Where to start self-development and how it will help you realize your dreams


Currently, there are fewer and fewer people who read books or works of fiction. And this is very sad. It’s better to go buy some glossy magazine or read posts on the Internet. And only those who want to develop a real personality and achieve success begin to read various books for self-development.

Books are an irreplaceable source of information in which people share their experiences, thus passing them on from generation to generation. Quite a large number of books are published every year on the topic of self-development and they are all very interesting. Therefore, there is something to read for development! When you decide to start self-development , it’s like drug addiction - you read at least one book a month, but you have to.

You will agree with me that an intelligent and educated person is one who reads a lot. In general, identifying a person who reads is very simple. He is a very interesting conversationalist, he has a lot of ideas, his own point of view on many things. If you compare such people with those who don’t read at all, their brains are filled with old ideas, they are always discussing the same things, and this does not allow them to develop. The conclusion here is obvious. Reading broadens our horizons and opens up new horizons for the individual to strive for.

Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

L.N. Tolstoy

What to read for self-development? TOP 100 best books

Before giving you a list of self-help books, I relied on one very good factor. How this or that book influenced my self-development. There are so many books, your eyes just run wild, and sometimes the question really arises: “What should I read for self-development?” But there are a large number of books that contain, so to speak, “water,” and others that contain very good practical advice on how to achieve happiness, wealth and success. And I tried to collect only the best.

I even remember the first book I read for self-development - Randy Gage “Why We Are Sick, Stupid and Poor...and How to Become Smart, Healthy and Rich.” After reading this book, my consciousness, frankly speaking, turned 180 degrees. It felt like I was simply reprogrammed and the new code was powerful enough to start living consciously. Therefore, I recommend that you read this book for self-development first and foremost. Believe me, she will make a very powerful impression on you.

In general, before reading books on self-development, you need to clearly understand what this process is.

So, it includes the following 3 subprocesses:

- self-knowledge;

- self improvement;

- self-realization.

And before looking for books, we need to understand which of these processes we want to work with. “What should I read for self-development?” - this is, in principle, such a general question, the answer to which may not give you a positive result in your development. I have prepared for you the 100 best books that touch on all sections of the self-development process, so that you have a clearer understanding of what is best to read and in what order. So…

5. Daniel Goleman “Emotional Intelligence. Why it may matter more than IQ"

American psychologist and expert Daniel Goleman is sure that emotions play a major role in achieving goals - be it personal life or public life. The author claims that a person has two types of intelligence - rational, designated IQ, and emotional, designated EQ. A limited, underdeveloped person is unlikely to become a serious leader or achieve success. But not all highly intelligent people are successful. This is explained by the fact that not only the mind, but also emotions control life. With their help we manage our abilities. Those with developed EQ are aware of and manage emotions and recognize them in others. Thanks to this, they successfully maintain relationships at work and in their personal lives. How to win a place in a team, the respect of subordinates, when to criticize and encourage - everything is written in this book.


Self-knowledge is the process of discovering your potential. This is where you need to start self-development. If you don't understand what your best talents are, then you're unlikely to find your path in life. And this will only lead to a constant feeling of unhappiness. Everyone should only do what they are meant to do. And this is the mistake of 90% of people - skipping the process of self-knowledge. Perhaps this is not your fault, but rather the education system, which taught this in the early years of personality development, is more to blame. But once you have embarked on the path of self-development, you must begin it by knowing yourself.

This is what is called point A.

Otto Kroeger, Janet Tuson

Types of People: 16 Personality Types That Shape How We Live, Work and Love

Helena Mekani

The Enneagram - Your Path to Personal Development

Mikhail Borodinsky

The psychology of your holes

Alexander Afanasyef

Syntax of love

Robert Camp

Love Cards

Andrey Kostenko

Destiny numbers

Linda Bunnell, Ra Uru Hu

Human design. The Science of Differentiation

Parkin Chetan

Human Design. Discover the person you were born to be

Alexander Kolesnikov

Astrology. Self-instruction manual

Alexander Shestopalov, Olga Molchanova

Astrology profession

WATCH A VIDEO! 5 books after which you will not remain the same.

What is self-improvement

Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary defines self-improvement as “the conscious development in oneself of some positive (primarily moral) qualities, abilities, skills.”

Here the emphasis is on the positive moral qualities that determine a person’s character. These include:

  • responsibility;
  • humanism;
  • honesty and openness;
  • love to motherland;
  • loyalty;
  • spirituality;
  • intelligence;
  • goodwill;
  • tolerance;
  • hard work;
  • respect for someone else's personality;
  • politeness;
  • sincerity and empathy;
  • culture of behavior.

The list can be made long; here it is determined individually what qualities a person wants to develop in himself.


Self-realization is the realization of your creative potential. This is done through understanding your purpose. To do this, there must be a mission, goal and project that will be a continuation of your potential. Realizing what you have planned gives you meaning in this life. You just learn to be a creator with a capital C.

This is the so-called point B.

Alexander Nosov

Self-realization. How to find your calling

Ken Robinson


Alexander Rey


Brian McAllister

Road map

El Luna

Between need and want

Danielle Laporte

Light a fire

Maxim Matveev

An echo of yourself. Vocation as inevitability

Michael Ray

Highest goal

Barbara Sher

What to dream about?

Tina Seeling

Make yourself

See also:

50 best films for self-development from your personal collection

25 useful sites for self-development and self-education




Michael Newton

Journey of the Soul

Eckhart Tolle

The power of now

Neil Donald Walsh

Conversations with God

Rhonda Byrne


Deepak Chopra

7 Spiritual Laws of Success

Tamara Schmidt

Kryon. What is the meaning of your life

Yongey Rinpoche

Joyful Wisdom

Sal Rachel

Multidimensional man

Vadim Zeland

Reality Transurfing


Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen

Whole life

Eliyahu Goldratt

Target. Continuous Improvement Process

Stephen Covey, Steve Jones

Focus. Achieving your goals

Brian Moran, Michael Lennington

12 weeks a year

Brian Tracy

Eat a frog. 21 effective principles of effective work

Brian Tracy

Get out of your personal comfort. 21 methods to increase your efficiency

Shaa Vasmund

Do less, get more. How to work smart and live your life

John Acuff


Shawn Stevenson

Healthy sleep

Douglas Graham

Diet 80-10-10

Vadim Zeland

Live kitchen

Paul Bragg

The Miracle of Fasting

Fireidon Batmanghelidj

Water for health

Deepak Chopra

Yoga. 7 spiritual laws. How to Heal Your Body, Mind and Spirit

Abigail Ellsworth

Visual yoga. 50 basic asanas

Enien, Choying Zangmo Alison

Tibetan breathing yoga. Cleansing and increasing vital energy levels

Dalai Lama

How to meditate

Valery Sinelnikov

Love your illness


John Gray

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

Mikhail Litvak

Man and woman

Gary Chapman

5 love languages

Isaac Adizes

Union of Dissimilars

John Gottman

7 principles for a happy marriage

Dean Delis, Cassandra Phillips

The paradox of passion

Robins Baker

Bed wars

Alexander Nosov

love addiction

Douglas Abrams, John Gottman

Woman. Guide for men

Steve Harvey

Act like a woman, think like a man


Oleg Tinkov

I'm like everyone else

James Watt

Business for punks

Tony Hsieh

Delivering happiness. From zero to a billion

Richard Branson

To hell with everything, go ahead and do it!”

Petr Osipov, Mikhail Dashkiev

Business youth. Start your own business

Guy Kawasaki


Chris Guilbeault

Startup for 100 dollars

Sergey Abdulmanov

Business as a game

Timothy Ferris

How to work 4 hours a week

Igor Mann

Number 1. How to become the best at what you do.

Games People Play. People who play games

The best book on psychology in the world is Eric Berne's “Games People Play. People who play games". The year of publication of the reissue is 2020, the volume is more than 500 pages. It is based on the theory of the greatest psychologist of all time that play is a fundamental system of human relationships. Anyone, according to Eric, can change the course of their history.

For 50 years, the book has remained a world bestseller in the field of psychology literature. Many people still read it to this day. Eric Berne will give a huge amount of advice on how to behave in society, how not to become a puppet of other people, and much more. The specialist will tell you how to cope with the pre-programmed scenario of your life and get out of the control of all-encompassing stereotypes.


Eker Harv

Think like a millionaire

Donald Trump

Think big and don't slow down

Napoleon Hill

Think and get rich

Saidmurod Dovlatov

Thinking strategy of rich and poor people

Robert Kiyosaki

Cash Flow Quadrant

Bodo Schaefer

The path to financial independence

Robert G. Allen

Multiple sources of income

Vladimir Savenuk

How to create a personal financial plan and how to implement it

Robert Kiyosaki

Rich dad, poor dad

Carl Richards

Let's talk about your income and expenses

George Clason

The richest man in Babylon

8. Dale Carnegie “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”

The book was written in 1948, but the advice to readers is relevant today. Stormy, contradictory times - the beginning of the 21st century. Circumstances change at lightning speed, how to remain Human? Find time for loved ones, immerse yourself in order to stop being in constant stress, start living... An American psychologist, an expert on relationships, gives answers in his book. This is a benefit for people overwhelmed by oppressive anxiety and despondency. The author is sure that you need to live for today, forget about the problems of the past and not drag them into the future. Correct difficulties as they arise. Carnegie believes that we need to protect ourselves from yesterday and also isolate ourselves from constant thoughts about the future. This method will give you the opportunity to achieve the maximum here and now.


Albert Podell

Passport of a man of the world. Travel through 196 countries of the world

Daria Pastukhova

Everything is allowed

Dmitry Iuanov

Around the world in 100 days and 100 rubles

Travel Story

Romantics. 34 Famous Travel Writers That Changed Them Forever

Mathis Aspen

The craziest of routes

Fedor Konyukhov

On the verge of possibilities

Sarah Marquis

Free: where there is no danger, there is no adventure

Christophe Rehage

The biggest fool under the sun

Christine Thurmer

Quit Word, see World. Office slavery or the beauty of the world

Lonely Planet

You live only once

Self-improvement: where to start on the path to a new life

Personal growth is a necessary aspect, changing personal potential for better interaction with the world and opening up prospects. From one point of view, there are three types of human relationships: relationships with oneself, with the outside world and people, and self-development.

Relationship with oneself allows a person to know himself and understand the mechanisms of interaction with himself, to realize the strengths and weaknesses of his personality.

Relationships with the outside world will ensure the presence of connections necessary for development and self-realization.

Self-realization will raise self-esteem and change the individual’s attitude towards himself, will help a person realize the goal for which he lives.

To achieve success on the path to self-improvement, you need to upgrade and develop in all three directions.

How to read self-development books correctly?

As you can see, self-development books greatly influence our lives. By reading this kind of literature, our potential actually becomes unlimited. You just have to think about what you can achieve in life and it takes your breath away. Just imagine the peaks you have conquered and your dreams come true. Great, right? But, unfortunately, after reading such books, many people’s lives do not change. And the point here is that there are several rules that need to be followed when reading books on self-development.

Read slowly

Often beginners begin to simply “devour” books one after another. Lists of books on self-development are not difficult to find, and the mindless “reading” begins. As a result, a ton of information appears in your head, which does not have time to be systematized. As a result, your consciousness begins to resemble a garbage dump. The main thing is not how much you read, but what the efficiency of the book is. Therefore, you don’t need to read 20 books a month, 1 a day. 2-4 books are enough, and only if you apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Read slowly

These are not novels where you want to quickly find out who cheated on whom. There is no need to chase the number of pages, but rather change the priority to “the maximum from the book.” And this is only possible with slow and thoughtful reading of the author’s every word. What is written needs to be thought through and analyzed...

Ask questions

While reading the book, ask yourself a variety of questions. What can this advice tell me? What can I get? How similar is the author's life to mine? And try to test everything in practice. You know, there are a lot of theorists who churn out books, but there are few smart teachers.

Be a student for life!

Business books and books for self-development need to be read with a pen in hand and a piece of paper. Firstly, there are a lot of smart thoughts in such books. And secondly, there are a lot of exercises, the implementation of which will change your life for the better. Therefore, it’s better to get yourself a notebook or notebook for self-development. After reading a book, a lot is forgotten, and any advice or exercise can be a huge chance for you to change something in your life.

Absorb like a sponge, but only what’s useful.

I will say that there are really worthwhile books, and there are dummies. And all information, of course, does not need to be understood as the ultimate truth. The author simply expresses his point of view and conveys his life experience. You should form your own worldview on life and, as a rule, this happens under the influence of many books, and not just one. Learn to discard the “slag” that you consider unnecessary and take only the best advice.

In the end, what can we say. Read such books not for reading, but to transform your personality. Reading thoughtlessly will only take away your time and will not allow you to get closer to success and freedom.

Speed ​​reading and memory

What can you read to learn to read quickly? Today there are many books on this topic. Most of them contain the same information. Among the most interesting and different from other textbooks are the following books.

Improve your memory. Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan's invention in the field of human memory is the Self-Enhancing Master Memory Matrix, or simply SEM3. This technique makes it much easier and faster to memorize any text. The book outlines a system of coherent presentation and explains mnemonic principles on the basis of which you need to create images that are easy to remember. In addition, the publication contains a large number of interesting and varied examples of phenomenal memory. Buy a book

Count in your head like a computer. Bill Handley

A simple and effective method of instant mental counting for children and adults. Proven methods are provided that allow you to perform mental calculations such as multiplication, division, addition and subtraction, fraction operations, and square and cube roots with lightning speed. The main calculation method used by the author is the reference number. Buy a book

Fast reading technique. Oleg Andreev

This book is one of the most fundamental textbooks on speed reading techniques. If you want to become fully acquainted with the principles of speed reading and the rationale behind various techniques, this book will be of great interest to you. You can buy books on the Oleg Andreev School website by signing up for the course. Buy the book (+DVD)

Speed ​​reading at the speed of light. Joseph Bennett

The authors of the book promise to teach you speed reading in a month. Quite a popular book in RuNet. The author believes that reading should be enjoyed. Whether you read technical literature, children's books, novels, or magazine articles, enjoyment is the most important component of effective reading. Relax and let the content capture your attention and interest.

PhotoReading. Paul Shelley

PhotoReading is one of the fastest ways to read. According to the author, you can develop a reading speed of up to 25,000 words per minute. The author focuses on the work of the subconscious. Despite the fact that the technique raises many doubts, there are schools that teach this method of speed reading.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “Books and Textbooks” section in the speed reading training.

How many self-development books are in your library?

Start developing a good habit for yourself - reading one paper book on self-development at least a month. I think that anyone can spend 200-500 rubles to buy a book in paper version, regardless of their personal financial budget. But if a toad is strangling you here, then at least sign up for the library. At worst, read it electronically.

In general, in a month I read one in paper form and three or four books in electronic form. As a result, an average of 4 books per month, and about 50 per year. And so, what do you think, 50 books for self-development can change your worldview, your habits, your life? Definitely yes. In a year of reading, an unreal transformation of your loved one will occur.

If you look at rich people, they always have a large library of interesting books. But poor people would rather watch TV on the couch in the evening than read a couple more interesting pages. That's why rich people have big libraries, and poor people have wide TVs. Since I have just begun my conscious self-development, I, of course, still have a small library, but I already have about 30 books for self-development.

I have the best ones, the ones that really hooked me, inspired me, and taught me something. If I read an interesting book in electronic form, then I go and take it in paper form. When I have time, I re-read them. And every time through the lines I learn something new that I didn’t notice before or didn’t try to understand.

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