Top 7 teenage subcultures: who replaced goths and emo

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Nowadays on the streets, especially in megalopolises and large cities, you can see unusual-looking young people. Bizarre hairstyles, frightening makeup, long black clothes, tunnels in the ears, an abundance of piercings and tattoos, flashy pink tones - sometimes, looking at them, it seems that the heroes of famous Gothic novels, vampire sagas, anime cartoons or paintings have come to life before the viewer. cyberpunk style. Most often, youth subcultures are behind this.

It is worth admitting that such people greatly enliven the general flow of passers-by. It is usually difficult not to notice them. After all, a shocking appearance is one of the most striking ways of self-expression of a representative of a particular subculture. And the 20th century gave humanity various informal associations that differed from the majority in clothing style, behavior, social values ​​and priorities.

What are youth subcultures? What is their influence on the minds and development of the younger generation? Why do children become “informal” - goths, emo, punks, skinheads or bikers? What danger lies in belonging to a particular subculture, are they harmful or beneficial? Should parents worry if their child suddenly finds himself in such a motley company? This will be discussed in this article.


This subculture appeared in Ukraine only three or four years ago. The followers of this movement are fans of alternative music from the Ukrainian anarchist youth.

Most autonomous people are creative youth. They paint graffiti and organize happenings (impromptu theatrical performances).

The main idea of ​​autonomies is “it is forbidden to prohibit.” That is, they profess the idea of ​​creating powerless relationships between people.

Autonoms are mainly students of humanities universities. When receiving a higher education, they worry about their future and consider it a universal injustice to be left out of work after receiving a diploma, while their less talented classmates, thanks to their parents’ connections, can find a “cushy” place.

That is why among autonoms there is a large percentage of eternally whining individuals who, with their depressive mood, infect newly arrived adherents of the autonomous subculture.

The Autonoms are dissatisfied with the intellectual level of mass youth, they do not recognize television and consider all existing mass media to be propaganda for a regime beneficial to the “world government.”


At all times there was a stratification of society into different classes. Between the poor and the rich, between the smart and the illiterate, into the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, but throughout the entire existence of society, such a bright and rich stratification of youth has never been observed. No matter how strange it may sound, but who is there now? There are many youth subcultures , and their diversity personally scares me a little. And why? Yes, because I know practically nothing really about them. I don’t know if this is good or bad, I don’t know all the pros and cons of belonging to any of them. Let's figure it out together. To begin with, I want to say that there are many stereotypes that say that a subculture is necessarily bad. An example of this is that half of the illiterate people in this matter believe that all informals (people from various subcultures) are crazy sectarians. Personally, I want to find the pros and cons of each subculture so that I can understand them as people first. I won’t list the banal advantages - they say, the child has found like-minded people and no longer wanders around just like that, let’s go deeper... Let's start with the most famous subculture - Rappers

People known and familiar to everyone.
They wear loose, loose clothing, and most enjoy basketball, beatboxing, and of course writing rap. Pros:
A human rapper not only plays sports (which is already a plus), he expresses himself creatively.
And the manifestation of talent always leads to personal growth. This is a huge plus. Cons:
Everything seems to be good, but there is such a leak as “
Gansta ”. This is where an aggressive style of behavior is “in fashion”. Such people may own firearms because they believe that the world is cruel and only they can protect themselves. They consider themselves kings and do not recognize anyone or anything higher than themselves. Second direction - Goths
It will not be difficult to recognize such people.
A goth is always dressed in black and has marble-white skin. However, the meaning of life is Gothic - this is Gothic itself - as an angle of perception of life, and not at all a cult of death. Gothic is an aesthetic phenomenon, and dark images are nothing more than shocking. It is foolish to look for the meaning of life in death - it is not there. Death is a reminder, a reason to strive for life. Pros:
As a rule, goths are people looking for inspiration, and therefore creative people.
And their passion for this subculture is nothing more than just a way to get enough energy. And their appearance (even if frightening to some) is simply a response created in contrast to nothing real glamor, in which there is emptiness behind the picture. Cons:
There are also dangerous leaks here.
There are Satanists. Their ideology is the ideology of shocking and rebellion against the church-traditionalist system. It is people from such a subculture who can desecrate church objects, make sacrifices and other actions based on the worship of Satan. The next direction is Skinheads
These are neo-fascist

youth They preach the cult of a strong personality, racism, chauvinism, the cult of black magic, and systematically engage in physical training. They don't hide their views. The greeting is an outstretched hand. Often the head of such a youth group is an adult with pro-fascist views. Pros: Of course, this cannot be called the main advantage, but the idea of ​​skinheads is that only the strong can live. Therefore, you need to be strong, and not only in body, but also in spirit. It is this desire, in my opinion, that is positive. Cons: There are many more disadvantages. They take their idea too literally. It is with skinheads that attacks without causal aggression towards other people are often noticed. They are not at all afraid to kill “not their own”, and even to some extent strive for this. The next movement is Rastafari
(Rastafari). From their point of view, you can: love people, smoke weed, sit back, understand the meaning of life, tell others about Rastafari, philosophize, play the drums, fight Babylon, wear dreadlocks and listen to reggae;
you cannot: eat pork, shellfish, salt, vinegar, fish without scales, cow's milk, smoke tobacco, drink rum and wine, carry things from someone else's shoulder, eat food prepared by others, gamble, touch the dead, preach to the unworthy. Pros: Quite a calm culture and harmless to society. As the saying goes, “no matter what the child amuses himself with...” Cons: Essentially, their occupation is idleness; such a person is unlikely to become someone big in social life. Role-playing games, roleplayers
These people who like to play according to the script.
They can stage their favorite book as a play and live like that for a long time. In essence, everything is the same as when filming a film, only without cameras. Pros: Only intellectually developed people become role players. They are necessarily educated, well-read, and very intelligent and peace-loving. Cons: There is a danger of “playing too hard” in one scenario or another and not getting out of the role. In such situations, a person simply stands out from society. Freaks
People who like to dress and behave brightly and attractively.
There are bright colors of clothing, tattoos and various piercings. In fact, these people not only look bright, they think brightly. Usually such people are singers, writers, composers... In general, again, people of a creative nature. Freak culture is a culture of brave and absolutely crazy people. Pros: There is no negative attitude towards the world and towards “not our own”. There is nothing that they vehemently oppose. Cons: It is their freedom that is their main disadvantage. She gives them everything, while they themselves cannot be influenced from the outside, i.e. if for now it’s harmless and fun, then who knows what it will turn into later... And no one can stop them. Metalheads
Their appearance is defiantly aggressive: black clothes with a lot of metal, images of skulls, blood, and the inscription “Satan” in English.
Although the clothes are clean and tidy. Classic metalheads wear tight black jeans tucked into high boots or “cossacks”, leather jackets with oblique zippers - “leather jackets”, “kosovorots”, earrings in the left ear, rings with images of skulls or other black magical symbols (pentagram, skeleton, etc.) etc.) But their external aggressiveness and gloominess are most often a means of shocking the people around them. Those over 25 years old who are engaged in serious work are, as a rule, peaceful, although sometimes they can misbehave with those who are younger. Pros: As a rule, people are very interesting and not closed in their own little world. For them, this is just free time. Cons: Excessive alcohol and aggression on their “iron friends” - cool motorcycles can lead to accidents and other alcohol-related situations. Punks
They can be immediately recognized by the mohawk on their heads.
They often wear black leather jackets and love piercings. There is always untidiness and negligence in their style. Crude jargon, close to the jargon of the “zone”. Indecent behavior. Many of them use drugs, alcohol, and toxic substances. Pros: Personally, as a person, I don’t see them from the outside. Cons: Where punks appear, there are fights, robberies, violence with the aim of insulting a person. And the last most popular subculture
. The traditional emo hairstyle is considered to be oblique, torn bangs to the tip of the nose, covering one eye, and short hair sticking out in different directions at the back. Preference is given to coarse, straight black hair.
Girls can have childish, funny hairstyles - two small ponytails, bright hairpins - hearts on the sides, bows. Emo kids often get their ears pierced or tunnels made. In addition, an emo kid may have piercings on his face (for example, in the lips and left nostril, eyebrows, bridge of the nose). They can be easily recognized by the colors they wear: pink and black. Pros:
Apart from their emotionality, they are quite peaceful and quiet people. They are not hostile and do not want to enslave the world.
The desire to experience bright and pure emotions and express them is the main rule for emo kids.
They are distinguished by: a thirst for self-expression, opposition to injustice, and a special, sensitive worldview. Consequently, all this can lead to a nervous breakdown and problems in later life. Conclusion So, I looked at the most popular subcultures
. Their pros and cons... And what is the end result? But in the end I can say the following. All these people are certainly interesting as people first of all; each of them, as a representative of their own culture, has pros and cons. Some have more, some have less. And under no circumstances will I advise you that this is bad and this is good. You ALWAYS have a choice. You just have to remember everything that is written here. And then life will not bring you problems.


This subculture appeared at the beginning of 2010 and is widespread mainly among teenage girls. As the name implies, vanillas are like Turgenev’s young ladies.

A mandatory attribute of vanilla beans is a photo on social networks with a cup of tea, a book and a blanket on the windowsill near the window, along which raindrops are flowing. Vanilla's account is filled with clever quotes, love poems, and famous people's thoughts on relationships and romance.

In the city crowd, these girls are easy to recognize by their airy outfits and curls in their hair. They love clothes with a British flag print or the words “I love New York”.

The ideology of vanilla beans rests on three pillars - emphasizing their femininity, tenderness and weakness. This is where the main danger of the vanilla subculture comes from: it makes its adherents infantile and dependent on the help of others.

Most often, girls from families in which the idea that a woman should be strong and independent is forcibly imposed on the daughter become vanilla. Those girls whose mothers carried the entire house and worked in heavy industries - factories, construction sites, farms - often become vanilla. Such girls, having seen enough of the difficult fate of their mothers, want to have the opportunity to live life differently. But due to inexperience, they go to the other extreme - they create a reputation for being helpless.

Excessive immersion in the vanilla subculture is also dangerous because its representatives promote a love of depression and hidden tragedy. This ideology draws in teenage girls and forces them to withdraw into themselves and withdraw from society.

History of the term

In 1950, American sociologist David Riesman, in his research, came up with the concept of a subculture as a group of morons who deliberately choose the style and values ​​​​preferred by a minority. A more thorough analysis of the phenomenon and concept of subculture was carried out by British sociologist and media scholar Dick Habdige in his book “Subculture: The Meaning of Style.” In his opinion, subcultures attract people with similar tastes who are not satisfied with generally accepted standards and values.

French sociologist Michel Mafessoli in his works used the concept of “urban tribes” to refer to youth subcultures. Russian ornithologist Viktor Dolnik used the concept of “clubs” in his book “Naughty Child of the Biosphere.”

In the USSR, the term “Informal youth associations” was used to designate members of youth subcultures, hence the slang word “informals.” Sometimes the slang word "party" is used to refer to a subcultural community.


The adherents of this subculture are also mostly girls in their late teens. But among the vines you can also meet young people. Vines appeared in 2020, and to this day the number of followers of this ideology is constantly increasing.

The external distinctive feature of this youth subculture is round glasses without diopters, arrows on the upper eyelids and chokers. And an obligatory attribute, without which you will not be considered a vino, is a smart book. Most often, the wine bag ends up with a volume of Brodsky or Kafka. Their standard hairstyle is a bob. The hair is bleached or, on the contrary, dyed an unnaturally bright color.

Vinishko-chan’s wardrobe must have Vans sneakers, and a small backpack over her shoulders.

All vinishki smoke - usually they choose one thing for themselves: a cigarette, a vape or a hookah. The wine craze for alcohol has an equally detrimental effect on teenagers. This is basically inexpensive packaged wine.

And the more colored tattoos Vinishka has all over her body, the cooler she will look in the eyes of her like-minded people.

Youth subcultures (list, types)

What is a subculture

A subculture is a part of a general culture with its own distinctive features. Each informal organization has its own rules to which all its participants are subject. Youth subcultures are certain deviations from the generally accepted, traditional culture. Although many people have a negative attitude towards punks, hippies, Emo and other representatives of informal groups, not all of them are dangerous to society.

Each social group or generation has certain views on life. In the same way, the teenage subculture is just the informal behavior of teenagers. Thus, teenagers run away from the problems of growing up, conflicts at home and at school, and do not want to solve real problems. Behind a certain mask they hide their confusion about the future, do not realize their own aspirations, but only imitate their idols.

Let's take a closer look at what youth subcultures there are and a list of the most common movements:

  • • Punks;
  • • Hippie;
  • • Skinheads;
  • • Emo;
  • • Goths.

Punks are free-spirited people

The movement arose in England, the USA, Australia and Canada in the late 60s. Characteristic features of the youth subculture are bright mohawks on the head, jeans, heavy boots or sneakers. The group mainly includes unemployed, poorly educated young people. They have their own principles and moral values, which they defend sometimes even in an aggressive manner. The peculiarities of this form of youth subculture lie in its commitment to complete freedom and personal independence.

Punks can have a wide variety of political views. Basically, they are united by music - rock or punk rock. The songs address issues that concern this group of people. The most important thing for a punk is not to sell out and always rely only on yourself.

Hippies are peace-loving philosophers

Some types of youth subcultures could become role models, if not for some of their features. Hippies appeared in the 60s in America and quickly spread to many countries. These are young people promoting world peace. They oppose war and violence and do not accept the government, because, in their opinion, it is politicians who provoke bloody conflicts.

Such youth subcultures love to experiment, engage in self-development, and seek spiritual pleasure in creativity. Many hippies give up wealth in favor of poverty, simplifying their lives. Negative aspects of the movement include drug use, casual sex, living in communes, and a tendency to vagrancy.

Skinheads – defenders of the territory

Some modern youth subcultures have a collective name. Skinheads are exactly like this, since they consist of several directions. The group mainly consists of guys from disadvantaged families or thrill-seekers. This is an aggressive subculture, many associate it with racists and Nazis, although not all skinheads have a negative attitude towards “outsiders”.

Some types of youth subcultures honor the memory of the origins of the movement; they are characterized by patriotism and a sense of the need to protect their territory. Skinheads belong to just such a group. Negative aspects include alcohol abuse, the creation of conflict situations with subsequent fights, and in some cases racial prejudice.

Emo - depressed youth

Emo is a children's subculture formed on the basis of fans of the musical style of the same name. Its representatives are also called whiny girls and boys prone to depressive moods. Many youth subcultures (the list of them is quite long) are completely non-aggressive; on the contrary, they are peaceful, determined to change the world for the better. However, their representatives should be treated with even greater caution than aggressive movements.

Emo is an example of youth subcultures that glorify sublime feelings, romanticism, and oppose injustice. Teenagers experience personal failures very hard, and even social events cause a storm of emotions in them. If we look at the degree of suicidal nature of what youth subcultures there are, Emo will top the list, because they hate themselves and are the most prone to suicide.

Goths - dark followers of mysticism

Youth subcultures in modern Russia cannot do without the Goths. These are gloomy-looking people, dressed all in black, who prefer to wear jewelry with mystical symbols. If Emos hate themselves, then Goths hate everyone. They show interest in horror literature, horror films, and listen to gothic metal, death rock and darkwave.

Not all youth subcultures show interest in politics or public life. For example, the Goths do not even have mandatory rules that are followed by all participants in the movement. The main thing for them is to be extraordinary, beautiful, shocking. Modern youth subcultures have an unhealthy interest in unusual jewelry. Goths wear silver rings, chains, pendants with Celtic crosses, Egyptian symbols, skulls and even coffins.

In fact, absolutely all youth subcultures pursue one goal - to be heard. Each movement expresses thoughts, feelings, desires in its own way, but they all want to be understood by the modern world. In rare cases, representatives of teenage subcultures remain faithful to their former ideals for years. Mostly young people outgrow all these prejudices and become ordinary people.


And this subculture is close mainly to guys. At first glance, this subculture is the most constructive. Workout artists preach a healthy lifestyle, sports training, and giving up cigarettes and alcohol. They train in street workout areas in summer and winter.

But excessive passion for workout can be dangerous. The point is in the workouters’ motto “Everyone teaches everyone”, i.e. during training these guys do not have a trained fitness trainer. And they look for exercises to practice on the Internet, and by trial and error, everyone finds the optimal complex for themselves. Accordingly, without an experienced mentor, young people risk their health by using sports activities incorrectly.

Another danger lies in the fact that the so-called “titushki” are often found at workout sites, choosing young people who are hot-tempered, thirsty for thrills, and physically fit.

The influence of subculture on the development of personality

Definition 1
The youth subculture in the modern world is quite surrogate: scientists emphasize that now there is no informal association in its pure form. Basically, we are faced with cultural mixes that incorporate all the most trendy features and fashion trends. In addition, these cultural mixes are quite fleeting: some of them appear and disappear so quickly that they are noticeable to a very narrow circle of people.

But still, in general, the youth subculture is surrogate in nature for several reasons:

  1. Its filling with artificial substitutes for real values ​​- this mainly comes from the creators of the subculture, who strive to generate unthinkable and almost unimaginable ideas, and subsequently implement them, finding like-minded people;
  2. Imitation of adult relationships with the system of domination. Therefore, in every subculture there is a hierarchy - there is a leader, and there are those who follow him. They adopt the ideas of their leader and consider them the only correct ones. Because of this trust and blind faith, a leader can manipulate people to achieve his own selfish goals;
  3. Ghostly participation in the adventures of heroes - both screen and literary. This is very common among ficwriters - people who take characters and famous personalities as a basis, and invent life for them according to their own scenario (that is, what it could be like in a parallel reality). Most often, they devote themselves to this task entirely and completely, and practically forget about their own realization, as well as their aspirations.

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Another reason why a subculture is called surrogate is its participants’ escape from reality or their failure to accept social reality. They prefer to completely deny generally accepted norms and values, as well as the state of modern society, but at the same time they do not want to change anything in life. Inaction on the part of young people is one of the negative factors, since today this socio-demographic group is the basis for improvement, activity, and change. Youth is the potential of our country, and the fact that its representatives are so passive and confined only to the framework of their ideas has an extremely negative impact on the present and future state.

Tumblr girl

This subculture was created by the virtual world, and in particular by the Tumblr platform. Tumblr girl is a female subculture, which includes girl bloggers who run their blog in a style a la live animation.

You can recognize a Tumblr girl by her cute face, colorful hair and lots of glitter on her face. Every Tumblr girl has some kind of trick. It could be a million bracelets, an unusual color lipstick, a cute mini-dress, etc. But a must-have item in their wardrobe is black boots with fairly thick soles.

Due to the fact that the main goal of a Tumblr girl’s life is to attract as many subscribers as possible, representatives of this movement often do rash and reckless things: they take selfies on the roofs of high-rise buildings, climb onto bridge railings, ride on top of subway and electric trains, etc.

By the way, among Tumblr girls there are often anorexics, because the desire to look the best on camera pushes them to constant diets and starvation.

General characteristics of the teenage subculture

Current problems of the teenage subculture Read more: The media and their influence on teenage culture

1.1 General characteristics of the teenage subculture

In a general sense, subculture is understood as a system of values, behavior patterns, and lifestyle of a social group, which is an independent integral formation within the framework of the dominant culture. A subculture arises as a positive or negative reaction to the dominant culture and social structure among various social strata and age groups.

In a narrow sense, subculture is one of the components of culture as a system of expression of its sociocultural self-organization at different levels. Subculture is a form of life activity of groups and communities that are carriers of their own specific values, norms, interests, relationships, behavioral traditions, artifacts (in the form of elements of fashion, environmental design).

One of the most common principles of subculture formation is the age principle, so we can talk about teenage culture in the general cultural system. A teenage subculture is a kind of attempt to build a community of like-minded peers and establish their own way of life, different from both a child’s and an adult’s.

For teenagers (social group from 12 to 16 years old), the subculture performs the functions of choosing and finding their own norms of behavior and communication in situations of mastering new socio-cultural roles.

Adolescence is characterized by greater independence, prudence, and responsibility, but negative changes in behavior also occur: insolence, intolerance, resentment, and inadequate self-esteem. Along this path, disorganization of an individual’s behavior is possible, ranging from minor forms to the commission of crimes, which corresponds to types of behavior: deviant (inappropriate behavior, violation of certain norms), deviant (violation of order) and delinquent (committing offenses). Such alienation occurs when a teenager does not see an opportunity to realize his interests and expectations.

Adolescence is special and different from other ages. Thus, E. Erikson especially highlights this age, which is characterized by the emergence of a sense of uniqueness, individuality, and difference from others (“identity”)[1]. The root “growth” emphasizes this uniqueness in a special way. In order to enter the sprout state, the seed embryo must first master and overcome the limits of the seed. Breaking through into the sprout state towards the light, plants begin to build themselves within natural conditions. In other words, the child will have to master and overcome his bodily limitations, the thickness of everyday, cultural, and social sediments in order to break through into the world and to himself as a “teenager” [2].

The transition from childhood to adulthood is usually divided into two periods: adolescence (adolescence) and adolescence. The chronological boundaries of this period are perceived differently by different researchers. For example, in Russian sociology the age from 14 to 18 years is called adolescence, in psychology 16-18 year olds are considered young men.

Age terminology has never been unambiguous. In V. Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary, “teenager” is defined as “a child in his teens,” about 14-15 years old, and “youth” is defined as a young, small guy, from 15 to 20 years old or more. Meanwhile, the hero of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky's "Teenager" is already 20 years old. In the Old Russian language, the word “youth” meant a child, a teenager, and a young man. Thus, the boundaries between adolescence and youth are quite blurred.

Adolescence as a separate special age category did not emerge immediately. Thus, sociologist Philippe Aries, in his work on the history of children and family life in France, writes that in pre-industrial Europe there was no distinction between childhood and adolescence. Aries considers the “birth date” of adolescence to be the period of the 1900s, when adolescence in Europe became a common phenomenon only at the end of the First World War, when soldiers contrasted themselves with previous generations. From that moment on, adolescence spread, stretched out in time, pushing childhood upstream of life, and maturity downstream. Thus, a transition has taken place from the era without adolescence to the era of the twentieth century, when adolescence becomes the favorite age[3].

At the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries, different sociologists and psychologists defined the age categories of adolescence in different ways. For example, American psychologist Arnold Gesell (1880-1961) defined adolescence from 11 to 21 years. And Piaget, a Swiss psychologist (1896-1980), defines adolescence as 12-15 years old[4].

M. Klee in the book “Psychology of the Adolescent” writes: “Adolescence is the period of life lying between childhood and adulthood. The main event of adolescence is the gradual inclusion in the world of adults...”[5].

At the beginning of adolescence, the child develops and intensifies the desire to be like elders, children and adults, and such a desire becomes so strong that, forcing events, the teenager sometimes prematurely begins to consider himself an adult, demanding that he be treated accordingly as an adult. At the same time, he still does not meet the requirements of adulthood in everything. All teenagers without exception strive to acquire the qualities of adulthood. Seeing manifestations of these qualities in older people, a teenager often uncritically imitates them. Teenagers’ own desire for adulthood is strengthened by the fact that adults themselves begin to treat teenagers no longer as children, but more seriously and demandingly. A teenager is asked more than a primary school student, but he is allowed a lot of things that are not allowed to first-graders. For example, a teenager, much more than a primary school student, can be outside the home, on the street, in the company of friends and among adults. He is allowed to participate in situations to which younger schoolchildren are usually not allowed. This confirms the more equal and independent position of the teenager in the system of human relations. All this taken together gives the teenager an idea of ​​himself as a person who has ceased to be a child and has crossed the threshold of childhood. A new stage in the development of this form of learning in adolescents begins with imitation of the external attributes of adulthood.

The easiest way to achieve the goal of “being like an adult” is to imitate the external forms of observed behavior. Teenagers, starting from the age of 12-13 (girls somewhat earlier, boys later) copy the behavior of adults who enjoy authority in their circle. This includes fashion in clothing, hairstyles, jewelry, cosmetics, special vocabulary, behavior, ways of relaxation, hobbies, etc. In addition to adults, their older peers can become role models for teenagers. The tendency among adolescents to resemble them rather than adults increases with age.

For teenage boys, the object of imitation often becomes the person who behaves “like a real man” and has willpower, endurance, courage, courage, endurance, and loyalty to friendship. Girls develop a tendency to imitate those who look “like a real woman”: older friends, attractive, popular adult women. Many teenage boys are very attentive to their physical development, and starting from the V-VI grades of school, many of them begin to perform special physical exercises aimed at developing strength and endurance. In girls, there is more imitation of the external attributes of adulthood: clothes, cosmetics, coquetry techniques, etc.

During adolescence, the process of formation and development of the child’s self-awareness continues. Unlike previous age stages, he, just like imitation, changes his orientation and becomes a person focused on the consciousness of his personal characteristics. Improving self-awareness in adolescence is characterized by the child’s special attention to his own shortcomings. The desired self-image of adolescents usually consists of the virtues they value in other people.

Since both adults and peers act as role models for adolescents, the ideal they create turns out to be somewhat contradictory. He combines the qualities of both an adult and a younger person, and these qualities are not always compatible in one person. This, apparently, is one of the reasons for the inconsistency of adolescents with their ideal and their constant worries about this.

Adolescence is characterized by important changes in social connections and socialization, as the predominant influence of the family is gradually replaced by the influence of the peer group, which serves as a source of reference norms of behavior and obtaining a certain status. These changes proceed in two directions, in accordance with two developmental tasks: liberation from parental care; gradual entry into a peer group, which becomes a channel of socialization and requires the establishment of relations of competition and cooperation with partners of both sexes.

Throughout adolescence, a new subjective reality is gradually formed, transforming the individual’s ideas about himself and others. The formation of psychosocial identity, which underlies the phenomenon of adolescent self-awareness, includes three main developmental tasks: awareness of the temporal extent of one’s own “I,” which includes the childhood past and determines the projection of oneself into the future; awareness of oneself as different from parental images; implementation of a system of elections that ensure the integrity of the individual (mainly we are talking about the choice of profession, gender polarization and ideological attitudes).

Thus, adolescence is the most difficult and complex of all childhood ages, representing a period of personality formation. At the same time, this is the most crucial period, since here the foundations of morality are formed, social attitudes and attitudes towards oneself, towards people, and towards society are formed. In addition, at this age, character traits and basic forms of interpersonal behavior stabilize. The main motivational lines of this age period, associated with an active desire for personal self-improvement, are self-knowledge, self-expression and self-affirmation.

A significant role in the process of socialization of a teenager’s personality is played by: the society in which the teenager lives and develops, the family, which determines the child’s value orientations, and the school, which develops his abilities. In modern culture, one of the forms of spontaneous socialization is the media.

The formation of norms, patterns of social behavior, and personal ideals occurs in a complexly organized socio-cultural space, where, along with institutions such as school and family, an important, and sometimes leading, role belongs to the media.

Current problems of the teenage subculture Read more: The media and their influence on teenage culture

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Age group: 13–25 years

Hypebeasts are teenage boys who are obsessed with expensive branded shoes.

Usually these are teenagers from wealthy families who worship super fashionable things. The main fetish of hypebeasts is sports shoes of famous brands. You can recognize hypebeasts in a crowd by their Nike, Supreme, Vans and Yeezy shoes.

The danger of this subculture is that hypebeasts buy tons of new things for the sake of status and brand. Their interests and conversations boil down to what month and what year this or that designer will release a new collection of sneakers. Such a narrow circle of interests develops infantile men out of teenage boys, because it is much easier to live in a world where Nike sneakers from the new collection are an indicator of your success, and you become incredibly cool if you managed to buy yourself new clothes from the Adidas capsule collection.

↑ Subculture as a type of culture

In societies of developed countries, all forms of culture interact, but one of them predominates. At the same time, cultural formations operate in societies, covering relatively small groups of people - subcultures. A subculture
is the culture of a social group, characterized by a set of its specific norms and values, patterns of behavior and a special worldview, ideology and range of interests.

A subculture is part of a general culture; its values ​​do not contradict the main form of culture that is accepted in a given society, but rather complement it.

Members of a subculture can often be distinguished by their appearance, behavior and communication. The basis of a subculture can be a style of music, a way of life, certain political views, in accordance with which the cultural image of the participants will be created.

Taking this into account, the following subcultures can be distinguished:

  • gender and age (children, youth);
  • professional (scientific community, modern business);
  • leisure;
  • religious;
  • ethnic;
  • criminal;

Subcultures can form in all spheres of society. Youth subcultures are becoming widespread throughout the world. Young people, as the most active and receptive social group, are often the first to perceive and adopt new forms and trends of modern development, and therefore become the main participants and carriers of the subculture.

The most famous subcultures ( based on materials from Psychologos. Encyclopedia of Practical Psychology):

  • Subcultures based on fans of various genres of music:

Goths (subculture) - fans of gothic rock, gothic metal and darkwave Metalheads - fans of heavy metal and its varieties Ravers - fans of rave, dance music and discos Rappers - fans of rap and hip-hop Traditional skinheads - fans of ska and reggae Emo - fans of emo and post-hardcore

  • Subcultures based on literature, cinema, animation, games:

Otaku - fans of anime (Japanese animation) Historical reenactors Role-playing movement - fans of live-action role-playing games

  • Subcultures formed through hobbies:

Bikers - motorcycle lovers Writers - graffiti fans Tracers - parkour fans


This subculture was formed around the cartoon "My Little Pony". As the name suggests, it consists of two words - Bro (friend) and Pony. The main idea of ​​the armor is to promote love, support and mutual understanding. They want to live in a world where man is friend to man.

And despite the fact that this cartoon is aimed at girls of preschool age, this subculture gained unexpected polarity among young people and men under the age of 35. They dye their hair in all the colors of the rainbow, participate in costume parties where they come in pony costumes and create a world of ponies in which each participant has their own role.

Typically, reservation communication occurs through social networks or on special forums. This is where the main danger of this subculture comes from: a child’s unlimited access to unwanted content. The fact is that among bronies there are often darks - bronies who love content with dismemberment, "depression" and blood, and clopers - followers of the rule "There is porn about everything. There are no exceptions."

Children's subculture and its features in modern society

Children's subculture and its features in modern society

Childhood is a phenomenon that has a biological basis and is mediated by many socio-cultural factors. Within the framework of the cultural-historical concept of L.S. Vygotsky recognizes culture as the environment for the development and upbringing of a child. By mastering the main features and content of the culture of his society, mentality, cultural patterns and stereotypes in behavior and thinking, the child not only assimilates all the basic ideas of culture and the connections between them, but also adopts methods of responding to the entire range of possible situations, including unforeseen ones. Among the methods of inculturation, the children's subculture stands out.

A subculture is understood as a stable set of specific cultural traits that are characteristic of a particular sociocultural group and influence the lifestyle and thinking of its members. Children's subculture is everything that is created by human society for children and by children; in a narrower sense, it is a semantic space of values, attitudes, methods of activity and forms of communication carried out in children's communities in a particular historical social situation of development. Children are carriers, keepers and creators of their own subculture, which is distinguished by the presence of its own picture of the world. This is a kind of culture within a culture, living according to the specific and original laws of childhood, although built into the general cultural whole.

The specifics of children's subculture are determined by numerous objective and subjective factors. A special role in the formation of children's subculture, according to E.Yu. Kopeikina, play the spatiotemporal characteristics of a child’s existence in the cultural system – the “sociocultural chronotope”.

The sociocultural chronotope includes three elements: 1) everything that is created by humanity - general culture, 2) everything that is created by man in a specific historical time - chronos and 3) everything that is created by a specific ethnic group in a specific historical space - topos. According to the author, the sociocultural chronotope demonstrates not only what culture in general and the subculture of childhood in particular is built on, but also how a child enters the world of adult culture—inculturation. Each child lives both in general physical (calendar time) and space, and in specific sociocultural time and space. Accordingly, each child is “included” in the culture of his people through his physical time (age); through sociocultural time (the culture of humanity); and through historical time and space of ethnicity (local culture).

As a special specific stage in the development of personality, childhood, according to I.S. Kon, can only be understood taking into account the age-related experience of symbolism, i.e. through a system of children's ideas, images, feelings and moods, in which the child perceives the culture of adults, comprehending his own life path.

Age symbolism appears, on the one hand, as the child’s ability to perceive in his own way the world in which he lives, and, on the other hand, it is considered as a subsystem of culture, built on normative age criteria, stereotypes, ideas, rites, rituals and a set of values ​​- on everything that constitutes the content of any age subculture.

In universal human culture, the children's subculture plays, by universal recognition, although a subordinate, but relatively autonomous role. The autonomy of the children's subculture is also evidenced by the fact that adults often do not notice its manifestations.

One’s own world “for oneself” is a non-institutionalized form of childhood social education, regulating the social interaction of children within their group and at the level of age groups.

The content of the children's subculture consists of such components as: traditional games that have become children's; children's folklore; children's “legal code”, which reveals the uniqueness of norms of behavior and relationships with peers; children's humor, the so-called laughter world of childhood (shifters, fable stories); unique hobbies (children’s collecting; ways and forms of free time), etc.

A special place is occupied by subcultural forms that play a decisive role in a child’s mastery of the content of universal human values: children’s problematizations, children’s philosophizing, word creation, the fairy-tale world. Researchers also identify a child's picture of the world - a special system of ideological knowledge, which includes a set of ideas, semantic relationships, covering the main aspects of a child's interaction with the world.

The worldview of a child differs to a significant extent from that of an adult: an intermediate world emerges between the child and reality. A child’s own system of worldview knowledge develops thanks to the mechanism of internalization in the process of his interaction with objects and his joint activities with adults and peers. This is a world of egocentric thinking and fantasy quite typical for a child.

An important way of forming, preserving and transmitting a picture of the world is children's folklore and other varieties of the language of children's subculture. The listed components of the children's subculture almost do not exist separately, but only in various combinations.

The content of a children's subculture is not only current features of behavior, consciousness, and activity, but also sociocultural, sociogenetic invariants—images, models, and texts that are relatively stable in time and space, passed on by children from generation to generation. By adapting to these layers of subculture, the child enters into a dialogue of cultures, logics, moral ideas, and languages.

The main functions of children's subculture, according to V.V. Abramenkova are: socializing; self-realization; psychotherapeutic; cultural conservation; prognostic.

Thus, the children's subculture is a unique phenomenon, which is an essential and semantic characteristic and the result of the life activity of the children's community. Through the children's subculture, the child's most important needs for isolation from adults, closeness with other people outside the family, independence and participation in social changes are satisfied.

In the children's subculture, the child's holistic life experience is formed and his cultural development is carried out.

The modern children's community, according to researchers, is undergoing significant changes. There is a reduction in space for children's games and children's everyday life, both in cities and in rural areas, which negatively affects the social content of activities and the psychological state of the children's community.

The territorial separation of children and the gap between children's generations leads to the impossibility of children realizing their group life, to a narrowing of the play space of childhood, to limiting the transfer of children's experience, the entire wealth of forms of children's subculture from one generation to another.

The facts of disharmony in the modern children's subculture include the loss or impoverishment of its individual manifestations - games, folklore, legal norms, etc., which occurs under the influence of the media. The situation regarding gaming traditions - group outdoor games, children's gaming folklore - seems especially critical.

The content and forms of games have become significantly impoverished, often reduced to simple manipulation of toys, which is greatly facilitated by modern toys such as “Barbie”, small copies of household appliances, weapons, etc. A technically equipped toy often acts not as a means of play - a child’s various actions and experiences, but as the most sufficient thing, leaving no room for the child’s own creativity and activity.

The children's subculture is also experiencing serious changes in terms of the development of various types of children's creativity. If earlier the needs of older preschoolers were dominated by a focus on creative activities, including in the cognitive sphere, today the priority of cognition, creative activity, and especially moral needs has almost been lost.

Research by R.I. Yafizova, conducted in Russia, showed that regardless of what preschool institution a child of senior preschool age attended, what family he is from, what nationality, and from what size and importance of the city or region, they all consistently identify play as a desirable type activities; Productive activities take an honorable second place and include drawing, design, modeling, appliqué, and manual labor. The position of the unloved includes such activities as studying, reading, writing, i.e. atypical for preschoolers. Cognitive activity and children's experimentation attract the attention of children, but only in the case when cognitive activity is not replaced by educational activity. When asked what you would like to learn, more than half of the answers are related to practical skills (sculpting, drawing, playing).

Creative skills (singing, playing the guitar, painting with oil paints) and skills associated with impossible desires (flying like a bird, living in a tree, learning magic, etc.) are called single skills.

Currently, there is an ever-deepening gap between the culture for children created by adults and the children's subculture. Often, books and films for preschoolers, in fact, do not take into account the age-related capabilities of children of this age and are not designed for children’s perception, either in form or in content. The so-called “early development” of a child is enforced by teaching him foreign languages, basic mathematics, and literacy, starting from an early age, which only leads to an overload of memory with information that is unnecessary for the child. In both the first and second cases, we are dealing with a commercial product in its pure form.

On the other hand, the peculiarities of the children's subculture include the fact that, under the influence of the media, the children's community, as the bearer of the childhood subculture, is oversaturated with elements of adult culture, impoverishing the content of its own subculture. Among the factors influencing the content of children's subculture (the topic, the content of children's conversations among themselves), television comes first. For a young child, a television or computer screen is increasingly replacing play, active productive activity, and communication with close adults. About 50% of children like to watch action films, TV series, and horror films. Foreign-produced cartoons occupy a significant place. Preschoolers know the names of the characters in these films, play out their plots, imitating the far from best examples of the heroes’ speech. Many children watch entertainment programs, talk shows like “Let Them Talk.” At the same time, the program “Good night, kids” is watched by only 20% of preschoolers (According to unpublished data from O.N. Somkova).

Advertising plays a special place in the formation of the content of children's subculture, influencing the child's memory and attention. Children know by heart from 2-3 to 4-5 advertising texts. Expressions from them are often used in children's conversations. At the same time, books, especially poetry, occupy almost the last place in the life of a modern preschooler. As noted by O.N. Somkova, preschoolers have preferences in advertising, but not in poetry.

Changes are taking place in the field of children's collecting. If earlier children collected postcards, stamps, and later books - often together with their parents, now the leading place in this type of children's subculture is occupied by candy wrappers (for example, chewing gum wrappers), stickers, and inserts. Needless to say, the artistic value of these “works” is extremely low.

Significant, and not always positive, changes in cultural and value traditions in the adult community also affect the content of the children's subculture. Manifestations of anticulture include profanity, jargon, adult games, jokes, anecdotes, low-culture songs, dances, cartoons and films oversaturated with violence and aggression. All this cannot but affect the artistic and aesthetic taste of children.

Psychologists (B.D. Elkonin and others) consider the state of children's subculture, games and children's community to be important indicators of the situation of childhood. The considered features of the children's subculture as an element of childhood indicate the trends of its transformation in modern society. In this regard, the most important prospect for scientific research is the development of criteria for the psychological and pedagogical examination of products for children in the broad sense of the word, including information, in order to create full-fledged conditions for the full development of the child’s personality.

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Age subcultures

Different age categories also have a distinct tendency to form subcultural complexes.
Older people behave differently than young people, which manifests itself in almost all areas of life. The division into age categories does not remain unchanged over the centuries; it is culture that determines the distribution of people into different age groups, each of which is assigned its own range of rights and responsibilities, however, such differentiation is largely determined by the characteristics of a person as a biological species. It is quite natural that people who have lived twenty years and sixty years can neither feel, nor think, nor move, nor desire in the same way. In today's world, there is an obvious “juniorization” of culture, i.e. In the hierarchy of values, youth takes priority, which is not the norm for all types of cultures. This leads to keen interest in youth subcultures. A distinct spectrum of different subcultural phenomena, based on the strong desire of young people to assert their autonomy, began to appear in European culture from around the 1960s. In the communes of hippies, punks, rockers, skinners, women, etc., the interaction of subcultures with the leading trends in the cultural and historical development of the era was clearly manifested. Today, representatives of these subcultural associations have a large number of adherents in our country. There is practically no way of distinguishing people that could not, under certain conditions, form the basis of subcultural autonomy: gender, eye color, “taste” in the broadest sense of the word, ethical doctrine... It should also be remembered that, depending on specific historical conditions, the internal The division of culture into subcultural elements occurs in different ways. Subcultures that are clearly visible over a long period of time can transform into others or disappear altogether. The very basis for the distribution of autonomous subcultural formations is largely determined by the main, leading trends of culture.

The dynamics of cultural development, which presupposes the participation of subcultures in evolutionary transformations, may enter stages of abrupt, revolutionary transformations. Subculture

does not pretend to become a dominant era, to replace the previous cultural standard, to turn into an official doctrine.
In this way, it fundamentally differs from the counterculture,
which, on the contrary, openly opposes itself to the dominant culture and claims a leading position. Situations arise when local subcultural formations begin to lay claim to universality. They go beyond their own environment and try to establish their values ​​for wider social communities.

In modern cultural and sociological thought, the concept of counterculture is used in at least two senses. Firstly, to designate socio-cultural attitudes that oppose the fundamental principles that dominate a particular culture. In this sense, the term “counterculture” is used when talking about replacing one type of culture with another. Thus, early Christianity can be considered a counterculture in relation to the dominant Hellenistic culture at that time. The non-peaceful coexistence of both cultural traditions, their confrontation that lasted for several centuries, ended, as is known, with the fact that Christianity in most European countries became the official and mainstream trend. The same confrontation between culture and counterculture can be considered the period of the Renaissance, when rationalistic humanism, having emerged as a counterculture in relation to the dominant Christianity, eventually took a leading position in all spheres of cultural activity.

In the second, narrower sense, the word “counterculture” is used in the context of youth protests that broke out in many leading world powers in the late 1960s. The protest, reflecting a critical attitude towards modern culture, its rejection as the “culture of the fathers”, marked the beginning of the formation of a movement of youth and intelligentsia, united in special communes. The movement immediately had both supporters and opponents. In particular, the theorist of youth protests, the American sociologist T. Rozak, took the side of the rebellious youth. Having united various spiritual influences directed against the dominant culture, he identified in them a certain set of rules alternative to official structures and called this phenomenon counterculture.

Youth movements of the 1960s did not end with the overthrow of the existing socio-cultural order and did not mark the beginning of a new cultural era. Slogans that, for example, French students wrote on the walls of the Sorbonne: “All power to the imagination!”, “Real life is not here!”, “Art is dead, let’s create everyday life!”, “You don’t understand anything!” or “Nietzsche is first class!” - were utopian and, in fact, did not contain any alternative positive program. This is the counterculture of the late 1960s. was different from the countercultural movements of the past. What is important, however, is that even when a counterculture offers nothing in return, it nevertheless has a significant influence on further cultural evolution. The world never remains the same after a counterculture emerges and openly declares itself. The face of official culture is also changing.

The goal of any countercultural education can be defined as the desire to show the failure of dominant attitudes. Every counterculture, even if it does not ultimately occupy a dominant position, strives to create a new universal vocabulary, use new terms in cultural interaction, draw new channels of cultural communication and ultimately create a new person and a new social reality. This is rarely possible: official culture, as a rule, has a greater potential for sustainability than counterculture and is based on an extensive system of social coercion. The confrontation between early Christianity and Hellenistic culture, humanism and Christianity lasted for centuries. Even when countercultures triumphed, displacing competitors, the latter still remained - in the form of invisibly present subcultural complexes that continued to exert a huge influence on cultural development. They remain that way to this day.

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Subcultures. Concept, history, features of youth subcultures. article on the topic

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"Station for young tourists"




Author: Migonkina Zilya Raisovna,

additional education teacher


2018 school year year


In modern school and student reality, teachers often have to deal with what they consider unusual students. He expresses himself incomprehensibly, looks strange in appearance: shaved bald, hair dyed in all colors of the rainbow, strange manners, makeup, tattoos, clothes... What is this? How to respond to such pupils and students? Should we “shy away” from them in horror, or should we just take a closer look, listen and understand how students live, what’s going on in their souls? Perhaps this is just an attempt to stand out from the general environment. Each teacher decides these questions for himself. But it is possible to help him understand the peculiarities of such a phenomenon as a subculture.

This article examines a special part of public culture – subcultures. Concept, history and reasons for the emergence of a subculture. As well as the classification of subcultures. But, the subculture called “alternatives” is described in most detail.

What is a subculture? Subculture is a set of values ​​and practices accumulated by a group of people, united by specific interests that determine their worldview, accumulated by a certain worldview. Subculture is a sovereign integral formation, part of public culture. From the point of view of cultural studies, a subculture is such associations of people that do not contradict the values ​​of traditional culture, but complement it.

A subculture may differ from the dominant culture in language, behavior, clothing, etc. The basis of a subculture may be a style of music, a way of life, or certain political views. Some subcultures are extreme in nature and demonstrate protest against society or certain social phenomena. Some subcultures are closed in nature and strive to isolate their representatives from society. Sometimes subcultures develop and become elements of a single culture of society. Developed subcultures have their own periodicals, clubs, and public organizations.

A youth subculture is understood as the culture of a certain young generation that has a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes.

History of the subculture

Non-normative (deviating from accepted social norms, antisocial) behavior of young people first became the object of attention of scientists in the USA in the 30-50s. XX century. Sociologists, psychologists, and lawyers have studied the emergence and functioning of youth gangs in big cities, primarily Chicago. They looked at the non-normative, that is, non-standard from the point of view of social norms, behavior of young people. Research has shown that members of such gangster associations live in accordance with their own rules and norms, which are a deviation from the basic socio-cultural norm. It was to them, these associations, that the concept of “subculture” was first applied. In this concept, a subculture is a community where atypical - “asocial” behavior is considered as conformity, that is, the norm. A subculture began to be called a subsystem of society that is not recognized by society as a whole, primarily by state authorities.

As we see, initially the approach to subcultures was purely sociological. Then interest in this phenomenon moves to a broader sphere of humanitarian interests - the sphere of cultural studies.

After the Second World War, the term “youth subculture” came into use among sociologists and began to be used not only in relation to criminal groups, but also to all cultural phenomena associated with youth. It was noted that growing prosperity leads to an increase in the purchasing power of young people, and this in turn gives rise to the emergence of a new, independent market for goods and services aimed at young buyers. It has been called a "teen culture breakthrough." However, during this period, deviations from the basic norms and values ​​of society among young people were insignificant and many researchers, on this basis, denied the existence of the concept of “youth culture”, arguing their position by the fact that powerful means of influence and control over the lifestyle of the young are concentrated in the hands of the older generation generations.

But those who viewed adolescence as the beginning of a new intracultural process turned out to be right. The production of widely available “cultural goods” (pop music, fashion, etc.) has led to the fact that teenagers have become an international style movement, producing and consuming not only a variety of fashion and music. The youth subculture gradually differentiated, various movements arose in it, which were no longer associated only and not so much with fashion and music, but with socio-political views - this process swept the culture in the 60-70s. Then they started talking about the “conflict of generations”, and as a result, interest in research studying this problem sharply increased.

The concept of youth subculture

The concept of youth subcultures was initially applied by sociologists in Western Europe and the United States only to the criminal environment. Gradually, the content of the concept expanded and began to be used in relation to the norms and values ​​that determine the behavior of a certain social group of young people - thus, the concept of “subculture” was associated with the concept of “cultural paradigm”, that is, that set of ideas and rules that provides a kind of matrix of behavior in different situations. However, while studying this matrix, scientists came across facts that forced them to question some ideas that had previously seemed obvious. For example, the English scholar Grant McCracken, in his widely acclaimed book Flood: A Culture Born of Turmoil, describes his conversations with various groups of teenagers (goths, punks and skaters). The researcher discovered that differences in clothing, fashion, etc., that is, external differences, indicate internal differences, namely, differences in values ​​and their gradations. Some observers, he noted, believe that the actions of adolescents are guided only by the desire to achieve recognition from their peers, and everything else (clothing, language, musical tastes, behavior, etc.) is just “monkeying”, necessary to belong to a group. This point of view comes from the idea of ​​youth culture as a natural sequence.

Another point of view comes from the fact that subculture represents a confrontation, which consists in the fact that the reason for diversity in the teenage world is an expression of inter-age and class hostility. This position is developed, for example, by the book of American researchers “The Language of Youth Subcultures: Social Identification in Action” (New York, 1995). Teenagers enter a hostile world. This point of view was defended, in particular, by the authors of one of the first significant books devoted to youth subcultures - the Englishmen Stuart Gell and Tony Jefferson in the book “Confrontation through rituals: youth subcultures in post-war Britain”, published in London in 1976.

Reasons for the emergence of the subculture

Why do subcultures arise?

The most common answer is this: to resolve contradictions in the mainstream culture if it fails to provide the new generation with a valid ideology. A subculture takes shape in its own style of behavior, in language, clothing, and in rituals that are capable of creative development.

The theory of subcultures as a scientific discipline tries to determine the relationship between the “main” culture and “deviations”. She works in the conceptual field of cultural studies, based on specific sociological studies and other humanities disciplines. Marxist theory denies subcultures, considering youth subcultures as an ideology designed to mask the antagonistic contradictions of capitalist society and replace them with confrontation between generations.

The views of supporters of the theory of social conflict are close to Marxist.

Social action theorists emphasize the behavior of the individual in his contacts with others. In this understanding, subcultures are considered as a system that regulates the implementation of the interests and needs of young people in society.

Each of us has happened to walk down the street, ride the subway, or just watch TV and see people who are somehow different from others. These are the informals - representatives of modern subcultures.

The very word “informal”, “informal” means unusualness, brightness and originality. An informal person is an attempt to show his individuality, to say to the gray masses: “I am a person,” to challenge the world with its endless everyday life and lining everyone up in one row. Scientifically speaking, a subculture is a system of values, attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles that is inherent in a smaller social community, spatially and socially isolated to a greater or lesser extent. Subcultural attributes, rituals, and values, as a rule, differ from those in the dominant culture, although they are associated with them. The English sociologist M. Brake noted that subcultures as “systems of meanings, modes of expression or lifestyles” were developed by social groups that were in a subordinate position, “in response to dominant systems of meaning: subcultures reflect the attempts of such groups to resolve structural contradictions that have arisen in the broader social context." Another thing is culture - a mass phenomenon - a system of values ​​​​inherent in most of society and a way of life dictated by society.

Subcultures are a big, bright world that reveals to us different shades of life. This can be seen from the classification of subcultures.

Classification of subcultures

Types of subcultures:

  • Musical - subcultures based on fans of various genres of music: alternative, goths, indie, metalheads, punks, rastafarians, rockers, ravers, hip-hop (rappers), folkers, emo, rivetheads, etc.;
  • Image - subcultures, distinguished by style of clothing and behavior: Visual kei, cyber goths, nudists, dudes, Teddy boys, military, freaks, etc.;
  • Political and ideological - subcultures distinguished by social beliefs: anarcho-punks, antifa, skinheads (all varieties), beatniks, informals, hippies, yuppies, new age, stride age, etc.;
  • By hobby - subcultures formed thanks to hobbies: bikers, writers, tracers, hackers;
  • For other hobbies - subcultures based on cinema, games, animation, literature: otaku, gamers, role-playing movement, Tolkienists, therianthropes, furries;
  • Hooligan - the identification of these subcultures is often contested, and not everyone who is classified as one of them considers themselves to be one of them. For example: rud-boys, gopniks, lubers, ultras, etc.


Let's dwell on such a subculture as alternatives.

Alternatives are a youth subculture that emerged in the early 1980s, subsequently brought to Russia in the 1990s.

Alternative is a word derived from the name of independent, non-mainstream record labels on which musicians releasing their records offering “alternative” music that does not have clear boundaries of genre. It was formed by mixing metalheads, punks and rappers. The success of alternative music and its gradual transformation into the mainstream was ensured by groups such as Nirvana, Korn and Limp Bizkit.

The alternative community has no structure and has not formed any clear principles, since it was initially based not on an idea, but on music. However, popular themes for song lyrics are non-conformism, calls for political literacy of the population and anti-fascism. But with the same success, the lyrics can talk about wild parties, love, sex, violence, drugs, etc. Alters (short for “alternatives”) very often share punk anarchist views. However, an example of an alternative group that has clear political beliefs and a strong ideological basis is Stone Sour.K. Today, practically nothing remains of the original meaning of the name of this subculture except supposedly non-conformist slogans. Over time, the alternative becomes more and more popular among young people, and as a result, it turns into what it initially offered as an “alternative”, into another mainstream genre of music, without any special philosophical background.

Music is divided into many subgenres, but these three have gained the most popularity: 1) Alternative metal. Founders: Corrosion of Conformity, White Zombie. Comes from heavy metal and thrash metal; 2) Rapcore. Founders: Urban Dance Squad, Rage Against The Machine, Biohazard, Limp Bizkit. Comes from rap; 3) Grunge. Founders: Nirvana. Coming from a punk.

The appearance of representatives of this subculture greatly depends on their age and communication environment. The most common combination today is black hair covering the ears, black clothes, sneakers (mostly skater ones), facial piercings, tunnels, dreadlocks. But not all alternativeists approve of such a “uniform”, and simply prefer loose sportswear from popular brands.

Among the alternatives, tattoos, sports, often extreme sports, and the use of alcohol and (or) various drugs are popularized. This does not mean that all alternativeists, without exception, have bad habits. This feature, like their appearance, depends more on personal qualities than on belonging to this subculture.


Subcultures are a special part of public culture. Subcultures have their own classification according to various criteria: appearance, inner worldview, political views, musical preferences and other cultural preferences (cinema, literature, painting, fashion, etc.).

Some subcultures are extreme in nature and demonstrate protest against society or certain social phenomena. Some subcultures are closed in nature and strive to isolate their representatives from society. Sometimes subcultures develop and become elements of a single culture of society. Developed subcultures have their own periodicals, clubs, and public organizations.

Dear teachers, remember: the appearance and the presence or absence of bad habits (alcohol, drugs, etc.) among representatives of various subcultures depends more on the personal qualities of the person than on his belonging to any subculture!

List of used literature and sources

1. Aksyutina O. A. Punk culture as a phenomenon of youth counterculture // Modern transformations of Russian culture. M.: Nauka, 2005, p. 564—603

2. Gromov A.V., Kuzin O.S. “Informals. Who is who?" - M., 1990

3. Zapesotsky A.S., Fain A.P. “This is an incomprehensible youth...: problems of informal youth associations” - M: Profizdat, 1990.

4. Olshansky D.V. “Informals: group portrait in the interior” - M: Pedagogy, 1990.

5. Omelchenko E. Youth cultures and subcultures / Institute of Sociology RAS, Ulyan. state univ. N.-I. . - M.: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2000. - 262 p.




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