Fear in a child: signs, how to treat, how to relieve fear for a mother on her own at home?


Texts read over bread, eggs or using other objects refer to conspiracies despite the presence of Orthodox terms. Before reading this, think about whether it would be better to visit a church.

“Pouring out” fear with wax

The most famous way to heal fear is a spell using wax, which was used by the whispering grandmothers. This ritual is performed mainly for newborns. The parents of the baby can do it themselves. Pouring wax is performed on any day of the week with the exception of Sundays and Orthodox holidays.

For the ritual you need to prepare:

  • wax (church candles are also suitable);
  • a bowl of clean water;
  • pan or other container for safe melting.

Melt the candles in a water bath, accompanying the process with reading “Our Father.” Then slowly pour the wax over the child’s head into a bowl of cold water, pronouncing the words of the spell. Be careful that the ritual does not lead to burns.

Magic words cannot be swapped or pronounced in your own way.

After all the manipulations, you may notice that the wax has taken on unusual, intricate shapes. All the infant’s fears and anxieties were transformed into these forms. Some sources write that in these images one can discern the true cause of fear.

It is recommended to pour the used liquid under the nearest tree, wash the dishes thoroughly with disinfectants, and throw away the wax.

The ritual must be performed several times until improvements occur.

On the egg

Prepare an egg, 2 candles and a scarf. Ask the child to hold the lit candles in his hands. Cover his head with your scarf or stole: you can use the one you wear to church. Roll the egg over the baby's head in a clockwise direction and say the following text:

The ritual is recommended to be performed on the waning moon at 12 noon. The number of readings should correspond to the number of full years of the baby. At the end of the ritual, the egg must be buried in the ground away from human eyes.

On the poppy

Before putting your child to bed, hide a dried poppy head under his pillow and say the following text:

With a decoction of herbs

Since ancient times, the healing properties of various herbs have been used to relieve a child from panic. Chamomile decoction, as well as decoctions of St. John's wort and violets, were considered the most effective. For the best effect, you can mix three types of plants. After carrying out the hex, you need to drink the resulting drink three tablespoons three times a day. Remember that herbs can cause allergies: be sure to consult your doctor.

On bread

In Rus', bread has always been considered a favorite product, so it was also used for rituals.

For the ritual, take a piece of white or rye bread and place it over your child’s head. Draw a circle from left to right three times, reciting the text of the plot. Then feed this piece to domestic or outdoor animals, such as ducks. Repeat for three days.

On the water

Prepare blessed water and church candles. Sprinkle every corner of your home with water. Pour the remaining liquid into a saucer and place it with lighted candles in front of your home iconostasis or icon of Christ. Concentrate inwardly on your petition for the recovery of your son or daughter. Say the spell several times in a whisper. Then put out the flames of the candles, and soon take their stubs and leave them at the intersection.

From nightmares

Ask your child to spit into a plastic bag (any kind will do). With this package, go to the nearest forest (park, grove), dig a small hole under an aspen tree, put the package there and cover it with earth, whispering a conspiracy. You will soon notice clear improvements in your child's behavior.

From a baby's fright

Fill a glass with cold consecrated water, make the sign of the cross and cast a spell. Then move it to a dark, warm place and wait until the water reaches room temperature. You can heat it in a water bath to 36-37 degrees. Then wipe the baby and offer to drink a little of the charmed liquid. This ritual is most effective for babies baptized in the temple.

For a sound sleep

Good, long sleep is very important for recuperation and rest of the whole body. It happens that babies are afraid to sleep or take a long time to fall asleep. In order to remove these fears and help the child fall asleep deeply, sign the sign of the cross three times, stroke the baby’s head and read the following text:

From childhood fears

For the ritual against children's fears, it is necessary to bring blessed water from the temple. Read the spell over church water three times and use it for dousing after bathing in a bathhouse or bath.

Words of prayer for an adult child

Often a child is afraid to go to kindergarten or school due to fear of older peers. He is also afraid of the darkness of the night or experiences unreasonable fear, for which he cannot give a clear explanation.

In such a situation, there is no need to apply pressure; you need to talk kindly to your beloved child and try to calm him down. In addition, you should use a special prayer that will help reduce inexplicable fears.

You need to get up at dawn and go to the child’s bed. Looking at the peacefully sleeping baby, you should whisper the following words:

“Lord Almighty, protect my child. Save my child from fears and apprehensions, save me from frights. Take all worries away from his soul and take care of his well-being. Amen!"

After reading the text of the prayer three times, you should definitely visit the church and purchase 3 candles in order to put them on the Lord, Holy Matronushka and Healer Panteleimon. It is necessary to ask each of them for intercession for their child and help in getting rid of all fears.

When leaving the church, you should purchase icons of saints, 12 thin candles and take some blessed water. When you come home, you should put icons in the child’s room and spray all corners of the house with water in a clockwise direction. You also need to sprinkle holy water on the child, asking once again for help from the Lord.

Various prayers for fear have always been very popular. After all, almost all people know the feeling of fear. And special prayers help to effectively deal with unpleasant sensations and teach you to successfully control it.

In addition, they are equally suitable for both children and adults, helping to forever get rid of the fears that have tormented them for a long time.


Sometimes it happens that a person is afraid of something so seriously that this reaction begins to prevent him from living his previous life. In medicine, this condition is called shock.

There is a special conspiracy against fear (and more than one), thanks to which you can not only remove the state of fear, but also act against melancholy, depression - everything that suddenly arises and haunts the patient for a long time.

If such symptoms are not eliminated in time, then they can have a very negative impact on the human biofield, and this can already cause serious problems in its future fate. It is curious that in our modern world such conditions are observed not only in children, but also in adults.

It was they who were used in ancient Rus'; conspiracies were considered to be, if not the only, then the most effective means against any fear. The most important thing was to find a diagnosis. It is clear that this first step is much easier with adults than with children.

However, it is children who get scared most often, and there can be countless reasons for their fear; however, there are also many ways to cure such a shock. We will now tell you about some effective conspiracies (including a strong conspiracy against fear).

Conspiracies for fear - treatment with folk remedies

You can recognize fear as a stable phenomenon if you observe not only regular child crying or shuddering during sleep, but also sudden jumping up in the middle of the night. Also signs of fear are depression, melancholy, depressed state. All this can clearly manifest itself in adults and children, regardless of age.

To begin with, the person being reprimanded should sit in the center of the room on a stool, and the person who will read the plot should stand behind him. After this, the reader places his hands on the top of the head of the reprimanded person and pronounces the text of the conspiracy against fear.

Sometimes it happens that a child suffers from fear from birth because he inherited it from his mother: she was carrying the child and was afraid of something, as a result he was born with such a problem.

The plot in this case should be read immediately after the person is born, because otherwise he will have to endure uncertainty and fears until the fear is cured.

All rituals and conspiracies designed to treat fear belong to white magic remedies, which means that they cannot work either against the patient or the healer.

The vast majority of mothers in Rus' used such rituals to protect their children from the dangers of life. That’s why they are called “folk remedies.” One of the most popular and effective spells against childhood fear is the water spell. It works great when you need to calm your baby down during sleep if he cries or screams in his sleep.

In order to properly speak water before using it for treatment, it is necessary to place it in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Then the text of the conspiracy is read over the water

Pouring onto wax as one of the treatment methods

In general, wax was very popular in home treatment; it was considered to be a natural absorbent of subtle energy. That's why it's so effective. Wax candles were used to clean rooms, and it was also used to remove negative energy from a person (adult or child).

Most often, in order for the casting to occur successfully, you need to melt about five hundred milliliters of wax, take a container of water, sit the person on a chair in the center of the room, and pour the melted wax over his head into a container of water.

After this, the wax must be carefully, not allowing the patient to touch it, burned in an oven, or buried away from human habitation. As an additional means of “removing” fear from a person’s body, you can read one or another Christian prayer - please note that in all of them an appeal to the Mother of God very often appears. She is the protector and patroness of all children and women.

Consequences and effectiveness of a conspiracy against fear

Most often, the fear spell works; after some time, the image of the pathogen leaves the person’s biofield, and he returns to his normal state.

In what case might a conspiracy not work? For example, if you used a Christian technique, but your patient was not baptized. In this case, advise him to turn to another system of magical influence, where communion with Christianity is not required.


Prayer for fear in a child

Some people, in particular doctors, classify fear as a nervous disorder. But people consider fear to be a mental disorder. Therefore, to treat fright, the mother who gave birth to the child learns a special technique. It also contains a prayer appeal that goes like this:

The text is read three times a day for three days, as fear was noticed in the child. This prayer is suitable for a child at any age, be it infancy or adolescence. A mother can always protect her child from fear. Fear in a child is determined by several factors, such as:

  • restless sleep;
  • cry in your sleep;
  • crying for no reason;
  • reluctance to eat.

For mothers who worry too much about their baby, there is a prayer for fear of the baby, which helps and protects the child from the very first days of his life on Earth.

There are also various customs that can be used to relieve a child’s fear. To get rid of childhood fear, you need to wash your face with holy water and wipe your face with the hem of your shirt.

Scared child

Fear of a child in the womb

Intrauterine fright is a consequence of mother's fright. This is where the name came from. A child who has received such stress in the womb may be born fearful after birth; he will be afraid of everything for no reason. This can manifest itself through isolation and self-doubt. The most severe form of fetal fright is autism, which manifests itself in children after birth.

How to remove fear from a child inside the womb? An expectant mother who has suffered a fright should immediately ask for water in three different houses and take three crosses from her relatives.

Light three candles, lower one cross into the water and read the “Our Father” prayer. Repeat with the remaining crosses. You need to wash your face and neck with holy water and take three sips. The remaining water should be poured outside.

You need to do this cleansing ritual for three days in a row to completely get rid of intrauterine fear.


Means that can be used to treat a baby one month, one year and older

Traditional approach

Fright is most often observed in children under 2 years of age.

If a child’s usual behavior suddenly changes, he becomes capricious and whiny, you should pay attention to this, because fear may be the cause

Over time, it may go away on its own or get worse, so it is important to recognize the symptoms of fear early. The main ones:

The main ones:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • tearfulness;
  • fear of the dark or loneliness;
  • high nervous excitability;
  • painful attachment to loved ones;
  • poor appetite;
  • stuttering;
  • enuresis.

It is difficult to identify the cause of fear in infants, since they cannot explain what is bothering them. Older children can tell why they are scared. There are many factors that can cause a child’s fear:

  • loud and sharp sounds;
  • animals;
  • thunder, thunderstorm;
  • strict education;
  • stressful situations.

It is necessary to talk correctly with children from early childhood. They should not be frightened by monsters in the dark or angry dogs. This can cause the formation of phobias. For a child to be calm, he needs to know that he is loved and will always be protected.

There are many effective recipes in folk medicine that help you get rid of fear on your own: for this, various herbs that have a calming effect are used. But a lot depends on the situation in the family. The child needs to feel protected and needs to be given as much attention as possible.

Treatment with herbal infusions is allowed in the case of children of older preschool age and is mandatory after consultation with a doctor. He will tell you which recipes are suitable for the child, taking into account the characteristics of his age and the presence or absence of chronic diseases. And it’s better for kids to take herbal baths.

To save a child from fear, you need to prepare a herbal mixture of 3 parts motherwort, 4 parts heather, 3 parts gourd, 1 part valerian. Brew 4 tbsp. l. herbal mixture 1 liter of boiling water and filter after 2 hours. Drink 4-5 sips every hour.

The root of the azure cyanosis must be crushed to a powdery state, 1.5 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave covered for about 2 hours. Take 2 tbsp of the filtered product before meals. l. up to 4 times a day.

Boil 1 liter of milk, add a handful of chopped lemon balm, boil over low heat for 10 minutes. When the medicine has cooled, you need to filter it, add 1 tbsp. l. natural honey. Drink 100 ml 5 times a day.

Mix taken in equal quantities: thyme, lemon balm and heather herbs. 2 tbsp. l. Pour the mixture of herbs into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 6 hours, filter. You need to drink the entire infusion during the day. Duration of use – 3 weeks.

Soothing baths

Pine baths have a beneficial effect on the state of the child’s nervous system. You will need approximately 0.5 kg of pine branches. They need to be boiled in 2 liters of water for about 20 minutes. When the broth has cooled a little, it should be filtered and poured into the bath.

Contrasting foot baths are useful to strengthen the nervous system. Boil 5 liters of water, add 1 cup of ground ginger, cool to a comfortable temperature. You need to place a basin with cool water nearby.

Pour 3 liters of boiling water into a liter jar of fragrant rue, cover with a lid, leave for about 40 minutes. Pour the strained infusion into the bath. These soothing baths should be taken every evening for 30 minutes.

Soothing baths based on lemon balm, nettle, and chamomile help relax the child’s nervous system and get rid of fears. Brew 1 liter of boiling water, 50 g of each herb, leave for about an hour, then filter, pour into the bath.

Based on certain signs, it becomes possible to determine that a child is afraid.

  1. The child is afraid to let his mother go. He clings to her, afraid to be alone for a while. Such fear can be expressed in an obsessive desire to sleep with parents. In a store or any other public place, a child is afraid of getting lost. He is always internally focused on his mother, seeking protection from her.
  2. The child is restless, has poor sleep, and periodically lacks appetite. He may suffer from nightmares, which are often accompanied by urinary incontinence.
  3. Uncontrollable and uncontrollable crying. The child is anxious for any reason and constantly cries, surprising some adults and children with his behavior. The kindergarten teachers don’t know what to do with him, and the children don’t want to play with the “crybaby.”
  4. Fear of the dark. The baby asks his parents not to turn off the light when he falls asleep. The child constantly sees all sorts of ghosts in the dark and imagines the most terrible events.

Fright: signs, symptoms

Fright and night terror sometimes occur easily, and sometimes are accompanied by strong screams and sleepwalking, which indicates a pronounced disorder of the nervous system in the child. To a large extent, this fear depends on the diet and the conditions in which the child lives. If there are frequent scandals and quarrels in the family, the child’s nervous system cannot withstand these overloads and a breakdown occurs. By eliminating these harmful factors, you can eliminate the child's fear.

If a child has sleep disturbances for no reason, a fear of the dark, a reluctance to sleep alone, and no other diseases are detected, he may be experiencing a state of fear. Under its influence, a child who already speaks independently may begin to stutter and even stop pronouncing some words and sounds. Fear is a protective reflex, its main function is to maintain human safety.

As you grow older, fears go away on their own. Although it happens that fear leads to severe frustration. This inhibits the child’s full development, the formation of mental processes, and the acquisition of learning skills. The presence of fear in children can be detected independently at home.

Signs of fear in children

  1. sleep disturbance, restless sleep behavior;
  2. nightmares;
  3. sleep is interrupted by the baby's crying;
  4. fear of darkness, loneliness;
  5. excessive excitability.

Causes of fear

The cause of fear is easier to identify in an older child - he is able to independently explain what scared him. In infants, careful observation of the child's behavior is necessary.

Provoke fear

  1. sharp sound, scream;
  2. natural phenomena: thunder, thunderstorms, lightning, earthquakes;
  3. scary-looking animals;
  4. stressful situation;
  5. strict requirements for the child.

A sense of security helps children overcome stressful situations more successfully. Therefore, it is important to prepare him in advance for any changes in a child’s life. For example: children begin to be taken to kindergarten for a short time, but regularly, accustoming them to the new regime. The presence of a loved one gives children confidence and security. Frequent colds and other body disorders in a child can be caused by the adaptation period of getting used to attending kindergarten or school.


Moms should adopt several recipes from traditional medicine.

Herbal collection

If the child begins to wet the bed, bathe the baby in water with chamomile infusion for 3 days before putting him to sleep. Additionally, prepare a herbal infusion:

  • nettle - 100 g;
  • chamomile - 100 g;
  • hops - 50 g;
  • St. John's wort - 50 g;
  • heather - 50 g;
  • lemon balm - 50 g;
  • hot water - 200 ml.

Mix ingredients and 1 tsp. Brew this mixture with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Give 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.

Incense method

For this folk remedy you will need:

  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • incense - 2-3 gr.

Cut a hole in the middle of the apple and fill it with the required amount of incense, bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The finished apple is divided into two parts, the first is given in the morning, the second in the evening.

Frankincense is an excellent sedative

Sweet milk with lemon balm

Ingredients taken:

  • fresh milk - ½ liter;
  • lemon balm - a few drops;
  • honey - 1 spoon.

Boil milk, add lemon balm and let simmer for about 2 minutes, cool and add honey. Give the child 5 times a day, 100 ml.

Approaches to treating fear

Before trying to understand how to cure fear in a child at home, it is necessary to find out the factors that provoked it and eliminate their influence on the baby. In most cases, by eliminating the effect of the irritant, parents achieve normalization of the condition in their children. If this does not help, you should immediately consult a doctor before mental problems become persistent. They start with a visit to the pediatrician, who, having identified the main signs of the pathology, will decide on treatment and further consultations with related specialists (neurologist, psychiatrist).

Traditional medicine

Evidence-based medicine methods used in the treatment of fear and related neurotic disorders are:

  • working with a psychologist who can teach a child to fight their fears and respond adequately to the world around them;
  • classes with a speech therapist aimed at correcting speech and eliminating stuttering;
  • art, game and fairy tale therapy, designed to improve the child’s social skills and distract him from negative thoughts;
  • animal-assisted therapy. Communication with our smaller brothers, especially horses, dolphins, dogs, has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of children, allowing them to fight not only phobias, but also other mental disorders (autism, etc.);
  • rational pharmacotherapy. If it is not possible to cope with the disease using the above methods, then neuroprotective (Pantogam, Ceraxon, Gliatilin, Neuroxon, Noocholin) and sedatives (tincture of Valerian, Peony, Motherwort, Peppermint tea, Persen, Glycine) are prescribed. The former help restore normal physiological processes in brain cells and thus influence the emotional-volitional sphere. The latter have an immediate calming effect.

In cases where fear provokes the development of severe pathologies (epilepsy, depression), the doctor may resort to prescribing anticonvulsants (Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine), tranquilizers (Diazepam) and antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Sertraline).

The issue of hypnotic interventions, which many believe are a panacea for all diseases, remains quite controversial. The influence of various kinds of suggestions on the psyche has not yet been thoroughly studied. Therefore, you should not risk your baby’s health by writing incomprehensible information into his subcortex.

Unconventional methods

Trying to figure out how to treat a child’s fear with all sorts of incantations, whispering, pouring wax and similar “shamanic” rituals, parents risk greatly aggravating the mental disorder in their children. These methods can only work on particularly impressionable mothers and fathers. For young patients, such “therapy” will only bring harm, since the disease will remain and will worsen over time.

Fear - what is it?

Fear refers to a sudden feeling of fear that appears very quickly and haunts a person for a long period of time. Young children are considered the most susceptible to this phenomenon, although fear also occurs in adults. The main signs in children are not only crying and sleepless nights. Usually the child experiences depression, melancholy, or sudden twitching.

In medicine, it is customary to classify fear as a nervous disorder. However, in folk medicine this phenomenon is classified as a separate group and relates to both the psyche and the subconscious. To treat it, various methods are used, which many of the representatives of the fair half of humanity learned with the advent of their first child in the family.

In infants, fear is the most difficult to identify. If an older child himself can talk about what caused the “fear,” then it will be more difficult with a baby. Here you need to pay attention to his behavior.

Basic methods

There are several ways to remove this disease yourself:

  • pouring on wax;
  • reading prayers;
  • homeopathy treatment.

Such rituals can be performed for both women and men. Age also has no restrictions. Let's consider each method in detail and determine what is needed to carry it out.

Wax casting

If you do not know how to treat fear in a child, then this method will suit you. Pouring on wax is carried out for both children and adults. To carry out such a ritual, you will need wax - 150 g, a deep bowl of water, a mug for heating the wax and matches.

You need to seat an adult or child on a stool in front of the front door and give them a bowl of water. The person being treated should hold the container above their head. Next you need to read the prayer words: “Our Father.” Then a spell is pronounced, and liquid wax is gradually poured into a bowl of water. The words of the conspiracy must be read nine times:

After pouring on wax is completed, the pourer needs to turn the wax over and look at its condition. A lumpy, loose surface will indicate that the casting was successful and the wax absorbed all the negativity.

To completely get rid of fear, traditional healers recommend casting wax several times in this way. An adult can also pour the wax.

For the ritual you will need a wax candle


There is another effective method of how to relieve a person’s fear on your own at home - turning to the powers of heaven.

You can remove fear from a baby with the help of a sacred rite - baptism. If the child has already been baptized, church ministers recommend taking him to the sacrament and periodically washing him with holy water. This treatment best helps children get rid of unpleasant sensations.

One very strong prayer for a child will help you get rid of this illness. You need to read it three days in a row: three times a day - morning, lunch and evening. Leaning over your baby's head, read the following text:

You can cure fears in children and adults with the “Our Father” prayer. It must be read daily three times a day. This prayer needs to be read by a mother, aunt, grandmother, that is, one of the female relatives.

Conspiracy text


There are many homeopathic medicines that help relieve fear in adults and children. Let's look at what tools exist and in what cases they are used:

  1. Silver nitrate. This drug is prescribed for an uncontrollable need for sweets, the development of feelings of anxiety and trembling in the limbs.
  2. Aconitium. This remedy is used if this ailment is caused by an accident, timidity, screaming, cowardice and tachycardia.
  3. Arsenic oxide is white. This medicine is effective if the illness is accompanied by additional fears - fear of death, illness, nightmares.
  4. Belladonna. It is used for a disease that is combined with a convulsive state.
  5. Calcarea carbonica. Treatment for fear with this drug is prescribed for people with arrhythmia, weakness, and lethargy.
  6. Caustic. An effective remedy that helps cure fears and feelings of intense fear in children when they see the dark. Caustic treats fear in children who cry in their sleep, are capricious and very sensitive.
  7. Opium. These tablets help with ailments that cause dizziness, unsteadiness and loss of consciousness in an accident.
  8. Ignacy amara provides relief from intense fear caused by catastrophes (car accidents, plane crashes, etc.). Often this remedy is prescribed in combination with belladonna, since such a strong fear can be accompanied by a number of unpleasant side effects - trembling of the arms and legs, convulsions, and sometimes stuttering.
  9. Virginia jasmine. Helps treat fear in children caused by falling. The main symptoms are fear of heights, trembling limbs, excessive sweating.
  10. Primrose. Tablets based on the extract of this plant eliminate fear and cowardice in people who are timid, sad, need excessive care, and suffer from sudden mood swings.
  11. Black elderberry. If a person has a tendency to suffocation, nervousness, hallucinations after severe fear and timidity, he is prescribed this medicine.
  12. Barium carbonate is neutral. This drug is prescribed for fear in lethargic, insecure and unsociable people.

Virgin jasmine will relieve fear of heights

Video on the topic

Night terrors and nightmares in children: Doctor Komarovsky

In this program, Dr. Komarovsky will talk about the difference between night terrors and nightmares, drawing the attention of parents to the fact that fears usually torment children under 2 years of age and occur at the beginning of the night and during sleep, while children see nightmares closer to the morning and remember them when they wake up.

Evgeniy Olegovich will warn mothers and fathers against common mistakes, and will also advise parents on how to prevent the occurrence of nighttime obsessions, placing special emphasis on the role of parents, leisurely walks during the day or evening, and calm live communication before bedtime.

Then, in the “Pharmacy” section, Dr. Komarovsky will remind viewers that antiviral drugs are highly specialized drugs that are prescribed only in severe cases (for example, acyclovir, oseltamivir, etc.), and most “immune-boosting” drugs do not have proven effectiveness.

In the “Planet of Moms” section, Oksana and Taras from Japan will share how the state and society here support mothers with children: everywhere - in the subway, supermarkets, public toilets - there are mother and child rooms, devices for care and first aid, even defibrillator on a special stand in the metro. (Issue No. 2, broadcast from 03/09/2016)

How to relieve fear in a child yourself?

Tatyana Koroleva on her video channel will talk about the technique of casting fear on wax, which is as ancient as beekeeping. Wax, a biologically active substance, has the unique ability to absorb any information, including negative information.

How to properly pour on wax and treat fear in children

Antonina Polishchuk on the video channel tells how to properly pour it on wax at home to treat fear in children.

How to cure fright at home yourself: wax casting

The video describes the technology of wax casting at home, an effective magical method of relieving the evil eye, fear, and energy problems.

How to remove the evil eye yourself in children: wax casting

Natalia Belozerova will tell us how to remove the evil eye yourself at home using a folk remedy - wax casting. Advice from a healer and traditional healer.

How to relieve fear in a child for the mother herself: treatment of fear and the evil eye

Video channel “Spring of the Soul, Magic of the Soul. Esoterics". Author: “Hello, in this video I will tell you what to do if your baby cries often, what baby fear is and how you can help your child using white magic. Make an appointment by phone: +7(910)365-6460 (+viber/whatsapp).

Fright, evil eye in a child: what to do, how to treat and how to cure it at home

Video channel "Slavinsky and K". Fear in a child - what happens in the body at the physiological level? Where to run? Who should I look to for help?

Quick relief of neurosis, fear, stress, aggression in adults and children

ATTENTION! Don't start listening to the program without reading the explanation below! Are you nervous? Are your nerves out of control? Having a lot of stress? Are negative feelings overwhelming your mind? It's okay, we'll calm them down now.

Here is a program that will help you quickly deal with these types of problems. In just 15 minutes, your nerves will be in order and you will calm down.

Instructions for use:

  1. Connect stereo headphones. This program will not work without stereo headphones. Don't even try to listen to it through speakers. The program uses a new principle of spatial-acoustic shifting, it will only work if you are using headphones.
  2. Make sure your computer is NOT using any equalizer. Make sure the mega bass function or bass boost function is NOT turned on!
  3. Take a position that is comfortable for your body. The best is half sitting or lying down. There is NO NEED to take the Lotus pose!
  4. Turn on the program. After this, close your eyes and concentrate your attention on your breathing. Turn off the internal dialogue. For best results, don't concentrate on the program's sounds. Your attention should be focused on your breathing.

This program is so short, but in terms of impact it surpasses programs that last more than 1 hour!

Join our social groups - they publish a lot of interesting materials on meditation and the development of consciousness.

IMPORTANT WARNING! This is a psychoactive program of the 1st (weakest) level of impact. However, please observe the following safety rules:

  1. Listening to the program while driving a vehicle is STRICTLY prohibited!
  2. You cannot listen to the program if you suffer from epilepsy.
  3. Persons under 18 years of age cannot listen to the program.
  4. You cannot listen to the program while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  5. The maximum total time for listening to psychoactive programs is 2 hours a day.

Fright and evil eye

Very often, the doctor’s help and his recommendations turn out to be powerless, and the doctor only shrugs helplessly, not knowing how to cure a child’s severe fright. In this case, you can suspect the evil eye. It is no secret that the baby has a very weak biofield, which is easily destroyed under the influence of an evil and envious eye, so the child may experience the consequences of fear, despite the absence of a traumatic situation. What are the signs of the evil eye in a baby? It's easy to understand:

  • temperature for no reason;
  • the baby often cries, breaking into screams;
  • the baby sleeps poorly and loses appetite, which affects his weight;
  • a child may experience a “false cold,” flu-like symptoms, fear, and more.

Sudden stuttering, hyperactivity or, conversely, inhibition of thinking, speech and movement can also indicate the evil eye, masquerading as the consequences of psychological trauma and fear.

Child's evil eye

What can be done? In this case, in order to remove the fear caused by a negative impact, you will need the help not of a doctor, but of a village grandmother-healer who is trained in special rituals and can take on the task of removing the child’s fear, regardless of the reason that caused this condition.

Rituals against fear and the evil eye

If for some reason you do not want to contact a witch, you can perform rituals to relieve fear yourself. There are simple magical rituals such as rolling out an egg, praying and pouring wax.

For this ritual, the mother needs to buy fresh chicken eggs without bargaining and perform the ritual early in the morning. The baby is seated facing the door, and then the testicle is rolled, starting from the crown of the head and ending with the feet. At the same time, you need to read the following conspiracy: “God gave the baby, you, Lord, protect him. From damage, from the evil eye, from the fierce eye. Take away fear from God’s servant (name), free him from fear!” With this ritual you can heal a baby by placing him on the table. After rolling out the egg, you need to throw the object outside the house, wrapped in paper or newspaper. The ritual must be carried out over three to four days. After your condition improves, you can light a candle in the church for Jesus, as well as St. Nicholas the Pleasant.


You can treat fear in a one-year-old baby, as well as in an older child, in the following way. For this you will also need fresh eggs. Having taken the object, you need to roll it seven times on the crown, seven times on the back and seven times on the limbs. This attribute must be rolled clockwise. During the ritual they say: “You, egg, take a ride, collect all the damage, the evil eye, hiccups, dryness, crookedness, hives - take all the diseases upon yourself!” After this, the product must be thrown into the fire and burned. The ceremony must be performed for seven days in a row.

To ensure that the baby has no anxiety, no fear, no phobia, wax casting will help. To do this, you need to take a glass of holy water and place it on the child’s head. Next, the conspiracy of the icon of the Mother of God is read: “Pour out fear and fear from the servant of God (name), from his head and body, from his arms and legs, from his heart and eyes. The Most Holy Theotokos is with me, she helps me, she takes away the damage from the baby and removes the evil eye!” After this, a church candle is melted, the wax of which is poured into cold water, which was used for reprimanding. Fear is relieved with water, which has magical powers and can help a child get rid of fear. The hardened wax must be removed from the water and wrapped in paper. Then it is advisable to throw it away, and pour the water, which has “adopted” the child’s fear, under a tree. Three rituals are enough to free a child from fear.

​How to independently cure fear in a child

First of all, parents should show care and love to the baby. Frightened children can often be calmed down by their parents or hugs from close relatives

Children's attention is often distracted by some interesting object, a bright toy, reading a fairy tale, or a new game. Parents must act correctly, there must be peace in the family, the baby must sing songs before bed, often stroke the back, head, arms, legs, a mother’s prayer or a spell against fears can also help

When a person is treated well and loved, he stops worrying. Usually all this helps younger people, for example, if they are infants.

There are many methods of getting rid of fear, for example, casting the fear using wax. Komarovsky, a doctor who became famous for his unconventional, folk methods and means of treating children, for example, has a method using eggs. Pouring wax, by the way, is a very effective method, and very simple, since any parent can cure fear on their own.

Fears in a baby can only be treated with parental affection and care. If a son or daughter is afraid of the help of doctors, parents need to convey to them that it is better to correct the situation now than to suffer from its consequences later. This should be said in a friendly tone and without shouting at the baby.

The work of a psychologist, neurologist and parents should be joint. Only united efforts will help cope with such a complex disease in a child. In case of severe fear, the doctor prescribes special remedies that will help children cope with the disease. Even if pills and other medications do not help cope with the problem, the child is prescribed hypnosis sessions. We hope you no longer have questions about how to cure fear in a child yourself.

What do people understand by fright?

Many people have experienced fear throughout their lives, but not everyone could explain the incomprehensible sensations. According to official data, fright is usually understood as a sudden feeling of fear that can haunt a person almost throughout his entire life.

A good example is small children, who are often frightened by unfamiliar things and events. But fear is also characteristic of adults who do not have a sufficient sense of self-control and inner confidence.

The most common manifestations of fear are:

  • a sharp shudder from any rustle;
  • the appearance of signs of depression;
  • sleep problems;
  • sad state.

Frequent and unfounded fears in official medicine are often classified as nervous disorders. But in folk medicine there is a different attitude towards this condition. And it is precisely folk methods that young mothers turn to when they are unable to solve the problem of fear in their children on their own.

It is especially difficult for those whose children are small and simply unable to talk about their fears. But such signs as restless sleep, crying in sleep, fear of the dark and refusal to eat should suggest fear. And in this case, sincere and sincere prayer can provide invaluable help.

Folk remedies

People have many ways to get a person out of such a state. Let's look at them in detail.


This treatment method is suitable for both adults and children.

Immediately after a fright, the person must be given three sips of holy water. Then fill a half-liter jar with water and place it at the patient’s head. A fresh, preferably homemade, egg must be passed over the entire body, arms, legs and head, reading the Lord's Prayer. Then crack the egg into a jar of water.

You can see the result based on the state of the protein. If a cloudy, whitish spot appears on it, then the treatment has helped. This procedure can be done several times so that the evil spirits completely leave the frightened person. The contents of the jar must be flushed down the toilet or poured out on the street far from home. You can do egg rolling to get rid of fear by yourself or by yourself.

Herbal infusions

According to traditional healers, the herb helps cure even the most severe fear. Alarm grass helps cope with nervous conditions

It is important to choose the right collection and prepare it. We offer you several effective recipes

  1. Infusion of horse sorrel. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of herb, boil for a few minutes, leave for half an hour and take a little throughout the day.
  2. Pour a glass of hot water into 1 tablespoon of the leaves of the common stork. Close with a nylon lid and leave for a day. Then strain, take 50 ml four times a day. This remedy is intended for the treatment of fear in adults. It is not recommended for children to take it.
  3. Pour a handful of dried Ulcer multifolia flowers into 300 ml of boiling water and leave covered for half an hour. Then strain and add to a bath of warm water. Water procedures based on this have a calming effect on the human body and psyche after a fright.
  4. It is very good to carry out a cleansing ritual on the night of Ivan Kupala. It is necessary to take dried stalks of St. John's wort and fumigate the house with them. This herb helps not only to get rid of fear, but also to cure all family members, including children, from it.

Ulcer multifolia is added to the bath

Read a prayer for yourself

Despite the fact that adults are able to cope with most fears on their own, they often need the help of prayer. It is also suitable for teenagers, who often experience fear due to adolescence and lack of self-confidence.

The prayer below should be read by those who are baptized and sincerely believe in the help of holy powers.

In order to read the prayer text correctly, you will need 2 people at once. It is best if they are close relatives. Anyone who is scared should sit down on a chair in the center of the room. Another person needs to stand behind and try to “pull out” the fear through the following words of prayer:

“Fear and fear, run away from the eyes, run away from the legs, flow out of the hands. Leave your shoulders and stomach, joints, veins and chest. Get out of your head and never come back! Let go of the servant of God (name), do not fool his thoughts and do not cloud his head. Come out quickly, acute fear, prickly and very painful. And never come back again! Amen!"

The presented prayer should be read in the morning for a whole week. After each reading of the sacred words, the one who is frightened should take a shower in order to wash away all the fear. If you say words from the heart and sincerely believe in their fulfillment, help will definitely come. And get rid of the fear of getting rid of it.

Causes of fright in infants

Anything can scare a child. As a rule, these are very specific external factors, for example:

  • a large object directly approaching the baby (for example, an animal, an unsuccessful toy that is not age appropriate, a car, an umbrella opened in front of the face, etc.);
  • a sharp sound (siren, thunder, bursting balloon, suddenly turned on music and even too loud laughter);
  • pain (it happens that babies feel frightened at the time of vaccination);
  • closed (or, conversely, too open) space;
  • water (for example, if, as a result of the carelessness of adults, the baby choked while swimming);
  • an unpleasant event (scandal, fight between loved ones, witnessed by the baby).

Important! Children's doctors have noticed that children who are deprived of parental attention are especially susceptible to fear, as well as those who are looked after too fervently (they are not allowed to go for walks on their own, are isolated from potential dangers, are protected from everything in the world and are intensely sorry if the baby falls and hits himself). However, sometimes fear is caused precisely by the absence of one or another external stimulus.

For example, a long absence of a mother who does not come to a demanding cry. In older children, fear may arise due to a nightmare, darkness, loneliness (already realized) or the mental realization of a threat uttered by unlucky parents

However, sometimes fear is caused precisely by the absence of one or another external stimulus. For example, a long absence of a mother who does not come to a demanding cry. In older children, fear may arise due to a nightmare, darkness, loneliness (already realized) or the mental realization of a threat uttered by unlucky parents.

For example, if you constantly repeat to your child: if you are capricious, a woman will come and take you away, the child may be afraid of someone or something that will be similar to the image of an incomprehensible “woman” drawn in his imagination.


Fear refers to a sudden feeling of fear that appears very quickly and haunts a person for a long period of time. Young children are considered the most susceptible to this phenomenon, although fear also occurs in adults. The main signs in children are considered to be not only crying and sleepless nights, but also depression, melancholy, and sudden shuddering.

In medicine, it is customary to classify fear as a nervous disorder, but in folk medicine this phenomenon is classified as a separate group, relating to both the psyche and the subconscious. To treat it, various methods are used, which many of the representatives of the fair half of humanity learned with the advent of their first child in the family.

In infants, fear is the most difficult to identify. If an older child himself can talk about what caused the “fear,” then it will be more difficult with a baby. Here you need to pay attention to his behavior.

Main features:

  • Restless sleep, crying in sleep, trembling;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Crying for no reason;
  • Inappropriate reaction to some phenomena, say, to individual animals, insects;
  • Fear of the dark.

In addition, the youngest may also experience hereditary fear. This can happen if the mother was very frightened of something during pregnancy. In this case, fears can get to the newborn.

In any case, prayer for fear will help solve this problem and cure the baby. Below we will look at rituals for both adults and small children.

Danger of manifestation

It should be noted that fear in itself is not a reason to panic. Just like in adults, fear is quite natural for a baby, and sometimes even useful.

About the benefits

Indeed, fear allows a person to react correctly to danger. If a baby, without the slightest sign of concern, decides to count his teeth in the mouth of a huge dog or rushes to cross a raging mountain river, his chances of being killed or injured greatly increase. One of the two basic human instincts is the instinct of self-preservation. Its essence is that if something threatens us, we, without thinking or realizing the meaning of our actions, try to save ourselves.

Fear, along with pain, is the main tool that helps realize the instinct of self-preservation. It is for this reason that fear is often unconscious. We cannot afford to waste time analyzing the reality of the threat; we react to the danger before we understand its meaning. A person who does not experience fear is just as defenseless in the face of external threats as a person who does not experience pain. Did you know? One of the most amazing pathologies known to medicine is called sensory autonomic neuropathy. One of the episodes of the odious American film “Doctor House” is even dedicated to this phenomenon. The essence of the problem is that the patient, as a result of a gene mutation, is from birth unable to feel pain. Such people are every second exposed to the mortal risk of injuring themselves and not noticing it; in addition, they are deprived of the opportunity to recognize the onset of the disease in time, which means they can die from the most primitive infection.

Why is fear dangerous?

And yet, to say that fear is definitely useful is also completely wrong. Be that as it may, fear is stress, with all the ensuing consequences. The danger lies in fear if it is too strong. As a rule, we cannot protect the baby from surprise, but we have the power to behave correctly in a situation when this does happen. An inadequate reaction of adults to a child's fear can be even more dangerous than the child's reaction to the stimulus itself. The panic and confusion of parents frightens the child in itself, therefore, by being able to control ourselves, we thereby minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences of child fright, and vice versa. Fear can negatively affect both the psyche and the physical state of the child. Metabolism is disrupted, blood vessels and the heart suffer, and obsessive fears (phobias) arise. Finally, fright can very well kill. Did you know? According to statistics, when trying to catch a wild animal alive, the mortality rate ranges from one to ten, and among birds every second one dies. The cause of death in this case is precisely fear. In order to reduce the risk of death, people resort to various tricks - they try to move and make less noise during the hunt, do not pursue the animal for long, avoid direct eye contact, in a word, they do everything to reduce the fear.

Of course, the likelihood of a small child dying from fright is negligible, and yet one should not ignore the negative consequences of the stress experienced.

Possible consequences

Experts believe that a slight fright can be beneficial for a person. The process produces adrenaline and eustress (positive, harmless stress). But there should not be many such mild scares, because in large numbers they become just as dangerous as strong ones.

Due to severe fear, a person can withdraw into himself and remain in a depressed state for a long time. His reaction to stimuli will be neutral.

Girls suffer more from severe fright due to the characteristics of the nervous system, which is much weaker than that of men. They may even faint from overexertion.

Children most often begin to communicate worse with their parents. They prefer to be alone. If these consequences are ignored, the child will completely stop communicating with others.

Young children (under 5 years old) may have problems with speech or its complete absence as a result of fright. Some people start to stutter badly.

The development of mental disorders is possible. Main manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, anxiety, progressive mental paralysis, paranoia. Epilepsy may develop among children.

Fright is especially dangerous for people of summer age and pregnant women. Because as a result of a strong shock, death awaits them.

Heart attack

This is only possible in older people and adults with problems with the cardiovascular system. Among those who are physically healthy, actively involved in sports and have not previously complained of heart attacks, a heart attack will not subsequently occur.

After an emotional shock, strong tremors of the heart occur. Sometimes the body can withstand them, sometimes not. But according to statistics, no more than 5% of people die this way.

You can determine that a person has had a heart rupture by the following signs:

  • the frightened one instantly falls, loses consciousness,
  • after 35 minutes the neck swells, the veins on it thicken and protrude,
  • the body from head to torso gradually acquires a blue-violet color.

You can't help such a person anymore.


Occurs as a result of dysfunction of the speech apparatus. But first, the part of the brain responsible for this function is affected. In addition to disruption of the speech apparatus, the baby may stop developing. Most often this occurs in children of preschool and school age. This leads to the fact that the child may become withdrawn and consider himself different from others.

Speech defects in childhood and adolescence are often given too much attention, which makes the child feel ashamed of his problem and experience a feeling of embarrassment. He refuses to make contact with others, so as not to again hear ridicule or reproaches in his direction.

Danger for pregnant women

Doctors identify such a thing as intrauterine fright. Its essence: when the expectant mother gets scared, disruptions occur in the development of the baby’s nervous system, and it is formed incorrectly.

Due to severe emotional shocks, blood pressure increases, which can provoke placental abruption. This will negatively affect the baby's health.

The worst outcome is a miscarriage due to the fact that the pregnant girl was nervous. After which a diagnosis of infertility can be made.

Another danger of intrauterine fright is that from birth the baby is withdrawn into himself, unsociable, and protects himself from society. The most severe cases have the following consequences: a child is born with a diagnosis of autism, i.e., developmental delay.

And the woman who has given birth becomes very nervous, irritable, and overly emotional. This will negatively affect relationships with family, especially children and husband.

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