What is the psychology of a rich person? What is the difference between the psychology of wealth and the psychology of poverty: comparison

The thinking of the poor and the rich is different from each other. Let's talk about this next.

Poverty is not just a lack of finances. The thinking of the needy and the rich is too different. Moreover, the point is not that one has insufficient funds, while the other has plenty. The reason is the general state of mind.

That is why, if a person temporarily feels an acute shortage of funds at the present time, and his judgments are similar to the thinking of rich people, he will still get what he wants most, sooner or later.

  • Oddly enough, but people who are used to living in poverty, and then suddenly receive a large fortune, are not able not only to increase their funds, but even to preserve what they have in their hands.

Psychology of poverty and wealth

Most people are of the opinion that their level of well-being and financial solvency is influenced by the wealth of the family into which they were born, useful connections and a number of other factors. Poor people strive to get instant benefits that fell on them from the sky, or they dream of passive income that will bring large profits without serious effort. Therefore, instead of thinking about ways to start their own business, a poor person will buy a lottery ticket or invest money in another financial pyramid.

The psychology of a rich person has a number of differences from the thinking of a person accustomed to eking out a miserable existence. Poor people like to get into debt and take out loans even for things that are not in a hurry. For example: a commercial was shown on TV with an offer to “profitably” purchase a refrigerator in installments at a low interest rate. And the man fell for it, although he did not feel an urgent need for a new refrigerator and did not have extra money. Poor people tend to feel envy of more successful individuals who managed to get out of poverty through their own efforts.

Rich people are open-minded and open-minded, not blinded by stereotypes and negative attitudes adopted without careful analysis. Such a person is accustomed to taking responsibility for his actions and not blaming others for the difficulties that arise along the path of life. Poor people tend to blame politicians, bosses and other members of society who occupy a higher position in society for their failures. Paradoxically, they expect from them initiative and steps that will change their miserable existence for the better.

Psychology of the Poor

Many poor people believe that in order to achieve material well-being, they must devote all their free time to work. In fact, wealthy people are passionate individuals, have hobbies, are involved in collecting or sports. In a word, they take everything from life without complaining about it or getting discouraged. To change the vector of thinking, psychologists recommend eradicating the following patterns from your own subconscious:

Lack of activity and self-esteem

In order to achieve positive results, some effort is required. People with the psychological type of the poor are characterized by a lack of confidence in their own strengths, which they try to compensate for with various excuses like “all high-paying jobs have long been taken away by cronyism.” Boring and tedious work does not allow development; a person becomes tedious, irritable and blocks the ability to perceive new information. Thus, he drives himself into a state of stagnation, from which it is very difficult to get out.

Low paid job, fear of change

People with the mentality of the poor are ready to sacrifice high wages and career growth for the sake of stability. They count on state support, subsidies and other social guarantees, being afraid to take steps to change their usual way of life. People of this type prefer to remain in uncomfortable conditions, trying to minimize possible risks. A person with a poor man’s mentality tends to avoid change, so he will never start his own business or go to get a second education, blaming everything on age or lack of money.

Incorrect settings

A person with the psychological type of a poor man is sure that his salary should be high simply because he is a good performer. When what he wants diverges from reality, he shifts responsibility to a stingy boss or others, blaming them for his own failures. Among the favorite expressions of the poor are such phrases as “I can’t afford this”, “I can’t afford such an expensive thing.” Such phrases, from the point of view of neuro-linguistic programming, are attitudes that materialize in the form of corresponding financial wealth and image life.

Incorrect distribution of effort

The poor man spends a lot of effort not on attracting resources, but on retaining them. He can spend hours shopping to compare prices and make better purchases. A person with the psychotype of a poor person stands in long lines in order to get a meager discount on utility bills or receive one-time social assistance from the state. A person with the psychology of the rich will prefer to spend time looking for a higher-paying job, an idea for a business, or raising money.

Incorrect allocation of financial assets

The psychology of rich people differs from the thinking of poor people in that the latter have a very destructive habit of collecting money in case of a rainy day. Thus, a person unconsciously predicts problems and programs himself for various failures. If a subject saves financial resources to buy a new car, sooner or later he will achieve his goal. In the same way, problems and misfortunes happen if the money was collected specifically for them.

Psychology of the rich

The psychological make-up of wealthy, successful people is characterized by the following features:

Self confidence

Wealthy and successful people are often spoken about in a negative way, considering them arrogant, arrogant and insolent. In fact, rich people are characterized by self-confidence, which is confused with arrogance. A person who has managed to earn a fortune is accustomed to taking risks, and rarely experiences disappointment even if he loses. Having realized the mistakes they have made, rich people try not to repeat them in the future, which makes them arrogant in the eyes of dissatisfied ordinary people.

Perception of money

Poor people tend to save money or make deposits, hoping for passive income. The psychology of the rich is to perceive money as a tool for further development and the key to material independence. They will not trust the earned resources to banking structures, because they understand that they have the power to multiply them much more efficiently. Money for them is not a way of showing off and a method of upgrading social status, but a means by which they achieve their goals.

Attitude towards failure

Most people have a desire for psychological, emotional and physical comfort. Wealthy people who have managed to achieve success without outside help are familiar with the fact that the desire to live in luxurious conditions is very destructive. Therefore, they are very cynical about social status, and are ready to sacrifice comfort for the sake of further material well-being. In order to earn a large sum, you need to have strength and patience, and treat failures as motivation for new achievements.

Circle of friends

There is an expression among people: “whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.” This saying is not without meaning, so the rich tend to select friends and acquaintances from among people who have influence and have managed to emerge victorious in the fight against poverty. Communication with wealthy people allows you to gain valuable experience and make new useful contacts. Like attracts like.

Attitude to work and study

A rich person who has earned capital through his own labor most often has a positive worldview, according to which the world around him is not at all cruel and merciless, but fair and capable of providing a lot of opportunities to the seeker. They are willing to be lifelong learners and forge new paths to achieve their goals. Poor people are not inclined to perceive new things, and prefer to walk the beaten path all their lives. A person with this type of thinking will not be able to master a new specialty or come up with a business idea that will be successful.


  1. Serious motivation is important. Due to its absence, you may give up on the way to achieving a good result. There is no need to think about what goals the rich set for themselves. They will be individual for each person.
  2. If you are faced with a complex task, do not be afraid to break it down into simpler ones. If a person immediately takes on something difficult, then he quickly loses interest.
  3. It is important to distribute your actions correctly. It is unacceptable to be distracted by some irritants or give up on what you’re doing. If you have already taken up some business, go to the last.
  4. It is unacceptable to force yourself into work. You always need to find time to relax in a change of environment.
  5. It is important to get satisfaction from what you do.
  6. Don't give up if you encounter difficulties. Everyone goes through this.
  7. If you make mistakes, don't dwell on them. Analyze, draw conclusions.
  8. Pay attention to your health, don’t wait until it gets really bad. See a doctor in a timely manner and undergo a preventive examination.
  9. Look at the world positively. Pessimism leads to depression and prevents you from becoming successful. Optimists can establish business and friendly contacts, it is easier for them to reveal their inner potential, they feel their freedom.
  10. Learn to forgive people, don't be vindictive.
  11. Learn to plan your time. Don’t look for excuses for yourself, just act, don’t put off your business for later.
  12. Set your priorities correctly. Learn to create your daily routine.
  13. Fight your laziness. Become the master of your life.

After reading the article, the understanding should have come that a person creates his own destiny, everything is in our hands. You may have noticed that following the habits of the rich and successful is not so difficult, you just need to work on yourself, change your behavior and attitude towards life. If you set out to change your life for the better, dare, do not give in to difficulties, and you will definitely achieve success.

Psychology of rich and successful people

What is the psychology of rich people? Canadian writer John Kehoe, author of the bestsellers “Gaining Power and Glory”, “The Power of the Mind” and “The Subconscious Can Do Anything!”, was forced to eke out a miserable existence for a long time and could not afford anything extra. Today he is a sought-after personal growth coach and the owner of a multi-million dollar fortune. John explains his success by the fact that he was able to rebuild his own thinking from the worldview of a poor man to the psychology of a rich man. To do this, Kehoe recommends taking the following steps:

  1. Instead of complaining about life and giving in to despondency, you need to look for positive moments even in the most negative situations.
  2. Dissatisfaction and envy must be changed to gratitude. It is important to pay attention to the wealth that is already available and use it rationally.
  3. It is necessary to plan your own budget wisely and avoid accumulating debts.

After the above recommendations have been taken into account, you should start using the image of a rich and wealthy person. It is necessary to leave for a while gloomy thoughts about loans, debts, inflation and past failures. The dark side of the rich is considered to be distrust of others. A person who has managed to amass an impressive capital is well aware that modern society is an aggressive environment where the level of competition is simply off the charts. Accordingly, on the way to establishing their own business, there will be many characters who want to snatch a tasty morsel through deceptive methods.

A poor person, as a rule, shows open distrust of politicians, commercial structures, corporations and various scammers. In fact, he is an easy prey for dishonest entrepreneurs who promise huge profits, the receipt of which does not require any effort. The incentive for the rich to develop and gain financial independence is interest in the process itself, the desire for self-development and mercantile motives. The poor man is driven by fear, greed and base motives. He expects handouts from life and is ready to go with the flow instead of taking concrete steps to achieve his goals.

The psychology of wealth presupposes a logical and rational attitude towards money as a means of achieving goals and putting ideas into practice. A wealthy person experiences joy from the process of earning material values, and is ready to part with money without regrets, spending it on purchasing a good car, luxury item or travel. A poor person has an emotional attitude towards money, and is very sensitive to any situation where it is necessary to part with it.

How much money do you need to be happy?

American scientists asked this question. After which we conducted a series of studies and this is what we found.

Happiness and money are interconnected categories. Having money gives its owner a feeling of confidence, comfort, stability and security. But here's what's interesting. Low-income people and very wealthy people alike experience a deficit of... positive emotions. They rarely enjoy life, but often suffer from depression, accompanied by headaches, low mood, and physical fatigue. It turns out that very big money does not bring happiness, nor do very low salaries.

Although it is clear that the rich are in a better position and are aware of this. They consider themselves accomplished people, look confidently into the future, are proud of their successes, but happiness does not live in their luxurious apartments, just as in poor dwellings.

Too big a bag of money is difficult to carry through life. A person loses his usual social circle, old friends, ceases to believe in the sincerity of feelings, and pressed caviar for breakfast eventually becomes boring... What remains? To be sad and reflect on the frailty of everything earthly.

Meanwhile, people with average incomes are the happiest. They are not strapped for money and can afford a lot. But most importantly, they have not lost the ability to enjoy what costs money. Travel, delicious food, exclusive alcohol, beautiful clothes, comfortable housing, a modern car, collecting - just the thought that a person can afford all this brings joy and satisfaction.

So there shouldn't be too much money. It is important to observe moderation in everything - that very golden mean that leads to harmony.

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