Widow's color: description, signs and superstitions, photos

Beige color: color psychology, shades

To better understand the psychology of beige, let's consider the characteristics of the colors that make up it. How to get beige color? To do this, you need to mix white and brown, with the former predominating over the latter. Here are the characteristics of these colors:

  • Brown. Authoritarian, stable and closed color. Associated with comfort and homeliness. People who prefer brown are conservatives who do not tolerate innovation, have a domineering and even despotic character. They avoid risk and try to preserve what they have.
  • White. Characterizes change, hope, innovation. It is also authoritarian, because when mixed with other colors, white erases their bright individuality, imposing its own rules.

Forming the beige color, photos of which are presented in the article, brown mixes with white, losing its hardness. This gives an impetus to development and action, but the energy of people who prefer beige flows sluggishly. This color contains a lot of bliss, relaxation, and infantility. Such people do not worry about the future, finances, or problems. They have a strong belief in the good and the bright. They love comfort, but want someone else to take care of it.

The palette of beige shades is multifaceted, especially in combination with colors such as:

  • Grey. Combines cold and warmth.
  • Lilac. Cold gloss.
  • Pink. Soft shade.
  • Green. Neutral, close to olive.
  • Yellow. Soft, warm, golden.
  • Peach. Noble and light.
  • Orange. Juicy, with golden tints.

Also, shades of color may vary. For example, neutral beige resembles the color of dry grass. Warm colors include light beige: the color has a light undertone and serves as the basis for creating compositions. And dark beige is a color that allows you to create contrast.

Simplicity and naturalness bring stability, tranquility, and remind you of home comfort and delicious food. Shades of beige are found in the wild: in landscapes, animal colors. Therefore, they are reminiscent of something natural and are used by eco-style designers.

Purple shades and health

Everyone knows about such a concept as color therapy in psychology. By observing objects of one color or another for a long period of time, a person can achieve a healing effect. Different colors affect individual organs of the human body.

Purple shades will help cope with headaches. They are useful for skin rashes and internal inflammatory processes. Often color therapy in psychology using this color is prescribed to violent patients, as it reduces heartbeat and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

By surrounding yourself with purple accessories or watching images of lavender or violet flowers, a person can discover new talents and qualities in himself, and identify hidden possibilities. It is no coincidence that this particular shade symbolizes creativity. In psychology, people suffering from loneliness are recommended to visualize this color. This will help you get rid of unpleasant feelings and feel revitalized and protect you from sad thoughts.

Beige color in clothes, shoes, manicure

The color beige was actively used back in the 18th century, then it was widely used in architecture, painting, and murals. Considering it to be insufficiently independent and background, beige clothing is chosen by people who are in search of themselves. Usually these are insecure individuals who do not want to stand out from the crowd.

At the same time, beige creates the impression of a balanced and calm person and relieves tension. An item of beige clothing or shoes can reduce anxiety and add lightness.

For example, a man who chooses a beige tie does not like to work monotonously and leave his comfort zone. He is not stingy, calmly invests money and collects income. By choosing shades of beige for your wallet, you will get rid of worries about finances and will easily part with money. To create a neutral palette in clothing, combine it with colors such as:

  • White. The basic set is perfect for the office, walking, meeting with friends.
  • Black. A spectacular combination will complement a business look, the image will be discreet but feminine.
  • Grey. Don't know what to wear? Choose gray, which with beige will create a soft, calm image.

For a bright look, complement beige with these shades:

  • Blue. The color can either emphasize or subdue beige, so choose clothes based on the situation.
  • Green. A harmonious combination often occurs in natural conditions. This bow is suitable for work and leisure.
  • Red. Dark beige and red are a fashionable combination. The bright color softens and becomes less bold.
  • Pink. The gentle and feminine look looks calm and cozy. Onions are good for walking and relaxing.

In general, beige serves as a wonderful background for other colors, softening them and adding comfort. The same goes for shoes that go with any outfit. By changing the shade of beige, you can highlight your tan.

For manicure, beige color is considered universal. It is used separately and with various techniques. A beige jacket with a silver edge, manicure with graphic and floral designs are in fashion. The neutral tone perfectly sets off other colors and goes well with sparkles.

Lilac in psychology and interior

Combining two energetically strong shades - blue and red, lilac can have a depressing effect on the human nervous system. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in the interior in places where there is no need to spend a lot of time. These shades will be appropriate in the hallway, bathroom or toilet room. You should be wary of interior items of this color for your office and bedroom. Remember that it is dangerous to overdo it with this color. An abundance of lilac shades can lead to a depressed state and depression. In small quantities, lilac accessories will add elegance and originality to any interior, be it a living space or an office.

Often elements of lilac shades are used in marriage ceremonies. A snow-white dress with a purple belt or decoration will look great. And the groom can buy, for example, cufflinks or a tie of the same shade. This will add individuality to the newlyweds. And the use of purple accessories in the festive decoration will be remembered for a long time by all guests. It’s not for nothing that this color is considered one of the most mysterious shades, the color of nostalgia and pleasant memories.

In religion

We can safely say that the roots of these superstitions go back to religion. Even in ancient Rome, Catholic clergy wore purple cassocks during Lent and during the pre-Christmas period. This tradition has reached our time. By the way, in Italy, not a single artist on television will allow himself to wear an outfit of purple or lilac, the color of a widow.

In Christianity, purple is a symbol of spiritual wisdom, sadness, asceticism and holiness.

The Jews believe that this color is a sign of thoroughness and prudence. Young people who choose a purple wedding usually enter into a marriage of convenience.

But not everything is so gloomy. In Ireland, for example, lilac is considered the color of nymphs and forest dwellers. If the bride wears a lavender dress and purple lace, then the couple will find unity of souls in marriage. The newlyweds' marriage is doomed to a happy family life.


This is the color of joy and happiness, warmth and good mood - not surprising, because in the human mind it is usually associated with sunlight. He is a symbol of optimism. Typically, yellow is preferred by sociable and outgoing people who have courage and a considerable amount of curiosity about the world. To others they seem to be incorrigible optimists, but, in fact, their opinion is very easy to influence. Such people easily adapt to changes in circumstances, which makes their activities quite successful.

As for thinking and the intellectual sphere, “yellow lovers” are creative and original, have artistic taste and a developed imagination - this helps them to engage in creativity. Thanks to their inquisitive mind, they love to solve interesting and new problems.

Psychological meaning of peach color

It has been proven that each shade can influence our psyche, mood and well-being in one way or another. Peach color, which belongs to the pastel color scheme, has the property of calming, giving a feeling of security and comfort. This natural shade has a very wide palette. For example, the peach color, presented in its lightest variations, has a soft energy that gives peace and tranquility. If this color is embodied in brighter shades, the person in such a room will feel a surge of strength and vigor. The energy of the rich peach tone creates a feeling of warmth and sunshine, making it an excellent tool for decorating dimly lit rooms.

In psychological terms, peach color has a certain naivety and lightness. It is ideal for both ultra-modern interiors and traditional design.

To study the properties of different shades, psychologists conducted an interesting experiment, analyzing what emotions arise in people in rooms with different color schemes. As it turned out, peach color helps fight negative feelings, makes people more open to communication and promotes concentration. Interestingly, this color is liked by both temperamental and balanced people.

Peach walls in the interior

Color combination in the interior - peach

Bright peach color in the bedroom interior photo

Living room interior in peach tones

Black color

There is probably no person in the world who has not experienced love for the color black at least once in his life. And this despite the fact that it often symbolizes absence and emptiness. Although black seems like a gloomy color, in fact it contains a lot of passion and fire, elements and rebellion.

Anyone who chooses the color black in life is constantly ready to fight. The sexual sphere occupies a huge place in his life: passions simply rage inside this ambiguous personality! The emotions and feelings of such a person can generally be called uncontrollable, and this makes communication with him unpredictable. He is determined and prefers to go headlong towards his goal.

Unfortunately, a lover of black often has to lose, because a correct assessment of the situation is far from his most pronounced trait. The vision of the world of this complex nature is rather bleak: it is pessimistic, and everything around seems to be painted in gloomy tones. It seems to him that his dreams are unrealizable.

Those who reject black, as a rule, try to get away from everything associated with it: emptiness, sadness, despair, loneliness. Such pronounced denial is characteristic of people who try to make life an inexhaustible source of positivity. They themselves give the impression of eternally joyful and good-natured persons. Usually this turns out to be just a mask behind which some traumatic experiences for the individual are hidden.

Lilac superstitions

Some people believe in omens and are afraid to break them, while others, in spite of all the whispers, try to build their own destiny and happiness. For those who are very superstitious, here are a number of examples of what to watch out for when organizing a wedding:

  • Many Slavic peoples are convinced that if at a wedding the bride’s outfit has a purple or lilac widow’s color, then her marriage will not last long and she will not be happy.
  • In addition, such an outfit should not be complemented with silver accessories; they foreshadow future illnesses and suffering.
  • People say that widow's color also indicates possible bruises. Beatings await the bride in family life.
  • By the way, the green color in the newlyweds’ outfit indicates that the future husband will cheat on his wife.
  • Well, the worst omen is that the widow’s color promises tragedy, the loss of a husband.
  • Even guests are not recommended to wear purple outfits to the wedding ceremony. Girls who prefer these colors will never find family happiness.

Blue color

Sea, sky, coolness and freshness - these are the associations that arise in the mind when thinking about the color blue. It symbolizes harmony and tranquility, purity and spiritual sublimity. By the way, this color is chosen by people quite often - apparently, we lack all of the above things in our lives.

What can you say about a person who chooses the color blue? Usually he is modest and melancholic, trusting and reliable, conservative and calm. Such a person knows how to build relationships based on intimacy, mutual assistance and sensitivity to the desires of others. For her, strong friendship is more important than large, cheerful and noisy companies - she quickly gets tired of this and needs rest. Such a person is very reasonable: the proverb “measure twice, cut once” is absolutely true about him.

People who give an important role to the color blue in their lives know how to take responsibility. That is why they need to be careful, because more unscrupulous fellow citizens can take advantage of this: “hang” someone else’s work, guilt, force them to do something that they should not do - there are a lot of options.

A dislike for blue is, as a rule, characteristic of energetic and restless people, those who abhor peace and monotony in life. Perhaps they have long wanted to change their job or place of residence, because they are so hungry for new experiences! And sometimes this is associated with self-deception: a person wants to give the impression of being strong and omnipotent, although, in fact, he is withdrawn and unsure of himself.

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