How to deal with drug addiction at home

Nobody likes to admit that they have an addiction, even to themselves. Nevertheless, many of us fall into the trap of one addiction or another throughout our lives, because it has so many faces. Judge for yourself: dependence on parents, life partner, friends, work, food, gambling, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, money, other people's opinions. This list can be continued, although the examples given are enough to realize how widespread addiction is in our society. Some of its types may not seem too dangerous, but all of them are addictive, which in any case does not bode well.

In addition, any addiction serves as a barrier to personal growth, significantly affects our quality of life, and also limits business potential, since it causes excessive fear of failure, and thus does not allow us to achieve our goals. From all this a logical question follows: is it possible to get rid of addiction and become the master of your life? Yes, it is possible if you put into practice the following advice from psychologists.

Is it possible to get rid of drug addiction at home?

Not wanting publicity, trying to avoid registration or the fact that other people will find out about the problem and this will affect the future, people prefer not to contact clinics and centers. This is also facilitated by the desire to save money or simply limited funds. Some people underestimate psychological cravings, believing that they will cleanse themselves simply by overcoming “withdrawal.” Nevertheless, after the “withdrawal syndrome” he will be tormented for a long time by depression, anger, irritation, apathy, mood swings, negative thoughts and a broken state. Treating addiction at home is not the most effective way to deal with it. Nevertheless, some people succeeded, and these are people with great desire and determination to start a sober life. These are those who wanted to quit drugs for some other purpose (love, children, etc.). The position of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is: “Drug addiction cannot be treated at home.”

Modern methods of combating alcohol addiction

Today in Russia, various progressive methods of treatment and rehabilitation are used to combat alcoholism. The first step to a healthy lifestyle is the patient’s awareness of the problem and the desire to get rid of it. Treatment of alcoholism is carried out in a complex and includes a number of medications, psychotherapeutic and rehabilitation therapy.

Medical centers and drug treatment clinics use progressive drugs to detoxify the body, relieving the alcoholic of physical dependence. After a course of drug treatment, the patient is sent to a rehabilitation center. Rehabilitation of alcohol addicts is a set of measures that allows a person to get rid of a pathological addiction to alcohol and return to a normal, fulfilling life in society.

Psychological and social adaptation is aimed at making the dependent person, after a course of rehabilitation, feel completely healthy, a full-fledged member of society. Each rehabilitation center has its own program for interaction with alcohol addicts.

works according to its own effective program, based on the extensive experience of various Christian denominations. We do not use medical methods of influence, but restore a full-fledged personality - both physically and mentally, morally and spiritually. The optimal combination of effective techniques allows you not only to get an excellent result, but also to securely consolidate it, avoiding relapse.

Ways to get rid of drug addiction at home

If the addiction is not severe, if the person has not yet completely lost his good and valuable qualities, there are several ways to help:

  1. Vitamins and minerals. Drugs destroy these beneficial substances, and they are vital. Take them in higher doses.
  2. Complete and nutritious food. Vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cereals, nuts, dried fruits and other nutrient-rich foods will help the body recover and a person feel better mentally.
  3. Walks. Walk (for an hour or several hours) and look around: at houses, trees, benches, cars, etc. Turn off your phone and direct your attention to the outside world. This will also help improve sleep.

We warn you against using antidepressants and other similar drugs: this can change one addiction to another. There may be some benefit from attending Narcotics Anonymous groups.


The root of emotional dependence on other people and other people's opinions is low self-esteem. The search for those who would love us turns into an obsession to please absolutely everyone, even to the detriment of our own interests. What to do? To begin with, to realize that being liked by everyone is pure utopia; no one has yet succeeded in doing this. It is much more correct to seek the approval of a certain group of people whose opinion is important to you personally, and the first member of this group should be you yourself. In addition, you should get rid of the tendency towards perfectionism. Praising and rewarding yourself, even for the smallest successes, is a healthy habit that needs to be purposefully cultivated in order to say goodbye to emotional dependence.

The influence of close circle in the fight against addiction

It is important that a person has the support of family and friends. Avoid quarrels and scandals. Try not to be reminded of the past. Yes, a person made mistakes and did perhaps unforgivable things, but it is not the past that is important, but the future. And the future depends on what happens in the present. Support from relatives helps a former drug addict get through difficult moments. Not pity and sympathy, but love and support. In addition, it is important to protect the drug addict from making mistakes. For example, limit access to finance, limit communication with a certain circle of people. There are people with whom you should stop communicating - those who used to induce or are now inducing drug use, sold or are selling them.

Psychology of addiction

Dependencies, or hooks, are very different. We can depend on food, establishing a cult of it and consuming uncontrolled quantities, which leads to obesity. Or depend on a specific person, blindly “loving” him and spending days and nights in suffering, at a time when life is in full swing around and thousands of the same men or women flash by. Recently, addiction to computer games has begun to spread, forcing a person to dissolve in the virtual world, in a world of illusions and unlimited possibilities. Many people depend on the red light of a lit cigarette, sweetly inhaling the poisonous smoke and enjoying it. Much more dangerous than addiction to alcohol and drugs, but this is a specific pathology that cannot be avoided without medical help.

Although the nature of addiction in these examples is different, they have one common feature - an obsessive need for a certain type of activity, without which a person cannot imagine his existence. Most often this need is psychological. That is, certain chains of connections are created, the rupture of which seems to be a disaster to a person. His attention is concentrated at a certain point or range, completely turning off his horizons. Willpower is hidden under a thick layer of desires and satisfaction of needs.

Thus resigning himself to the state of things, a person indulges his whim, completely refusing to look around and see the other side of the world.

All attempts by others to “wake up” the “sleeping” person turn out to be completely futile. It is impossible to force him to give up his imaginary comfort.

So how do you fight addiction?

Conclusion about the effectiveness of getting rid of drug addiction at home

If you follow the simple but effective tips described above, your chances of coping on your own increase. However, the most effective ways to overcome drugs are long-term inpatient rehabilitation. Most often, after overcoming withdrawal symptoms at home or in a clinic, drug addicts relapse and continue using. This happens for several reasons: they are in a familiar environment; they lack the knowledge and skills to cope with the consequences of use; the causes of the addiction were not found and eliminated.

Rehabilitation at the Narconon-Standard center

The best way to help with addiction:

  1. Treatment in the clinic. In this case, the actions of doctors should be limited to mild methods of relieving withdrawal symptoms and treating concomitant physical diseases.
  2. Completion of a rehabilitation program in a hospital for several months.

The results of the Narconon program are achieved in 70% of cases. A person stops using drugs; he no longer needs them. He can live a full life and enjoy ordinary things. Call us now!


Detoxification | Helping a person with intoxication

UBOD (ultra rapid detoxification) - what is it?

Prevention of alcoholism

One of the effective methods of combating alcoholism is prevention. Experts distinguish primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of alcoholism

  • Primary prevention is aimed at preventing the disease. Preventive activities are aimed mainly at working with young people and include various lectures and conversations about the dangers of alcohol and the consequences of its use on the body. The goals of primary prevention are to formulate a person’s psychological anti-alcohol attitude.
  • Secondary prevention – aimed at people dependent on alcohol. Preventive methods are based on effective psychotherapeutic assistance, which allows you to understand the causes of drunkenness and learn to cope with any life situation without resorting to alcohol. Great importance is given to working with relatives and the patient’s immediate environment, creating a favorable psychological environment aimed at resocializing the addict.
  • Tertiary prevention is aimed at those who have completed a long-term rehabilitation program and are freed from addiction. All kinds of sobriety clubs, the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous are the main methods of tertiary prevention.

Until recently, the main methods of combating alcohol addiction included:

  • introducing a ban on the sale of alcohol;
  • constant anti-alcohol propaganda;
  • introduction of laws on criminal punishment of persons involved in the production and distribution of illegal alcohol;
  • educational work on a sober lifestyle.

All these methods did not bring society relief from alcoholism, which entailed the development and use of more effective and efficient ways to combat alcohol addiction. Among the main negative phenomena that significantly complicate the fight against alcoholism and treatment of alcohol dependence is the indifference and inattention of society to this problem.

In addition, often relatives, friends and relatives of an alcoholic, who nevertheless decide to notice the addiction, try to fight it on their own, without involving specialists. But as a rule, folk remedies do not bring the desired result and the situation only gets worse.

It should be remembered that when it comes to alcoholism, it is necessary to discard false modesty and forget about any impartial assessment of others. All this is incompatible with effective treatment for alcohol addiction. The sooner the patient turns to specialists, the greater the real chances for a complete recovery and successful resocialization.

Action plan

The matter of gaining personal freedom requires not only desire, but also a specific plan of action. Before you start compiling it, conduct an internal inventory, identifying the presence of possible dependencies. Then write down specific steps with dates for completing them. Let's say you notice that you are addicted to watching TV. This takes not only time, but also emotional energy, as a result, important things are postponed. Set a goal to limit your TV viewing to 2 hours a day for the first week. Then gradually reduce the time, arranging TV-free days in the future. For example, if previously it took you 3 hours every day to communicate with a blue screen, then by reducing this figure to just 2, you will get 7 hours a week, which you can usefully use to achieve worthy goals. It is also worth noting that any plan is imperfect, so from time to time it requires making the necessary adjustments. This will help you say goodbye to addiction in the easiest way for you.

Make freedom the motto of your life

By putting personal freedom at the forefront of your decision-making, you will notice how you gradually break out of the vicious circle that previously limited your life. This is especially obvious in cases of emotional dependence and attempts to please others. Do what you like and fight for what you need. When the chains of restraint are broken, you will feel empowered to cope with any task, and any goal in life will seem within your reach.

So, in order to eliminate the addiction that hinders personal progress, you need to clearly understand what it is, take responsibility for your life, putting it in order, develop a plan, and then follow it in a disciplined manner, and most importantly, set the goal of gaining personal freedom.

Good luck!

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