An ancient parable: how to respond to the envy of others

One of the most negative and destructive feelings is envy. Experts believe that it kills luck, so it is very important to learn how to deal with it.

Before you start working on yourself, you should protect yourself from envious people through magical rituals, because this feeling is inherent in a huge number of people. Proven methods will help you avoid problems and overcome the negative impact of other people’s envy. After protection from the evil eye has been established, you should learn to cope with your envy.

How it all began

Catherine, a middle-income woman, worked hard to provide for her two children. She was married, her husband, of course, also worked. Katya was sure that her best friend was superior to her:

  • her children are happier;
  • her clothes are more beautiful;
  • she has more friends.

Katya watched as guests constantly came to Anna (that was her friend’s name), they gathered in a friendly group and discussed something. Catherine herself rarely invited guests. They came to her to help with something. Both women had children. It seemed to Katya that Anna’s children were more active, cheerful, cheerful, and her husband gave gifts more often. Anya didn’t even know that she was the object of envy.

When Katya heard good news from a friend, for example, that the children were achieving success in their studies, she was overcome with anger. The woman couldn’t help herself, she wanted to shout loudly: “Shut up already, I’m not interested in your stories!” I had to restrain myself. Katya could not afford such statements. She accumulated negativity:

  • anger;
  • envy;
  • annoyance.

Bad emotions went off scale and suppressed positive ones. The woman thought that fate was unfair to her. Something more needed to be achieved. As a fact: discontent grew into severe envy.

How to respond to envy

Many women in their daily lives have encountered such a negative phenomenon as envy. Envy is a rather contradictory feeling, which is based, first of all, on the moment of comparing oneself with others: “everything is better in her family than in me,” “she has achieved greater results in her professional field than me.”

Often, parents themselves, without knowing it, develop a “bad habit” in their children - comparing themselves with their peers. When parents evaluate any, even the smallest, achievement of their child, praise him for every good deed, and accept his child’s interests, the child grows up in a friendly atmosphere, with a feeling of self-satisfaction. If parents make supernatural demands on the child, compare him with other, in their opinion, more successful and well-mannered children, as a result, the child begins to look for flaws in himself, envy, and feel inferior and worthless.

Oddly enough, you can measure your achievements, level of success, and life satisfaction with envy, because if envious people appeared in your environment, it means that these people were able to appreciate your victories and recognize your superiority over them.

There are also people who are not averse to provoking a situation of envy themselves: to do this, they try in every possible way to stand out, demonstrating their material wealth (buying expensive jewelry, clothes, mobile phones, etc.) or ingratiate themselves with colleagues, thereby trying to impress others, instill in them a feeling of inadequacy.

How to react, how to behave if you catch sparks of envy in your close circle. Firstly, under no circumstances try to justify yourself or give any arguments in a situation where rumors begin to spread at your place of work (especially if these rumors are baseless and have no basis); if you want to repel an envious woman, you will simply lose strength and vitality. With a person who likes to spread rumors, it is better to start keeping your distance, but you should not ignore him completely, or you will receive an even greater wave of negative emotions. Communicate on abstract topics that do not affect, for example, family and material spheres. Do not display “objects of envy” for everyone to see; those around you do not need to be aware of your achievements, your well-being, or family joys. Share happy moments with your loved ones!

If you become an object of praise, if you and your successes are set as an example, be modest, assure everyone that only hard work and efficiency helped achieve such brilliant results, but not luck.

You can also block the wave of negativity if you simply feel sorry for the person you envy and accept him for who he is.

Not even the strongest and most long-lasting friendship has been destroyed under the influence of envy. If suddenly your friend was noticed during another “unattractive” conversation in which you were mentioned in a bad way, do not rush to break off friendship with her, perhaps your friend needs help, for example. She was demoted, but you, on the contrary, were promoted and at the same time your salary increased, or you received a marriage proposal from your loved one, but on the contrary, your friend was abandoned by your friend. In this situation, do not rush to share your joys with her; it is better to wait and wait until your friend solves her problems.

If your relationship remains tense because of her envy, then it is better to stop any communication, and if you value your friendship and want to preserve it, then you simply need to have a serious conversation and explain to your friend how her words filled with envy hurt and upset you . Only sincere people who are able to rejoice for you will be true friends.

Try to get rid of envy yourself, from the temptation to discuss your successful colleague and compare your achievements over another cup of coffee during your lunch break, and then you can protect yourself from this antisocial, harmful feeling.


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What happened next

Catherine lost a close friend, I mean, she stopped communicating with her. She simply did not want to hear anything about other people's successes. Envy progressed and ate me from the inside. After some time, this woman stopped communicating with other friends. She always felt like they were showing off to her. There were joyful events in life, but they were invisible against the backdrop of anger.

Catherine became aggressive: she began to criticize her husband and lash out at the children. The situation was getting worse. Katya was angry, touchy, and at the same time defenseless. She constantly blamed others for her failures, but deep down she was worried. I caught myself thinking that I wish everyone harm. Katya recognized the problem, but did not know how to solve it.

And then the attack of envy attacked again. The woman had a fight with her husband and took out her anger on him. One day she went outside to get a little distraction. She went to the park. It was beautiful there, nature was pleasing to the eye. At some point, the woman was distracted from the negativity and forgot the bad thoughts. I sat down on a bench to enjoy the magnificent scenery.

Why is envy dangerous and where does it come from?

Many people hear from early childhood that they should be better than others. If young children do not yet know what envy is and know how to enjoy what they have, then older children are encountering this feeling for the first time. It is precisely because they want to see us better, smarter and stronger that we begin to envy others.

Not everyone knows that envy can be turned into something positive. If a person does not focus on the fact that he is worse than others, he will be able to significantly increase his motivation. If you meet a person who, in your opinion, is luckier and luckier than you, you should not reproach yourself for this and be offended by the whole world. Just find out what this person did to achieve this result. Try to adopt his secrets and apply them in your life. In this case, we can say that envy was useful for you.

Black envy is a negative feeling that destroys a person’s life. You should get rid of such envy as quickly as possible. It destroys luck because we think not about ourselves, but about how to surpass someone or, even worse, we become negative. Envy leads us to believe that luck favors only the chosen few, although this statement is completely false.

Unexpected meeting

At first I didn’t pay attention to the strange voice. Then she realized: an ex-girlfriend and her husband were sitting on the next bench. Anna is crying and complaining about something. The husband tries to calm his wife down and support her, but to no avail. Katya watched her ex-friend and listened, wondering what she was talking about with her husband.

A former friend was almost crying, she told him about some hopeless situation. My husband consoled me: don’t worry, we will definitely cure our boy, everything will be fine. I have a doctor friend who will help. Anna didn’t seem to hear anything. She answered: “I know you have many doctors you know, I’m just very worried about the health of our child.” The husband continued to reassure.

The woman could not come to her senses because she was in a state of severe nervous shock. The words burned into her memory. Katya observed the difficult situation. She couldn't believe that her successful, cheerful friend was experiencing such grief. Action had to be taken immediately!

Catherine sat down next to them, asked for forgiveness for accidentally overhearing the conversation and said that she could help. Her husband, a former doctor, had encountered this pathology before. The disease must be treated in the early stages, otherwise it will lead to complications.

How to get rid of envy

  1. Remember that we are all different. Each person goes through his own path, but not everyone is given the opportunity to receive everything at once. Some are talented in one area, others in another. The most important thing is to find that area in which you have the maximum number of skills. Don't look up to anyone, just find your own path.
  2. Learn to accept what you have. The Universe will never take away what you need, just as it will never give it to you. Remember that the boomerang law always applies, so the amount of happiness you receive is directly proportional to the effort you put in. If you are currently not succeeding in something, this is not a reason to envy others, just put in more effort to achieve your goal.
  3. Gain confidence. If a person is confident in himself, he is unlikely to envy anyone, since he is completely confident that he can handle everything. To gain such self-confidence you will have to make a lot of effort, but you will be satisfied with the result. You will have to work on yourself and surround yourself with a support group - people who love, respect and appreciate you. To increase self-confidence, you need to constantly listen to the criticism of loved ones, learn, gain new knowledge, among other things, self-confidence, give a person good health.
  4. Value yourself and don't rush to live. When you achieve even the smallest goal, be sure to praise yourself. This approach allows you to develop motivation, take your time in achieving goals, and avoid disappointment. Don't expect everything to work out right away. Set feasible tasks for yourself and remember: in life there are times when plans go wrong. Consider chance and remember that it may not be chance.

It is very useful to use affirmations or meditation in the fight against envy, anger, and negative emotions. Don’t forget that any manifestation of negativity moves us away from our goals.

Why is gratitude needed?

We go through our own path on this planet, and the soul receives its experience. We ourselves attract people and circumstances into our lives. Often negative situations arise from childhood, when society or parents introduced a destructive program. Less often this happens due to karmic developments.

When we realize that we ourselves attracted this envious person into our lives, we understand that this was our experience, and this person helped us realize it. Sincerely thank this person inside you and try not to communicate with him anymore. If you have to communicate, send him your love. The problem will be solved.

Don't show people anything that might cause envy or jealousy. Behave more modestly, be in the flow of love, rejoice at the successes of other people, keep your plans secret, don’t tell anyone anything about your plans, and no envy will affect you.

You can only open up to those people who will be happy for you.

Congratulations to you and love, my dears! Best regards, Lyubomir Borisov.


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