Psychology of wealth and poverty - main differences

What subconscious attitudes interfere and block the arrival of monetary energy into your reality? These are, firstly, limiting stereotypes that accompany us from childhood. The psychology of poverty prevents us from changing our financial situation for the better.

You've probably heard of the "psychology of poverty." This is a certain mindset based on negative beliefs about money. The thoughts of a poor person do not allow him to escape from the clutches of “need” and reach a new level of financial opportunity in life, regardless of his efforts. And, if you are still very far from financial freedom, it might be worth considering: are you subconsciously using some individual attitudes and behavior patterns that are inherent to the poor? Let's talk frankly: how many people are used to thinking?

Attitude to freedom

freedom differently . A person who has material resources can enjoy freedom to his fullest. This is freedom of choice, and freedom to choose a spouse, and freedom to choose a job.

Poor people are enslaved by their poverty. Freedom is an illusory value for them, which they practically cannot take advantage of. This gives rise to poor people losing faith in themselves, their capabilities, refusal of development and despondency.

Psychology of the poor person: main problems

How is the psychology of a poor person formed? Firstly, it depends on a not particularly encouraging financial situation. But, in addition, psychology itself is influenced by the way of life, the sphere of employment and the surrounding society (since the environment in which a poor person “revolve” is also usually not particularly well-off). These factors make up your view of the world and your way of life in general. What are its main differences? These are the features of the psychology of a poor person.

  1. Passivity. Most poor people are representatives of the so-called social swamp. Nothing ever happens in it. In it, people are born, live and die according to long-established rules and under constant pressure from people like themselves. The slogan of poverty: “we didn’t write these rules, it’s not for us to change them.” Standard life plan: school, college, wedding, unloved (most often) job, children, grandchildren, death. Everything is planned from the first day to the last. A poor person won't change anything.
  2. Fear of minimal changes. This feature of the psychology of the poor is directly related to the one previously presented. The problem here is most likely that even the smallest amount of money is too hard for poor people. And it is quite understandable that they are afraid of losing this, albeit very modest, but stable source of income. And you can't blame them for this. After all, it was the poor people who came up with the proverb “the best is the enemy of the good.”
  3. Envy of the rich. We have to admit that poor people are mostly envious. How can you live differently if there are people nearby who have much more opportunities? They have a beautiful (it seems) life. They have much more entertainment. Representatives of the opposite sex pay attention to them, and so on. In addition to envy, there is another tendency - to blame the rich for the fact that they got money illegally.
  4. Love of bright things (and iconic brands). It has been noticed that a poor person, like a magpie, is “led” by everything bright, shiny, and promoted. A common feature of the Russian province: women cannot even leave their apartment to the nearest store without cosmetics and smart clothes. We will ride in a minibus and remain up to our ears in loans, but with the latest iPhone. This is what either the poor do or those who have recently become rich. Making an impression to make others jealous is their favorite pastime.
  5. Emphasized and exaggerated indifference to money. Although a poor man is jealous of a rich man, he tries to maintain face and dignity. Because of this, a feature of his psychology becomes contempt for money, although only for show. There is no money, but it seems like it is “not needed.” This attitude helps maintain self-esteem at least at a relatively high level. Let there be no real reasons for this.
  6. Complaints. Perhaps this is generally a Russian national tradition - to constantly complain about everything. Complain to friends, colleagues, relatives, God... Moreover, these complaints are absolutely unproductive. Instead of looking for the real source of problems, a person tries to attribute their causes to “fate,” “haters,” “America,” and so on. And here another interesting feature of the poor is revealed.
  7. Lack of self-responsibility. For a poor person, “others” are always to blame for his own problems. It is “others” who do not allow you to earn much. “Others” do not allow you to become a valuable and professional employee. And also ephemeral “others” make him an alcoholic, add fat, and so on. The source of disaster always remains somewhere “outside”, and not inside the person himself.

These are the most important features of the psychology of the poor. In general, there are many more of them. But the ones listed are observed with one degree or another almost always. But what about the psychology of the rich? It is not at all necessary that they will have a completely different outlook on life. Some features are very similar.

Attitude to money

The attitude towards money can be different between poor and rich people. Both the poor and the rich can be characterized by generosity and greed. However, among the poor there are more prerequisites for the development of such a quality as greed. After all, they are in great need, so they are called upon to save on everything. When a rich person shows greed, it is considered a deep vice in society and, as a rule, is condemned.

People value generosity in rich members of society. It is thanks to his generosity that a rich man will command respect in the eyes of the ordinary people around him.

Negative attitudes of the psychology of poverty

Business is not going well - the state is to blame, it is strangling entrepreneurs with taxes! A small salary is the employer’s fault, he deprives his employees, and he is building a villa for himself in the Maldives! Don't have a separate apartment or dacha? No luck with inheritance from parents! Unfortunately, there are a lot of such examples when a person thinks from the position of a victim, believing that everyone around him owes him.

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What other subconscious attitudes greatly interfere and block the arrival of monetary energy into your reality? Limiting stereotypes, which, as a rule, stretch from childhood. “Yeah, I’m daydreaming! Hold your pocket wider! Maybe I should give you a lip roller?” – many have heard from parents. Also coming from childhood is a disdainful attitude towards money “If you haven’t lived rich, there’s nothing to start with,” distrust of successful people and businessmen “All rich are thieves!”, contempt for money “Money won’t bring happiness!”

In addition to negative attitudes, a key feature of the psychology of poverty is the feeling that a person is not worthy of wealth. As Vadim Zeland writes in the book “Transurfing of Reality. Stage I. Space of options":

A poor person feels “out of place” in a rich environment or in an expensive store, even if he tries his best to convince himself and others of the opposite. Deep down, he believes that he is not worthy of all this. Wealth is not part of a poor man's comfort zone, not because being rich is uncomfortable, but because he is far from it all.

Attitude to work and idleness

Nothing distinguishes rich and poor people from each other more than their attitude to work and idleness. For poor people, work is often a heavy cross and a necessary duty. The poor simply cannot afford idleness, because it can lead to their physical death.

Rich people can work for their own pleasure ; for them, rest from work and idleness are completely natural states. In a state of idleness, they can devote more time to their development, read books, visit museums and exhibitions. Therefore, rich people are often much more educated than their poor counterparts.

Signs of the psychology of poverty

So, let's highlight the key features of the psychology of poverty. Perhaps you will discover a few “symptoms” in yourself if you are honest with yourself.

  • Negative or dismissive attitude towards money and rich people.
  • “Chronic” complaints about life, spouse, work, bosses, government, parents.
  • The habit of saving on everything, for example, having lunch at work with sandwiches instead of going to a cafe for a business lunch.
  • Fear of affording an expensive thing that you really like, even if you currently have the money for it.
  • Envy of more successful neighbors, classmates, friends and colleagues.
  • The habit of being content with little, for example, buying the cheapest clothes, and then endlessly sewing and mending them, eating cheap food and semi-finished products.
  • Reluctance to take responsibility for your life, the habit of blaming circumstances and others for all failures.
  • The habit of constantly saving without having a specific goal, putting aside funds for a “rainy day” or just in case.
  • A fanatical desire to attend sales, look for discounted products and take advantage of all the promotions that catch your eye.

Let's look at the last point in more detail. Discounts and sales are a very characteristic feature of our time. They shout at us from all corners: “Buy cheaper! Make a profitable deal! 3 for the price of one! Second product as a gift! Many people unconsciously succumb to this pendulum. They are like zombies entering the sales industry, they know the word “sale” in all languages ​​and are literally hunting for discounts. At the same time, they often do not need a specific purchase at all - it is not a need or a toy for the Soul, but simply something imposed from the outside.

We run to buy what is cheaper, humiliating ourselves and not realizing why we need this thing. We don’t look for something that exudes special energy, that is close to us, that inspires us... but we take the first one we come across, the main thing is that it has a sticker with the word “discount” on it. This is how the pendulum of consumption captures millions of adherents...

Attitude to raising children

Poor people can give a child a good upbringing only if they make every effort to do so. After all, the poor, as a rule, are forced to send their children to nurseries and kindergartens from an early age in order to be able to provide them with food, shelter and clothing. Children from poor families often cannot get a good education due to the poverty of their parents. Poor children very often develop a basic desire, taken from their parents' family, to survive at any cost.

Rich people can spend maximum time with their children: they often spoil their children, buy them expensive toys, hire teachers, governesses and nannies. They give children the most prestigious education and teach them to live in grand style.

However, as practice shows, children from rich families do not always have a good life, because the “golden youth” are hunted by many who want to embezzle their parents’ money. These are drug dealers and people of dubious reputation. Children from rich families are also not immune from poverty, which is perceived as a very heavy cross. They can hardly survive in the conditions in which children from poor families would live completely calmly.

Psychology of poverty

From a young age, many of us, instead of being taught to dream, set goals, develop and get what we want, were taught exactly the opposite: you don’t have to want a lot, this doesn’t happen in life, it’s better to be like everyone else, sit in your corner and don’t stick your head out! But let’s not blame our loved ones, let’s better remember the history of the Russian state. A little more than 150 years have passed since the abolition of serfdom, after which the country was shaken by two severe world wars, not to mention the very recent conflicts in Chechnya and Afghanistan...

And it is not surprising that all this grief and pain, fear and murder, poverty and unemployment are genetically absorbed by us from birth, and as we grow up, they mentally pierce our subconscious even more strongly from constant warnings from our elders: “Eat up! Tomorrow there may be no food”, “Don’t waste money - better save for a rainy day”, “Live within your means!” It seems that we no longer need to be afraid of anything - but an underlying feeling of anxiety still remains with us, often for the rest of our lives. We get used to the fact that we need to save up, we need to prepare for this very “rainy day”, we need to be on the alert all the time, see the catch in everything, monitor the pitfalls...

Of course, all these thoughts and mental habits are destructive, and gradually form the psychology of poverty in their owner. He begins to broadcast dissatisfaction, resentment, doubts, fears into the World, and receives the same thing in response, which is quite natural, based on the concept of Reality Transurfing. Such a person will never achieve the results he wants - and if he does, it will only be at the cost of his health, long years of life and colossal efforts.

Attitude towards fear

In fact, both poor and rich people have many fears. Only they differ from each other. The poor are afraid of losing their jobs, they are afraid that they will be kicked out of their rented apartment onto the street, they are afraid that their children will starve. The rich are afraid for their capital, for their status, for the fact that they can be robbed and deprived of the fortune that they have. Also, rich people who have achieved everything through their own labor are afraid of ever returning to their poverty: to the apartment in which they lived in their youth, cold and old, located on the outskirts of the city.

Check your money attitudes

We suggest you start by examining your beliefs about money. Answer the statements below with “yes” if this applies to you or “no” if it does not:

  • I have a positive and respectful attitude towards money and rich people.
  • I take full responsibility for my life and never blame my mistakes on loved ones, work, bosses, the state, parents, children.
  • I don’t skimp on myself and always allow myself a delicious lunch in a cafe during the working day.
  • I always happily spend money on myself, buy myself expensive things if I really like them and I have the required amount.
  • I have respect and admiration for people who are more successful in life than me.
  • I always allow myself things and products that are a little more expensive, deliberately expanding my financial comfort zone.
  • I always have specific goals for which the necessary money easily comes into my life.
  • In the store, I always buy what I really like, even if the product is not on sale.

If you answered “no” to 1-2 statements, that’s good, but you need to work with these points and change your beliefs and habits.

If there are more than two “no” answers, then you need to radically change your attitude towards money. Work with your beliefs and change your behavior pattern. Implement Transurfing practices into your life and attract the energy of money into your New Reality easily.

From the psychology of the poor to the psychology of the rich

The human personality is a very complex formation. And it, without a doubt, can change. Only for this you need to work. Sometimes change is facilitated by society. But for such “re-education”, you first need to get into a suitable environment. If the environment does not allow you to cultivate the psychology of the rich, you will have to work on yourself on your own. Madame Georgette hopes you gained some benefit. Be rich - materially and spiritually. After all, absolutely every person deserves it.

Why are people poor: the psychology of begging

To paint everyone with the same brush is a big misconception. People who live below the poverty line can be conditionally, although fairly, divided into several categories. Gang 1

In this category are people who preach the psychology of poverty and who do not have a spoon or bowl due to circumstances.
These are many respected pensioners whose state benefits are equal to the size of their rent. This group includes mature and educated individuals who are experiencing hardship due to job cuts and total unemployment. Here are young people who have invested at least five years in acquiring a wealth of knowledge, and are already desperate to find work in their specialty. This category includes sufferers who fell into poverty due to military operations, natural disasters, and natural disasters. This also includes inconsolable ladies who have neither a stake nor a yard, after their well-to-do husband has defected to a young girl. Such people, poor involuntarily, know exactly what bills are in their wallet and how many days they have left to live before the government handout. They don’t consider it squalid to dig out “new clothes” in a second-hand store. Such poor people often fall into a credit yoke, borrowing and borrowing for years. Their heirs have already been poisoned from the first years of life by sausages made of paper, sleeping on a rotten sofa and the only entertainment - watching a box working without a sound. What does it promise them? In most cases, they will continue to eke out an existence with their psychology of poverty and a standard salary of one subsistence level. However, they have a very real prospect of reshaping their worldview according to the psychology of wealth. Gang 2
For individuals from this category, begging is not at all an alternative to death from unemployment.
These are ordinary citizens who, during psychological crises, did not receive proper support and moral assistance from others. This group also contains people who are not entirely adequate from a psychiatric point of view, drug addicts, chronic alcoholics. That is, those who a priori cannot provide themselves with a normal, comfortable existence as a result of their labor. Or they just go downhill, enjoying their lifestyle. Often, representatives of such a social group see the meaning of their existence in collecting “bread” in the form of a bottle of “Little Red Riding Hood” from the nearest pharmacy and “enjoying” it among their fellows. Moreover, some of these homeless people not only have a place of residence, miraculously preserved thanks to the intervention of relatives, but also very wealthy relatives who could easily provide them with normal living conditions. However, these poor people simply do not want or do not understand that it is possible to live differently from their herd existence of wild animals. They leave the apartment and sleep in basements. They do not try to do even the basic work of a loader, but scour through garbage cans. These are the ones who, having been pricked, are polished with vodka, and then they are fished out dead from the river. These are degraded individuals in whom the vagabond essence has supplanted the entire human appearance. This is a real plague and an insidious mental disorder that frightens, repels, and often simply leaves the average person indifferent. Gang 3
The third category in the psychology of poverty is professional beggars. These are people for whom collecting taxes near churches and the entrance to the supermarket is their main place of work. Because of their distorted thinking, they do not see themselves engaged in any other activity. In their psychology of poverty, begging is its own business, in which all the attributes of entrepreneurship reign. There is competition, family dynasties, and begging training. Such “commerce” has a strict division of territory, its own bosses and tax collectors, and even professional associations. What forces people to become professional beggars? After all, obviously for them, poverty is not a vice, because some people working in “grain jobs” have quite a decent income, from the point of view of a domestic public sector employee. And many of them clearly cannot be called citizens living below the poverty line. It is quite difficult to understand this psychology of conscious begging, and it is obvious that such a phenomenon has very deep historical roots. Take, for example, the Parisian “bottom”, which developed rapidly in the 15th-16th centuries. Psychologists suggest that such professional beggaring is formed under the influence of various negative circumstances. Among these harmful factors:

Poverty test

Take a survey - a kind of test for poverty, and indicate from 1 to 6 reasons-obstacles that you yourself put on the path to a decent and happy life.

The more causes of poverty you discovered by answering the questions of this survey test, the sooner you need the help of a psychologist in overcoming these obstacles on the path to your dream

Share the survey results and the Tale of the Poor Hedgehog with your friends:

Write in the comments: How do you prevent yourself from becoming rich and happy?

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