Why do you give yellow flowers: is it worth believing in omens?

The color of sun and warmth, joy and wealth, reason and optimism. It is these associations that arise when the color yellow is mentioned. Bright and cheerful, it is the color embodiment of energy, movement and positivity. In addition, yellow, together with red and blue, makes up the main color triad that determines the existence of all other shades. What the color yellow means and how it affects the human psyche will be discussed further.

General information

Yellow is considered a warm color range. It, like its shades, almost never has a negative aura. Despite the fact that the color is warm, its shades can be cold, like the color of a lemon, or warm, like an egg yolk. This color goes well with brown, red, green and orange.

Yellow is the color of gold. In ancient times, it was perceived by people as the Sun, which froze. In Asian countries it was identified with grief and death. The Slavs considered it as a manifestation of jealousy, a symbol of betrayal.

In the psychology of a woman preparing for childbirth, it determines the positive outcome of pregnancy. Schizophrenics or those who are looking for changes in existing relationships often reveal their love for this color.

Psychologists assure that it will be easier for a person to prepare and pass the exam if he is in a room with yellow walls. Yellow indicates the curiosity and intelligence of its lover.

There is information indicating that yellow flowers and products have a positive effect on the human body. Apples, lemons and bananas help overcome depression, neurosis, and improve your mood. But it is worth remembering that yellow flowers are considered a symbol of separation. It is worth considering that yellow things can influence the development of frustration, anger and even children's crying.

Symbolism of gold color

Gold color (the color of the sun), symbolizes warmth, sunlight, radiance, wealth, beauty, glory, victory, wisdom, experience. The negative aspects of the golden color include sadness and martyrdom. It was very often used in heraldry.

In Ancient Egypt, this color was associated with the heavenly sun god Ra. In Indonesia, this color signified truth and enlightenment. In Greece, the color of gold was the color of immortality and higher intelligence, and in Indochina - enlightenment.

This sunny color signifies material abundance, so only kings, princes, nobles and other nobility wore gold. Ordinary people could not afford to wear gold jewelry or clothes of this color.

In ancient Greek mythology, the skin of a golden-colored ram was called the “golden fleece.” According to legend, the skin of a sheep was immersed in a gold-bearing river, thus, ancient people mined gold - particles of gold sand settled on the skin. Such golden fleece was very valuable.

Pros and cons

The advantages include:

  • honesty;
  • dexterity;
  • confidence;
  • original mindset;
  • justice;
  • optimism;
  • becoming independent;
  • clarity of thinking;
  • activity;
  • susceptibility;
  • happiness;
  • joy;
  • tolerance;
  • Liberty.

Negative qualities include:

  • sarcasm;
  • intolerant character;
  • absentminded mood;
  • causticity;
  • extreme criticality;
  • lemon shade - cruelty;
  • perfidy.

The meaning of shades

  1. Yellow with red indicates impulsiveness, spontaneous decisions, and destruction.
  2. Lemon color defines unbridled harshness. A person who loves things of this shade has a non-standard type of thinking, is quite insightful, always controls himself, and does not like criticism from the outside. It is often preferred by impotent and frigid women.
  3. Light yellow shows a reluctance to take responsibility and a predisposition to simulation.
  4. Yellow-brown indicates a person’s need to enjoy life.
  5. A pale shade of yellow is a desire to renounce, to get rid of restrictions.
  6. A golden hue indicates imminent victory. The person who chooses him remains himself and does not demand anything from anyone. Color indicates the experience, maturity, and wisdom of the individual. However, it can also speak of his pessimism and limitations.

How does the color yellow affect the human psyche?

Color, one way or another, affects the psyche, but much depends not only on the color, but also on the shade. There are several hundred shades of yellow, and they all affect a person's emotional state to varying degrees. Some shades can suppress, make you sad or cause irritation, while others can lift your spirits. Therefore, it is not always possible to determine exactly what the color yellow means in psychology and how it can be used. Specialists have to take into account the person’s age, his temperament, and the presence/absence of any mental illness. The following are the most common shades that can seriously affect your emotional state:

  • dark yellow. This color is perceived as dirty, muddy, it causes rejection and disgust. If the walls in the house or a person’s clothes have this shade, then he runs the risk of becoming depressed;
  • light yellow. It creates a feeling of lightness, visually increasing the size of an object with this color. If you look at such an object for a long time, a feeling of euphoria appears;
  • citric. Lemon color is very similar to light yellow, but differs in a more saturated inner light. It is capable of causing a maximum of positive emotions, a surge of energy, but in unbalanced people it can cause aggression;
  • lime. Lime is a color that belongs to the yellow-green range; it also improves mood and tone, but unlike bright yellow or lemon, it does not increase blood pressure and does not lead to rapid fatigue. The psychological meaning of green is different from lime.
  • regular yellow. Attracts attention, evokes positive emotions, but if you look for a long time, the effect of emotional uplift disappears. Over time, it can cause despondency and boredom.

Not only the shade matters, but also the combination with other colors. Combinations also affect the mood of the beholder and can influence his psychological state. The color green occupies a special place in psychology, because it can visually change the shade of yellow.

How does it affect

Yellow color invigorates and improves mood

  1. Improves mood and helps cope with everyday problems.
  2. Stimulates nervous activity, activates processes in the body.
  3. Improves concentration, a person becomes more attentive, mental activity increases, memory improves.
  4. Promotes openness and ease of communication.
  5. Relieves depressive mood, melancholy, promotes the development of optimism.
  6. Has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system.

Wedding bouquet of yellow flowers

Such compositions at a wedding are quite appropriate if they coincide with the color theme of the holiday. Choosing flowers to match the bridesmaids' outfits or the overall decoration, flowers will only enliven the party.

Usually yellow inflorescences are combined with flowers of other shades. In wedding bouquets they can be arranged with white plants - then you get a fairly strict classic version. If you need to emphasize the liveliness, perkiness and spontaneity of the bride, sunny shades in combination with soft pink will be appropriate.

But you should not give the newlywed a bouquet of yellow lilies, since such a gift may be perceived as a hint of infidelity.

Video: How to collect a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses

The flower alphabet is almost forgotten, which allows florists to create wonderful combinations from a wide variety of plants - flowers are slowly getting rid of the burden of prejudices and signs.

  • Author: EkaterinaSchmidt
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Who chooses yellow

  1. This color is preferred by curious, sociable people who can easily adapt to new circumstances, brave individuals.
  2. Such individuals feel complete satisfaction from the opportunity to attract attention to their own person.
  3. If yellow is your favorite color, a person is confident in himself, he has normal self-esteem, sometimes slightly inflated.
  4. Yellow is chosen by those who want to escape difficulties or decide to make serious changes in life.
  5. Such individuals are superficial in business, fickle, and can be impatient.
  6. This color is most often preferred by choleric people; it is chosen by women during pregnancy.

Some people reject this color:

  • individuals who have been disappointed in their expectations and hopes;
  • unsociable, pessimistic people;
  • individuals who feel isolated from the world;

Personalities who prefer this color are, as a rule, categorical towards stupid individuals, like to attract attention to themselves, and get into arguments.

How the meaning of color intensifies or changes depending on the type of plant

Each flower has its own meaning

Bright spring inflorescences - mimosa, narcissus, tulip - personify the newly arrived warmth and sunlight. They do not carry any negative meaning. Roses will become a sign of family love and care. The chrysanthemum will be a wish for wealth and prosperity for friends, but will be a sign of rejected love if a man gives it to a woman. The same meaning is put into yellow poppies. Sunflowers are considered a sign of cheerfulness and cheerfulness. Perhaps the only flower that has a negative meaning in the modern floristic alphabet is the bright yellow lily. It means frivolity and lies.

Yellow color in clothes

  1. Such things attract with their brightness and attract people's attention. However, its bright shades are intrusive.
  2. You need to know that yellow allows you to visually expand the volume. However, with the right selection of additional colors, you can get rid of this effect.
  3. Bright yellow outfits are not suitable for every person if combined with a cold shade. That is, when a person has pale skin, blond hair, eyes, it can emphasize his shortcomings. If you dress a person with dark hair and tanned skin in clothes of this color, it will make him even more attractive and fresh.
  4. You need to know that if you come to work or study in a yellow dress, you can anger your teacher or boss with your appearance, because yellow is rejected by tired people.
  5. It is not recommended to wear yellow clothes when you have a business meeting. Firstly, because they can cause irritation, and secondly, they can indicate your lack of seriousness, and sometimes dishonesty.

There is not a single yellow item in my wardrobe. And at home, there is nothing yellow or its shades in the interior. But my neighbor always dresses up in yellow dresses and suits. She is a very cheerful, cheerful person, with a bright personality. Looking at her improves my mood.

Natural standards and samples of yellow color

Spectral sources

  • Double yellow line of the emission spectrum of sodium ions D1 (589.59 nm) and D2 (588.99 nm).
  • Double line of the emission spectrum of mercury ions λ1 (577.0 nm), λ2 (579.1 nm).

Yellow organic matter

  • The yellow color of the flowers of dandelion, gentian, buttercup, sunflower, etc. is given by carotenoids: flavoxanthin, taraxanthin and lutein.
  • The yellow color of autumn leaves and grains comes from lutein and xanthophyll, which are involved in photosynthesis along with green chlorophyll.
  • The yellow color of egg yolk is given by the same xanthophyll, as well as orange carotenoids. They are found in plant grains eaten by birds.
  • The color of the urine of healthy animals is determined by an organic pigment - bilirubin, which is formed from hemoglobin.
  • With hepatitis, the liver is unable to process bilirubin. Large amounts of bilirubin accumulate in the blood, causing the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow. This symptom is called jaundice.
  • Bile is yellow in color, so in the Middle Ages medicines from yellow plants were given for liver diseases. Some of them entered scientific medicine in the same role (dandelion, gentian).
  • Corn
  • Canary
  • Chickens
  • Dandelion
  • Yolk
  • Banana
  • Lemon

Yellow inorganic pigments

  • Cadmium yellow (cadmium yellow) - cadmium sulfide
  • Chrome yellow
  • Yellow ocher and yellow sand owe their color to ferric ions.

In the interior

  1. Through research, it has been proven that walls painted yellow are not dirty by children. Therefore, in a children's room or kindergarten it is recommended to paint the walls yellow. It is believed that children who are in rooms with a similar color behave cheerfully, they are full of energy and enthusiasm.
  2. Suitable for work rooms. It is believed that it increases performance, increases intellectual activity, improves mental health, and allows for faster recovery. But it is unacceptable to use bright shades, as they can irritate the psyche.
  3. Yellow shades are also often used in outdoor and home interiors. They help improve mood and perception, and allow you to feel the Sun indoors, even if the weather outside is cloudy.
  4. Recreation centers and sanatoriums also often use yellow paint for the interior. Being in such a room means you won’t be bored. New ideas will appear in your head.
  5. The color yellow is not recommended in hospitals. It is believed that it may complicate the treatment process. Studies have shown that it is most unpleasant for girls who have decided to have an abortion and alcoholics.

Now you know what the color yellow is in psychology. It defines the need to be original, to remain in harmony with oneself and the world around us. It is believed that yellow represents intelligence and helps to concentrate on important matters.


  • 1 Natural standards and samples of yellow color 1.1 Spectral sources
  • 1.2 Yellow organic matter
  • 1.3 Yellow inorganic pigments
  • 2 Psychology
  • 3 Yellow tint
  • 4 Signal colors in industry
  • 5 In culture, art and ethnography
      5.1 Mythology and beliefs
  • 5.2 Connections with China and the East
  • 5.3 Literary associations
  • 5.4 In Orthodoxy
  • 5.5 Cultural associations 5.5.1 Association with sin, betrayal and ostracism
  • 5.6 Caution
  • 5.7 In vexillology
  • 5.8 Other things about yellow
  • 5.9 Astronomy
  • 6 In state symbols
  • 7 Notes
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