Text of the book “Perfect mastery of body and mind. How to achieve success in sports and life"

What is talent?

Talent is an innate skill that develops with experience. Religious people call it “the gift of God.” Speaking about talent and the meaning of the word, we should remember that the term has Greek roots - this is what the measure of weight and monetary calculation was called in ancient times. Thus, the gift should not be wasted, but instead should be nurtured and multiplied in every possible way.

A talented person can do something better than others. At the same time, abilities can manifest themselves in both children and adults at different ages. Thus, Mozart began composing music in early childhood, and the artist Van Gogh discovered his talent for fine art as an adult.

Unlike genius, a person’s talents can only manifest themselves in 1-2 areas of activity. Gifted people sometimes are not even aware of their extraordinary abilities, which can unexpectedly appear in certain conditions.

There were cases when children at school were considered mentally retarded, but when other conditions for learning were created, they showed high results in some field of science or art. Freshness and novelty are of great importance - the less “clouded” an individual’s perception is, the easier it is for him to look at the subject of study from a different perspective, to discover something that no one has noticed before, to make a discovery in one area or another.

In conclusion

Talent is like a torch that illuminates our existence, because the work in which we are talented will always bring pleasure and true joy. Unfortunately, life circumstances sometimes force you to turn away from this light, but, what’s even worse, over time it can fade away. So remember, you can always rekindle that fire. The main thing is to be able to see it. Then it will warm your existence and illuminate the paths of life.

We wish you good luck!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • 5 ways to develop a talent for happiness
  • The Myth of Genius
  • Fixed Mindset
  • Two Ways of Thinking by Carol Dweck
  • Talent vs ability. What's more important?
  • Empathetic intelligence
  • Exercises for self-development
  • 5 Ways of Thinking
  • Questions to Find Meaning and Happiness
  • Vitality Quotient VQ: What is it and why is it important?

Key words: 1LLL, 1Self-knowledge

Signs of a talented person

Talent is expressed not just in good results of any activity; gifted people show extraordinary abilities that people around them cannot help but notice. Often such individuals approach their hobbies with all passion, completely devoting themselves to their favorite activity.

These enthusiastic people are optimistic and energetic. They can be so absorbed in an idea that has come to their mind that they can look at it for a long time without noticing anything around them. Talented people can be both extroverts and introverts. They are capable of causing bewilderment in those around them, because they have both natural modesty and self-confidence. These bright individuals are ready to sacrifice their careers for the sake of what they love.

Inclinations, abilities, giftedness, genius and talent - what's the difference?

Inclinations are an innate inclination for any activity, which, when favorable conditions are created, can increase, but without proper development, it will begin to fade until it disappears completely. Thus, a person with musical inclinations learns musical notation faster than others and has excellent hearing or vocal abilities.

A flexible and flexible person easily learns dancing and gymnastics and shows excellent athletic results. Nevertheless, the presence of inclinations does not mean that a person is gifted - abilities are truly manifested only as a result of long-term training.

Abilities and talents have a lot in common. Abilities represent the psychological characteristics of a person, their distinctive feature is individuality. These traits distinguish an individual from other people. A person with abilities absorbs information faster than others and easily acquires new skills. People with appropriate abilities quickly master the computer and begin to drive a car or other vehicle.

Giftedness is the main condition for the formation of abilities. It begins to manifest itself from a very early age - young children experience a strong craving for the activities of which they are capable. Thus, a child prone to artistic creativity manifests himself in the following way:

  • has a developed imagination;
  • has a sense of beauty;
  • sees the world around him differently;
  • sees a wide range of colors, sensitively picks up any fluctuations in light;
  • has a need for self-expression.

It is possible to preserve talent and cultivate it within yourself only under the condition of long and intense creative work.

Genius is the highest degree of giftedness. It allows you to create things that are new and unique. A person of genius is capable of truly productive and creative work. A brilliant creation delights, touching the souls of people, influencing their minds and feelings.


Someone in childhood was simply lucky to press the lever that opened the right door. Perhaps your parents just guessed what you would like the most. Maybe that's how the circumstances turned out.

You can become a genius even without innate abilities, because a person learns very quickly. All it takes is a very strong desire.

Ask others for help

Hidden talent can only be for you. Perhaps you just don't see it for some reason. One of the best ways to discover your latent talent is to ask your friends about it. Don't ask directly - that's right.

Ask your loved one what problem they think you would handle best. You can ask the question a little differently: “What problem would you contact me with first?”

This is not a 100% working technique, but there is a chance that the person could really see something unique in you. If there are no people around you who would answer this question, do not despair - there are several other useful ways.

Answer a few questions

Here are questions to help you figure out what you're talented at:

  • What would I do if I had endless free time and financial stability?
  • What could/could I do for as long as I want and not get tired?
  • What do I want to do if I put aside risks and fears and remove all possible restrictions?

It is very useful to check your answers with the answers to the questions asked to close people from the first point. You need to compare your feelings with the feelings of friends and relatives. Hidden talents actually lie somewhere on the surface, so you just need to pay a little more attention.

Don't stop searching

Many people give up at a young age. Some people manage to find their calling at 50-60 years old, others do it at 16. The difference is not only in how lucky a person is, but also in how persistent he was in his quest to find himself.

Many people stop at the age of twenty, saying later that they don’t know what they want. They spend their entire lives working in a job they hate, even though they had a chance to become more successful and happy.

Experiment with hobbies - try yourself in different directions. Don't give up, because most eminent businessmen, scientists and simply popular personalities said that without perseverance they would not have been able to reveal their talent.

Stop focusing on others

The true goal of every person is not to please others, but to please themselves. Many people live for the goals of their parents and society. There are many imposed stereotypes that make people take the wrong path. For example, in the modern world there is a very popular opinion that a person must be rich to be happy. In fact, this is not at all true, because each person experiences the world in his own way.

For some, stability is enough, but for others, earning money is the goal of life. A person should not look at the world the way the Internet and television impose on him. There is no need to strive to please someone, because your goal initially is to find your calling.

Assess your shortcomings

Don't be afraid to think about what your weaknesses are. Absolutely every minus indicates the presence of pluses. For example, if you are overly emotional, this indicates that you have great creative potential. If many people consider you to be overly calm or even boring, then you have the makings of a good analyst.

If everyone calls you a talkative person, consider a career as a comedian or blogger. Don’t be discouraged and don’t be afraid to analyze yourself and take other people’s criticism as help in finding talent. Stay close to honest people who will always tell you how you look from the outside.

Doing something you don't like is the worst possible waste of time. Don't let fears guide you. Our test will also help you identify your hidden talent. Try answering a few simple questions - perhaps the answer will help you get closer to your dream.

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15.03.2019 03:51

Talent classification

The researcher Gardner managed to classify talents and abilities; he wrote about his research in this area in a book published in 1980. In total, there are more than 30 types of talents, of which only a few stand out the most.


This ability allows its owner to clearly express his own thoughts, present them beautifully, showing wit and showing a rich vocabulary. This talent is possessed by speakers, journalists, writers, philologists and linguists, and lawyers. A typical example is Vsevolod Ovchinnikov, a talented journalist with a brilliant verbal and linguistic gift, who has written a large number of essays and literary works.

In life, talent manifests itself as a craving for writing stories, essays, and composing poetry. Such people actively use verbal and nonverbal communication techniques.


Mathematicians and programmers have this talent. Since childhood, these people have been interested in numbers, counting, puzzles, and puzzles. Talents in the mathematical field allow its owners to do calculations in their heads, solve complex logical problems, and remember dates, passwords and phone numbers. Individuals with an analytical mindset know how to systematize data and are prone to abstract thinking.

Auditory (musical)

Musicians and singers have a perfect ear for music. This talent is manifested in composers, conductors, and DJs. They have a sense of rhythm, they catch any melodies, know how to remember them and distinguish tonality. Some people who play musical instruments masterfully turn out to be self-taught. Most people have musical abilities to one degree or another and can develop their talents if desired.


People with good spatial vision can become artists or architects. The ability to give architectural structures an unusual shape, to create bold designs, the reality of which is sometimes impossible to believe, indicates talent. Spatial thinking is characteristic of designers.


Grace and plasticity are the main features of people who have the ability to dance, ballet, and rhythmic gymnastics. The child’s talent is manifested in the ability to control his body, physical endurance, and mobility. Future track and field athletes, boxers, tennis players, and hockey players have good physical strength and dexterity. With constant training, these people show good results.

Emotional (intrapersonal)

Intrapersonal talent allows a person to constantly improve. Such individuals pay a lot of attention to their inner world, love to be alone with themselves and meditate. In psychology, the attitude towards emotional people is ambiguous: experts believe that such individuals reflect a lot and withdraw into themselves. But these individuals develop spiritually, increasing their inner potential, and achieve success in personal growth.


Interpersonal talent helps a person make connections with other people. The more talented he is in communication, the more confidence they show in him. A person with leadership qualities can lead a team, and his innate charisma helps him gain the favor of his colleagues. People with the talent for effective interpersonal interaction have empathy; they will always find an approach to any person.

Interactions with nature

Agronomists and ecologists are particularly sensitive to the state of the environment. Florists love to care for plants and flowers, and veterinarians get along well with animals and intuitively sense their needs. Some talented scientists studying flora and fauna managed to make discoveries that were important for all of humanity. Thus, British agronomist Kathleen Drew-Baker managed to prove the benefits of nori seaweed and establish its production.

How to develop talent?

A person must develop his talent by working long and hard on himself. So, a good voice and vocal abilities will not bring success to its owner if he does not study - attend a music school or take lessons from a vocal teacher. Talented individuals must constantly hone their skills. Even famous singers and musicians practice a lot before their performances. Talented cooks and pastry chefs can improve by finding new interesting recipes for cooking and inventing their own.

If you have technical skills, you can take up learning programming. If a person likes photography, he can improve his skills by attending special courses or watching training videos on the Internet. A person with a sense of beauty is able to become a stylist or makeup artist by studying video reviews and attending relevant master classes.

There are no untalented people - by sparing no time and effort on what you love, you can achieve the highest results. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid of failures and “give up” at the slightest failure - perseverance is important in any business.

How to find your talent

There are many adults who have never found themselves - their calling. They think that nature forgot about them, passed them by and did not give them any abilities.

In fact, this opinion is wrong. If a person has not revealed his abilities, it means that he simply did not try (or tried, but failed) to look for himself.

Above, we found out what talent is: to discover it, you need to try hard. I suggest several ways to do this:

  1. Draw it up on paper a list of things you liked to do as a child, which was breathtaking. Also write down your childhood dreams of what you wanted to be when you grew up.

    This is a very effective technique: as children, we dreamed “that there is strength,” we believed in miracles, so we did not set ourselves any barriers in the form of “I won’t succeed,” “it’s impossible,” etc.

    Completing this task may take several days: it will be difficult to remember everything at once. When you finish, re-read what you got. Listen to yourself - at what point does inspiration appear (there may be several points)?

    Having decided on potential niches for self-realization, you can
    begin to develop them - try to do one thing or another. Something from this list will definitely hit the spot. But it may also happen that by realizing your childhood dreams, you will even come to something else, previously unknown.

  2. The next way to determine your inclinations is scientific. You can just undergo psychological testing to determine your abilities (they are available on the Internet).

    There you will also be offered a list of professions in which you can achieve success. As an option, contact a psychologist who specializes in questions about professional and personal self-determination.

  3. “Study, study, study again!” - Grandfather Lenin did not advise bad things. If you constantly expand your horizons , update and supplement your knowledge, then perhaps something will attract you.
  4. If you don’t know what you want to do and don’t feel drawn to something specific, then you need to look, but don’t sit idly by. Only by trying, going through types of activities , can you find “the one.”
    Nothing will come to you on its own - only the one who acts gets the result. Also, don’t despair if your next activity only brings you disappointment: there are still many interesting things in the world that you can try.
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