Text of the book “The Magic of Seduction. How to win the sympathy of women. Popular Psychology"

Author: Fuchsia

November 24, 2020 12:24

Tags: Love rule advice  



If all previous love attempts have failed, then the time has come for a decisive offensive. To make a girl fall in love with you, you don’t have to read books on psychology and do crazy things. It is enough to follow a few simple rules that will help you win any beauty.



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How to Win a Disappointed Woman (SI), page 1






My grandmother was an insurance agent. Her daughter, my mother Marina, was also an insurance agent. And now it’s my turn to support the family’s traditions - from today I am an insurance worker. And I needed only three conditions for this: unnecessary education, an unsuccessful marriage and an energetic grandmother with connections. Nightmare, isn't it? In fact, I have nothing against the new profession, since I myself am the result of my dad’s active insurance. Tell?

My mother worked at the Pechersk State Insurance Inspectorate and served the street where the famous baritone of our Kyiv Opera, Marko Guzova, lived. When they first met, my father had just turned 35 years old. “It was love at first payment,” my mother always joked.

From the first day we met, in the presence of Marina Guzovogo it was like an electric shock. He didn’t remember what he talked to her about, what he did, but only felt such great happiness that he himself was scared. But mom only smiled slyly in response, made cute eyes and coquettishly avoided getting to know each other more closely. But one day the day came when she did not come to collect the insurance premiums, and Marco almost went crazy from the unknown. Then, without hesitation, he called the Pechersk inspectorate, where he found out that Marina was sick.

“If you urgently need it, you can go to her house,” he was politely advised over the phone. “She has all the documents in her hands.” Write the address...

So after 2 hours, the father stood at the treasured door and was sweating with fear. How will she meet him? What will he say? After all, he didn’t know anything: was she married or not, did she have children? And in general - how will everything be?

Marina opened the doors and was speechless. The luxurious bouquet of roses in front of her face and Guzovoy’s excited face said it all without words.

- What's happened? – she asked in a whisper.

“Nothing,” Marco answered in a whisper. “You didn’t come, so I was worried.”

“No need to whisper,” Marina said quietly, smiling. - There's no one else here. My throat just hurts and my voice is weak.

“Oh, well then that’s a different matter,” Guzovoy said with relief and impudently pushed past her into the corridor. He looked into the cozy room, saw a dismantled sofa, medicine on the bedside table, and only then decisively turned to Marina.

- That's it, I came to give up.

- What's happened? – she looked at him worriedly.

- This is some kind of madness, Marina, I can’t do this anymore. – And carelessly throwing his expensive sheepskin coat onto the floor, he hugged her tightly, so sweet and warm.

Soon they got married, and my mother moved to Pechersk, and touring artists from different cities of Ukraine began to periodically live in her “hotel”.

My childhood was great. And everything was fine until my father invited my mother to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their marriage on the ship “Admiral Nakhimov”. It was a terrible year 1986, the year of Chernobyl, the earthquake in Armenia, the explosion of the Challenger shuttle, and it was also the year of the death of the ship Admiral Nakhimov. On a warm autumn night, it collided with another ship and quickly sank, leaving me an orphan and an eternal enemy of the Black Sea.

My grandmother immediately moved to Pechersk with me, and we sold my mother’s “hotel”. The money received for it helped us hold out well during the troubled years of perestroika.

8 years have passed.

I successfully graduated from the Institute of Light Industry and began working in a sewing cooperative, where I met my future husband. His name was Nikolai Vasiliev, and he easily achieved my reciprocity, since he was much older than me, and his charm, experience and energy became a killer cocktail for my stupid, lonely heart.

We got married, but the heavenly family life did not last long, because a year later I became pregnant and was hospitalized with a threat of miscarriage. At 9 weeks the pregnancy was terminated.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Nikolai “comforted” me, “maybe it’s for the best that everything turned out this way.” Why do we need a child? “For which he received such a slap from me that his teeth even chattered.” This idiot sulked for a week because he considered himself humiliated, can you imagine? But I didn’t care anymore.

It was as if a scale had fallen from my eyes, and my husband finally appeared before me in all his glory. Narcissistic and selfish, he married because he was flattered by my undisguised adoration. And his young, beautiful wife aroused envy among his aging friends and anger among their wives. My husband didn’t need a child, since it would take all my attention away from his precious person. Grandmother called it “manic egoism” and stopped coming to visit us. And I turned into a housewife, silently experiencing failure in my personal life. And my everyday life was “brightened up” only by periodic outings “into society”, when decent people, drinking liters of alcohol, suddenly turned into something obscene.

Once, at some regular event, I managed to overhear my husband slurring his tongue and saying to a friend:

- Marry an orphan, d-friend. This is the key to a happy marriage.

- Why?

“B-b-because you won’t have a mother-in-law,” Nikolai giggled drunkenly. “And your wife will please you from morning to night, just so as not to be left alone.”

And how should I react to this - be offended and leave? I did the opposite, that is, I pretended that I didn’t know anything. But since then she began to poison her husband every day with the invisible poison of hatred. You have no idea what a woman who hates is capable of. And I hated, hated myself, him, the house and everyone around me. And this went on for almost two years, until one day I stopped caring.

Oh, what a relief I felt! As if a period of serious illness had ended. And since then I know that nothing destroys a person’s personality more than self-hatred. It’s especially terrible to realize that you are an ordinary coward who is afraid of change. And I was afraid of many things: the unknown, poverty, the inability to help my grandmother, and most importantly, new loneliness. And this petty animal fear tormented me every day, poisoning my youth and interest in life.

But one day I said: “Stop! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Start doing something, friend, otherwise you’ll be lost.”

A new life began with a daily visit to the gym. Shaping, a swimming pool and a Russian bathhouse have noticeably changed my figure for the better. And the endless running around the neighborhood brought order to the chaos in my head and led to the idea that divorce was inevitable. I just had to take the last step when everything was resolved one day by itself.

I found out that my husband has been cheating on me for a long time and with pleasure. The chosen one was the determined girl of his office, who successfully masked the strong-willed character of the leader behind her pretty appearance. I immediately understood this when the girl showed up at my house and right at the door, quickly blurted out:

- I am your husband's mistress.

- Yes? And what do you want? Maybe some tea? Then take off your clothes and go to the kitchen.

“No, thank you,” she replied politely. Very young, just over 20, the girl was so flushed with excitement that I even felt sorry for her:

- Don’t worry so much, I won’t eat you. If you don’t want to go through, then what do you want?

- I want you to know that I love Nikolai. And so I ask you to let him go.

“No one is holding him by force,” I smiled. - He is a free man.

- But Nikolai doesn’t think so. He says that he has obligations to you. And you can’t just leave.

- That's why you came to check? “It seems my husband is in for a surprise.” He then thinks that he has again found an obedient girl who adores him, but what he gets is a general in a skirt.

- Not only to check, I want...

“I think the word “want” is inappropriate,” I interrupted her.

“Sorry,” the girl tried to look embarrassed. - I ask you to agree to a divorce. Moreover, it is inevitable anyway, since I am expecting a child.

The poor thing had no idea that this was her biggest mistake. Well, it’s useless to warn, she won’t believe me anyway. Although this pregnancy could have been an ordinary female trick to push Nikolai and me to take a decisive step. So I began to say goodbye:

Ways to get your ex-girlfriend's attention

There are scandals and misunderstandings between young people. As a result, the relationship collapses. But soon the guy may think about how to get his ex-girlfriend back as quickly as possible.

If you just quarreled, then you need to make peace as quickly as possible, if everything is much more serious and it comes to breaking up, then in this case you need to wait.

To get your ex-lover's attention, make her jealous. Now you can meet someone else. If your ex is talking to another guy and they have a fight, take advantage of the moment. Let her come back to you, evaluate your relationship, sort out your feelings. Listen to each other in a calm environment. Express to each other all your complaints and dissatisfaction and in the future try not to do anything that your significant other doesn’t like.

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