woman’s mind on a subtle level is located next to her feelings, while a man’s mind is located at a distance from the feelings. Therefore, women by nature are more emotional, sensitive and unbalanced. They are more prone to irrationality. Unconditional, selfless love is also irrational.

The male mind, like the female one, is called upon to control insatiable feelings and a restless, chaotic mind. This requires self-control and self-discipline. Anyone who knows how to control his feelings and mind cannot, by definition, be irrational. He who is colonized by whimsical, capricious feelings, who is curbed by a lustful, chaotic mind, who is under the cap of a false ego, undoubtedly has a frail, weak-willed mind. Only a muscular mind ensures the rationality of an individual’s behavior. When the mind is undermined and broken by an orgy of feelings, a riot of mind and the eccentricity of a false ego, it is absurd to talk about any kind of rationality in human behavior.

Women, due to danger or necessity, can also show rationality and prudence, for example, at work, but as soon as they find themselves in a familiar environment, they return to what is more characteristic of them: being emotional, impulsive and sensitive. That is, when it is necessary to protect their husband or children, their interests, women can show remarkable will, rationality of action and prudence. Pierre-Augustin Beaumarchais spoke wonderfully about this: “Nature said to a woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.”

Rationality goes hand in hand with a sense of proportion. Dmitry Solo writes: “There should be a little bit of good, just take a woman’s breasts, they can be different, but imagine if someone is smart enough to increase them to size 7-12 or more... Or imagine that among us there will be giant people walking around - 3-5 meters in height, and some will reach the size of skyscrapers... It will be strange, won’t it?”

Why is rationality needed? R. Hastie and R. Davis write: “From a practical point of view, so that a person can achieve more in life. And more not only in terms of money, but also quality of life, relationships with other people, self-development and other things. Moreover, the use of rational decision making will provide a sequence of ways to achieve multiple goals with minimal effort.”

Rationality, in order to avoid conflicts, must always carry out a comprehensive analysis of the realities of life before making a decision.

Workers were called into the garden to repair the porch. They always had to bend over because of an apple tree branch that hung low over the path leading to the porch. One of the workers decided to take care of the elderly owners, who apparently did not have the strength to cut down this branch. When the next morning the owners saw the cut down branch, they were terribly upset. After all, out of the entire old apple orchard, only this branch was bearing fruit.

Petr Kovalev 2020 Other articles by the author: https://www.podskazki.info/karta-statej/

Rollo Tomassi

Rational man


In January 2001, I entered State University for the first time in my life at the ripe age of 32. My relatively late entry was the result of what I considered a wasted youth. I wanted to make amends for the indiscretions of the part of my life I called “the twenty-year-old rock star.” I had a lot of catching up to do due to decisions I made in my youth and the feelings of inadequacy I felt upon admission.

If I look at my studies now, I'm actually glad I'm back at my desk. Better late than never – I learned the true meaning of education. I remember the grumbling of the guys in my group, who were ten years younger than me: “Why the hell should I teach this nonsense? It won't help me with the job I'm preparing for." I guess I'd feel the same way at 22 if I weren't more interested in playing with another band at the next Hollywood party this weekend. I might never understand the value of being an educated person. Doing a good job is definitely a clear goal for self-improvement. At the same time, being educated in a great variety of subjects and teaching yourself to learn has its own reward.

Although I essentially attended a technical university, my degree was in fine arts. However, having worked quite a bit in design, advertising and marketing in my professional life, I knew that my second major should be psychology. My initial interest in psychology was due to the fact that I wanted to better understand the sometimes very complex characters of the people with whom I had to deal in my work. Therefore, personality psychology and behaviorism became the logical choice. Much of this book is the direct result of more than a decade of application of these psychological schools of thought to social dynamics, which I have experienced first-hand, as have millions of men around the world.

Connecting the dots with each other

When I studied psychology, I was more drawn to behaviorism. I was passingly familiar with the more emotionally open schools of psychology, like psychoanalysis and the “sit on the couch and talk about your feelings” that most people associate with psychology. Behaviorism has a more specific approach based on behavior and motivation.

One of the most important parts of the Game is to evaluate a woman by her deeds and behavior, rather than by her words or implicit motives. This is based on the most important principle of behaviorism - behavior is the only reliable evidence of motivation. Even those motivations that are not consciously recognized by a person can influence his behavior, regardless of whether the stimulus is rationalized or not. In other words, sometimes we ourselves don’t understand why we become liars or hypocrites, depending on the circumstances.

This realization of behaviorism was the first connection of the dots between theoretical psychology and gender dynamics. About a couple of years before I enrolled, I was active on several forums, trying to help guys with their “girl problems.” At first, those forums were not in any way connected with what would later become the “community” or be called the Game. I had heard about the first pickup artists like Mystery and a few others, but they didn't tell me anything new that I didn't know from my more liberated rockstar youth. It was more important for me to help the guys not make the same mistakes with women (mostly made for the same reasons) that I made personally.

However, I couldn't get over the feeling that there was still an obvious connection between what those guys were going through; what famous pick-up artists propagated, and what I studied in behavioral psychology classes. The ordinary Betas who suffered for their loved ones and the behavioral basis on which pick-up techniques were built had common psychological roots.

Around that time I started visiting the SoSuave.com forum. This forum became my testing ground for connecting the dots as I learned more and more. I tried to suggest that social dynamics are based on behaviorism, sometimes quite cruel. Having told my teachers about this, I was somewhat amazed when the same people who taught psychology as an exact science turned into implacable critics of my real-life examples.

My questions and polishing of theories and ideas required a forum where I could find the information I needed, and perhaps other ideas that I had not yet considered. SoSuave has been that place for me for over 12 years. Most of the book's concepts are the result of more than a decade of debate, editing, and critical thinking. However, most of the time I respond positively to questions. Each article can be improved and finalized.

Different goals

Some people believe that if partners have different goals, this is natural. It is important to look at the situation from a different angle. Sometimes the goals are so different that there will never be common ground. For example, a man loves to travel, but his chosen one doesn’t even want to go to the store again.

There are also different financial goals. A man may want to update his car, and a woman may want to make repairs. And what to do if no one is ready to give up their own goals and desires? In this case, hopelessness arises, and the man understands that there will be no compromises.

Definition of an irrational number

An irrational number is a real number that cannot be expressed in the form of division of two integers, that is, in a rational fraction

It can be expressed in the form of an infinite non-periodic decimal fraction.

An infinite periodic decimal is a fraction whose decimals repeat as a group of digits or the same number.


  • π = 3.1415926…
  • √2 = 1,41421356…
  • e = 2.71828182…
  • √8 = 2.828427…
  • -√11= -3.31662…

Designation for the set of irrational numbers: Latin letter I.

Real or real numbers are all rational and irrational numbers: positive, negative and zero.

Properties of irrational numbers:

  • the result of the sum of an irrational number and a rational number is equal to the irrational number;
  • the result of multiplying an irrational number by any rational number (≠ 0) is equal to the irrational number;
  • the result of subtracting two irrational numbers is equal to the irrational number or the rational number;
  • the result of the sum or product of two irrational numbers is equal to the rational or irrational, for example: √2 * √8 = √16 = 4).

Communication is completely negative

“They are like a cat and a dog” - many have heard this saying. Often communication between partners is based on reproaches and raised voices. Of course, it is quite natural for partners to quarrel and show their character. But, in this life there are always limits. Sometimes quarrels become so regular that you don’t even want to return home.

Men at this moment are well aware that things will only get worse. And if family life is like hell, is there any point in continuing the relationship? Love and even a comfort zone cannot change anything.

Definition of rational numbers

A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a positive or negative fraction or the number zero.
If a number can be obtained by dividing two integers, then it is a rational number. Rational numbers are those that can be represented as

where the numerator m is an integer and the denominator n is a natural number.

Rational numbers are all natural numbers, whole numbers, common fractions, infinite periodic fractions and finite decimals.

The set of rational numbers is usually denoted by the Latin letter Q.

Examples of rational numbers:

  • the decimal fraction 1.15 is 115/100;
  • the decimal fraction 0.2 is 1/2;
  • the integer 0 is 0/1;
  • the integer 6 is 6/1;
  • the integer 1 is 1/1;
  • infinite periodic fraction 0.33333... is 1/3;
  • a mixed number is 25/10;
  • a negative decimal -3.16 is -316/100.

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