What comment should you write under a guy’s photo to hook him?

Tips to get the desired result

  1. Give compliments correctly , otherwise a man may decide that you are cajoling him, and this will have a completely different effect.
  2. Praise spoken from the heart is best received. This means that the young lady speaks sincerely, without choosing the necessary words.
  3. Poems should be used in extreme cases when you need to thank, assuage guilt, or inspire. Poems can be sent via SMS when correspondence is carried out by colleagues, spouses, friends or relatives.
  4. Humorous, funny compliments are best used in cases where a man has a sense of humor, otherwise he will not appreciate the praise and may even be offended.
  5. You need to praise for: action, appearance, professional and personal qualities, a nice gift, tenderness, an unforgettable night.

Compliments to a girl

The crown of beauty, youth and tenderness, the girl seemed created to receive compliments, inspire poetry and wonderful music. What compliments from a guy will be pleasant to her, what can and should not be said to a girl you know, like or love?

Beautiful lines that a blue-eyed girl will surely appreciate

A man and a compliment: made for each other

The position that a man always owes has already set their teeth on edge. Be a protector, a provider, a conqueror. And at the same time you cannot be afraid, cry and ask for help. You need to do even more just to comply. It’s just unclear what and why. And it's very hard work. And any work, as we know, must be rewarded. Otherwise it will simply be exploited. From this we can conclude that it is not only possible to compliment your man, but also necessary. Even the most primitive ones will do:

    To be more specific, there are 10 reasons for this:
  • “You look awesome in this shirt”;
  • “You have a stylish haircut”;
  • "You're so clever!".

The exception is “cute-cute” compliments, however, this point is individual. Some people are ready to take a star out of the sky for the sake of the Bunny. A compliment is a wonderful way to thank, encourage, and guide. In addition, thanks to a correctly said compliment, you can achieve what you want. For example: “I am not forcing you to resolve this situation. But I am sure that you will do it better than anyone. After all, you are so smart! There are countless reasons to use words of praise in everyday life, and there is absolutely no reason to ignore them. By choosing the right words, you can even tie a guy to you.


Almost all men have a positive attitude towards humor and value this quality in women. Therefore, a compliment can be not only gentle, but also funny or positive, uplifting.


You know, when I was little, I thought that such men could only be met in the movies, and then only at the last show. However, years passed, and I met you, so strong, courageous and beautiful. It turns out that love, like in the movies, does happen! I hope that there are still many years before the end of our film.


I always liked bad guys, it seemed that they were all carefree, careless, ready to throw themselves into the inferno because of the woman they loved. I never imagined an intelligent, even sophisticated man next to me. But one fine day I met you and realized that my childhood nonsense was over - I need someone just like you. Perhaps I don’t suit you in character and intellect, but these are all little things - after all, you are strong and self-sufficient, which means you will help a defenseless girl reach the desired level!


Listen, I have never seen you in a bad mood and I have never heard rude words from you. Do simple human difficulties really not exist for you? I don’t understand how you manage to cope with the negativity that you encounter at every turn. Most likely, it's because you have no weaknesses. Judge for yourself - handsome, strong, courageous, what more could a woman want? Only one thing - that it be her man, behind whose back she can be weak and defenseless.

How to speak words of praise to a man correctly: 5 rules

You should not lose sight of the fact that men are very cautious people. They melt like the Snow Maiden from compliments, but quickly come to their senses. Especially if the praise is false and outright flattery. The right compliment is natural, understandable, honest and without subtext.

Rule No. 1 - naturalness It is unlikely that you will be able to please your gentleman with such words as: “How majestic is your step” or “Your powerful hands are like anvils.” Although, as an experiment, you can try such compliments. Most likely, there will be an awkward pause in the conversation and he will become suspicious. Naturalness is the best thing that can be. You need to speak in accessible language and only what you really think.

Rule No. 2 - truthfulness Admiring biceps if your loved one has only visited the gym once is, to put it mildly, stupid. The male sex, of course, can swallow any praise, but they are far from fools. Try to think about what skill your boyfriend is really proud of. Or praise for those features that catch your eye. There is no need to exaggerate his achievements, do not overestimate ordinary actions. There is no need to praise virtues that do not actually exist.

Rule No. 3 - positivity A compliment must carry a positive assessment. Sarcasm, irony, reproach, ambiguity are unacceptable. “Wow, you made the tea yourself and didn’t douse yourself with boiling water!” - not praise. “You fried eggs and didn’t break a single plate, you’re just a hero!” - not a compliment. “Mmm, you nailed the nail and didn’t hit yourself on the finger” - these words will not please your lover.

Rule #4 - Specificity Details matter. Your words must be accompanied by explanations. Guys, unlike girls, do not think abstractly, but concretely, and they perceive direct facts much better than hints. “You are so sociable - you can find a topic for conversation with anyone!”

Rule No5 - moderation There is no need to over-praise, otherwise it can harm his psyche and a disease called “delusions of grandeur” will begin. But if you say pleasant words rarely, but sincerely, he will strive for you to admire him again.

Compliment your voice in one word

Here is a collection of complimentary words to the voice (male and female). Each item on the list is a self-sufficient (complete and complete) compliment - just choose the appropriate (in your case) word.

  • angelic
  • cherubic
  • boisterous (colloquial)
  • velvety, velvety
  • limitless
  • defect-free
  • irreproachable
  • boundless
  • unmatched
  • immortal
  • priceless
  • blissful
  • harmonious
  • noble
  • blessed
  • beneficial (beneficially affecting the hearing, the listener)
  • brilliant
  • brilliant
  • rich (i.e. filled with shades, multifaceted)
  • cheerful, invigorating
  • divine
  • God's
  • exciting
  • resurrecting (to life)
  • inspiring
  • ubiquitous
  • great
  • fabulous
  • stately
  • majestic
  • funny
  • eternal (this is what they say about the one that sounds for centuries)
  • tasty (here in a figurative meaning: i.e. “delicious” sounding, attractive)
  • attractive
  • extraterrestrial
  • coveted
  • exciting
  • air
  • exciting, exciting
  • magic
  • inspiring
  • cooing
  • delightful, delightful
  • impressive
  • omnipotent (for example, he can do everything: awaken, put to sleep, calm, invigorate, fall in love, repel, etc.)
  • comprehensive
  • outstanding
  • expressive
  • upscale
  • harmonious
  • brilliant
  • hypnotic (hypnotic)
  • main, dominant (in choir, in voting)
  • deep (sounding)
  • fit (for something)
  • dizzy
  • proud, prideful
  • chest
  • marvelous
  • outlandish
  • long-awaited
  • expensive (not in price, but in its significance for someone)
  • worthy (for something, for example: worthy to be the main character in the opera)
  • precious
  • teasing
  • soulful
  • one of a kind)
  • desired
  • babbling
  • cheerful
  • enviable
  • groovy
  • fascinating
  • mysterious
  • sincere
  • incendiary
  • inviting
  • tempting
  • noticeable (against the background of others, among others)
  • wonderful
  • memorable (memorable)
  • enchanting
  • stellar (colloquial, i.e. the brightest against the background of others, no less noticeable)
  • voiced
  • sonorous
  • famous
  • significant (for a choir, stage, group, in voting, etc.)
  • sultry
  • calling
  • golden (here not in the literal sense, but figuratively - i.e. precious)
  • sonorous (bookish expression, i.e. sonorous)
  • playful
  • ideal (for something, for example: for singing Lady Macbeth's aria)
  • famous
  • amazing, amazing
  • alien (colloquial)
  • interesting
  • intriguing
  • exceptional
  • sparkling
  • tempting
  • healing
  • high (slang)
  • cool
  • cool (slang)
  • witchcraft
  • competitive (if the voice is a participant in a competition, etc.)
  • cosmic (colloquial)
  • Beautiful
  • colorful (colloquial, i.e. – diverse in its shades, tones)
  • crystal (crystal clear, beautiful)
  • cool (slang, i.e. cool, causing delight)
  • winged (poetic, i.e. far-reaching, audible, flying)
  • caressing (hearing)
  • affectionate
  • legendary
  • magnetic (i.e. captivates the ear)
  • alluring
  • melodic
  • Cute
  • mystical
  • multifaceted
  • multidimensional
  • promising (colloquial)
  • mighty
  • young, brave
  • powerful
  • courageous
  • soft
  • the best (of all listened to, for example)
  • most beloved
  • trained
  • heavenly (poetic)
  • incredible
  • not bad
  • gentle
  • unforgettable, unforgettable
  • indispensable (for a concert, for example)
  • extraordinary
  • alien (poetic)
  • unearthly (poetic)
  • unspoiled (by bad habits, illness)
  • unusual
  • immense
  • extraordinary (in beauty, depth of sound, etc.)
  • indescribable
  • extraordinary
  • irresistible
  • indescribable
  • unique
  • inimitable
  • incomprehensible
  • unlike (no other)
  • unsurpassed (in beauty, sound, depth, etc.)
  • unreal
  • incomparable
  • awesome (slang)
  • enveloping
  • charming
  • disarming
  • scalding
  • adored
  • seductive
  • bewitching
  • inspiring
  • enveloping (tenderness, warmth, magic, etc.)
  • intoxicating
  • organic
  • refreshing (like a breath of air, water)
  • excellent
  • charming, enchanting
  • stunning, stunning
  • soaring
  • singing, melodious
  • first-class, first-class
  • iridescent, iridescent (poetic)
  • promising (for a singing career, for example)
  • captivating, captivating
  • beloved
  • amazing, amazing
  • amazing
  • awesome (colloquial)
  • excellent
  • beautiful
  • charming
  • cute
  • attractive
  • notable
  • attractive
  • nice
  • soulful
  • heavenly (poetic)
  • disposing
  • beautiful
  • wonderful
  • rare, rare (in beauty, depth, height, etc.)
  • luxurious
  • original
  • sexy, sexy
  • silver, silver
  • strong, strongest
  • fairy
  • glorious
  • sweet, sweet
  • mellifluous
  • stunning (colloquial)
  • seductive, tempting
  • perfect
  • nightingale
  • juicy
  • superb (colloquial)
  • mysterious
  • warm
  • languid
  • lulling
  • amazing
  • recognizable
  • soothing
  • mind-blowing
  • unique
  • intoxicating
  • calming
  • cosy
  • fantastic
  • phenomenal
  • charismatic
  • good
  • crystal
  • healing, healing (poetic)
  • valuable
  • catchy (to the soul), (slang.)
  • enchanting
  • damn (beautiful, attractive, deep)
  • clean
  • sensual
  • wonderful, wonderful
  • miraculous
  • miraculous
  • masterpiece
  • chic
  • exclusive
  • vigorous
  • erotic
  • reference
  • spectacular
  • clear (i.e., not brittle, clear, no wheezing, not hoarse)

What compliment to give a guy

    In your compliments to a guy you can:
  • evaluate his actions and achievements : “you are so great!”, “you are my hero!”, “you can handle everything!”;
  • as confirmation of his passion and temperament : “that was wonderful”, “you are so courageous”;
  • characteristics of what you feel when you are with him : “I am happy next to you.”

Even the simplest word spoken from the heart is much better than thoughtful silence.

Don't forget about submission

So, the task is quite clear: to know how to correctly give unusual compliments to a man. Whether they are funny or pleasant, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the praise hooks him, in some places even awakens passion, and becomes part of your relationship. Try to put yourself in his place, that is, imagine yourself as a guy. Yes, the situation is complex and unclear. But only in this way can you practice intonation, gestures, facial expressions, touches at the moment when you say pleasant words to your beloved. This is one side of the coin. And the other one is that the beloved will not appreciate the praise for his new shoes, he is not a girl. Therefore, it is worth dismissing the praise of the wardrobe. What to do? It is necessary to study the rules that will help you pronounce enthusiastic words and convince your gentleman of the depth of your feelings. Guys prefer unobtrusive compliments, laconic, with deep meaning.

    For a compliment to be exactly like this, you need to:
  1. Remember that in men the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the manifestation of emotions and feelings. Therefore, kind words must be spoken into the left ear, but requests - into the right. The chosen one will quickly forget about his kindness and sexuality if you say this in his right ear. But the left one is ideal for this. All that remains is to approach quietly from behind, gently hug and say the cherished words, lightly touching your ear.
  2. In your words, highlight truly masculine traits, such as courage, willpower, eroticism, etc. This can include those character traits that you like so much about him. If you fell in love with him for some of his features, tell him about it as often as possible. This is especially important if relationships are built far from each other. You can even say this in poetic form.
  3. Do not focus on appearance: for a man, appearance comes in the background. But highlighting those parts of the body that you especially like is ideal. It could be beautiful eyes, manly hands or even rounded buttocks.
  4. No need to lisp - men don't like it. Speak in a sexy half-whisper, praise your lover with your whole body: smile, eyes, hands, lightly touching. A little flirting won't hurt here.
  5. Avoid humor and sarcasm , which often creep into relationships with your spouse.

Complimenting a man is actually not difficult. It is important to pronounce praise with love and tenderness and never forget that even a cat enjoys a kind word!


You can say just a few beautiful words, but which he will never forget. The main thing is to find the zest that distinguishes him from other men.

Topics that men like:

  1. Be enthusiastic about his innovations and ideas, and regularly ask for advice on how to do the right thing. Men love it when their egos are pampered, which leads to mutual trust.

For example, dear, I’m embarrassed to say, but again I need your wise advice.

  • Charisma and sociability - for some men, this is the main feature. Therefore, do not hesitate to openly admire his ability to find a common language with strangers.

For example, how you manage to win people over is simply amazing! Your charisma knows no bounds!

  • Support your plans and dreams. A man will only share his dreams with a woman he absolutely trusts, so don’t laugh, but take part.

For example, in your dreams there is always a lot of light, I hope there is a little room left for me.

  • Sense of humor. Men attach great importance to humor, which means they value more women who can joke well or support a joke in a timely manner. By giving a compliment on this topic, you are tacitly supporting him.

For example, dear, don’t you think that your humor has outgrown our friends and it’s time for you to move higher.

  • A man is first and foremost a protector. By focusing on this, you endear yourself to a man so much that he will do anything to keep you.

For example, only with you I feel protected, as if behind a stone wall.

  • Pay attention to his ability to work and praise him for it. Ambition is very important to men, so they are happy to carry on a conversation on this topic.

For example, sometimes it seems to me that you don’t know the word fatigue. I don’t know how you manage it, but I always see you fresh and ready to start something.

  • Assess his intelligence. Almost every man is sure that he is smarter than others, so don’t be shy to use this.

For example, your mental qualities are superior to anyone living on earth today.

How to compliment the man you love

As already mentioned, men love compliments no less than young ladies. In modern society, it is not customary to say words of praise to a loved one. There is an opinion that they should admire women. However, men need praise like air, so that they can hear statements of their actions and positive traits. But young ladies try not to give compliments, believing that in this way they can spoil their chosen one. Guys are often left without proper attention during adolescence. And during this period they really need support. In marriage, spouses rarely praise their husbands, and increasingly show dissatisfaction. Even if your life partner wanted to help, he will definitely do something wrong. Every man appreciates words of admiration and approval. They make him more confident and inspired.

How to give a compliment

In the subtle art of communicating with the opposite sex, it is important not only to know what compliment to give a guy, but also how to present it correctly. You won’t immediately shower him with a bunch of adjectives.

  1. Compliments should first of all be appropriate: intimate compliments are appropriate only during or after sex, praise of appearance - during a date, assessment of abilities - after a successfully completed task.
  2. A compliment should not be a filler for a long pause, but your reaction to an action performed by a guy.
  3. In the process of pleasant communication, situations arise at every step in which compliments are applicable, but you should not oversprinkle your life with them.
  4. Guys quickly get bored with too annoying sweetness and lisping. They are looking for the woman of their dreams, not a nanny.
  5. If you want your words to be taken seriously, say not only pleasant phrases, but also words of love.

A sensitive heart will tell you when it is better to give a compliment and when to just silently kiss your loved one.

Talk only about existing advantages

Don't praise for something that really doesn't exist. It will look ridiculous. Like, for example, what do you call a beer belly pumped up? Praise for specific external data, achievements, sense of humor, skills. That is, the most striking features of the beloved. Otherwise, the guy will understand that you are not sincere. When complimenting, tell only the truth.

Beautiful short compliments


For me there is no one more reliable than you! I’m ready to follow you through snowstorms and impenetrable darkness, even to the ends of the earth.


Dear, you know, I live as if in a fairy tale - despite all the steps of fate, my prince is always there.


I will forever thank the universe for sending you to me! Every moment spent together is better than days and months without you.


To list all your advantages, you will have to leaf through hundreds of pages of encyclopedias and dictionaries.


I love it when I see the envious glances of women passing by. At the same time, I feel proud that such an enviable man is walking next to me.

Praise should have one meaning

Choose words that will not sound ambiguous. The gentleman must immediately, rightly, evaluate the praise. For example: “You’ve lost so much weight lately.” In these words he can see the implication that he doesn’t look good. Even if a man has really changed a lot, it is better to say that he is in great shape. Otherwise, the best solution is silence.

The best compliments for a man

Words of praise for men are no different from the words that men say to ladies. If you want to make a person really nice, then psychologists recommend following simple recommendations :

  1. Words must be selected depending on the situation and who the person being praised is.
  2. A wife or relative can afford personal compliments.
  3. A stranger should be given general compliments.
  4. You need to praise your boss extremely carefully. Talk only about his professional qualities.

Colleague/business partner.

  1. Did you really complete this part of the project (the entire project, task) in such a short time? Amazing!
  2. You have excellent organizational/public speaking/leadership skills. Would you mind sharing a couple of secrets?
  3. I am truly honored to work with such an experienced/successful/great partner.
  4. You are excellent at finding common ground with clients/colleagues. How do you do this?
  5. You are quickly moving up the career ladder. It seems that your superiors appreciated your services.
  6. Now I understand why other employees speak of you with such respect and even admiration.
  7. Your working method seems very effective. Thanks to you, the whole process has finally gotten off the ground.
  8. Thank you, you helped me a lot. I was lucky to work with such a competent and efficient employee.
  9. You are excellent with calculations/analysis/auditing/equipment. You must have spent a lot of time practicing diligently.
  10. Nowadays there is a great shortage of such specialists. You are truly worth your weight in gold in our company/firm/team/office.

Sometimes it takes a long time for a man to get compliments. And although this is a normal situation, you still don’t want to leave the guy without a portion of “verbal sweets”. In such cases, this list will help out and tell you how to please a friend, colleague or loved one. The main thing is to fill your words with sincerity and goodwill.

Take a self-confidence test

    Additional Information:
  • Compliments to a girl or 100 ideas on how to make her smile
  • How to say kind words to a guy?
  • Pleasant words to your beloved man for all occasions
  • How to choose nice words for a girl?
  • How to say kind words to your girlfriend?
  • How to say tender words to your loved ones?
  • How to say cute words correctly with examples?
  • What is a compliment and its features?
  • How to properly conduct a dialogue with a girl?

For the beloved

Experts identify several options for compliments that can be said to a spouse or gentleman:

    For a compliment to be exactly like this, you need to:
  1. the reason for a compliment may be an action committed earlier. The young lady herself can remind her lover about him: “The flowers are simply magnificent,” “Yesterday evening will forever remain in my memory”;
  2. praise in a question forces a person to answer and maintain a conversation : “Why did you fascinate me so much?”, “Where did they teach you this?”;
  3. in the presence of strangers, enthusiastic words have a much stronger effect, as they increase his importance in the eyes of others. This is an effective technique used in psychology when it is necessary to increase self-esteem: “You can only dream of such a husband!”;
  4. when making a request to your lover, you can unobtrusively praise him , and then you definitely won’t hear a refusal: “Your hands are so strong, help me nail the shelf,” “I can’t cope without you, advise me how to do better”;
  5. associative compliments are some of the most popular in relationships : “You are like a lion in bed!”, “My affectionate kitten”;
  6. The best option is considered to be phrases about love : “Every minute I love you more and more,” “I can’t imagine life without you.”

As a rule, loving compliments to their boyfriends are given to girls in the form of SMS messages at the stage of the candy-bouquet period.

Legitimate wives are less likely to pamper their spouses, but there is no need to deprive them of praise - because they will appreciate it.


Sexual life plays an important role in the normal formation of a man. Therefore, they gladly accept compliments from this category.

Intimate expressions can be used not only to increase self-esteem, but also to turn him on.


Your voice has always excited me, sometimes it seems to me that I’m ready to give myself to you just for a few kind words.


All day I think about only one thing - to quickly return home and be in your arms. Feel the tenderness of your hands, the intoxicating aroma of your body and the gentle tongue on your body.


There are not enough words to describe how my lower stomach ache just thinking about you. Drop everything and come satisfy your woman.


How is my stallion feeling? Today, don’t put too much burden on yourself, because at night I will saddle you and ride through the fields of debauchery and pleasure.


I miss you, not even all of you, but the main organ that makes you a unique man!


Young man, don’t you know who can satisfy one charming lady?


When you are not around, I remember strong arms on me, wide chest, squares on my stomach. Your magnificent body makes me go crazy!


I want to cover your body with kisses, caresses, tenderness. By the way, I hope for reciprocity.


I behaved badly today. You'll have to punish me at night to make me better. Just punish long and passionately!


If you don’t appear here now, then I will burn with desire and unspent passion!

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