How to deal with nausea without drugs: 15 safe methods

Nausea and vomiting are somatic reactions to anxiety, overexertion, mental or physical fatigue, stuffy rooms, shaking in transport. This is also a normal reaction to poisoning, aversion to some smell or disgust to some picture before your eyes. And if some people coexist normally with such features of their body, others are afraid that an attack of vomiting and nausea will find them in the most inappropriate place. Psychology will tell you what the phobia is called, why it occurs, and what to do.

How to get rid of the fear of vomiting? Important information about vomitophobia or emetophobia

Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting and it affects millions of people. People with this phobia fear many aspects of their illness. They are afraid that they will not be able to get to the toilet in time, will not be able to stop vomiting, or will be physically harmed by the illness.

Another big fear is that they will embarrass themselves when they get sick. These concerns may arise after a person has had a traumatic or distressing experience with vomiting.

The uncertainty of when or where they might get sick can consume all their thinking and planning.


The emergence of vomitophobia is facilitated by situations in which a person experienced feelings of shame during vomiting in a public place. People susceptible to this phobia are susceptible and impressionable. When people find themselves in a similar situation or have just thought about it, they begin to get nervous and a feeling of nausea appears.

Such people very rarely eat in cafes or restaurants, as they are afraid of poisoning. Products are carefully checked and their expiration dates are checked. Girls are afraid to get pregnant, as toxicosis may develop.

This phobia often originates in childhood, when the child was ashamed while vomiting or saw someone vomiting.


  • Avoid vomiting on TV or in movies;
  • Obsession with the location of bathrooms;
  • Avoid all unpleasant odors;
  • Avoid hospitals or sick people;
  • Inability to describe or hear words such as "vomiting";
  • Excessive preemptive use of antacids;
  • Avoiding places where you felt unwell;
  • Avoiding eating food away from home;

Nobody likes to be sick, but it is excessive avoidance and fear that characterize emetophobia.

If a person's daily life is severely interrupted by this fear, then it may be diagnosed as a specific phobia.

Excessive worry about vomiting can also lead to symptoms that a person is trying to avoid, such as nausea.

When people begin to understand that anxiety at work is not just a stomach bug or poor diet, they may realize that they are unlikely to vomit, even though they may feel like they will vomit.

General concept of phobia

So, any phobia is a pronounced reaction of fear , which worsens under certain circumstances and does not find any logical explanation. When an obsessive fear of something develops, it always leads to avoidance. At the beginning of the appearance of a phobia, it is easier to cope with it than when the reaction has already managed to take hold in the brain and intensify.

In psychoanalytic teaching, phobia is called obsessive neurosis, when anxiety turns into the main behavioral symptom, this is the same as anxious hysteria. Even in psychoanalysis, this phenomenon is called a phobic disease.

If irrational fear is uncontrollable and makes normal functioning impossible, a diagnosis of panic disorder may be made. Then the phobia is considered as a clinical condition that needs psychological correction. Often, to determine a specific phobia, a special test is used - the Zang scale for self-assessment of anxiety.

Treatment of emetophobia

Addressing this fear through therapy, medication, or a combination of both can help a person reduce their panic reaction to vomiting and train the brain to distinguish between anxiety and illness. Anti-anxiety medications can help manage the physical symptoms of panic.

Exposure therapy is commonly used to treat emetophobia, allowing the person to gradually adapt to situations that contribute to illness-related anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy can also help a person challenge irrational thoughts about vomiting by reminding them that it is a rare occurrence and that they can get over the embarrassment.

Emetophobia is treatable, so don't hesitate to talk to a psychologist or your doctor.

When is treatment necessary?

Not every person is able to cope with stress on their own. Sometimes situations are so difficult that a person needs help:

  1. If nausea lasts more than a day, and the person’s condition gradually worsens: he becomes withdrawn, detached, and does not want to talk.
  2. Discomfort in the abdomen is accompanied by cramping pain and vomiting.
  3. There is a complete loss of appetite, the person stops drinking.
  4. Anxiety persists for more than 3 days.
  5. Sedatives (valerian, motherwort) do not have any effect.
  6. Sleep is disturbed, sometimes it can be completely absent.

In such a situation, a person needs the help of a neurologist and psychiatrist. Often, during a conversation, a person is able to express his condition, after which relief comes.

Treatment of neuroses requires an integrated approach and a long time.

Consultations may not be enough, so doctors recommend communicating with animals, close friends and small children, as well as doing things that make you happy.

When nausea occurs, which persists for a long time, few people can associate this symptom specifically with nerves. Patients often seek help from a gastroenterologist, examining the gastrointestinal tract for diseases and pathologies. Although, most of the attacks of nausea are explained by a mental disorder. In such a situation, you should visit the following doctors:

  1. The therapist will collect anamnesis and also advise which more highly specialized specialist to contact.
  2. Neurologist - examines the nervous system and also advises on how to behave correctly in the presence of stress.
  3. A psychotherapist will help you overcome fear and get rid of stress during a conversation.

Physical exercise

Since in the presence of stress a huge amount of adrenaline is released into the blood and it is not used for its intended purpose, its concentration should be reduced. To do this, it is recommended to perform the simplest physical exercises:

  • sit down several times;
  • quickly climb the stairs;
  • walk quickly along the corridor.

This is quite enough to develop “stone” muscles and reduce adrenaline levels. Don't go all out and lift dumbbells. If there is stress, this is inappropriate.

Normalization of breathing

As mentioned above, stress creates irritability and nervousness, which increases breathing and heart rate. To get yourself back on track, you need to do some simple breathing exercises:

  • take a slow breath through the nose to the fullest chest;
  • breathing is held for 5-7 seconds;
  • the air is slowly exhaled through the mouth.

During this highly effective procedure, you can close your eyes and imagine the most pleasant moments of life.

Normalizing breathing brings the heart back to normal and also reduces the risk of developing a hypertensive crisis.

Relieving abdominal muscle spasms

The muscles that hold the stomach suffer increased tension. It's important to let them relax. To do this, you need to tense your abs as much as possible while exhaling deeply. Hold your breath for 5-7 seconds, then slowly exhale and relax your abs. Contracting the muscles will help them become toned, which will make the nausea disappear.


To reduce anxiety and neurotic imbalance, it is important to “switch” the body. For this, psychosomatics suggests using cold washing, which helps get rid of nervous nausea. Wet your hands in cold water, and then wash your face several times. Cold water constricts blood vessels, while the brain switches and strives to restore the temperature imbalance.


Impact on life

A phobic may also suffer from other complicating disorders and phobias, such as social anxiety, fear of flying, and agoraphobia. These three disorders are very common. They may limit their group activities to avoid situations involving alcohol or restaurants. Emetophobia limits children's activity due to fear of germs. Women suffering from this disorder have delayed pregnancy or prevented it altogether due to fear of morning sickness. People who are afraid of vomiting avoid traveling due to concerns about motion sickness or others experiencing it. They may be wary of rides for the same reason.

Dr. Lipsitz's findings showed that those who suffer from this problem often have difficulties with comfort. Many believe that they have difficulty communicating with young children and avoid social gatherings where alcohol is present.

Professions and personal goals may be put on hold due to the high anxiety associated with the phobia, and travel becomes almost impossible for some.

Other types of inhibitions in daily life can be seen when preparing food. Many emetophobic people have specific "rituals" for the food they eat and how it is prepared, often checking the freshness of food along with washing it several times to prevent any possible illnesses they may contract from foods that have not been properly processed. Avoid eating food whenever possible and believe they are underweight due to strict diets they impose on themselves.

Emetophobia (vomitophobia) – fear of vomiting – Psychology

Nausea and vomiting are somatic reactions to anxiety, overexertion, mental or physical fatigue, stuffy rooms, shaking in transport.

This is also a normal reaction to poisoning, aversion to some smell or disgust to some picture before your eyes.

And if some people coexist normally with such features of their body, others are afraid that an attack of vomiting and nausea will find them in the most inappropriate place. Psychology will tell you what the phobia is called, why it occurs, and what to do.

Specific causes of emetophobia (vomitophobia)

Emetophobia is the name given to the fear of nausea and vomiting. An alternative name for the phobia is vomitophobia. A person experiences a panic attack at the mere thought of becoming ill in a public place.

The patient worries that he will find himself in an awkward situation or that no one will help him. In severe cases, a person is even frightened by an attack of nausea in moments of solitude.

In this case, the fear of nausea is associated with hypochondria and loneliness.

What are the causes of emetophobia:

  1. Childhood psychotrauma. Vomiting and nausea are unpleasant symptoms. This condition is especially difficult for children, because they do not understand what is happening to them. Which can make them very scared. The second possible psychological trauma is inadequate care for the child and fear due to the fact that the baby became ill, and no one helped, cleaned up, or changed clothes. The third reason is reproach from parents. Some mothers and fathers, instead of calming and caressing the child, shout at him. The fourth reason is ridicule by peers if the child becomes ill in a public place.
  2. Psychotrauma in adulthood. For example, a person felt bad in a crowd of people and almost lost consciousness. Or a person has experienced severe poisoning, after which he is afraid to eat in public catering and is afraid that he will become ill again. And sometimes a phobia develops after an unsuccessful attempt at poisoning with pills or after an alcohol overdose.

Some people are not afraid of vomiting, but of other people's nausea. In this case, the reason may be hidden in associations from the past, often from childhood.

For example, a child observed a constantly drunk father and witnessed his attacks. Or the child observed a serious illness of a loved one (for example, an ulcer, oncology).

Or a child witnessed the death of a person with the presence of vomit.

Signs of fear of vomiting

When a person’s well-being deteriorates, they panic, which only further aggravates the situation. The more a person thinks about how bad he feels, the worse he becomes.

What is characteristic of an emetophobe:

  • eats only at home, prepares his food exclusively from proven products (fears of poisoning);
  • thoroughly and often washes hands, food, kitchen (fear of infection);
  • avoids traveling on public transport (for fear of contracting a rotavirus infection);
  • avoids public places (fears that he will become ill);
  • carries a first aid kit;
  • refuses foods that, in his opinion, may cause nausea.


For diagnosis, the psychologist uses a psychotherapeutic conversation, which helps to collect an anamnesis. Sometimes the specialist conducts auxiliary tests, for example, the Yale-Brown scale (detection of OCD) or the Spielberger-Hanin test (detection of anxiety).

The impact of a phobia on life

Sometimes, against the background of emetophobia, anorexia and obsessive-compulsive disorder can develop. When a phobia is associated with hypochondria, a person may engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, which is dangerous to health and life. Women with a fear of nausea and vomiting are afraid of pregnancy, men are afraid of the baby spitting up. Thus, the phobia reduces the patient’s quality of life and limits it.

Famous people with emetophobia

Emetophobia has been diagnosed in Charlie Brooker, Denise Richardson, Ashley Benson, and Christina Pazicki.

How to get rid of the fear of nausea and vomiting

How to get rid of a phobia of vomiting and nausea? Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy helps treat emetophobia. For complications, secondary neuroses and panic attacks, the psychologist prescribes medications.

Professional help

Depending on the specific case, the particular client and the medical history, different methods of psychotherapy are used: Gestalt therapy, hypnosis, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, neurolinguistic reprogramming, shock therapy (immersion in a traumatic situation under the supervision of a psychotherapist). Additionally, the client is taught self-regulation techniques and auto-training. To treat children, it is recommended to use play therapy, fairy tales and hypnosis.

When treatment is necessary

In what situations should you consult a doctor:

  • nausea persists for a day or longer;
  • a person withdraws into himself, becomes uncommunicative, detached;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a person refuses water;
  • anxiety persists for three days or longer;
  • herbal sedatives do not calm;
  • there are problems with sleep.

In this case, you should immediately contact a psychotherapist. Additionally, it may be helpful to see a therapist. This is necessary to examine your general condition. Prolonged fasting and refusal of water can lead to dehydration. This is also necessary to exclude an organic cause of nausea. If you often vomit and feel nauseous, then you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Impact Processing

How to overcome the fear of vomiting? Visualization, creating exposures, and watching videos have a positive effect in treatment. Group therapy is helpful.

It is important! Immersion in frightening situations should be strictly under the supervision of a psychologist.

Emetophobia and anorexia

If a person has once experienced severe poisoning, then in the future he may develop a restrictive food intake disorder. Due to the fear of nausea and vomiting or because of an aversion to food, certain smells and tastes, a person develops anorexia.

Getting rid of a phobia on your own

You can fight a phobia at the initial stage on your own. And willpower, methods of self-regulation and rationalization will help with this. How to overcome the fear of nausea? Learn meditation and relaxation, practice these methods daily and use them in moments of panic.

“What should I do if I am afraid of nausea due to real attacks?” you ask. Determine the cause of nausea. To do this, you can use the psychosomatic theory. Remember in what situations you say “this makes me sick.” That's where you need to look for the problem.

Cases that do not require treatment

Nausea is a sign of physical and (or) mental fatigue. Sometimes, to normalize the condition, it is enough to rest, sleep, and unwind.

What indicates overwork, which does not require the help of a doctor:

  • nausea is unobtrusive, intermittent, not accompanied by vomiting;
  • nausea lasts less than an hour;
  • abdominal discomfort is directly related to stress (increases and weakens according to emotional changes);
  • I only feel sick during a very strong shock, and not during every exciting situation such as a conflict, speaking in public, etc.

You can cope with this condition on your own. The methods described below will help.

Acupuncture against nausea

There is a massage point on the inside of the wrist. Light exposure to it helps relieve nausea. Massage clockwise, pressing lightly on the point. You can use the method for every attack of nausea.


An active lifestyle and positivity are the main means of prevention. It is useful to communicate with animals, loved ones, and friends. If you have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, it is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner and always have the necessary medications on hand.

It is useful to increase the overall stress resistance of the body. Learn to switch your attention and get distracted.

Try this exercise: take a blank sheet of paper, draw a straight line along it, think only about the line itself, as soon as you catch yourself distracted, return to the line again by willpower, make a “notch” and move on. Later you will be able to track the dynamics of the exercises. The fewer deviations from a straight line, the better you have learned to control yourself.


Fear of vomiting in public places. Everything happens on a mental level. What to do? I am 21 years old

Nausea and vomiting are somatic reactions to anxiety, overexertion, mental or physical fatigue, stuffy rooms, shaking in transport.
This is also a normal reaction to poisoning, aversion to some smell or disgust to some picture before your eyes.

And if some people coexist normally with such features of their body, others are afraid that an attack of vomiting and nausea will find them in the most inappropriate place. Psychology will tell you what the phobia is called, why it occurs, and what to do.

How to treat vomitophobia?

In order to get rid of vomitophobia, you need to see a psychotherapist and undergo a course of treatment. For example, through behavioral cognitive therapy. For each patient, treatment must be individualized while observing basic basic principles.

The patient's needs, goals, ability and willingness to create an alliance with the therapist are taken into account, taking into account previous treatment experience. The main emphasis is on the emotional and mental characteristics of the sick person.

He is taught to be his own doctor to prevent recurrent diseases.

Gestalt therapy is also used in treatment. It is based on the “contact boundary” in the relationship between man and the surrounding world. The blurring of this boundary leads to neurotic, emotional and psychological problems.

With the help of special theories, methods and exercises, the patient learns to restore the lost boundary, unifying his thoughts, feelings and behavior and freeing himself from the phobia. The task of the Gestalt therapist is to find the main unfinished life situation and correct it correctly.

At the projection stage, the patient shifts onto himself all responsibility for what is happening in his environment, because very often we try to shift all problems and misfortunes onto another person. You need to learn to cope with accumulated difficulties, relying only on yourself.

The method of “peeling the onion” is used, when a person gradually gets rid of the phobia with the help of questions and answers, appearing in the form of a “figure” and gradually removing the “background”. When using retroflection, the patient transfers to himself actions and emotions intended for others, and thereby, as it were, is divided into two personalities.

Almost everyone is familiar with the terrible state of nausea and fear of vomiting. Many are looking for ways to prevent this condition and improve body functions. Almost every person has this fear, but in some cases such a phobia is considered a mental disorder. What to do with such a problem, and why does it occur?

Vomitophobia is familiar to many people.

Causes of phobia

Vomitophobia is a disease that can manifest itself in people of different ages. Most often, fear of nausea and vomiting occurs in children. It can lead to them refusing to go to kindergarten or school. If the fear of nausea and vomiting is not treated, the phobia can develop into a chronic disease.

Vomitophobia can also appear in adults who begin to feel fear after a negative experience, such as vomiting caused by poisoning at work. Lunches in cafes and restaurants will become a thing of the past.

Communication with friends may stop. People who have a phobia of nausea may become withdrawn. If a phobia of nausea has been noticed, you should urgently consult a psychologist.

The baby has a cough to the point of vomiting: what to do?

Fear of nausea in childhood manifests itself in refusal to go to kindergarten or school. The child avoids any celebrations, birthdays, or eating in the canteen. Becomes withdrawn and this negatively affects social development.

If you notice such signs, you need to ask about the child’s experiences and go to a psychotherapist.

Dr. Komarovsky was right!

  • ventilate the room at least twice a day;
  • BATH your child if his body temperature is normal.
  • Determining the diagnosis

    The fear is caused by the fact that the process of vomiting leads to negative consequences. Finding yourself in such an awkward state can lead to fear of humiliation.

    The cause may be an intestinal disorder, a change in emotional state, or an acute experience. It is important to understand why this happened and how to subsequently avoid it.

    It is important to learn to control your emotions, try not to expose yourself to stressful situations, and develop self-confidence. People with high self-esteem are not afraid of humiliation, rejection, shame, they are able to control both the emotional and physiological processes of their body.

    What are the consequences after inducing vomiting?

    This aggressive method of cleansing the body has certain consequences.

    If you induce vomiting once, there will be no big problems. It is important that such a reaction is not caused just like that, but, for example, to preserve health in case of acute poisoning. In this case, you cannot do without inducing vomiting. You just need to follow all safety measures.

    Knowing how to quickly induce vomiting after eating is very useful. With this you can save a person's life. But, in order to avoid this, you should eat proper and healthy food and not eat harmful foods.

    Treatment “Looking to the root”

    How to overcome the fear of nausea? The psychology of Yuri Burlan says that many phobias are a manifestation of a personality with a visual vector in an unrealized state. Visual people are people with empathic qualities. They are characterized by surges of emotions and explosive temperament. If such qualities are not controlled, then the person will acquire many fears.

    People who have a fear of vomiting and want to get rid of it have a special sensitivity and impressionability. Methods of modern psychology will help overcome fear.

    Psychological treatment

    Cognitive behavioral therapy can help overcome the fear of vomiting. The doctor will teach you how to control emotions in stressful situations and how to independently reduce anxiety. At the end of treatment, you can completely get rid of the fear of vomiting and nausea.

    Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you get rid of vomitophobia

    Type of phobias

    To determine whether a disease is separate or part of another disease, another test can be used. To do this, it is necessary to answer the question - why does the fear of vomiting appear?



  1. An attack of nausea occurs due to a serious illness;
  2. Afraid that someone you know will see him vomiting. It's humiliating;
  3. Fears of not having time to get to the bathroom when vomiting appears;
  4. A disgusting feeling from the very process of vomiting.

If the patient answered yes to questions number two and three, then he has agoraphobia. Fear of nausea is just one of the signs of a phobia.


A person is not afraid of nausea itself, but of not having time to escape from prying eyes during it. Such manifestations often occur in public places.

If you answered yes to questions 1 and 4, then the person has . Such patients are afraid of the feeling of nausea and consider this a manifestation of some serious illness.

People with social anxiety will choose answer 2 or 3. The difference between patients with agoraphobia and social phobia is easy to determine: nausea not in public places does not cause panic in socially anxious patients. With agoraphobia, on the contrary, there will be increased anxiety due to the feeling that they will not be able to provide help on time


Determining the diagnosis

The fear is caused by the fact that the process of vomiting leads to negative consequences. Finding yourself in such an awkward state can lead to fear of humiliation.

The cause may be an intestinal disorder, a change in emotional state, or an acute experience. It is important to understand why this happened and how to subsequently avoid it.

It is important to learn to control your emotions, try not to expose yourself to stressful situations, and develop self-confidence. People with high self-esteem are not afraid of humiliation, rejection, shame, they are able to control both the emotional and physiological processes of their body.

Emetophobia, vomitophobia, fear of vomiting: how to get rid of it

Psychotherapist of the highest category Oleg Viktorovich


Update date: September 2020

One of the most little-known fears is emetophobia. Many people suffer from it, although most of them are not even aware of their disorder. This term refers to the fear of vomiting and nausea.

At the moment of approaching physiological states, a person begins to experience severe panic.

If a mental disorder, which manifests itself in the form of emetophobia, becomes advanced, then a person cannot control his behavior at the moment of activation of fear.

What is fear of vomiting?

For fear of vomiting in a crowded place, emetophobes avoid visiting shopping centers and cafes.

Vomitophobia, which is similar to emetophobia, causes genuine fear in a person when thinking about nausea or vomiting. In this state, he begins to panic. To cope with the problem, the patient begins to take medications that can block the development of the physiological process.

An attack of nausea is unpleasant for any person. But only with a mental disorder does this condition make you very nervous and worry about your health.

Because of a phobia, the patient often experiences stress that he cannot cope with. If you do not get rid of fear, it will lead to the development of panic attacks, which negatively affect the state of the nervous system and the entire body.

People who suffer from vomitophobia are unable to behave rationally once they succumb to the fear of nausea and vomiting. Fear becomes obsessive. He does not allow them to lead a normal life.

It is extremely difficult for a person with this disorder to be in public places. Therefore, visiting shops, cafes or shopping centers becomes a real test for him. The patient thinks that he will definitely become ill in a crowded room. And no one can help cope with this problem.

How is the treatment carried out?

Vomitophobia can be treated with psychotherapy. Behavioral and cognitive therapy works best for the disorder. At the discretion of the specialist, other techniques can be used, which in theory can improve the general condition of the patient.

In some cases, a systematic approach to the treatment of emetophobia is practiced if there is a dysfunctional environment for the patient.

Psychotherapists may prescribe medications for patients who do not understand how to get rid of vomitophobia.

Self help

Dispensed in a pharmacy strictly according to prescription

If vomitophobia is at the initial stage of its development, the patient has a chance to cope with it on his own. Mild fear of nausea and vomiting can be suppressed using available methods.

First of all, a person must realize his problem and want to get rid of it. This is the only way to defeat the disease and return to normal life. It is recommended to study information about the phobia and how to treat it.

The best way to combat the fear of nausea and vomiting is to use meditation and relaxation. They help you calm down as much as possible and forget about the problems that haunt you. It is very important to train a lot so that when you have a panic attack due to surging nausea, you can bring yourself back to normal in a matter of minutes by relaxing and freeing yourself from negative thoughts.

People close to him can provide assistance to the patient. Such support will not be superfluous. But you shouldn’t impose yourself on a person if he doesn’t want it. Excessive care will only make the situation worse. Wanting to get rid of unnecessary help, he will find himself in a position that will provoke another attack of nausea or vomiting.

If self-medication does not bring a positive result, the patient will still have to seek advice from a specialist. The psychotherapist will study the patient’s problems in detail and suggest the optimal treatment method. A person with a phobia will have to strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations if he expects to completely get rid of emetophobia.


Features of dinophobia

A person suffering from dinophobia is mentally disabled. This is a disorder of a neurotic nature, in which the mind is completely preserved, but constant internal tension is felt at the emotional level.

Dinophobia involves the fear of nausea and vomiting , and dizziness. Often, neurosis is caused by painful experiences or severe psychotrauma suffered in childhood, which the person could not cope with at that time. In children, the disorder often manifests itself in the form of a fear of traveling in public transport if they were once severely seasick on the road.

Fear of dizziness occurs under specific circumstances. For example, anxiety may increase:

  • when in a particular type of transport;
  • on high;
  • on a crowded bus;
  • at high speed.

It manifests itself in different ways, the point is that situations that provoke a panic attack are in one way or another connected with the traumatic experience experienced. Sometimes with dinophobia there is a fear of open spaces, and a similar disorder is often associated with aerophobia.

Painful experiences related to nausea or dizziness remain in the subconscious. This manifests itself in the form of heightened fear, which seems to signal that an unpleasant situation can repeat itself. The most dangerous thing is not the phobia itself, but the fact that the constant desire to avoid traumatic situations leads to a gradual increase in their number.

Many phobias can be eliminated by consciously overcoming them, when a person acts in defiance of fear and strives to do what causes anxiety. But in the case of dinophobia, the method usually does not bring positive results. This is understandable; it is unlikely that you will be able to overcome the fear of nausea by artificially inducing it in yourself.

It is best to use techniques from neuro-linguistic programming or NLP for fear of dizziness. This method allows you to remove bad feelings from the past, replacing them with more pleasant ones.

Sigmund Freud treated a similar mental disorder with psychoanalysis. His followers, using psychoanalytic methods, sought to understand the symbolic meaning of the fear of vertigo. Today such therapy has good results. Many patients are able to identify a painful situation experienced in childhood and let it go.

How to overcome the fear of vomiting. How to get rid of the fear of vomiting? Relieving abdominal muscle spasms

Almost everyone is familiar with the terrible state of nausea and fear of vomiting. Many are looking for ways to prevent this condition and improve body functions. Almost every person has this fear, but in some cases such a phobia is considered a mental disorder. What to do with such a problem, and why does it occur?

Vomitophobia is familiar to many people.

Nausea with VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is determined by disorders in the vascular system, which lead to loss of conductivity of neural endings. VSD is a multi-symptom disease that affects the entire body. The cardiovascular system, which is unable to fully transport blood, suffers the most.

If you have this disease, you cannot wait out the nausea. It should be treated, and the treatment should be comprehensive. The best option would be to take sedatives that will help you relax and also relieve nervous tension.


Treatment “Looking to the root”

How to overcome the fear of nausea? The psychology of Yuri Burlan says that many phobias are a manifestation of a personality with a visual vector in an unrealized state. Visual people are people with empathic qualities. They are characterized by surges of emotions and explosive temperament. If such qualities are not controlled, then the person will acquire many fears.

People who have a fear of vomiting and want to get rid of it have a special sensitivity and impressionability. Methods of modern psychology will help overcome fear.

Psychological treatment

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help overcome the fear of vomiting. The doctor will teach you how to control emotions in stressful situations and how to independently reduce anxiety. At the end of treatment, you can completely get rid of the fear of vomiting and nausea.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you get rid of vomitophobia

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