Intuition in philosophy and psychology. Intuition is...

Intuition: concept and significance

What is our notorious intuition? It is the ability to see the truth directly, to comprehend it without reasoning or evidence. Every person with good intuition finds the correct answer, the solution to a problem, by connecting the conscious and subconscious. The “sixth sense” works on the principle of summarizing all data received from the external environment and the internal world. This can be positive, negative, random and targeted information.

People who are attentive, open, self-confident and self-respecting have well-developed intuition. If a person does not have a balance of these qualities, he is subject to various kinds of complexes, then his “sixth sense” is simply blocked. It really needs information from a sense of reality and a correct idea of ​​it. A person must have the right thoughts, and he must trust his feelings. If he makes a decision on an intuitive level, then it is not at all at random. Although many of us think so. Intuition means a lot to each of us. It helps us make the right decision in the shortest possible time, when there is no time to use logic and experience. That's why developing intuition is so important for everyone.


Intuition is (in philosophy) a way of knowing the truth through its direct observation without evidence. Intuitive solutions arise as a result of long thought about solving a problem.

Psychologists explain intuition by the activity of the subconscious. A person thinks for a long time, reflects on a problem, despairs of finding a solution, but it comes as if by itself, and unexpectedly. Psychology explains this by the continuation of mental activity at the subconscious level and the subsequent movement of the result of intellectual work into the sphere of consciousness. So intuition is (in psychology) knowledge that arises without awareness of the ways and conditions for obtaining it.

Intuitions do not include inferences whose premises are not stated explicitly. Also, behavioral reactions, which are based on instincts and physiological manifestations, are not intuition.

What other hidden possibilities do we have?

Any difficult situation awakens hidden capabilities in a person. They are different:

  • reading other people's thoughts - involves working at the level of sensations of other people's emotions, understanding and understanding them, and lends itself well to development;
  • influence on the environment with words, thoughts and actions is inherent in leaders, they are able to awaken in other people confidence in their own abilities and also easily harm them;
  • forecasting, foretelling the future - lies in the excellent ability to transform one’s own thoughts into reality, just as previous capabilities can be developed in oneself.

Ways to develop intuition

The ability to understand, touch and sense information without using the eyes, ears, nose, senses and taste buds is supersensory perception. Many people define our intuition with this concept. There are several tips, the use of which will teach you to listen and hear your “sixth sense”, how to develop intuition:

  • It is necessary to look for signs - the primary thing is the ability to recognize what intuition is saying in its unobtrusive and quiet voice. Each person has their own way of dealing with this feeling. This could be a visual message in the form of a picture in your short-term vision or a long video. And it happens as a fleeting thought, goosebumps on the skin, a feeling of some kind of lightness. And sometimes it’s like confidence and deep knowledge in the soul. We must not forget about the abilities of the subconscious, which are not always subject to the mind. We need to trust the signs we receive, because they are sent for a reason, but for our good. Pay attention to such news.
  • We need to engage in meditation - this helps to cleanse the brain and mind to establish a more effective connection with our intuition. Additionally, meditation can help you think more clearly and positively. Start meditating and see positive results. Our thoughts are often clouded by what is happening and because of this we are sometimes unable to hear what our intuition is saying.
  • You must definitely ask - intuition does not like passivity. Ask questions, and the answers will not take long to arrive. Specificity and clarity of what a person wants to know is important. And an important point is writing down the answers. Neuroscientists say that you need to grasp and, if possible, write down an intuitive idea in 37 seconds. If you don't have time, she disappears and doesn't return.
  • There must be a diary - so that your intuition does not send you wise answers in vain, you need to write them down in a diary. This is a very effective technique for communicating with your inner voice.
  • Quick response is necessary - by quick actions in response to the voice of the “sixth sense” we open wider the passage that exists between consciousness and subconsciousness. And this helps to receive rewards as a simple, timely recommendation for action on an intuitive level.
  • You need to believe in yourself - believing in your intuition helps you receive more information. What will help you make the right decision in a certain situation, achieve a goal faster, solve an important problem, etc.
  • It is necessary to live today, now - there is no need to worry about past actions and thoughts, intuition craves a person to focus on the present moment. Reflecting on past events can cause a variety of feelings, including pain, guilt, and disappointment, which makes it difficult to hear your wise intuition. The same applies to thoughts about an uncertain future. Developing your “sixth sense” without concentration is difficult and sometimes even impossible.

How to recognize intuition

Let the author tell you a modern fairy tale about intuition.

Once upon a time there lived a young and cheerful girl, Phoebe. She was crazy about the practices of self-development and self-exploration. Phoebe followed intuitive eating, tried to listen to the voice of her heart, and do exercises to develop intuition, and rely on her own feelings in everything. She had many spiritual teachers to whom Phoebe turned for advice. She also had an amazing Tarot deck, to which the girl asked many questions. Phoebe considered herself very conscious and spiritually developed, but the girl always tried to look for answers to the questions of the Soul somewhere in the external space, without turning at all to her inner world.

And then one day Phoebe was faced with a difficult test in life, she had to choose a man from two suitors, to realize which prince was more suitable for a relationship. How to recognize intuition in love and in relationships with a man? This question caused her quite a lot of tension. Phoebe asked the Tarot, her teachers, but no answers satisfied her. Then Phoebe remembered the art of meditation and decided to find the answers within herself. The girl sat down in a cozy chair, lit candles and plunged into the inner space of her soul. After a couple of minutes of practice, Phoebe realized that her attention was like a tattered cat that had just been thrown out into the street from a warm house, and that was running chaotically through the gateways, looking for at least some food in boxes with past experiences. Phoebe realized that she had absolutely no control over her attention and was unable to find answers to her concerns and questions. The girl immediately decided to complete the meditation, when suddenly all her chakras took a deep breath.

It dawned on Phoebe: the universal wi-fi had opened up to her, and information about absolutely everything in this world and, in particular, about herself became available. Phoebe happily took advantage of this opportunity and said: “OK Google, where should I move in life, what should I do? OK Google, build a route to my soulmate. OK Google, how can I become successful in this life?”

Phoebe found information about her path, about elections and any clues about every turn of her life's road. The girl was shocked by this process; she very quickly came out of meditation to happily run to post information on Instagram about how to recognize intuition with the hashtag “universal wi-fi.” Phoebe was already filled with enthusiasm to open her own school and courses, to teach others how to connect to their own wi-fi, when suddenly, the “Internet connection” was cut off, and the girl lost this intuitive connection. She was very upset and upset. But in fact, Phoebe did not understand that every day she reproduces this connection to the universal wi-fi, inside she has this function with which she can connect with the source of limitless knowledge. And if Phoebe’s “attention cat” had been trained, the girl would have been able to direct it consciously and establish this universal connection, download any information on the question that had ever tormented and worried her.

There are 4 preparatory steps in this fairy tale that will tell you how to recognize intuition:

    • 1) Train your inner “attention cat” . To receive internal intuitive clues, you must be able to manage your thoughts, internal state and attention.
    • 2) “Download the instructions.” Phoebe had access to all the information, she had the opportunity to connect with herself, but she completely forgot about exploring how this process happens in principle, how she can enter there again. Your “path” of connecting with intuition must be conscious so that this process happens to you again, and you can control it. Learn everything about the process. Phoebe didn’t know what intuition was, how it worked, how this process happened, the girl always trusted the opinion of only teachers. The young lady did not have much life experience and did not observe the behavior of others. Her picture of the world was very limited. If Phoebe knew what intuition was, and she had some ideas about how it works, then she could approach this process creatively and direct it towards intellectual and spiritual development.
    • 3) Understand your motivation. Think about why you are trying to develop intuition. Maybe it's a current trend and you want to get quick insights and make your life easier. This is probably internal laziness and a thirst for simple solutions. Remember the motives for developing intuition, and also know that you should develop logical thinking too, learn to think and reflect, observe. Paradoxically, all exercises about pumping up intuition are powerless without the support of your mind.
    • 4) “Inner instinct” is worth developing. The role of intuition in our lives is very great, because it is it that allows us to connect with any knowledge, about ourselves and about other people, available to humanity. Intuition helps you find yourself, improve contact with yourself, with your feelings, with your body and make thinking more effective and creative. To take advantage of our intuitive gifts, we must clearly understand who this “mystical lady” is. Develop and strengthen this “super ability of the soul” consciously.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

According to the horoscope, representatives of the Water Element manifest their intuition at the level of emotions; it is not surprising that they listen sensitively to what their inner voice tells them.

Cancer is sensitive to the emotions of any interlocutor. During the conversation, the opponent’s state is conveyed to them, and they seem to tune in to the same wavelength as him.

Cancers' highly developed intuition opens up broad prospects for them in the field of negotiations and organizing socially significant projects.

Their sensitivity finds a response in the hearts of their interlocutors, who see in the representative of this zodiac sign an understanding nature capable of compassion. They are often trusted with secrets precisely because they are sure that Cancers will understand everything and will pester them with unnecessary questions.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Sociability and the desire to always be in sight forces Gemini to more actively use their internal resources and train their intuition daily. They instinctively feel what is expected of them and willingly give their interlocutors exactly those emotions that are most in demand here and now.

Sometimes a person gets the feeling that Gemini understands what you will tell them even before you open your mouth. It also happens that they finish a sentence for their opponent.

More often than other people, Geminis have prophetic dreams, in which real revelations from the Higher Powers come to them. Thanks to their sixth sense, these people are able to brilliantly establish themselves in society and quickly gain the support of authoritative patrons.

Conditions for the manifestation of intuition

Premonitions do not just happen. As a rule, it illuminates those who are well-versed in the profession, have deep scientific knowledge or relevant life experience.

The next condition is the presence of a problem. The subconscious begins to work where existing knowledge is not enough. Intuition is a step towards discovery. The subject really wants to resolve the issue, so he is in a state of thought. Intense mental activity continues until the clue is discovered.

People have long known that dogs salivate at the sight of meat, but only I. P. Pavlov was able to use this fact for scientific purposes. Apples have fallen on the heads of passers-by before, but only I. Newton succeeded in discovering the law of universal gravitation. The success of intuition depends on how much a person manages to get carried away by a problem, free himself from stereotypes and not lose hope of success.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The intuition of people in the sign of Scorpio is very strong; they will sense a lie or falsehood a mile away, so don’t even try to hide the truth from them. Scorpio has amazingly subtle intuition, especially in interpersonal relationships. He will always get to the bottom of the truth, even if you try to deceive him. The sixth sense will tell Scorpio the motives for certain actions of people.

He will analyze the situation in detail and tell you in detail what this or that person thinks and why. The only drawback of such intuition is that Scorpio cannot even deceive himself and often suffers because of this. One can truly say about these people that they read their interlocutor like an open book. The Scorpio man has a very accurate instinct and can recognize falsehood very quickly.

Intuition by Zodiac Signs

Let's conduct a preliminary test of intuition:

  • Have you ever found a job where the opportunity to rise to a higher social level was most desirable for you?
  • Has your inner voice ever told you that right now a person you haven’t seen for a long time will call?
  • Have you refused a trip where an emergency or traffic accident could potentially occur?

If you answered “Yes” to at least one of these questions, then know that you have foresight abilities that need to be developed. After all, intuition is a kind of talent that needs training.

There are people who read people like a book, correctly drawing conclusions about their thoughts and desires. Are you among the TOP signs of the Zodiac with the strongest intuition ? Find out now!

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Outwardly optimistic Libra hides an inquisitive mind and curiosity behind a mask of good nature. They are interested in absolutely everything: how people live, what they think, what emotions they experience in a given situation. These are excellent psychologists who have an innate intuition that helps them always draw the right conclusions.

Libras will remain calm even when their inner voice tells them of impending danger. External optimism is for them a defensive reaction to a possible threat.

Libras see both the positive and negative aspects of life, so they never lose hope and are able to lead people with them.

Women's intuition: myth or reality?

It is generally accepted that intuition on an ordinary level is more pronounced in women. They are able to predict events, judge a person by their appearance, and understand their children and loved ones. In the Ancient World and the Middle Ages, it was believed that the fair sex had magical powers and could work miracles.

With the development of science, ideas about women changed, and relevant research was carried out. Thus, the American psychologist W. Argor discovered that women's intuition is not a myth. The ability to anticipate is formed on the basis of experience. Women have a wider circle of contacts, participate in conflict resolution and social activities. Success in interacting with people is impossible without sufficient flexibility and sensitivity.

Ladies understand facial expressions and gestures, body language better. This allows you to notice the discrepancy between the statements and non-verbal reactions of the interlocutor, and understand the person’s true intentions.

Blind reading

Another method of getting an answer to a question is blind reading. This method is easy to use and will also help you quickly develop your intuition. For example, if you are haunted by a question or a specific situation, then gather your thoughts about it. Next, place three sheets of cardboard near you and write possible answers on each. Place these sheets of paper with the lettering down on the table, relax, and pass your hand over them. Tune in to the flow of information; after a few seconds you will feel warmth in your palms or a slight tingling sensation. If these sensations were very strong over a certain card, then the answer is obvious.

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