Text of the book “The Magic of Seduction. How to win the sympathy of women. Popular Psychology"

Nature created men as conquerors, brave pioneers who are not afraid of fire or cold and are ready to go even to the ends of the world just to fulfill their mission. But when it comes to meeting the girl you like, where does all the courage and masculinity go?

Nervous tension and the awkwardness of the situation make you feverishly search for the answer to the question: how to win a girl and create a strong relationship with her. What qualities will help win any lady of your heart, how to behave and what to categorically avoid when communicating about this in more detail in the article.


Do not rush to win a woman if you are not completely sure of your own feelings. Listen to your subconscious, remember what emotions her presence next to you evokes. Is your heart beating faster? Do you feel blood flow to your cheeks? If there are no particularly strong sensations, then you should not resort to the process of tying a lady to yourself. This is fraught with negative consequences and a painful break in relations for both parties. Communication with women is not difficult; the main thing is to know what they want and what you want to get from them. Specificity is the key to the formation of healthy, strong relationships. Depending on what goal you are pursuing (one-night stand, life together), you must calculate your strength.

Don't you see reciprocity on her part? Know that only a categorical and cold no is grounds for retreat, and even then after making at least one attempt to make a woman fall in love with you.

Useful advice from psychologists

When a guy doesn’t know how to woo a girl, especially one who doesn’t want a relationship, he’s ready to listen to the opinion of psychologists. They recommend being strong-willed and persistent, avoiding empty words, showing signs of attention, giving gifts and, most surprisingly, feeding.

The will to win

A guy's persistence in winning a woman's heart isn't just about getting dates. It manifests itself in writing messages wishing good night, making calls to inquire about the mood, plans or wish a good day. After hearing many refusals from dates, it’s still worth trying to invite her again.

Instead of a thousand words

Girls can't stand it when guys talk sweetly, promise mountains of flowers, take a star from the sky and bathe it in gold, but in reality they won't even give you one flower.
Often such relationships do not last, today he promises to take you to a restaurant, tomorrow he says that he has business and the restaurant is postponed, and the day after tomorrow he does not call at all. Nice words are needed, but not empty promises. Words must be confirmed by actions if you really like the chosen one.

Scarlet flower

Choosing gifts is always difficult, especially when you want to win a lady. Lately, everyone wants to stand out and make the gift unique, which sometimes becomes funny and absurd.

There's no need to complicate things. It is enough to be attentive and hear what your beloved is talking about. If she loves to read and told you that her library is missing a certain book, then she will appreciate it if a guy finds it and gives it to him.


Many women watch their figure, but despite this, they love to eat delicious food. Even if the lady is on a diet or a vegetarian, you can invite her to a specialized restaurant or cafe. During the date, there will be an opportunity to discuss interesting topics.

READ How to attract the attention of the girl you like

The most common mistakes in seduction

It is difficult to avoid mistakes in the process of seducing a girl. But there is no need to be upset, because this speaks of personal development. Guys often make the following mistakes:

  • they try to build trust early, bypassing the stages of attracting attention and interest;
  • they put themselves above the chosen one, and this leads to loss;
  • they indulge their friend in everything, being afraid to say about their desire;
  • They expect a return in the form of emotions and attention, forgetting about the law that no one owes anyone anything.

Having interested your beloved, you can achieve her favor. Trying to be brave, persistent, charming and strong-willed, you will be able to seduce her faster and easier.

Mystery man

Humans themselves are the most curious creatures on the planet, and women are considered the most curious. Intrigue, this is what every man should have, regardless of the preferences of the lady of his heart. Even an intelligent woman will buy into the fact that her boyfriend is always disappearing somewhere, answers her calls only after one missed call, and tells practically nothing about his life. How to make a woman fall in love with you? To become a mystery for her, an unknown, unexplored universe that she really wants to solve quickly.

Don't show all your cards on the first date. After walking your companion home, suddenly look at your watch/phone screen, say that you are late, but don’t say where, and quickly leave. In a dialogue with a lady, do not talk about your personal life, work, or activities in your free time from meeting with her. Put on a mask of mystery - and the woman will want to get to know you better.

Strategy and tactics: 9 super tips__9

When choosing the key to answering the question of how to win a girl, you must first of all study the special one whose attention you want to win. Social networks and mutual friends, if you have them, will help you find out as much information as possible. It’s great when there is a common area of ​​interest where you can calmly evaluate a girl from the outside and draw initial conclusions. The process of seduction can last several days or months, develop rapidly, violently, or proceed gradually and smoothly. Regardless of the first results, the main thing is not to give up and systematically follow all the advice.

  • Perseverance

As you know, the city takes courage. This doesn't always work with girls. Easy perseverance and proactive behavior will conquer everyone; cute gifts and unexpected surprises will not only lift your spirits, but will also pleasantly surprise you. Starting from banal bouquets of flowers to original actions on the verge of madness. There are no restrictions, it all depends on your imagination. You don't have to give expensive gifts to deserve attention. Sometimes originality and an individual gift that matches your hobbies will be the best way to attract attention.

  • Creative number

If the question of how to win a girl is tormenting, but there is still no answer, then why not show exceptional skills and talents? The fantastic effect of a number performed for one special viewer will be the best way to attract attention and earn sympathy. A dance, song, poem, drawing, confession, invitation or any innocent madness that will have witnesses will benefit from the effect of surprise and there will be more chances of a date.

  • Generous with gifts

Girls love little surprises. Without them, relationship development is impossible! It is not necessary to overload with large bouquets or jewelry delights. A cute, small toy and a modest bouquet of beautiful flowers with the right presentation will have a better effect than a lush bouquet of hundreds of roses and a ring. It’s just important to do pleasant little things constantly and preferably without repetition.

  • Keep your word

There is no more romantic thing that commands respect from girls than the ability to keep your word and fulfill your promise. No matter how the circumstances develop, if the word was given to come, to come, then it certainly must be fulfilled. Among hundreds of guys who like to talk a lot, but do only a tenth of what they say, the one who always fulfills his promises will be remembered for a long time and will compare favorably with them.

  • Honest Relationships

If girls were asked what an ideal guy should be like, most would answer by being honest with them. Lying is never a good foundation for a couple's relationship. Guys who imagine themselves to be great seducers and date several girls at the same time are not worthy of bearing the proud title of men! Lies, one way or another, will be revealed, and mistrust will destroy the fragile beginnings of love.

  • Reliable support

There is no girl who has not heard the phrase that you need to be behind a man like behind a wall. Over time, this creates a stereotype that a guy should be able to solve problems. And that's not a bad thing! An insecure young man who hesitates at the first problem and doesn’t know what to do next is doomed to loneliness. Or until he finds himself a strong woman who fulfills his needs for protection.

  • Own opinion

Here you need to know when to stop and not show at the first opportunity that every word she says has her own thought and position. Nice smart guys with a lot of knowledge are considered sexy, but the one who doesn’t let you say even a few words without objection quickly gets bored and starts to infuriate you. An interesting point of view on general issues or her own vision of the political situation will allow the girl to reveal the young man as a person, understand his train of thoughts, and be sincerely interested in him, first of all, as a person.

  • Submissive henpecked

An exemplary guy who constantly asks for advice and consults on every issue does not evoke nice emotions, rather the opposite. In courtship, you should not indulge all the whims and stupid whims. A persistent character, a firm position, principles and somewhat steadfastness will conquer any girl. At first there will be clashes and grinding of characters, the process is natural and you need to be able to survive it. But those who stay together will have something to respect each other for.

  • Slave of passions

If first of all you need to find the answer to the question: how to conquer a girl, then one day the relationship will move into an intimate plane and you will have to move to a new stage of development. On the first date, you don’t need to immediately start discussing the details of your intimate life with her, so that the girl doesn’t think that she’s met another pervert. The development of relationships will certainly reach intimacy, and if you have only a minimum of knowledge in this area, then a long-lasting romance will not work out. Thematic literature, advice in articles, general advice will help bring the girl to the peak of pleasure, and the guy will be remembered by her as the best lover.

Successful gentleman

Never talk about your own failures and do not allow anyone to do this in the presence of your beloved. Women love strong, successful men, however, there is a separate type of compassionate ladies who pay attention to losers. If you want to talk about past negative experiences, present the information as a joke. How to make a woman fall in love with you? Show how developed, bright and individual you are.

Do not openly boast about your success - your beloved may suspect you of narcissism, selfishness, and vanity. To make a woman fall in love with you, you need to encourage her to see and admire your achievements herself. Even the smallest peak that you were able to achieve can bring the lady of your heart into complete delight.

Who has more chances

When the desire arises “I want to win the most beautiful girl in the city,” and you are an ordinary guy, then most likely there is no chance. In addition, it is worth considering that a young man who stands out above the gray mass, is more attractive or wealthy, or simply has a big heart will achieve greater success.

If we consider the situation in general, then the opportunity to conquer any girl will be greater for the following categories of men.

  1. Smart. Educated gentlemen attract the attention of successful ladies more. They want to see such a man as a husband.
  2. Interesting. Guys who are easy to spend time with and who might interest you.
  3. Attractive. Men who take care of themselves, have good hair, dress nicely, and take care of personal hygiene.
  4. Cheerful. Young men with a great sense of humor who are optimistic about the future have an advantage over other guys.
  5. Wealthy and successful. Girls will also be interested in the possibility of material wealth and well-being.
  6. Strong. A woman will begin to look for a man behind whom she can feel safe, like behind a stone wall.
  7. Self-confident. Women are attracted to goal-oriented men. They are not interested in whiners who are incapable of normal action.


Grooming is not only a priori for women; a man not only has to, he has to look attractive. It is not necessary to have a bright appearance, it is enough to dress not flashy, but not boringly, to have a neat haircut and well-groomed, clean hands. By the way, women love to pay attention to men’s palms.

Make it a habit to get your nails done. Yes, it’s manicure - many men just need to get their hands in order from time to time. Don't have enough time for such procedures? At least trim your nails and keep your hands clean.

How to win a woman? Use the right wardrobe. There is no need to chase fashion, you only need to wear what highlights your strengths and hides your flaws. According to statistics, most ladies pay attention to respectable men dressed in elegant suits.

Is it worth conquering a woman?

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We already know that a subconscious, instinctive attitude towards a man is formed in the first minutes of a woman’s acquaintance with him. It is practically impossible to further influence this feeling: a woman (or rather, her instincts) immediately understands whether she wants this man and under what conditions she wants it, who is in front of her - a high-ranking male or a low-ranking supplier.

We must remember that with this instinct a woman will always choose a high-ranking man; it is to him that she wants to surrender and belong.

A simple thought that follows from this factor: fighting for a woman is pointless. Because the instinct of a woman decides, and a woman “Marriage tournaments” and competition in coolness between males, the subsequent demonstration of strength, money - all this lies at the level of a woman’s perception of a low-ranking man, a potential cash cow, who, if she receives sex, then as an incentive mating.

Women themselves, of course, actively support the delusion that a woman can and should be conquered, to prove to her your love, the seriousness of your intentions towards her - this simply puts the woman in an advantageous position. A woman receives direct benefits in the form of attention, courtship, gifts, declarations of eternal love; she receives confirmation of her high demand on the sexual and marital market, which is extremely important for her self-esteem. Visible competition for her between several men flatters a woman’s vanity and confirms her in her right to take from a man whatever she wants.

Men, there is no need to knock twice on a closed door. If you don’t feel that this particular woman has chosen you and transparently demonstrates to you her readiness... for anything, if her eyes don’t sparkle at you, then essentially nothing will change. Yes, a woman chooses - it has always been this way and will always be so, we must take it for granted (although we are not obliged to agree with any woman’s choice of us).

Abundance of emotions

A guarantee of a long relationship is unpredictability on the first date. Instead of a banal trip to a club, restaurant, cafe, organize a meeting by candlelight on the roof, a joint evening on the lake. Be unique and unpredictable, then you will make an impression, and all the emotions associated with you will remain in the subconscious of your beloved for a long time. How to make a woman fall in love with you? Give her an unforgettable date.

Silence is gold

The ability to listen puts any man at a rank above the rest. Allow the woman to talk about herself, her preferences, thoughts, friends, even about her beloved dog. But stop any conversations about things, dresses and clothes, otherwise you risk ending up in the friend zone. Not a single woman, even the most intelligent woman who has extensive experience in communicating with men, can resist an attentive listener.

How to make a woman fall in love. Psychology of relationships

Probably every man has wondered why he, so wonderful, attractive and successful, cannot win the heart of his beloved. It's all about the pompousness and arrogance, the selfishness of such representatives of the strong half of humanity. Do you want to make a woman fall in love with you? Become simpler, more accessible, think first of all about her desires and feelings. Give compliments, try to make the lady of your heart as pleasant as possible.

Women love and appreciate tenderness in relationships; they are very sensitive and painfully perceive any coldness, when they themselves can be unapproachable. While watching a movie together, walking, dating, talking, being intimate, in order to tie your beloved to you, you need to follow some rules.

Intimate question

If your relationship has crossed the line of first kisses, then remember - during intimacy, look straight into the woman’s eyes, for them this is a kind of magic, a unification of souls. In bed, do not forget to please your lady first, and then think about yourself. Dialogue after sex is not at all necessary, but there is no need to turn away from the wall and fall into deep sleep - hug the object of your love and wait until your chosen one falls asleep in your arms.

Morning attention after a stormy night will not go unnoticed. It doesn’t matter what it is: a cup of hot coffee, breakfast in bed, or an SMS (call) with words of delight and tenderness, the lady will be conquered. Courtship of women should be constant, regardless of the length of the relationship.


Being generous does not mean buying incredibly expensive gifts and showering your beloved with them. You need to feel what she wants now. It is worth knowing that when a lady openly expresses her demands, hinting that now she needs a car/fur coat/necklace/trip to the Maldives, then she is an ordinary kept woman, who is attracted to men only by a tight wallet.

Give gifts in moderation. Pamper your loved one with pleasant little things: flowers, sweets, plush toys, trips to the movies. Don’t forget to pay for a visit to a cafe or restaurant - this is a man’s prerogative.


A great option is to secretly give bouquets to your loved one.

  1. It is necessary to understand that every girl is unique in some way and has her own characteristics. If you want to win a woman’s heart, you must find out everything about her: what she prefers, what she loves, how she spends her time (free from work), what her dreams are, what kind of gentleman she wants to see next to her. When you have a sufficient amount of information at your disposal, it will not be difficult to choose the right key to your chosen one, to demonstrate that she can trust you, that you are the one she dreamed of.
  2. A man who is able to provide invaluable assistance to his chosen one will definitely win her. According to statistics, the strongest relationships arise among people who work together or are friends. This may happen because they have similar interests or there is an opportunity to learn more about each other, an opportunity to get closer. But the biggest reason is that people who spend a lot of time together are sure to help in a given situation. That is, it is mutual assistance that generates more trust and the development of romantic feelings.
  3. Performing a romantic act. A modern girl will be delighted with this behavior of a guy and will pay attention to him.
  • you can send mysterious bouquets, inserting notes with romantic content into them, at first you can remain a secret stranger, and with each subsequent bouquet, open the veil of secrecy more and more;
  • you can make romantic gifts, these are plush toys, themed souvenirs, or, for example, a figurine from the collection that she collects (you can find out about this in advance by studying the girl’s hobbies);
  • Singing under the window of your chosen one will still be relevant, of course, when choosing this method, it is advisable to have an ear for music and vocal abilities;
  • a guy who has the soul of a poet can write a poem about love and dedicate it to his chosen one;
  • If you have artistic talent, draw a portrait of a girl, you can also simply create a picture on any topic, the main thing is to dedicate it to a specific young lady.


There is no need to immerse yourself in your beloved, or go headlong into the relationship. Dilute your communication with her with meetings with friends and family, while letting the woman understand that you do not depend on anything or anyone, and especially not on her. As soon as the lady feels your dependence on the relationship, she will immediately decide to break everything off.

Hint and show the woman that in addition to her, you have someone to communicate with. The faster she realizes that she has competition, the faster you will become the object of her thoughts and feelings. How to make a woman fall in love? Show her that she is far from the center of the universe, but at the same time occupies an honorable place in your heart.

Text of the book “The Magic of Seduction. How to win the sympathy of women. Popular Psychology"

The magic of seduction How to win the sympathy of women. Popular psychology Viktor Pyatnitsky

© Victor Pyatnitsky, 2016
ISBN 978-5-4483-1779-8

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Three main misconceptions

There are three main misconceptions that prevent some men from meeting women and being successful with them. First, to meet women and have relationships with them you need to have a lot of money. Secondly, you must be beautiful. Third, women love athletic and strong men.

Women are simply obsessed with money. Many men think so; even married people who are successful with them. This is true, but only partly. Otherwise, many women and girls simply would not get married, because in our country there are not enough rich men for everyone, and most of them are already either busy or married. Of course, wealth is a magnet of enormous power, attracting a huge number of selfish and greedy ladies. But take a closer look at the lives of the majors and the rich. Are they happy in their personal life? It always seems to them that they only want money from them, and no one truly loves them. It is much easier for a man with average income to create an honest and human relationship with a woman. There are rich men who are not at all popular with women. And there are poor people or types who do not work at all, and at the same time find wealthy wives, and in addition to official connections, they also lead an active life on the side. If you want to successfully meet women, throw the thought of your failure out of your head. And never, when meeting women, talk about them, do not mention your poverty and insolvency.

The second point is more complicated. Beauty is a terrible force, as one classic noted. And he's right. Beautiful people are successful with the opposite sex and not only; They often have bad luck in life, at work and in their career. Many successful people and bosses want beautiful people as friends. They get away with a lot, while people who do not have an attractive appearance find it difficult in life. They have to fight for benefits and success with redoubled force. And some have to experience the psychological terror of a cruel society: they are mocked, joked and laughed at. Moreover, among such people there are many who managed to strengthen their will and cultivate iron discipline. Historical experience shows that unattractive appearance is not a reason to give up. Read biographies of famous personalities who had some kind of physical disability. Many of them were conquerors of women's hearts. And it's not just about fame. Go outside. You can see couples in which a husband with an ordinary appearance holds the hand of a beautiful wife. For women, appearance is not the most important thing, therefore, for you it is not the most important thing in order to find a way to a woman’s heart.

“You don’t need strength to eat intelligence,” says popular wisdom. The sayings reflect the wisdom accumulated by people over centuries. A strong person is usually associated with a weak intellect. “What about women’s desire to hide behind a stone wall?” - someone will think. By the concept of a stone wall, women mean a strong character, which is not the same thing as strength. I remember an incident from my youth. I went to the weightlifting section, where there were a lot of pumped up steroid athletes with powerful scary biceps, triceps, etc. A radio was playing in the hall - popular music was playing. Athletes and amateurs lifted iron. One jock with a mountain of biceps opens the window and addresses a girl walking down the street: “Girl, come to us.” The girl, instead of becoming interested in the tempting offer, quickened her pace and tried to quickly hide away from the gym. So power sometimes causes fear in women. Strength is valued by women in conjunction with intelligence and success.

These three misconceptions prevent some men from gaining self-confidence and give rise to complexes. Should they definitely be rejected? No. These misconceptions are only partially misconceptions. If we consider them as factors, we will see that from this perspective these concepts: money, appearance, strength - have serious significance in the issue we are considering. We will work with these factors and study them. If you want to make progress in winning success with women, you will have to work hard on yourself.

Is there a more dangerous predator in nature than a woman?

Let us now consider the above misconceptions, not as misconceptions, but as factors.

Money is of great importance to almost all women. Many jokes and anecdotes have been invented about this; but many men who have failed in their personal lives due to domestic instability and low earnings are not laughing.

“There is no more dangerous predator in nature than a woman,” singer Vadim Mulerman once remarked.

As sad as it is, historical experience shows that there is a large grain of truth in this statement. Criminologists note that men who commit crimes are just children compared to female criminals. The cruelty of women is amazing. The most cruel morals reign in women's and adolescent prisons and colonies. Women are possessive and love to control their husbands and lovers. They can forgive the act of betrayal for a while, but then take revenge in some way. Also important for women is control over the financial condition of their husbands, cohabitants, fiancés and lovers. So it’s best if you have some decent income, be it earnings, bonuses or some kind of leftover income, it’s better not to tell your girlfriends or wives about it. If you decide to buy your woman a gift or give some amount, say

end of introductory fragment


Watch your favorite films, listen to your favorite music. During dialogues with a lady, use some phrases from films, as if inadvertently, turn on that very song of hers. Conversations with a woman end with you - she speaks, you finish the sentence. How to do it? Even if you don't know what she should say now, use this approach: say that she voiced your thoughts. That's it, the job is done - the lady will see you as a like-minded person, which means she will be imbued with feelings. Don’t forget to say beautiful words to the woman of your dreams - compliments mean a lot to her.

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