The psychological essence of stubbornness and negativism in children 2613


We often meet people who, in response to reasonable advice, act in the opposite way; in response to reprimand, they take a “combat position.”
Each of us has these traits, but not everyone is able to see and recognize them. Meanwhile, scientists have given this behavior a specific name: “negativism.” Negativism in psychology is behavior that has no justification, the opposite of what another person/community asks or demands; resistance to norms and rules, the advice of others, and even common sense.

Symptom Signs

Teenage negativism can manifest itself in different ways. In children it is clearer. For an accurate determination, it is necessary for the child to open up and allow him to “look inside himself.” But more often you have to focus on an external factor:

  • Frequent statements about the imperfection of the world.
  • A negativist wants to denigrate everything around him and equalize the external with the internal darkness.
  • Excessive sensitivity. Tendency to worry and complain instead of finding a solution to the problem.
  • Rejection of positive people. Happy people become a thorn in the side.
  • A negativist believes that everyone should be unhappy.
  • Ingratitude. Gratitude comes from an abundance of love. Hidden awareness of your baseness and self-rejection will not help you love someone or something.
  • Concentrating on the bad. All events are seen in dark colors.

Total epidemic!

The most common form of negativism, which is almost impossible to diagnose, is directed inward. Sometimes a person is not able to notice how he wants one thing, but does the exact opposite. Certain traits of negativism are inherent in everyone.

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Negativism is most pronounced in children and adolescents. Small children refuse to obey their parents, eat, collect toys, or go to bed. In adolescence, the aggravation is repeated: young people reject previous generations, “we will go our own way!”, the desire to do everything in their own way. The reasons in both cases are the same: protection of one’s own “I”, manifestation of individuality and the desire to prove one’s autonomy and independence.

How does negativism manifest itself in childhood?

Negativism in children most often manifests itself at the age of three, since the foundation of a personal model of behavior is laid precisely at this age . Upon reaching the above age, children begin to strive for independence, which leads to the appearance of categoricalness and stubbornness. This period can best be described using the phrase “I myself.” The desire to independently explore the world is rarely accompanied by the ability to independently perform the desired actions. Against this background, frustration develops, which acts as an integral component of negativism.

Young parents should be able to distinguish between the manifestation of the phenomenon in question and ordinary disobedience. Refusal of actions that the baby does not want to perform is the norm for this age. The phenomenon under consideration manifests itself in cases where a child shows a pronounced refusal to fulfill requests voiced by adults.

Causes and consequences of negativism

The reasons for the deviation lie in the foundations of the psyche, laid down in childhood. Lack of self-confidence, inferiority complex and lack of independence. If parents constantly forced the child to do something without coordinating it with him, then in adulthood a person will perceive any advice as an attack on his originality and independence.

Manifestations of negativism:

  1. Problems in interaction with others. Negativists are very difficult to communicate with, it is difficult to come to an agreement with them, they are too stubborn.
  2. By denying everything and everyone, the negativist comes into conflict with himself. And he can no longer understand what he really needs, what is useful, what he wants.
  3. Skepticism, mistrust, excessive criticism.

How to help a negative person

Natalya Barlozhetskaya gives the following advice to parents:

  • Clear boundaries of behavior. It is necessary to arrange all the “possible” and all the “impossible” situations. Their balance is very important. When there are too many restrictions, rebellion will follow.
  • Subsequence. The requirements must be mandatory for everyone: children and adults. Injustice exacerbates the child’s negativism.
  • Daily regime. Its importance lies in instilling a sense of order and security. When you know what will happen next, you feel more comfortable.
  • Encouragement. With the abundance of responsibilities, we must not forget about the rights of the child. Encouraging a positive attitude and leading by example is the key to success.
  • Chip. A little trick can be keeping a diary. Psychologist Louise Sundararajan from the Rochester Psychiatric Center has experimentally proven that journaling is calming and healing. And the creator of the expressive writing method, James Pannebaker, claims that such pastime even strengthens the immune system, improves sleep and normalizes blood pressure.

How to solve a problem?

You can eliminate manifestations of negativism by getting to the roots. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a general reorganization of the psyche. A good psychotherapist will help with this. It takes years to understand yourself. For efficiency, you can use the Turbo-Suslik system. It is focused on independent practical application. Its advantage is that it not only eliminates the external manifestations of the problem, but also works with its foundations. Turbo-Suslik carries out total cleaning, individually. Serious results are visible within a few months.

If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .

The concept of negativism: symptoms, ways to overcome

Negativism is a fairly common condition of every person. In this case, the patient rejects, does not accept the world, and constantly has a negative attitude towards life. Negativism can be a personality trait or a situational reaction.

Psychiatrists often associate negativism with catatonia and schizophrenia. Some believe that a person changes his attitude towards life when he experiences an age crisis. It can be observed in adolescence, as well as in children 3 years old.

How does negativity ruin your life? What caused it? How dangerous is this condition?


Sigmund Freud believed that negativism is a kind of psychological defense.

Some associate the concept of negativism and nonconformism, when a person completely opposes the world, does not accept it as it is, refuses to recognize established orders, traditions, values, laws. The opposite and not very pleasant state is conformism, when a person adapts to everyone else.

Psychologists associate two types of behavior with childhood. But a mature person already becomes independent. A person is considered an adult when he begins to use his freedom for very useful purposes - he loves and cares for someone, and performs worthy deeds.

Negativism is a peculiar perception of life, it seems gray, scary, all events are tragic, gloomy. This condition must be dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise it will negatively affect your lifestyle.


It is not difficult to find out about a person’s serious condition; it is immediately visible:

  • The appearance of thoughts that the world is imperfect.
  • Prone to constant worries.
  • Doesn't like people with positive thinking.
  • Instead of solving the problem, the patient lives through it.
  • Only negative information motivates the patient.
  • A person focuses only on the negative.

Psychologists were able to identify the factors that caused negative thinking:

  • Feelings of guilt appear.
  • Fear of failure, trouble.
  • Fear of losing everything you have.
  • No personal life.

When communicating with a person who has negative thinking, you need to be extremely careful and under no circumstances speak directly about his pathology. Everything can end in an unpredictable reaction. Each person must understand for himself what state he is in.

Types of Negative Perceptions

Active form

People do everything out of spite on purpose. Negativism worries 3-year-old children the most. Speech negativism is most often observed. The kids refuse to comply with any request. In adults, pathology occurs during schizophrenia. When the patient is asked to turn around, he deliberately turns in the other direction. Here it is important to distinguish a negative attitude towards life from stubbornness.

Passive form

The patient completely ignores requests and demands. This form accompanies catatonic schizophrenia. In this case, when a person wants to turn around, he experiences resistance and muscle tone increases.

Additionally, deep, communicative, behavioral negativism is distinguished. In the case of behavioral negativism, a person does everything in defiance.

Superficial, communicative is expressed in the form of non-acceptance of the surrounding world, as well as a specific matter.

With deep negativism, a person is outwardly positive, smiles, enjoys life, but inside he has a “storm of negative emotions” that sooner or later can break out.

Features of children's negativism

A child first encounters negative thinking at the age of 3. During this period, he realizes that, independent of his mother, he can do everything on his own. It is at this age that children become very capricious and do not accept parental help. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, negativism will also be observed in preschoolers.

In some schoolchildren, negativism is accompanied by mutism, in which children refuse to communicate. What to do? Pay attention to how the child develops, to rule out serious problems with somatic and mental development. During a three-year crisis, speech negativism is a frequent manifestation. Sometimes this condition is also typical for children as young as 7 years old.

Attention! Children's negative thinking may be the first sign of mental pathology or personal trauma. If negativism persists during preschool age, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist. It is at this time that various conflict situations can arise at home and at school.

The teenage type of negativism occurs more clearly at the age of 16. As the child grows up, the symptoms disappear. If a teenager is very rebellious, you need to consult a psychologist.

Modern psychotherapists talk about age shifts in adolescents. There are cases when young people at the age of 22 begin to have a pessimistic attitude towards life. Sometimes negativism makes itself felt for the first time in old age or in case of constant failures. Some people acquire negative thinking due to paralysis or dementia.

How to get rid of the problem?

To learn to think positively, you need to eliminate the cause of what torments you from the inside. If you can’t do it on your own, you need to consult a psychotherapist. He will cleanse your thoughts and help you learn to perceive the situation completely differently.

Remember, negativity spoils life, it destroys everything good in a person. Don't drive yourself into a corner, solve your problem. Can't handle it on your own? Don't hesitate to ask for help. Turn into an optimist, then life will improve, it will become much easier for you. Finally, you will begin to notice bright colors, and not gray everyday life. Learn to be happy!

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Rules for parents

To easily survive age-related negativism, parents must raise their child correctly:

  • Unconditional love. The child should feel that he is loved not for his merits, but just like that.
  • Actions. It is not the child himself who needs to be condemned, but his actions. At the same time, it is always easy to explain why this cannot be done.
  • Example. Children perceive “live” information better. Leading by example will be the most effective way of healthy behavior.
  • Good conquers evil. A child must learn this rule in childhood. When he gets angry, you need to hug him, calm him down, turn the situation around.
  • No pressure. Under no circumstances should you suppress a child. Suppressed aggression goes deeper and only gets stronger over time.
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