What is substance abuse and drug addiction, how to deal with these addictions (with photos)

The term substance abuse refers to a disease that occurs when taking drugs that are not included in the list of narcotic substances. Drug addiction and substance abuse are the same from the biological side, but differ in the socio-legal sphere. Drugs belonging to the toxic group have an effect similar to alcohol and drug intoxication. Their popularity is due to their low cost and availability, which contributes to their widespread use among disadvantaged families. In turn, the prevention of substance abuse plays a global role in protecting public health.

Treatment of substance abuse

Doctors are sounding the alarm: in the 21st century, substance abuse has reached epidemic proportions. Every year, the deaths of hundreds of teenagers from various types of substance abuse are recorded, whose bodies are found with bags placed over their heads. This is a characteristic sign of a substance abuser: in order to snort the substance, he fills a bag with it, from which he then breathes.

This type of drug addiction is not legally regulated. Substance abusers use psychoactive substances, the free distribution of which is not prohibited. These are gasoline, glue, solvents, acetone, and less often - antihistamines, sleeping pills and some other drugs.

The age of the average drug addict is 8-15 years. If only recently boarding schools and street children fell under the influence of this destructive habit, now children from prosperous families are increasingly becoming addicted.

They are driven by various reasons:

  • youthful protest;
  • desire to act contrary to adults;
  • interest in something forbidden;
  • peer influence.

After several inhalations of toxic fumes, intoxication occurs, which is accompanied by a “high” and hallucinations. In addition to the destructive effects on the body, all types of substance abuse cause strong psychological dependence. Neither nausea, nor difficulty breathing, nor heaviness in the head that accompany inhalation of the substance serve as stoppers.

How does addiction arise and what does it mean?

Most often, street children suffer from drug addiction and substance abuse. This pattern arises for many reasons, the main ones being the desire for independence, the inability to soberly assess the consequences and the negative influence of company leaders. Due to lack of money, they choose the most affordable toxic substances, most of which can be bought for little money or even taken from home. Substance abusers inhale vapors, the effect of which directly depends on the depth of inhalation and the concentration of the poison.

Toxic addiction differs from drug addiction in the speed and strength of attachment. For her, 5-6 doses are usually enough, while for drugs - two doses. Over time, the body adapts, and the substance abuser adapts to the resulting effects and learns to manage hallucinations. Side effects weaken, which is why repeated use of toxic poisons becomes more frequent. The lifestyle and company changes completely, the addict becomes secretive and asocial.

Substance abuse is accompanied by somatic and mental changes. Outside the influence of poisons, a drug addict has the following external behavioral characteristics: malaise, lethargy, lack of sleep, loss of interest in familiar things and in the world as a whole.

There are signs of weight loss, and nails and hair become brittle over time. The skin is sallow, the face is puffy. Inflammatory lesions and ulcers may appear on the skin of a drug addict in places where toxic substances are most often exposed. A drug addict suffers from multiple diseases due to decreased immunity and the negative effects of inhaled gas. With prolonged use of poisons, a drug addict develops a dangerous symptom – dementia.

With regular exposure to toxic substances, a strong attachment develops. Abrupt withdrawal causes withdrawal symptoms in drug addicts. At this time, the drug addict is extremely irritable and aggressive, he has no appetite and sleep is disturbed, and convulsive twitching of the limbs or individual muscles often occurs. These symptoms may be replaced by other signs: apathy, melancholy and lethargy. The duration of withdrawal syndrome for substance abusers is on average 14 days. However, residual effects may continue for a month or more. With timely treatment, withdrawal symptoms occur in a milder form.


The main method for diagnosing substance abuse is a thorough medical history of the patient. Urine and blood tests are also performed.

The medical history reveals signs of persistent dependence on toxic inhalants:

  • The transition from inhaling vapors in a company to abusing alone.
  • Increasing the dose.
  • Long-term daily inhalations.
  • Strong aggression when others try to stop inhalation.
  • Stop hiding addiction.

The onset of substance abuse is characterized by inhaling substances in company, but later the patient switches to using alone. Less often, inhalations are carried out alone from the very beginning - in such cases this is not a manifestation of persistent addiction.

An increase in tolerance is evidenced by a significant increase in the dose of the substance consumed, as well as an increase in the duration of inhalation of vapors. Inhalations can last for many hours in a row. The drug addict either sniffs the toxin, then stops, falling into semi-oblivion, then comes to his senses and continues the abuse.

When addiction has formed, a person reacts painfully to other people’s attempts to stop his inhalations. If at first in such situations he feels embarrassed and tries to run away, then later he reacts with anger and aggression.

A patient with severe addiction is no longer ashamed of his addiction and does not try to hide it. A teenager may appear to his parents with a characteristic smell, wearing clothes with drops of glue. He even begins to inhale the substance at home in front of his relatives.

During laboratory tests, it is possible to identify toxic substances in the urine and blood of a drug addict:

  • benzene;
  • toluene;
  • ethylbenzene;
  • chloroform;
  • xylene;
  • dichloromethane.

The research is quantitative. The content of these substances in biological fluids is also possible in workers in hazardous industries, so a thorough history is taken to confirm the diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease

Drug addicts tend to hide their illness; they often manage to come up with long legends that help them divert suspicion from themselves. But there are signs by which you can recognize a drug addict or substance abuser:

  • change in character: the appearance of qualities such as aggression, apathy;
  • deterioration of health, frequent colds, gastrointestinal disorders;
  • weight loss, bad skin and teeth, sloppiness;
  • memory loss, absent-mindedness;
  • mood swings.

As the disease progresses, manifestations will become more pronounced. But the sooner a person consults a doctor, the faster he can return to a sober life. It is important not to ignore warning signs so as not to miss a destructive and dangerous disease at an early stage.

Treatment methods

Substance abuse treatment is carried out anonymously in a hospital setting. One of the main requirements, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is its voluntary nature. If the patient lacks personal motivation and desire to get rid of addiction, no doctor will undertake his treatment - this is contrary to the law. Accordingly, compulsory treatment of substance abuse is not possible.

The exception is cases when a substance abuser commits illegal actions. If it is proven that the crime was committed under the influence of psychoactive substances, the court will require compulsory treatment. If the patient refuses to be admitted to the clinic, he will be sent to a colony to serve his actual sentence.

Addiction treatment should be carried out in a clinic with experienced doctors and the necessary equipment. These are mandatory conditions for the patient’s complete recovery and to eliminate the possibility of relapse.

The clinical pictures of substance abuse and drug addiction are identical, therefore the treatment in both cases is similar. The main methods are:

  • Avoiding exposure to psychoactive substances.
  • Detoxification.
  • Taking medications to restore brain function.
  • Symptomatic therapy.
  • Psychotherapy.

After withdrawal symptoms are relieved and a lasting result is achieved, the patient is discharged from the medical facility. However, subsequently he requires long-term psychotherapy.

Adolescent substance abusers are especially difficult to treat because they develop persistent mental disorders. For them, after eliminating the consequences of intoxication, the subtle work of a psychotherapist is necessary.

The specialist should help the child understand what negative consequences and complications may arise from continued inhalation. Also, rehabilitation should be aimed at increasing the overall level of his development, forming goals in life and revealing abilities to achieve them.

An important element of the rehabilitation of adolescents is the work of a psychologist with their relatives. They must morally support the patient and protect him from communicating with companies in which they use psychoactive substances. Sometimes this requires moving.

Inpatient treatment for substance abuse in most cases results in complete recovery. An unfavorable prognosis is given only for patients who do not want to be treated, or with late diagnosis. Delay in contacting a specialist can result in an extremely severe degree of intoxication of the body and death as a result of an overdose. Do not be afraid to contact the clinic, since it is possible to carry out treatment completely anonymously.

Toxic gas intoxication

Systemic intoxication of the body as part of the process of substance abuse can be caused not only by classical chemical liquids and medications, but also by various gases - both monomeric and single-component, as well as complex.

Most often, the following volatile compounds are used for the purposes described above:

  • Nitrous oxide . This gas is usually commercially available in lighters and cans for refilling the above-mentioned products. In addition, in high concentration, the substance is also sold for the needs of professional auto tuning (a special module installed on a car uses this gas as a working substance to briefly increase power and engine speed), but it is quite difficult for teenagers to purchase it due to its high cost.
  • Esters . Some synthetic esters in a gaseous state cause temporary euphoria and a number of other pathological manifestations,
  • Domestic and industrial gases. Butane, propane and isobutane are sometimes used as a source of intoxication. By themselves, these gases are not toxic, but they can actively displace oxygen from the lungs and slow down its absorption into the bloodstream, which creates the preconditions for fainting states, often accompanied by hallucinations.

Typical consequences of puffing (using) gases to get a “high” are systemic pathologies of the central nervous system, bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems.


Effective treatment of substance abuse requires a comprehensive approach using various methods.

There are 3 main stages of treatment:

  • Detoxification.
  • Correction of psychosomatic and physical condition.
  • Psychotherapy.


First of all, the patient needs to detoxify. The procedure includes:

  • removal of undigested poisons from the body;
  • normalization of fluid and electrolyte balance;
  • maintaining vital functions;
  • removal of absorbed toxins.

For detoxification, vitamins, blood substitutes, glucose solution, and nootropics are used. If a patient abuses sleeping pills or sedatives, their substitutes are used for medicinal purposes. Otherwise, sudden withdrawal of the drug will cause aggravation of withdrawal symptoms.

The dose of the substance is reduced smoothly, by 10% per day. When psychosis is detected, antipsychotics are used. They are also effective in eliminating cravings for toxic substances and correcting behavioral disorders.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms, medications, physical therapy and acupuncture sessions are prescribed. However, the most important condition for detoxification is stopping the use of substances that cause addiction.

Physical dependence usually resolves within a few days. Psychological symptoms can persist for years, so in the future the patient will require long-term rehabilitation.

Elimination of the consequences of poisoning

Toxic substances consumed by a drug addict have a devastating effect on all organs. Therefore, after detoxification, it is time for symptomatic treatment.

At this stage, medications are used, which are selected depending on the identified disorders.

Physiotherapy methods are widely used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • baths with hydrogen sulfide.

These procedures restore the exhausted body. For the same purpose, biophysical methods are used: reflexology, electrical stimulation and others.


The most difficult stage of treatment is eliminating psychological dependence. The patient is prescribed psychotherapy sessions, during which a specialist helps him understand the severity of the consequences of taking drugs and form a negative attitude towards them. The patient also practices behavioral reactions in dangerous situations, which are modeled by the psychotherapist.

The specialist pays special attention to establishing relationships within the patient’s family, because identifying substance abuse is stressful for relatives. With the help of a psychotherapist, they learn to behave correctly with the patient, creating a comfortable environment at home that will contribute to his healing.

During individual psychotherapy sessions, the specialist helps the patient create motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. The patient also practices self-control skills.

Why do addictions develop?

In 1952, J. Olds conducted an experiment: an electrode was inserted into the brain of laboratory rats, which stimulated certain areas - “pleasure centers”. The rats could activate it themselves by pressing a lever.
During the experiment, scientists observed how animals pressed the lever constantly (up to 700 times per hour), forgetting to eat, feed their offspring, or drink. As a result, they died from exhaustion, but they could not give up the compulsive desire to press the lever. This mechanism also occurs with those addicted to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and even non-chemical (substrate-free) objects. A person loses control over himself, other sources of pleasure seem insufficiently interesting to him. The drug becomes the center of his personality, he develops a stable dominant - an idea expressed in the psyche that crowds out other thoughts and forces a person to constantly think only about his addiction.

The causes of drug addiction have been studied for many years. Addictions are classified as polymorphic diseases, that is, it is impossible to identify factors that will definitely lead to pathology. Some are resistant to addiction even when exposed to several provoking factors at the same time, while others become addicts after the first dose.

There are several main catalysts for the disease that are most common in patients.

  1. Psychological problems - addicts often say that they started taking drugs by accident, out of curiosity, for company, and did not suspect that their actions could lead to consequences. However, in modern culture a clear attitude towards drugs has been formed: everyone has heard more than once that drugs are harmful, dangerous, cause serious illnesses, change a person’s personality and appearance, and lead to public censure. Therefore, we can say that patients consciously or unconsciously hide the cause of the disease from themselves. Psychologists say that drug addicts kill themselves trying to kill internal problems.
  2. The influence of the environment - being determines consciousness, therefore many habits are a way to adapt to the environment, to become similar to one’s surroundings. If there are a lot of people around a person who use drugs, there is a high risk that he will start taking them too. This factor is especially relevant for teenagers.

After consuming the substance, the development of physical cravings begins, when the body requires a new dose. At the same time, the psychological habit is strengthened, and the addict finds himself defenseless against the influence of internal mechanisms that make him desire drugs, perceive them as an effective, quick and even safe way to obtain pleasure.

Paradoxically, the addict’s body perceives withdrawal from drugs as a source of danger. The reason for this is that the psyche quickly forms stereotypes , but is reluctant to destroy them. After a habit (useful or harmful) has been formed, stereotypical behavior is formed, the violation of which is mistakenly perceived by the instinct of self-preservation as a danger.

Treatment of drug addiction is a long and complex process that requires understanding all the mechanisms of the disease. Only an experienced narcologist can bypass the resistance of consciousness, create an effective program and ensure stable remission.

Treatment at home

Self-medication of substance abuse is ineffective. Firstly, most of the medications that a patient needs are available only by prescription. Secondly, substance abuse is a severe form of addiction that requires the work of a psychotherapist.

However, after achieving positive dynamics, the patient is discharged from the hospital, and from this moment rehabilitation at home is possible.

Many doctors advise brewing sedative herbs:

  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • valerian

When combining home rehabilitation with a visit to a psychotherapist, in most cases, complete recovery occurs. However, this is a very long process, so the patient and his relatives should be patient.

Are addictions curable?

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies all types of addictions as incurable diseases. But this does not mean that people suffering from pathological addiction should not see a doctor. Proper treatment of substance abuse, drug addiction and alcoholism, as well as non-chemical types of addiction, guarantees the restoration of health and personality, and remission can continue throughout life.

The incurability of the pathology in this case means that the person will forever remain at risk. He cannot afford to try a dose of a psychoactive substance and immediately refuse further use. He will also be a potential addict to other types of addiction, for example, start drinking alcohol, smoking, gambling, etc.

Modern therapeutic programs include the prevention of relapses, the study of the reasons for their occurrence and methods of resisting cravings for bad habits. If the patient has gone through all the recommended steps, the probability of full recovery is 95-98%.

If an addict does not want treatment

Drug addiction is a social problem, since addicts, while intoxicated, cannot control their actions, and therefore become potentially dangerous to others.

Compulsory therapy may be considered if the patient:

  • aggressive, attacks other people, threatens;
  • tries to take his own life;
  • unable to take care of himself.

Compulsory therapy is possible only by court decision. Anyone can file a claim by providing evidence of incapacity along with the application. After the court’s decision, the patient is sent to the clinic until complete recovery.

This approach has pros and cons. The advantage is the ability to protect societies from a potentially dangerous member. The disadvantage is the low probability of recovery: compulsory therapy is focused not on recovery itself, but on sedation of the patient. A man is locked up in a clinic, he is given drugs that suppress his personality. But the addict’s lack of motivation to seek treatment remains, so after discharge he quickly returns to the habit.

Therefore, the conditionally compulsory approach, available to patients of private drug treatment clinics, is considered the most promising. It involves working with the patient by a professional psychologist who comes to the home. The specialist will not persuade , frighten with the dangerous consequences of the condition or shame for the lifestyle: these methods are not effective and have been repeatedly tested by the patient’s relatives. Intervention is a procedure in which a psychologist delicately communicates with a drug addict, tries to understand what beliefs prevent him from seeking medical help, and then neutralizes internal blocks using psychotherapeutic techniques.


In narcology, there are 4 types of substance abuse. The main difference is the composition of the chemical substance. They can be gasoline, glue, air fresheners, deodorants, acetone, gas - toxic compounds that have a pronounced odor.

Main types of addiction:

  1. Gas addiction. Typically, the inhalation agent is lighter gas. Inhaling gas vapors is dangerous because it can cause atrial fibrillation. The result is death.
  2. Gasoline addiction. The most dangerous chemicals are benzene and xylene. After inhalation of these substances, all respiratory tracts are severely affected. The mucous membrane is irritated. A severe cough and sore throat appear. If you breathe benzene and xylene vapors for more than 5 minutes, delirium is formed - a condition in which a person experiences euphoria, experiencing severe hallucinations and dangerous delirium.
  3. Addiction to glue. In addition to glue, you will need a plastic bag. It is lubricated with an adhesive substance, which contains harmful vapors, and placed on the head, after which it is tightened around the neck. The danger of this type of substance abuse lies in the consequences. Being under a strong dope, a person is not always able to independently remove the bag from his head. As a result, death is possible not even from glue fumes, but from suffocation.
  4. Acetone addiction. This type of substance abuse differs from others in the time at which the first symptoms appear. A person gets a buzz literally after the first inhalation of the vapor. This leads him either to euphoria or to vomiting.

But, in addition to household chemicals, there are special inhalers with aliphatic compounds. They cause dermatitis and burns if they come into contact with the skin. In 5 breaths they can completely “corrode” a child’s lungs. In adults, it can cause cancer of the respiratory tract. Death after using such inhalers occurs due to lack of oxygen.

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