The essence of social perception. Peculiarities of perception of social objects

Perception is one of the processes that allows a person to understand the world around him and create a subjective picture of it . It is on perception that a person’s behavior and vision depend. Our life energy is spent on certain things, and these expenses are determined by perception. Do not confuse perception with sensations. If sensations are specific feelings that show individual characteristic features or properties of objects, then perception affects a person holistically.

To better understand what perception is, you need to understand its features. There are several types of perception . It can be social or personal, it can be primary or secondary, it can be controlled or uncontrollable. Each person has his own picture of the world, formed through perception. That is why we are so different, we have different views and points of view. Opinions based on perception may differ even among close people.

It is better to explain the impact of perception on the behavior of different people using examples. Let's take a everyday situation - a broken lock on the front door. Family members will perceive this situation differently; their vital energy may be directed in completely opposite directions.

For example, the head of the family will use experience. He will appreciate all the shortcomings of the lock and buy a new one, which will be better different from the broken one. The vital energy of the head of the family is aimed at action. The wife usually begins to worry and look for someone to blame for what happened. Her attitude is “we have constant problems.” These are negative emotions, and the wife’s vital energy will go precisely in this negative direction. The older generation, grandparents, will perceive this situation completely differently. They will need to stay home to change the lock. This means that you can put aside your accumulated tasks and relax. Such people are highly dependent on chance; usually all responsibility for their own actions is shifted to chance. Life energy goes in the direction of clues from life, they are constantly looking for justification for their actions. Moreover, the justification must be force majeure, and not one’s own desire.

Human perception has quite an active impact on our daily lives. Displeasure and dissatisfaction are the result of channeling vital energy along the path of negative emotions. Some people specifically look for shortcomings or problems in any current situation and focus on the negative aspects. Naturally, their life will be full of dissatisfaction. This is the path of the wife from the previous example. If you approach everything more rationally, as the head of the family did, then you can cultivate responsibility in yourself, use the situation as a source of experience or new knowledge. Seeing only the good in a situation can have a dual effect. Either we, like the grandmother in the example, will escape reality and depend only on chance, on a gift of fate. Or we can open up new spaces and horizons for development.

The influence of perception on life is understandable, but should we learn to manage it? Yes, you should, but you need to do it carefully. Don't focus only on the positive aspects of the situation. This way we can miss the dangers that also await us. If we see only the bad, then dissatisfaction will negatively affect our condition and peace of mind. The best option is to study all aspects of the situation , paying attention to both the positive and negative sides. Then managing perceptions will bring the desired results.

Factors influencing perception and their effect:


We are surrounded by a flow of information, polar opinions, an abundance of facts with varying degrees of truthfulness. Usually we do not pass this entire flow through ourselves, we select only certain grains. The information received is as clear as possible for us. On its basis, conclusions are drawn. The constructed picture of the world is subjective, individual for each person.

For example, one person from your environment acted incorrectly and did not fulfill his promise. Often we don’t even find out the reasons; it is possible that this action was an accidental oversight. Usually, after an unfulfilled promise, a person is immediately labeled as dispensable. This “sentence” will have a significant impact on future relationships, which will now lean in a negative direction. We label a person based on a single incident, completely erasing the possibility of good relationships in the future.

Quite often we hear from others “you always...” Moreover, it is not necessary that the action actually corresponds to your usual behavior. The interlocutor simply created an image based on one fact. This cognitive error is common to many people; it is worth getting rid of it. We build a picture of the world on one fact, and our interlocutor does the same. So, based only on our imaginary rightness, we try every day to find a common language with other people . And, unfortunately, we do not always achieve success.


Emotions are a powerful factor that can significantly change our perceptions. Moreover, the effect goes in the opposite direction. Not only do emotions influence perception, but perception also shapes emotions. We have already looked at this example. If you look at the world negatively, use negative perception as a process , then your emotions will be exclusively negative.

Sometimes we perceive the situation incorrectly, which is where irritation appears. Although initially there was nothing negative in the interlocutor’s words or actions. If parents ask their adult children if they have enough money, this does not mean that they doubt their children’s financial independence or earnings. This only means caring about their well-being and offering help. If your mom offers you money, don't get annoyed right away. This does not mean that she wants to blame you for problems with the family budget.

We ourselves choose the emotions that we apply to different people. Our interactions with others are built on the basis of these emotions. This is why perception is considered a strong and active factor. It can radically change your attitude towards the situation, other people, and the world as a whole.


Our personality has a huge impact on the development of perception If there is a factor that worries us too much, then we will pay more attention to it. This situation works for those who are on a diet. If you limit yourself to sweets, then you will be outraged and annoyed by the people who allow themselves these sweets. And if you meet someone who also adheres to a strict diet, you will see a kindred spirit in him. And be sure to give such a person a positive rating.

The same situation arises with our needs. A person who fully satisfies our needs will be more likable. If someone does not meet the needs, then condemnation will immediately arise. Subsequently, we will have a negative attitude towards him, which will ruin the relationship, or even bring it to naught.


One of the most common cognitive errors is judging people according to one parameter. We believe that all people are alike, sharing similar experiences and behaviors. From this misconception, general requirements are built, which for the most part do not correspond to reality. Unfulfilled expectations lead to resentment, resentment leads to misunderstanding and accusations.

For example, you have experience solving a certain problem. Another person with a similar problem still hasn't solved it. You begin to treat him worse, blame him, condemn him. This misunderstanding leads to deterioration of relationships. It is impossible to build normal and effective communication on such errors of perception.

Let's take fat people. Many look at them with contempt, considering them stupid and lazy. Stupid because they don’t see their own shortcomings and don’t try to correct them. Lazy because they can’t go to the gym or stop eating sweets at night. Moreover, these condemners do not always have a model appearance. Even if the judge himself has gained a few kilograms, he will always consider himself better. According to him, these kilograms can be easily lost; they appeared quite recently. In his own eyes, the judge will be much smarter and better than a random overweight passerby. The reasons for completeness are usually not considered in such situations. We evaluate people based on our experience, comparing them with others or with ourselves.

We can take another example. If a young man’s family always treats guests well, especially relatives, if they are always given a luxurious reception, this does not mean that girls in the family should do the same. A young man can evaluate the family of his chosen one “from his own bell tower,” and then wonder why they did not receive them with due honors. But it is likely that another family has completely different traditions, and it is pointless and wrong to be offended by them.


This cognitive error is called the mirroring principle. If we have certain character traits, we will see them in other people. For example, you can always be polite and tactful with strangers, and not raise your voice at them. But this does not mean that your colleague has the same qualities. This factor works not only in the case of positive character traits. We will also mirror our own stubbornness or suspicion onto other people.


You yourself may have noticed this feature. Many have seen how the perception of information changes if the data was obtained from a reputable source. Most people trust a trusted source of information unquestioningly . Especially if we are talking about something new. We do not yet have time to form our own opinion, so we use the judgments of authorities. But if you learn more about the situation, your opinion will gradually change. We will begin to form our own judgment based on our own perceptions.

We looked at the factors that influence our perception, as well as the impact of perception on communication, interaction, value judgment, and psychological state.

The significance of constancy

Oa helps an individual to distinguish the size of certain objects, its objective shape, color and angle of view of perceived objects. As an example of the constancy of perception, the following can be cited: just imagine, if our perception did not have such a property, then with every movement any object would lose its properties.

In this case, instead of certain things, we would see only a constant flicker of continuously decreasing and increasing, shifting, stretching and flattening highlights and spots of unimaginable variegation. In this situation, a person would not be able to perceive the world of stable objects and phenomena, which, accordingly, could not serve as a means of understanding objective reality.

Thus, the constancy of perception is the property of a perceptual image to remain relatively unchanged when the conditions of perception change, the absence of which would lead to complete chaos. That is why scientists pay special attention to this aspect.

Person's perception by person

Errors of perception, lack of a sober approach and an abstract view, dependence on emotions and character traits force us to communicate with a recreated image of a person, and not with his real personality . Therefore, sometimes we cannot achieve mutual understanding and effective interaction. If the image of a person does not correspond to the real person, then the result of communication will be misunderstanding and disagreement.

From the examples given, it is clear that the existing image has a huge influence on us. We obey him and do not want to dig deeper, we do not want to study the person in more detail, we use only our own invented arguments in communication. And this mistake is difficult to overcome. Because of one misinterpreted action, because of a shortcoming, we can exclude a person from our lives and forever assign a negative label to them. If those around you have a certain disadvantage, then the negativity is transferred to all their qualities (more on this in the article “The Halo Effect in Psychology”). The worst thing is that this happens unconsciously. We are not aware that we think incorrectly, that our judgments may not correspond to reality.

If you need to interact with a person about whom you already have a negative perception, then you need to overcome this feeling, get to know your interlocutor better, try to penetrate deeper into his personality, and not be based on one fact. Such management of the perception process will allow you to avoid conflicts, save you from loneliness, and the other person from paying for non-existent mistakes.

Make it a rule that perceptions are not always truthful. Learn to listen to another person, to see his true essence. If you learn to do this, you will see the real picture of the world, and not the one that perception palms off on us.

The ability to manage perception allows you to more accurately determine your attitude towards a situation or person.

Perception Management Techniques

  1. Always explore alternative versions. Remember that most of the assessments made are subjective. First of all, you need to realize this. Then you will be able to see alternative options and study them in more detail. Each alternative deserves attention, so take the time to consider them.
  2. Put yourself in the place of your interlocutor, a participant in the events of a certain situation . This way you can understand their feelings and emotions, and therefore, you will more accurately interpret their actions. You should look at the situation from different angles in order to better form your own perception.
  3. Cause and effect are two radically different things. Often, due to cognitive errors, we tend to confuse these concepts. Before jumping to specific conclusions, separate causes from effects.
  4. Don't draw conclusions based on one fact . Try to find several confirmations of your own judgment. Only a large sample allows us to give an objective assessment.
  5. You should never make conclusions in a fit of anger, in the grip of negative emotions. First you should calm down, and then make a verdict. Otherwise, a negative attitude will affect a person’s perception of information .
  6. Always use your experience. Try to learn something, take away something you need from any situation.
  7. Perception is always related to benefit. Sometimes a certain judgment can have a negative impact in the future, reducing benefits. Evaluate this opportunity, try to analyze the situation in advance, so as not to suffer later because of the verdict. The same applies to costs.
  8. The consequences of perception must always be justified. Be aware of your decision and the impact of perception.
  9. It is necessary to evaluate how you yourself will perceive your own decision after a certain time . There are people who are subject to impulses, but regret them later. It is worth realizing whether the decision you make will benefit you, or whether you will regret it after some time (even if you enjoyed it at first). The benefit should not be immediate, but distant. If after a few days you regret the decision, then you should abandon it.
  10. Determine the main thing. Separate real facts from fantasies and speculation. Perception should be based on reliable information.

To develop perception , you must follow these rules. Then you will make fewer cognitive errors.

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The integrity of perception has a close connection with constancy, which should be understood as the relative independence of certain properties of objects from their reflections on receptor surfaces. With the help of constancy, we are able to perceive phenomena and objects as relatively constant in position, size, color and shape.

In psychology, constancy of perception is the stability of the acceptance of various properties of phenomena or objects that persist under various physical changes in stimulation: intensity of speed, distance, light, and much more.

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